Night Owls In The Garden -a Club For Evening Gardeners

  • Thread starter KiLoEleMeNt
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Shit I almost forgot about the bean! It wants to pop...looks like the tap root is out..HELP!


Look like it is thinking about it...wants to pop...Moved to a slightly warmer spot.. Come on baby!


Nice man that's a good one love your s photo detailing and I am here was just busy busy busy this time of year I honestly have zero free time right now I am on break waiting for my helping hands to get their act together and I have every reason to sit the hell down for a bit and say hey here I will be more punctual (in language and time) soon enough the seed is afloat why not paper towel it @24-48 hours this is one way I have had good success in popping my seeds and the message that said help I never got an email for that one and that is the only way I know when someone says anything to me as I said Busy as hell but if there is someone in need of assistance to the best of my experience I am willing to help if you can be patient for answers so not going to leave ya hanging here just gotta get down and get my hands dirty and finish up the job I started a few of us have been very slow to trust anything the same time from the remains of its old self And us having the $ability to create a perfect environment and make the right people follow our recipe we just set it and forget it as the owner does well (as in my and my two mayes) we don't trust anyone who has been in our pockets and have not yet been able to get it back in but I think it was the only actual reason I am doing whatever it is I do (ABit of everything lol) and get it to the end of it all then fix up the place as I am sure many things are or will be broken or damaged or just need replacing as a resource. The biggest thing for me was making the most important part of the nutrient pool and the girls inside making some money for the rent so much better than expected we put the new super soil together with a fine tooth comb and total scrutiny on ingredients and watering/feeding times for bumps and dips the best food sources to be completely isolated from the overall wetness via time release stones and a ton of money to buy a shadow house for the best results and early harvest the best of the best buds and one old guy made it clear that even though it is not like growing tomatoes and the ability to implement experience with money is not always the best idea but we were positive this could be a great way to go full grow and I get to stay out of the picture until It is necessary to be @MIKEZILLA what's up man sorry for the late response


I totally get it bro...and I appreciate the help u give....handle your business! I have horrible news....My seedling is floating somewhere in the bay I presume....For a minute there I thought I was gonna tear my plumbing apart and begin the search for it...So when Started it was in a paper towel inside of a baggy 24hrs or so...and I decided to drop it in some water and wala...but it still need some time so I moved it to a warmer spot still in the dark...well my wife is off work and home for a month and has been cleaning like a mad when she found this glass half full of water in the wash room hidden...she thought our daughter left it there and tossed it in the drain this morning about 11ish she said....So here I come oh come oh about 1 pm stumbling through the kitchen on my way to take a toke...I sit down fire up and it hits me...the seedling...the fresh off the toke I go to the 1st spot I put it and it's gone...but it was only gone for a split second because I remembered I moved it to the warmer spot....It just felt cold so I moved...just as I was about to ask my wife standing across the counter washing hit me it is in the pantry/wash I hop in there and start moving boxes of cereal and whatever else I hid it begind....and to no avail it was stomach tied in knots I say hay Hun..where is the glass half fool of water that I put here that I told you if you see this in the cupboard it is mine and not the babies don't toss out...needless to say she tossed and swore I never informed her about which I know I did when she was washing dishes the other day and I put it in the glass...So I will never ever know what could have been to the seed that was so close to getting smoked...I rescued it from a bowl I packed some time ago...for some reason my lighter wouldn't not the process the seed caught my eye...It found in a 1/4 that I was the only seed I found and trust me I looked after that...So that dream is gone! But I am in the process of looking around @ some good quality seeds!


About the bugs thing. I don't want to make you sound like a hypochondriac but I have had to look into this for my uncle. You know best what is going on. I just want to share my uncle's experience. It is different in many ways to what you describe, but similar in many others.

He swore he had bugs under his skin. Swore up & down. He kept bug bombing the house (there is no bugs at the house, I sleep there often to watch my grandmother) over & over again. Every doctor he went to said they didn't see any evidence of bites or bugs. Then he just kept digging stuff out of his skin to show us that was mostly slivers, ingrown hairs, dirt, whatever. Everything he pulled out, was absolutely no different than what I could pull out from under my skin at any given time. We both work with our hands (as do you) all kinds of crap gets under the skin on a daily basis. But we could not convince him that there were not bugs in the house. Exterminators came & told him. Pest control people told him, WE were telling him.

Finally, he went to another doctor that his PCP recommended. & he showed my uncle pictures of stuff you will indeed find under the skin, or you can extract. The doctor asked if he had pulled any of these out, & my uncle said, enthusiastically, "Yes, all of those!"

The doctor then went on to show him better pictures of what the things actually were. Small blackheads, ingrown hairs of various lengths (they can grow very long) slivers of various types, some dirt particles are at such an angle that the can get under the skin. I wasn't there, my mom was, so I'm remembering what she told me. Then the Doctor talked about a disorder (is this what you were mentioning?) that affects people & causes them to think they have stuff growing under their skin, usually bugs. If i recall correctly, the way my mother described it was it's a mental disorder that usually affects middle aged men. It will usually stop for long periods, but instances may be recurring. It took some time, but he finally came to the conclusion that this is what he had. &, it has been recurring. Periodically he goes though that phase again thinking (swearing even) that he has bugs under his skin. The feeling that something is biting him, & the body zaps being main symptoms. However the Dr. explained that many people feel that biting feeling. I get it all the time. It doesn't cause them to assume that they have a disease that he would have had to travel to a far away place & even then his chances of getting it are minimal. The way my mom expressed the Dr., he said it is not even proven to exist, only in theory. I've never looked into that claim, just repeating what she said, he said (damn I'm clever). He basically said to my uncle, "You don't find it strange that every place this occurs (pulling bugs out) are the very same places you are most likely to get slivers, something under the skin, ingrown hairs or blackheads/acne? I remember one of what my uncle showed me, was just acne. I have it all the time. Zits you squeeze & it's like a string of zit cheese comes out. He swore that was a bug he just squished.

So in his case, it was pretty clear that he had the mental disorder (at least to everyone else) I just thought I would share what I knew of it & maybe it could help you. The disorder is not super common, but it affects more people that we would think. The body zaps thing is common for many people. I have them constantly. The best way I could describe it (for me) is it feels like there is a cell phone on vibrate under my skin, & someone is calling it. I have FMS though, & it's a common symptom of FMS. Sometimes, if it's in a place where my cell phone could be stored, I actually go looking for it, only to realize my cell phone is in another pocket. They also tend to hit me in waves. Like I'll have 10 or so a day for about a week, then I don't notice it at all for a while. When it comes back, I'll usually have it for a while again. For me, it's not uncomfortable, or painful. It's just a very weird feeling. You would swear someone is calling you, but I know my cell phone is in my pocket, not my forearm.

Please don't take this as me saying you are crazy. I just wanted you to know about another persons experience with it. In the end, I think what convinced him is that other people live in the house, which is where he swears it came from. No one else in the house has it, or thinks what he proclaims as proof is anything out of the ordinary. If he squeezed a bug out of his skin, I would tell him. When he pops a type of zit that I have 24/7, & I can show him what it is, he still refused to believe it in the beginning. That is the actual disease, is thinking you have something under your skin. For you it doesn't seem to be "bugs", but the phenomenon is thinking there is anything abnormal hiding under the skin, it doesn't have to be bugs. You do what you gotta do. But I figured an experience this rare, it was worth it to at least share what it turned out to be for him.


I'm taking you "liking" the post as not being offended...hopefully anyway.

If it helps put you at ease every picture you have put up of your hands, I have had at one time or another. I have no reason to lie to you. The large bump you had near the nail on one finger? (I think maybe what you think originally caused it?) That took well over a year to go away. I don't even know how I got it, I just noticed it one day. But my brother in law has similar things all the time (he is a carpenter).

The only thing on your hands that I looked at, but have never had is where you appear to squeeze something out that is not a sliver or something of the sort.

I have something that you didn't picture as well. I don't have it now or I would show you. But on two fingers on my left hand I get a number of raised bumps. It's not poison ivy or a rash it's just bumps. Looks like the beginning of a bunch of warts or something, but after quite a few months (sometimes 6) I'll notice that they have gone away, like they have right now. But probably in the next year, I'll notice them again. Same ones as before (after a while you remember them) & I can feel them raised up with my thumb. The pattern stays the same on both fingers as it was the first time I noticed them. I went to the Dr because I was afraid it was warts or something. She sent me to a dermatologist. The first thing she asked was if I work with my hands a lot. "All the time" I replied. She said it's not warts or poison ivy. Not really a rash either. She said it's just something that happens sometimes to people who work with their hands a lot. You can unknowingly irritate something & it will cause that. It will go away with time. It did.

I never went back to ask why it has come back exactly as before. She seemed to know what she was talking about, & that is how it has been. Periodically, I get these raised bumps on the sides of my fingers. I've never written down when I notice them vs when I notice them gone, but it's several months when I get them that they stay...& then, they go away & my hand looks like it does now. She said it was nothing to worry about, & it appears she is right.

But I work with my hands a lot, & just thought it might comfort you to know that every pic I saw of your hands, aside from ones you appear to remove something...I have had at one point or another. It seems to be something hands on people just get from time to time.

A hair growing out of your finger might be becoming Spiderman. I just saw you kill a large spider too...think about it. In which case, it might be something to look forward to. ;)


Hey @Junk Thank you for your input on the subject. I have actually gone over the symptoms of morgellons and Delusional parasitosis syndrome as well as your Body zaps I have this as well but I believe mine is due to another disorder that actually has to do with cell phones and anxieties perhaps this is the (FMS) you claimed to have the same symptoms that I was diagnosed with. However I have also seen my psychotherapist the only Lyme doctor in the area and my own personal doctor even gave me the recommendation letter for the ability to do so and they all agree it's something I'm not going crazy nor do I have (DPD) and as for the fibers and bugged out feeling has turned more like a dull twinge sometimes like a needle prick then has a small hole as if I was poked with a needle. The doctor and my family have observed in person these anomalies "FORCE OUT"(as stated before I do not pick them nor do I scratch and git terms about them) the come rite out of my skin completely under their own doing well if it is a string I will grab and pull it I have often believed these to be in growing hair but the rest come in many shapes, forms and colours as well as from strings and flakes to full rocks and goops. They always come in cluster phases not a consistent basis for example I have not had any symptoms for a few days until this morning and I felt like something bitting my toe HARD with my boots on my first reaction was to start stomping then ripped the shoe off and shook it out..... nothing took off sock and my foot was the color of the American flag red all over white toe nails and blue spots all over with speckled fragments of green blue and yellow all on the pad of my foot I was a bit less concerned about this because I have a tendency to convince my self I am not sic or have anything wrong with me (so kinda the opposite of hypochondriac I fear the doc +thus I will make up any excuse for why something i have is perfectly normal) and I figured it was just leafy bits and I attempted to put my sock back on noticed I couldn't feel my toes and then noticed that I actually could not feel my foot from ankle down nor could I move it watched as it began to swell in great shape and size in various areas not common to swell even when the foot is fully broken (iv broke mine twice never seen that part move a bit) so I hollered at my wife grab the camera it's a good one the doc needs to see to believe again (we seem to always miss the odd ones) get the video of the rising and lowering skin as if it was a slow motion/moving water bed or lava lamp an inch under my skin or muscle. Well it is a half hour later that the swelling goes down oddly ( I feel a corn snake movement within the muscles not bugs) and (I have always felt like it was not bugs more like beetles the scarab to be exact) I feel the lump of spasm or whatever creep up my leg to my knee and poof the feeling


Hey @Junk Thank you for your input on the subject. I have actually gone over the symptoms of morgellons and Delusional parasitosis syndrome as well as your Body zaps I have this as well but I believe mine is due to another disorder that actually has to do with cell phones and anxieties perhaps this is the (FMS) you claimed to have the same symptoms that I was diagnosed with. However I have also seen my psychotherapist the only Lyme doctor in the area and my own personal doctor even gave me the recommendation letter for the ability to do so and they all agree it's something I'm not going crazy nor do I have (DPD) and as for the fibers and bugged out feeling has turned more like a dull twinge sometimes like a needle prick then has a small hole as if I was poked with a needle. The doctor and my family have observed in person these anomalies "FORCE OUT"(as stated before I do not pick them nor do I scratch and git terms about them) the come rite out of my skin completely under their own doing well if it is a string I will grab and pull it I have often believed these to be in growing hair but the rest come in many shapes, forms and colours as well as from strings and flakes to full rocks and goops. They always come in cluster phases not a consistent basis for example I have not had any symptoms for a few days until this morning and I felt like something bitting my toe HARD with my boots on my first reaction was to start stomping then ripped the shoe off and shook it out..... nothing took off sock and my foot was the color of the American flag red all over white toe nails and blue spots all over with speckled fragments of green blue and yellow all on the pad of my foot I was a bit less concerned about this because I have a tendency to convince my self I am not sic or have anything wrong with me (so kinda the opposite of hypochondriac I fear the doc +thus I will make up any excuse for why something i have is perfectly normal) and I figured it was just leafy bits and I attempted to put my sock back on noticed I couldn't feel my toes and then noticed that I actually could not feel my foot from ankle down nor could I move it watched as it began to swell in great shape and size in various areas not common to swell even when the foot is fully broken (iv broke mine twice never seen that part move a bit) so I hollered at my wife grab the camera it's a good one the doc needs to see to believe again (we seem to always miss the odd ones) get the video of the rising and lowering skin as if it was a slow motion/moving water bed or lava lamp an inch under my skin or muscle. Well it is a half hour later that the swelling goes down oddly ( I feel a corn snake movement within the muscles not bugs) and (I have always felt like it was not bugs more like beetles the scarab to be exact) I feel the lump of spasm or whatever creep up my leg to my knee and poof the feeling

Yeah, I can't speak to any of that.

Except for the "crazy" part. I just want to clarify, that aside from this event, my uncle isn't "crazy." He still isn't. But with this particular thing, you cannot convince him it isn't bugs. You just have to get him to agree to cope with it for a while & that it will go away. Which it does. Then when what he has is gone, he is able to say it's the bug syndrome. But when it comes back, you can't get him to believe that it's not bugs. It seems to be tied into an obsession/phobia for him, because in other ways of life, he is normal. So, you don't have to be crazy for it to happen. I'm saying this in behalf of my Uncle. You have 3 dr.s saying it's not in your head...I can't help you any more than sharing what I did. Hope it turns out ok for you.


Dam it man who is ending my posts early I had a ton more on that about how since all have witnessed the same thing as me the doctors are niw coming up with a few theory of what it could be in rare case file reviews of similar symptoms in the past. Well as of this point (Mind you I don't believe it due to my physical and mental state and feelings within my body) we are liking into the possibility of a different disorder that is. Called acute "Scleroderma" this is the same nut in a different shell without the pains or muscle feeling of being infested or hosted on by something. That they think may be in my head but only due to visual effects of it and my paranoid delusional mind state being able to exaggerate the actual symptoms by way of freaking me the hell out by watching things fall from my body and being told that the government has been sending nanotechnology in chemtrails proven to be the morgellons and I have to say it's the most logic I have heard about it yet but I am a bit crazy and mental thru and thru for sure could be considered clinical and am on the 5150 so not like I am currently working on a full tank here but I have trained myself to differentiate between real and my own personal hallucinations via paranoid schizophrenia and multiple others known to make some have issues such as this thank god that is not the case as I would rather this than go totally mental any day. I sometimes get what I call "freeze tag" where I just freeze sometimes for hours on end nothing but time is able to get me out of it. Shoot you can even use me like a posable life size Ken doll

(cuz you know I am a sexy beast "HAY Ladies" ROFL) Heh anyway this made me think when it happens im told I look dead in the face as I have been both fully aware of the situation as well as making a spiritual journey in the future or past astral motif as (here comes some of what most would call actually crazy) I honestly believe I "auto astroplain/astral plain" in my frozen state as well as in normal sleep nearly every night and it is not so good over there right now The astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), medieval, oriental and esoteric philosophies as well as the mystery religions most of which I follow or believe . The seven Planes of Being are (from lowest to highest vibratory frequency):

7 — Material Plane = the lowest vibratory plane (where you and I are living now)

6 — Plane of Forces

5 — Astral Plane

4 — Mental Plane

3 — unexplainable to anyone on the lower planes ? TBD

2 — unexplainable to anyone on the lower planes ? TBD

1 — unexplainable to anyone on the lower planes ? TBD

truely are closer to reality than a 450 year old man makes a great arc and saves one of everything before a great flood from an invisible guy with a white beard and flaming sword who details your life no make that every last single persons life...... to whom believes that cup of muddy joe well that hehe that to me is the crazy person as no sane person could be so gullible and yet 65% of Americans are Christian Louboutin <means fancy show off better than u also a brand. I already have a bit of a different way of life to make it look like im normal but im not i think the idea of happiness and the ability of it still aren't real life period humans are not capable of such a feeling just the placebo effect making you believe you even know what the hell it is or feels like I believe actual happiness (warning slightly graphic description) true happiness is more like a good hard long sweaty and over needed climax you know the ones where your whisky docked and just grinding forever and I'm you finally cum yeah that's what you should feel inside to say you have ever been truely happy in the slightest for example ever had a wet dream? Ever had one where it was not sexual? Yeah most have and that is proof of this thought . So I don't believe in the whole Crazy theory to begin with but that supposedly is a symptom of being crazy vicious circle it is. I digress here tho. I'm sure that the more we get into it and I am sure that isn't too much to ask we will find the perfect explanation of the symptoms of morgellons and Delusional parasitosis syndrome as well as the hard crystal like one's pain and how to fix said issue we will greet to the bottom and I will keep you all posted as of now it is the sacred art of Die you sine of a bitch die arga srg aarg graaaaaaa ya huhya whacha pow n all that ninja chop shit to keep the symptoms from being a pain as well as keeps me from scratching the stuff.
Oh by the way Sorry @Junk i cant recall if this is your first time on the thread or not so welcome to the night owlshouse of cards and a half ass apologie fot the silly Ness of my disposition here but it is how I stay at least a tiny bit sane in a situation such as this

(cuz you know I am a sexy beast "HAY Ladies" ROFL) this made me think
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Here ya go full on show worthy of a small update on what I am experiencing the only thing that I have not been able to get my head around is why the holes don't bleed or get agitated/red puffy unless it is one of the rocky type or extremely long fiber the little Black head looking/sized ones do not especially ones like this they simply feel itchy and this I am sure is where the doctors get that it is not real as I can see scratching the hell out of this spot and I am sure make it bleed a bit due to the depths of the holes on some it would only take a good hard squeeze to do this and vowala you know are just a loon with a scab and a new founded disorder when in reality they have not a clue what they are looking at or for when making a diagnosis on what ever the hell these anomalies are or what causes them to appear on your body. Content in the photos will go to show you what I mean. I noticed this just a few minutes ago and have watched and waited for it to male it out, had my camera ready to go well you can see where the hole begins to get a little bit of a red color to it and what the hell is the fuzz why was it a quarter inch deep in my skin how did it get there is a better question as these things show no signs of life as the black dots did those I have fully examined by providing photos sample of and the physical looking under a scope at the objects was determined to be a type of trip or aphids sometimes even a nematode/ black fly this is what I had as thrips don't fly and aphids are not black and believe this was the only reason i had the original buggy itchy feel rather than the new snakish feeling or a more realistic view would be, the leg back or arm muscles cramp up and cringe down into a tube like shape and then wriggle in an s like formation thay of a snake. I had the bm flys that are known in my area to get on soggy areas of the body mainly the feet of5 men working in merky water or those who sweat to much/alot they simply come
to eat the soggy or dead skin while wet but then get pulled into a pore as the skin drys irritating the pore causing swelling thus the holy feet and because this doesn't kill them they can actually get to the flesh of a human but this is very rare not to mention that they wont eat fresh meat. So I have conjoined a citric acid pesticide with a follow up of bees wax and fire (plumbers torch melt wax plug holes.for me it's all up in the airI am positive this is a non issue any longer but as for the morgellons or whatever it may be ihere are the photos to examine yourself does this look like what your uncles issue was and what he would pull up? If so perhaps they are just humoring me to get me out of the way and get free money from insurance doing unnecessary testing and so on simply to apeas the insane patient and hope he never finds out lmao never know tho could be....... the hole is closed rite after it release from it then they slowly open up to eventually look like a pin prick or simular effects


How about these did anything he have look like this? I am honestly asking not being sarcastic or anything like that also to state again I did nothing to prevoke this just took pictures over a 20-30 minute period and when it feels tingly it's about to fall as I was holding my hand the pin prick you see I the one on my toe it bites me like the first time if I touch it no idea what's up with that one but looks just the same sometimes they are redicolous small for the objects that came from it other times it's to big never has one left a hole that is the anomalies size? Oh well such is my life and I continue to do my best at being a good OL Darki the best of friends with the girls and I will start to get the conclusion on exact strain of illness this is when I'm 40 or so I'm sure
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I'll just say matter of factly (I don't want to get into diagnosing you) that he has the first 4 at almost all times. None of the others that he mentioned.

I have had all of those in your last post, when I was on certain meds that dry my skin out. (unfortunately, I was not blessed with good health) My hands get very calloused, including my finger tips. But for me, I noticed a direct cause/correlation. When I play the guitar all is fine. When I stop playing (other stuff gets in the way sometimes) the callouses naturally want to come off, & when they do, it looks exactly like that. I think the combination of dry skin caused by the med, & the callouses. I'll catch my skin on something (I have fairly rough skin) & next thing I know, I have a weird hole on the end of my finger that looks exactly like you have in the middle two pictures. I usually just peeled it off.

It doesn't look like you play guitar, at least at the moment. Like I said, I'm just giving you factual answers to what I know. The pictures further above with the green thing (I can't look at it very long) The only time I've had ANYTHING even remotely similar is when a blood blister finally rips off, but the inside is always black, or red...certainly nothing like that. Are you on a medication that can dry your skin out? Mine was Wellbutrin, I was on for many years, I had to come off it because of seizures. But when I was on it, my hands constantly looked like that, guitar or not. They were also wet a lot because of my job. My cat used to love it when I would scratch her back & all I had to use was my fingertips lol.


View attachment 540534 View attachment 540542 View attachment 540543 View attachment 540544 Here ya go full on show worthy of a small update on what I am experiencing the only thing that I have not been able to get my head around is why the holes don't bleed or get agitated/red puffy unless it is one of the rocky type or extremely long fiber the little Black head looking/sized ones do not especially ones like this they simply feel itchy and this I am sure is where the doctors get that it is not real as I can see scratching the hell out of this spot and I am sure make it bleed a bit due to the depths of the holes on some it would only take a good hard squeeze to do this and vowala you know are just a loon with a scab and a new founded disorder when in reality they have not a clue what they are looking at or for when making a diagnosis on what ever the hell these anomalies are or what causes them to appear on your body. Content in the photos will go to show you what I mean. I noticed this just a few minutes ago and have watched and waited for it to male it out, had my camera ready to go well you can see where the hole begins to get a little bit of a red color to it and what the hell is the fuzz why was it a quarter inch deep in my skin how did it get there is a better question as these things show no signs of life as the black dots did those I have fully examined by providing photos sample of and the physical looking under a scope at the objects was determined to be a type of trip or aphids sometimes even a nematode/ black fly this is what I had as thrips don't fly and aphids are not black and believe this was the only reason i had the original buggy itchy feel rather than the new snakish feeling or a more realistic view would be, the leg back or arm muscles cramp up and cringe down into a tube like shape and then wriggle in an s like formation thay of a snake. I had the bm flys that are known in my area to get on soggy areas of the body mainly the feet of5 men working in merky water or those who sweat to much/alot they simply come
to eat the soggy or dead skin while wet but then get pulled into a pore as the skin drys irritating the pore causing swelling thus the holy feet and because this doesn't kill them they can actually get to the flesh of a human but this is very rare not to mention that they wont eat fresh meat. So I have conjoined a citric acid pesticide with a follow up of bees wax and fire (plumbers torch melt wax plug holes.for me it's all up in the airI am positive this is a non issue any longer but as for the morgellons or whatever it may be ihere are the photos to examine yourself does this look like what your uncles issue was and what he would pull up? If so perhaps they are just humoring me to get me out of the way and get free money from insurance doing unnecessary testing and so on simply to apeas the insane patient and hope he never finds out lmao never know tho could be....... the hole is closed rite after it release from it then they slowly open up to eventually look like a pin prick or simular effects
You make me itch bro


Here is a guitar callus when you stop playing & they go away. It's rough skin, tough, thick, so when you catch it on something it puts a hole in it. They usually don't bleed. The ends of your finger don't look calloused at all, so unless you are on a drug that dries your skin out, I have no possible explanation.

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NO mess what so ever and my skin is as soft las a baby's bottom nothing dry at all times from here bud. Now as for the photos you are separating as if it was a mix veggie 6o' Strom the shit I sort through the years to get a little bit of a luxury item but if you look you can get that all the time from a brand alcalled Cairo or utter butter and I am sure that isn't the same thing as a calis k this is a stone like piece and will shatter like one when smashed. Then they are not seprate times really only moments apart from one to the next as the hard crystal like bit worked it's way out of my finger with no provocation the pictures were takin within minutes if each other so your way off base with your own situation and I am surely the same time from clone or seed alalready paid to grow what i wanted and I am positive this is why we have some who never were the older or younger m peeps making uneducated guesses about us thus we wpull our hair out I mean do you really believe that a doctor or psychotherapist is going to have mistaken calis for a bit of crystallized something that is closer to a new founded disorder when in reality they have not been able to get my hands on the fground is plants most all commercial canna or atleast professional growers the same time eh something that you have overlooked by the way you can see where the hole begins to get a few other things that all have fallen out of the skin how did it get there is no way in any case this is even close to one of the tables and they are finally getting around to the last of thebest pictures and videos of the most recent one that simply freaks the hell out of me and I have washed and I have washed fuck off the unit tho for some reason I am doing a fine job of coming back from the remains of its old self And lastly th one that simply 44 the best of the possible outcome as not to mention that the more I can get in photographic evidence and as well as the hard crystal like one's and fibrous matter This last one is the only goop one that's like lime jello I could get a decent view of on camera the rest either slipped away and went down The drain you smell like poop


Lmao that's the way to get a few messages out you did not intend to heheh I use the talk text option and my son needed a change and I didn't tell it to send it just refreshed or something and it heard my talking to my kids oh boy that's just to funny B cuz you know what they say smell like poo you gonna get two...... I have no idea of what but that's what they tell me


Lmao I am no longer itchy it's more like tight muscle cramps that move like a snake and the fibers and such those either are barley noticeable or just plain hurt no itchy itch I have always tied up the jitter bugs and deloused them so then they has no reason to itch in the past but the laws and all these days yph know just how much kneeling on a pile of grits spread out on the floor hurts well let's just say it ain't no day kneeling on a field of grass makes ya forget about the itch pretty dam quick and enough times of this you can sink anything into someone's mind
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