I’m sorry about my stupid terminology it’s just easier to type and convey. I’ll go back to proper names so as not to confuse.
FloraMicro (brown) has no sulfur.
View attachment 1319963
FloraBloom (pink) is where the sulfur comes from.
View attachment 1319964
So with iron in micro and sulfur in bloom you can kinda target things.
I’m with aqua tho if you have a targeted deficiency like sulfur but good on p and k adding more bloom could actually cause other issues. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) would be a great option. It can be applied in a foliar spray so you could test in an area pretty easy if you are not sure. After confirmation add it to the res. For foliar 2 tblspn / gal should fix you right up.
Walgreens sells 6 pound bags for $5. That will last you 10 years. Just get the blue bag 100% mag sulfate not the fruity shit that has lavender or whatever in it.
It’s crap like this that helped me make my decision to switch to jacks. Just more control. Sometimes you need it.