new grower looking for opinions

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you know without good aeration your roots will grow slowly...that means the whole plant will grow slow. It would be good to get some better soil, but im thinkin budget. Just wanted to make that clear.


think i may add a air pump and stone to that pot tomorrow if i have enough left after getting the pro mix.......wheres all my old fish stuff when i need it


i do have some hydroton in my potting soil on my biggest plant.


with h2o2 added...still toying with the amount.... using 3% tho...
Thats where i would stay if your looking for a sterile medium. Its the proper amount anyway from what ive read.

think i may add a air pump and stone to that pot tomorrow if i have enough left after getting the pro mix.......wheres all my old fish stuff when i need it

If you do you can make you a little bucket like mine man. Simple and affective. I would just say gett a bigger bottom bucket then mine cause its a bitch having to fill it up all the time and fertilizer problems come with that too because i always have to put more nutrients because the roots were using all the water. You wont have to worry about any of that if you just get a 3 or 5 gallon bucket. This is called DWC hydroponic system.


Its just a bucket, a cup with holes for roots to set inside of it. The cup has Hydroton for media. I have no airstone because its so small i just put a air line in. For bigger buckets deffinetly get an airstone....

I think thats about it. Think on what u wanna do man. U have anymore questions, im about to lay it down?


Passive Hydroponic Root Rot

The concept of passive hydroponics is to constantly oxygenate a stagnant nutrient solution. You bring the air to the roots rather than bringing the water. While this works well for some plants, marijuana is particularly demanding in its roots' need for oxygen. This system failed to provide enough air for the roots to breathe. When the roots are drowned, they quickly brown and rot. Nutrient solution in the reservoir becomes toxic and all plants are traumatized.

Adding to the development of sickly roots is rapid evaporation of the uncovered nutrient pool. When the water evaporates, salts and minerals are left behind. The total dissolved solid (TDS) count in the solution rises at a rapid rate. pH balance is impossible to maintain in the small wildly fluctuating reservoir. These imbalances cause a lock-out which prevents the plants from making use of the nutrients in the solution and stunts their growth or causes their outright demise.

This is the problem with your system as is now. On the cool it should have a wick at the least to get water to the roots better. I dont know if the hydroton is good like that because its so airy that no capilary action can really happen and it dries out. I know you said you keep it wet, but its alot of unnessesary work if you ask me. A DWC really doesnt have those problems.


ok what should i add to it??? can i use it as it comes??? i am finding all these recipes.... and not nething telling me if i can use it with out adding stuff to it


yes you can use as comes. What kind of ferts do u have again?...


Hold on man imma go see what all is in promix bx.

Looks like its got a little of everything in it. I would follow the chart like i said above. It even tells you how to water if you look closely. First couple days after transplanting i would just water with reg RO. water. If you put h202 in this soil it will kill the mychorrizae. Just a thought.
View attachment pro-mix%20bx%20tech%20sheet.pdf


dude ur a big help i appreciate it..i also wanna say thank you tex... i transplanted all except the 2 under the hps light...i broke a few roots off will this hurt nething... dosed it with ph'd water and super thrive 1 ml per gal of water....think i am gonna wait till time to put in bigger pot for them....thx i am learning... gettin ready to tryout 1 of my fem seeds using a 8oz styrofoam cup and the promix... tex said to put holes in them.. my question is how big and when it is time t transplant do u strip the stryofoam or just use it as u would any other rooting medium


i do five holes on the bottoms about the size of a pen tube (the part that holds ink) or just a little bigger. You can strip the Styrofoam if you want...probley be real good for lessening the shock.


i maybe in and out the next few days i broke 2 teeth yesterday...will be updating pix soon still debateing on transplanting the 2 under the hps


Wait a couple of weeks. They'll get big if you got the lights close enough. I got some threads for you too look at ill Post em in a min....whats up with your teeth man?? Lost one of mine fighting like two years ago...i miss it.

5th post tells us we should have added perlite. I Know you'll be alright though if you water lightly and keep that in mind. Future when you have more money you'll get down to that soil recipe (the 8th post) when using soil. Thats a good one. Try to read this whole thread its pretty good info period. Just a suggestion.

Low stress training, topping, fimming, and supercropping (crimping) you need to know this shit. I dont know if any of these guys went into specifics to topping, fimming or crimping but if you look em up (google) your bound to come up with good shit. If you have questions I'm here. Be easy man.



my teeth.....a bad lifestyle i used to live.....this is one of them pay later deals... one developed cavity other1 is wisdom tooth developed cavity ......hade both for like 2years in their condition b4 they broke lastnight eating a "healthy" snack Fiber One Bar....
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