Nomads Landing 2013 Season

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Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing update 4-20-13

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Here is a couple of shots of BottleKap, Stuart, and Spencer putting the fan up... boy that thing was heavy and originally we didin't compensate for the 18" of length taken up by the block-n-tackle. oops... lol... This fan exhausts out about 1400 cfm for our 28K cu ft. greenhouse, which gets us about 1 cycle for every 2 minutes, about 1/2 of optimal. Also, this fans primary purpose is not to exhaust hot air during the day, but humid air at night. Our primary cycling consists of exhausting out the air, bringing in fresh cooler air with less moisture, we then heat that air increasing it's ability to hold more water, when saturation is reached we exhaust the warm moist air out and repeat, until our night RH is around 50% or so. Then we must maintain heat above 40' F.

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This is a look inside the top of the furnace through the "hot out hole". Here is the top barrel with pipes held in by mortar. Beneath the barrel is a cement board that is about 4" short up front to allow air to pass from the lower barrel.

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Up late diggin irrigation ditches, to hold the 3/4" id. poly tubing.

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This is the north furnace box. nearly done, awaiting the cold air return plenum, and ducting. The black handle sticking out the side is connected to a damper in between the barrels for emergency shut down.

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Some night shots of the Greenhouse.

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Mixen poop and high mineral sand for the veggie garden, the sand came from our well hole.

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Some wild flowers. Here first is the yellow, then purple, and finally white, then it all dies. and back to Earth.

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The veggie garden jammin along, more diggin, bed making , planting, soon we'll give lists of what is in, but there is tons of stuff.

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Ahhh, finally the exhuast fan, with shutters. Hopefully next year we will swap the shutter on the inside and throw a magnetic motor on it. But till then air pressure from the fan will do.

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Another weekly progression shot from the north to the south.

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Here is the North wall with HAF fan and exhaust, almost done with the wiring just waiting on the return plenum.

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The Return plenum, much smaller that the South furnace. Here is the duct fan a Dayton Blower 470/ 320 cfm 2 speed fan. We went with a 2 speed because we could use the lower setting on the inverter and batteries, plus we aren't sure that the high setting won't blow the air through the box so fast that is doesn't get a chance to heat up. A 12" intake duct will attach where the hole is, and the out put is the 10" duct connected and in the shot.
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Into the moma house where we sprout, preveg, veg, etc.... some corn, that hash shot area, compost brewer for the moma house and a worm bin tucked in the corner.

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Here is some momas in 5 gallons, and the full season ladies in 7 gallon squats, with the light dep crop tucked away in 1 gallon pots for the moment.

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And the little ones growing up and having a good ole time. We took a pretty hard death rate a first. The vents were plugging up like mad. Got some oatmeal in the mix and within 2 days the death rate dropped to 0.


Living dead girl

Sorry about the vent plugging, what kinda feed are they getting? I was worried about it so have kept the chicks on a very thick bed of litter, which has worked very well. Supplementing their starter ration with chopped squash, veggies, oatmeal, flax seed, a few nuts, some sprouted grain breads or organic whole grain as a hand-fed treat--basically all the stuff that's healthy for us they get. Does tend to loosen the stool a bit, and blueberries give 'em diarrhea, so no more of those until they get outside. They go fucking APESHIT for broccoli.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

This question is for Dia... let me grab my new pup "Anoatubby" so she can jump in here. Hi Seamaiden, We put the chicks on a diet of: oatmeal, yellow corn grits, (it's called polenta 'round these northern parts ;P) flax seed, winter wheat berries, Japanese millet, and for there brooder pen I seeded winter wheat, rye, and bearded barley; let it overgrow in the flat, then pulled it up like a slab of sod and put it down on the ground they love it! I also have been making them Kiefer for a pro biotic. The game of chicken chase for them is cottage cheese! The little fukrs will line up at the cage and wait for it...then it's on! Good to know about the blueberries, thank you! I have thrown them a couple of pieces of raisin bread, they freak out! I just call the warning " Faugh a Ballagh" which is Irish Gaelic, and translates to 'Clear the way"!


Premium Gardener
Wow! I saw that you listed the ingredients for your mix. Can you give us a sense of ratios? Thanks!



Living dead girl
This question is for Dia... let me grab my new pup "Anoatubby" so she can jump in here. Hi Seamaiden, We put the chicks on a diet of: oatmeal, yellow corn grits, (it's called polenta 'round these northern parts ;P) flax seed, winter wheat berries, Japanese millet, and for there brooder pen I seeded winter wheat, rye, and bearded barley; let it overgrow in the flat, then pulled it up like a slab of sod and put it down on the ground they love it! I also have been making them Kiefer for a pro biotic. The game of chicken chase for them is cottage cheese! The little fukrs will line up at the cage and wait for it...then it's on! Good to know about the blueberries, thank you! I have thrown them a couple of pieces of raisin bread, they freak out! I just call the warning " Faugh a Ballagh" which is Irish Gaelic, and translates to 'Clear the way"!
LOVE IT! I just got a mix of forage crops to try growing out for mine, and week before last I purchased 2,000 mealworms, gonna get a colony going. Feeding them mealworms really brings out the beast in 'em. I wasn't sure I could give them any kind of dairy, though. Would you mind sharing more about the cottage cheese & probiotics you're using? I purchased a chick probiotic for them, goes into the drinking water.

I was looking at your gals you have in the 7gal pots and thinking, "Good Lord, and here I thought I was giving myself such a good start." Everything I have is in beer cups & 1gal pots! You folks are schooling me. Btw, appreciate the FB updates, too, because I'm trying to get my son into permaculture and it's really easy to show him what others are doing from the ground up. :)
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Wow! I saw that you listed the ingredients for your mix. Can you give us a sense of ratios? Thanks!

Howdy Outwest! Dia here, sorry it took me a minute to get back "in the box" and out of the greenhouse/ garden beds; we're just a we bit behind and 'in the weeds" over here'!
So here is a list of what we put into the beds with the amounts: Our beds are 32 cubic feet of 3 year old garden soil. That original soil consisted of 1 part native clay, 1 part composted horse/goat/cow manure, 1 part sand (from an alfalfa field across the valley). We didn't have monies for soil amendments that year, so we bottle fed. The 2nd year "bottle fed' again and added Shasta Garden Blend top soil, from Native Grounds Nursery in Mt. Shasta. Third year, guess what we got it! " bottle fed" again, adding no amendments; but this year....
15 pounds of Blood Meal, 15 pounds of 0-5-0 guano, 15 pounds of fish bone meal, 2&1/2 cups of Epsom salt, 3 cups of gypsum,6 tablespoons of powdered humic acid, 4 cups of soybean meal, 13 and 1/2 cups of alfalfa meal, 12 cups of green sand, 12 cups of soft rock phosphate, 12 cups of DE, 1 and 1/2 pounds of diamond K-mag, 13 and 1/2 cups of leonardite, and 2 cups of azomite.

For the light depo girls: This ratio is for 10 gallons of soil mixture.
Soil mixture: 3 gallons of Mt. Shasta garden compost, 1 1/2 gallons of perlite, 1 1/2 gallons of coco coir , 4 gallons of garden and bloom potting mix, 1 cup of earth worm castings and 1/2 teaspoon of great white mycorrhizae.
Alright! now we got our base mix lets add: 1 cup of alfalfa meal, 1 cup gypsum, 1 cup green sand, 1 cup soft rock phosphate, 3/4 cup of DE, 3 tablespoons of Diamond K -mag, 1 tablespoon leonardite, 1 and 1/2 cup of fish bone meal, 6 tablespoons of azomite, 6 tablespoons epsum salt, 1/4 cup of soybean meal, 1 tablespoon of powdered humic acid and stand back! (water only for the first 4-6 weeks; depending on heavy/light feeders) CAUTION! This soil is recommended for girls over 3 weeks of veg. life.
I hope that helps you out Outwest; our blend came from a combo of the 3LB and Subcool's super soil. There are a few more goodies I would like to "churn" in....but, we will start with this base and work tester plants in to compare.
I will post up what our "bottle feeding" formulas and compost teas are scheduled to be; but that depends on how hungry the girls are.
Happy mixing!
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

LOVE IT! I just got a mix of forage crops to try growing out for mine, and week before last I purchased 2,000 mealworms, gonna get a colony going. Feeding them mealworms really brings out the beast in 'em. I wasn't sure I could give them any kind of dairy, though. Would you mind sharing more about the cottage cheese & probiotics you're using? I purchased a chick probiotic for them, goes into the drinking water.

I was looking at your gals you have in the 7gal pots and thinking, "Good Lord, and here I thought I was giving myself such a good start." Everything I have is in beer cups & 1gal pots! You folks are schooling me. Btw, appreciate the FB updates, too, because I'm trying to get my son into permaculture and it's really easy to show him what others are doing from the ground up. :)
Hi Sea, introducing your son to permaculture, I think is awesome!!! We have tackled this farm from the "raw" no doubt! Hauling over 300 gallons of water everyday for 4 years and still living in the little greenhouse almost 5 years later! Dedicated or Insane? Perhaps there is not a difference. giggle.
you were asking about the pro-biotic we have been using for the chickies, Kefir, are live active grains. Milk Kefir (few grains soaked in whole milk 8 hours) is 10 times the potency of yogurt and water Kefir (grains soaked in 1/2 cup water for 8 hours) is 5-7 times the potency of yogurt. We got our grains from Lifetime Kefir (; it's easy! Just soak the grains, strain the grains, and stir into the chicks food...well, I am not a vet; but I give them 1/4 a teaspoon per chick into their corn grits and oats ect... and they flock down on it!
About that chicken forage your ordered....does it have 'Omega 3" flax seeds in it? If it does don't let the flax frost. It becomes toxic to livestock. I ordered the chicken forage blend from Peaceful Valley farm supply and with in days of it arriving I learned that little tid bit of info! Now, we only have, if were lucky, 66 days between frost, and it takes flax how long to produce seed? hum...not happening! And then, as if that were not bad enough, that it's only the seeds that have the Omega 3! Shit! Good lesson to learn, marketing is like real estate... "buyer b educated"!
I want to get a mealworm farm started too; but we just got our eathworm colony up and squirming thing at a time! As far as the cottage cheese goes I give them a teaspoon, a half at a time, for 25 chicks. (strong bones and healthy beaks; ;) )
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing Update 4-28-13
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The north furnace is finally finished except for mortaring the air diffuser for the draft blower and insulating the cement board box. That is the cold air return plenum there in the background all reved up and ready to go..,

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This is a view of the bottom barrel, you can see the 2" draft pipe connected to a 74 cfm blower motor on the other end. Burn times are about 3 hrs, with 165 degree output temps into the greenhouse

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Ahhh, swimming pool, nope, 300 gallon water reservoir, so we can brew our teas and soups. Not to bad either, Zoro tools had this bad boy for $200.

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This is our irrigation system, all mains, manifold, and both circuits are fed with 3/4" id poly, from there H2o passes into a 1/4" on/off valve, then an 1/8" feeder tube, and finally to 6 gph sprayer stakes. These things rock. Just a groove for the water and a little seat that makes the water cover about 160'. 4 of these setups per bed. The stakes will be moved out as the plants get larger.

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Whacked off the ends of the 2x2s on the rafters, they were to close to the plastic and condensation would run down hit the corner of the 2x2 and drip right on to the ladies, no good at flower time.

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Gareden hose connection, pressure regulator, sprinkler pump pvc hookup, filter, and on/off valves for each of the 2 circuits at the bottom there.

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Nipple high by 4th of July, how about by Cinco de Mayo baby.

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installed door latches keep them suckers tight and closed during our occasional 60 mph wind gusts.

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Covered the old chimney holes with some 6 mil film

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Went around and patched other numerous holes as well

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Orchard shot, the little trees are handling the cold temps very well mid 20s and no agrobon, the paiute orchard grass and hykon japanese rose clover are doing well

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Veggie garden still going, and getting bigger that is, new beds to the south, working beds to the north.

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and panning

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and panning one more time.

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Chicks are kickin ass, and getting bigger evey day, then love playing king of the hill

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Time to spread things out in the moma room, 1 of 3

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2 of 3

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3 of 3 Nothin like homegrown corn.


Thanks for posting the pic of those drip stakes - I"m going to keep those in mind. Didn't know they existed and will use them when I move on to bigger grows.


Living dead girl
Nice tub/tank. We used to use those as sumps and for holding systems for goldies & koi (aquatic ornamental industry). I did indeed order that very same mix from PVFS, but I also already knew from my dad's work back in the 90s devising a high Omega-3 feed that it's the flax seeds that offer the O-3, not the forage. I have no other livestock here, I was just going to grow it in flats and give that to them. I do buy flax in bulk, also, both the brown and golden flax, because I love the flavor. I have also gotten chia seeds and hemp seed meal, I'd like to figure out a way to incorporate those into their feed as well.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Noticed some of the pics were missing, I forgot we hit the 20 image upload limit.

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New pup, Ashlatubby's boy, crossed with a border collie/

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and the brother, to that pup I found crying in the juniper woods behind us about 1/2 mile out. Maybe the owner will let us keep him too. We'll see.

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Greenhouse at dusk, supplemental lighting is on until about 9:30

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Alright, finally got the girls in the ground, still gotta transplant the 4 potters other than that, oh yeah.

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Higher perspective from the south end

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from the north, we took 2 days to clean all our building mess up, and still gotta do the outside, but we also derocked the pathways, washed the inside with high pressure water, then a long pole and scrubber at the end dipped in soapy water. Finally a high pressure spray to the outside, which we are going to be doing weekly.

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higher perspective from the north


Living dead girl
Wow. Color me green with envy! And red with respect/admiration for your diligence and organization. Clearly, none of this would happen if the group didn't work well together and you didn't have some really good minds MacGyvering all of this stuff so well.

Those border collie pups can be made into FRISBEE DOGS! Our Australian shepherd was obsessed with Frisbees. I remember one time he pretty much split himself in two to get to a Frisbee. Quite a sight to see--herdin' dawgs.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Thanks for posting the pic of those drip stakes - I"m going to keep those in mind. Didn't know they existed and will use them when I move on to bigger grows.

No problem Swamy, We are always looking and learning ourselves, alot of successes as well as fails. We are watering again tomorrow, and working with different spray patterns. The spray stakes are "hydro flow" 160' 6.6 gph sprayer stakes, about 22 cents a pc. plus or minus. We got ours from There are other versions around, John Deere, actually makes a damn good one plus supply line that is made to be ran over with vehicles. lol.... Compromises between members has led to two goals, one - keep the top soil consistantly moist for most benefit of microbial life, two let the top two inches consistantly dry out between deeper waterings, to encourage deeper root growth, keep the roots from skimming the surface (more drought susceptable), less chance of root rot, and less pests able to lay eggs in the top soil. Accomplished, by adding 1-2 inches of sand. We'll take shots of the spray patterns we are working with.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

nice set up...
Thanks, it feels pretty awesome walking through, especially at night. It was inspired by another grower calls himself Big Slugger. We had to make many modifications however to fit out high desert climate. One of our final mods is going to be ground cover, and 2 more rows of caging for support.
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Ace of Spades 2

Thought we show some of last years bud porn. Here is some TGA gear we ran, Ace of Spades - Light Magenta Pheno

Ace of Spades
and another shot of the same lady. The water hash she made was way colorful, many hues. From white to purple, and everything between

and this gorgeous lady is Qrazy Train. What a fade.
oh yeah,
one more shot of those nugs... These ladies received nothing but water for the last 6 weeks of flower
Nomads Landing

Nomads Landing

Wow. Color me green with envy! And red with respect/admiration for your diligence and organization. Clearly, none of this would happen if the group didn't work well together and you didn't have some really good minds MacGyvering all of this stuff so well.

Those border collie pups can be made into FRISBEE DOGS! Our Australian shepherd was obsessed with Frisbees. I remember one time he pretty much split himself in two to get to a Frisbee. Quite a sight to see--herdin' dawgs.

Damn.... Sea, that is probably one of the best compliments we have ever had. Thank you so much. It's been... a long road to say the least. We love growing and for some of us, it's something we wanted to do since we were kids. My dad was the guy who grew, re-vegged, and flowered over, and over... lol... when he came to live with us, he would hollar from his cabin "I don't know why your cuttin all that leaf off. In my day it all went in the bag, and if you got an 1/8 you get a free roach clip too..." lol... miss you dad.
Up here just we are just 13 miles south of the OR border, and herdin dawgs, cow dogs, heelers, collies, labs, australian shepards, are the norm, some yote crosses too, not many german shepards though.
P.S. Still keepin our ears out for those night hawks. The eagles are already starting to come back and kicking it on the power wires waiting for the farmers to start (Plinkin the squeaks) they call it out here. Really what they mean is shooting Picas, because they bombard the alfalfa feilds due to the fact that they are loosing territory becase of strawberry farmers spraying methyl bromide and chloropictorin (actually better than the alternative they have because of shipping and FDA standards anyways....) But the Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, and of course wink, wink the CA condor get their fill.
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