My journey to the MPB Universe!

  • Thread starter easypleasie
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space lab :)

Everything is almost done in the flower room. I just have to hang the lights, hook up the co2 generator and vacuum the mini-split lines. Right now i'm finishing up the plumbing in the res/chiller room and should have a test run going shortly.

Girls in veg are out of control and have blocked my way into the room! I might just start over with new clones as these have stretched like crazy and may hit the ceiling if I flower them out. Had to tie them up cause the branches were getting too heavy and making the girls lean. I also set my ballast to 50% so it wasn't burning the tops...i'm maxed out on height and they are pushed up against the glass.

Here's the result of what happens when you give a person with a little ocd a few rolls of radiant barrier and foil tape...a Space Lab! LOL I wasn't planning on wrapping everything but it kinda happened. You folks that can't put down bubble wrap till the last bubble has been popped will understand where i'm coming from :) No wonder it takes me so long to get things done lol

Wanted to thank Bossman for the reducing hose trick. Works perfectly! I'm running 3/8" air line to each res and then it gets reduced to 5/16" so it fits snug on the airstone. 3/8" was just too loose on the fitting. The cheap 3/8" pvc manifold works great but I do wish it had valves so I could control the air going to each res. If I need to, i'll put an inline one. I hope my 80L air pump will be enough for the 5 air stones...i'll know soon enough :)

...and back to work I go.
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hahaha dude you are insane, that shit is amazing. I cant even believe that shit dude Im on the floor

great idea on on how to tie in that 5th bucket too


hahahah that shit is tight like a tiger!

Kinda looks like the set from a bad porn flick some how, especially the fish eye pics..

Easypleasies Silver Pleasure Palace and MPB grow... LOL


If I have to mess with anymore foil tape it will be too soon!

LOL Lost! I'll probably start an actual grow thread after this build is finally done...might have to use your title :)

It's time for some bitches in the porn palace lol


Premium Member
LMAO on easypleasie's pleasure palace and MPB grow! It definitely looks like something in a porn or music video, great work!

I thought I read in another thread about not putting reflective material on top of the tote's, something about hurting the underside of the leaves and stunting growth... I could be wrong though.

I'm OCD as well with things like this so that setup looks awesome, very impressed and looking forward to the grow! I'm getting excited about our 5-light (1000w... We're trying to find 1-1500w for the center) 4-plant setup. We've figured on $7500 to start from scratch (sealed, 2-24,000btu window ac modified, auto co2, floor & oscilating fans, clone & veg as well), then another $200-500 for a good strain. Does this sound within the ballpark to you guys?

Thanks and good luck!


speaking of porn...When is someone going to shoot one of those in a grow room at full

Your room looks like a music video to me....Cant wait to see some ladies in there...Dont forget your welding glasses...



Thats badass and hilarious , I was waiting to see puff daddy and mace dancing around


LMAO on easypleasie's pleasure palace and MPB grow! It definitely looks like something in a porn or music video, great work!

I thought I read in another thread about not putting reflective material on top of the tote's, something about hurting the underside of the leaves and stunting growth... I could be wrong though.

I'm OCD as well with things like this so that setup looks awesome, very impressed and looking forward to the grow! I'm getting excited about our 5-light (1000w... We're trying to find 1-1500w for the center) 4-plant setup. We've figured on $7500 to start from scratch (sealed, 2-24,000btu window ac modified, auto co2, floor & oscilating fans, clone & veg as well), then another $200-500 for a good strain. Does this sound within the ballpark to you guys?

Thanks and good luck!

Any hydro shop tat uses sunlight supply can get you one. The production units are out and they went with the master blaster name and not galaxy. They are also not dimmable like I was hoping, but its not a big deal actually...

Yea, 7500 sounds about right for a simple setup..


lol you guys rock! It would make a killer orgy room if I wanted to do some breeding. * add 70's porn music * Imagine how many seeds you could get from trees!

ALLegal420, you might want to double your initial estimate and you might have enough lol. As Lost says, you can get by with a bare bones simple setup for $7500 but it can easily double in price if you wanna get all the goodies and gadgets. I can't imagine the $7500 covering your veg setup though. My veg setup is basically a mini version of the mpbs and requires a chiller, air pump, water pumps, res, buckets, ballasts, hoods, lights, etc just like the bigger mpbs. This will raise your cost a lot.

If you can swing it, I'd recommend getting an inverter mini-split instead of the two wall bangers. A single 2-ton mini-split should be adequate for 5k but a 3-ton allows you to expand down the line. I have a 18000 btu (1.5 ton) and wish I had gotten a bigger one. It should be just enough for my 4k - 5 girl setup.

I was also concerned about the reflections back underneath the plant. After running panda film in my veg setup and seeing the explosive growth, I don't think it's being stunted much. As long as the light isn't really close when they're small. Besides, it doesn't take long for the leaves to block the covers completely. When you first transplant into the main mpb buckets, the lights are really far away so the intensity from the reflections are gonna be minimal. I could see there being some problems if you put the lights right next to the plant when it's small...might be tied into the lumen shock.

I really like Lost's new thread title but would love to hear some more funny ones if anyone has any to add lol.


Easypleasie, Awesome thread!
That is sweet that you are doing a 5 girl, 4k setup. That is what I currently have in the works. You know anybosy who has run this bulb layout yet?I currently have the rockwool cube blues. Between you, lost, dds, tk, jackmeyhoffer, etc... I have the MPB fever now bad. So you say 2 ton AC for that? I am planning a room about 10.5' x 11' for the 5 girls. I am planning to build the room elevated since I have high ceilings, so I can route all of the drains and hoses and res, under the room floor. How tall can you let them grow in your chamber? That is a concern of mine. With a raised floor, I only have about 7' height inside. After container, that makes for about 5' max.


Wow, I thought my shit was tight. I really like the hard lined overflow drains and I'm sure your water chiller is going to be happy about the insulated return... VERY IMPRESSED!!

Alien technology belongs in that space ship.


Thanks dudes!

Trichrome, Dizzle is running the 4 light/5 plant setup in one of his rooms. He was the first to get a full mpb journal complete (outside of DD and friends). I've run that light configuration before but with two 1ks and two 600s and a bunch of plants crammed in there. That doesn't work so well and makes it a pain in the ass...especially when you're hand watering in coco. I'm over that shit lol!

I have just over 5ft of vertical growing space from the top of the netpot to the ceiling, which is more than enough for what I want to do. I'm hoping I can get some light reflection action from the ceiling :) I might be a little screwed this run since my girls vegged too long (already 4' tall). I blame myself for not getting the flower room done in time for the transplant...they're gonna be huge! I'm gonna have issues trying to get the cage on them.

2 ton for 4k is more than adequate, especially if you get an inverter model. It can adjust down if you don't need the full power. I wanted the 2 ton cause I have a little space in the corners for a couple 600s. I might try adding them after this run to see if my a/c can handle it. Your space is perfect for 5 girls. My space is 9.5' x 12' x 8' and I have 43" centers (center of plant to center of bulb)...this is as wide as I could go in the room.

Yeah Medical, I was hoping that wrapping everything will keep the chiller from having to kick on all the time. It should keep the mini-res a little cooler than without least that's my theory lol.

Alien tech would be very appropriate for the room! ~bow chikka wow wow~ Alien Porn!!


when you say an inverter model AC, what exactly is that? Does that draw any less current, when not cranked up? I was planning on going with some kind of a split system. BTW, I love the wrap! I was considering using formica on the whole inside of the room, but I like your approach better. Reflective, and insulating at the same time. Please take a compliment by me blatantly copying some of your tricks :)


damn easy your room is pimp. you got your babys in there yet?


Easypleasie's Sleazy Pleasure Palace, lol..

Shit, that's a place in Nevada right?


Trichrome, the inverter models are the newer, more energy efficient models with variable motors. Usually 16+ SEER ratings. Seer usually goes down with the bigger units. Just do a search on Inverter mini-split. I would recommend Mitsubish or Fujitsu. DD recommends Friedrichs for those in super cold weather. My Fujitsu will function in weather as low 14F degrees...fortunately, it never gets below 25F here.

Besides the reflection/insulation, the barrier is suppose to block FLIR scans. My entire room is covered in it :) I'm not so concerned about LEO illegally scanning, i'm more concerned with the possibility of some scumbag with a cheap flir camera scanning neighborhoods. I haven't heard about this happening but it doesn't seem to be too far fetched. I hear a lot of stories about grow house robberies. I like to err on the side of caution, for the most part :)

Copy away! Just a note, though...none of what i've done so far has proven itself, other than the veg setup. I'll know more after I crank it all up and get a full run under my belt. I'll show the little things i've done along the way in case anyone else wants to give it a test.

lolli, my girls are still in the veg setup. I'm rushing to get things done but i'm slow as f**k when i'm medicated! I end up trying to make things perfect...way beyond what is necessary lol.

Damn Lost, names getting better!


Thanks for the AC tips. I just think that whole barrier thing is sweet. I saw something like that today at Honey D's. The roll wasn't too big though. Where did you find yours?
Well, you don't have to be too modest about your setup, If your room wasn't an alien pleasure palace, it would be one of those sterile clean rooms they make computer chips in, it's so clean. Damn man.


dam bro, that is a seriously sick looking room. can't wait till its fulla big assed trees. great work.:icon_spin:


Dizzle, i'm on 43" centers.

Trichrome, Lowes is the only place I found the barrier at. Hydro shops want to sell the same thing for twice as much.

Thanks biggs. I can't wait to see some fat asses myself :)
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