NORCAL Meet, Greet, and SMOKE OUT Gathering!!!

  • Thread starter Sway
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That sounds good^^^^
if all else fail meet at Berkeley Patient group and vape lol


That sounds good^^^^
if all else fail meet at Berkeley Patient group and vape lol

i second that was packed a few days place to sit....maybe we can rent out the bpg!


that could work too! maybe we should continue to get good ideas for locations and such, then have a vote and narrow it down to the final location so we all agree and it all jives. anyone with connections step up!


alright guys, me and brotha sirius have been talkin and i think we got a pretty solid idea of how to make this event actually happen, and be a kick ass time for everyone but not hard on the wallet. me and sirius are gonna go over it and get a rough draft of the event, then post it up here and let you guys see if you would be down or if we should do something else. Im pretty sure all you cats will be way down though. Im thinkin we could make this event pretty badass for everyone, and get some top notch flowers to sample and party with throughout the night. We are for sure havin some Reggae bands and DJ's, a really cool spot where we can burn all night long, and flower contests...let us know what you would like to see at the event...all ideas are welcome!


holy shit...that would be the meetups of all meetups....djs and reggae would be killllllller

who wouldn't be down?!?!? right?


I'm in and think we might be able to arange it with Debbie @ BPG for us to have a growers meeting there?


we are thinkin somethin a little more extravagant than a growers meeting, although we will still all be able to meet, chat, and burn as much as we want...this way we can do the chatting while some badass bands and dj's play, and strippers flirt with you haha... me and sirius will post our plan soon and see if you guys dig it, if not, we can figure somethin else out... but i KNOW everyone will be down for this shindig...
The Joker

The Joker

A meet and greet would be fun. I've been to enough all night parties around the world to be underwhelmed by them at this point.

We used to rent out bunkers in the Marin Headlands and have all night parties. The bunkers go for hundreds of feet underground. We would have different bands and drums. Was pretty great. Key was knowing everyone who came. If we had clowns, it would have been a different story with people not knowing how to behave. No need for security when it's all friends.

This idea is to have a bunch of strangers get together , not knowing who is a great person and who is not so great. Some people can really act like little kids. So that's my only trepidation.

Way back, in New York, a buddy would turn his house into a club and have a New Years party. He would charge 20 bucks a head and make a tidy sum at the end of the night.
I was part of the security team and worked that gig even after I moved to Cali. You get a bunch of strangers together getting wasted and you quickly find out who the people you wished hadn't shown up were.

The bigger it is, the more it becomes like a club and the more the costs and the need for security goes up is.

I have a prescription and didn't waste 150 bucks on the card. Does that mean I can't get in? My wife would probably not be interested.

Rolln J

my card so to speak is medicann - the county where I live refuses to issue state mandated id cards!

also I was kidding bout the strippers - if we have em cool - if not no big - maybe the first get together could be more low key so folks can get to know one another...

I have done this sort of thing with another website once, turned out pretty well and there was only one asshat in the bunch - lol
The Joker

The Joker

Same here, plus strippers are sometimes the most damaged/ dumb chicks you'll ever meet.

Wrong time of year, but a picnic/smoke out is also a great idea. Big Basin, Point Reyes, Golden Gate Park... so many fun places. A couple of picnic tables, barbecue and a bunch of games... good times.

I'm trying to get a bunch of buds together for a surf trip up to Point Arena.


yea guys, strippers are out. major security breach i think. so the common consensus is keep it small and low key. im thinkin we should have a BBQ Smoke out in a park like Joker says, that sounds fun. What you guys think? I want everyone to be down and stoked on this, i think it will be a great way to make new friends and see old ones


That sounds like a great idea. Originally being from the south, always down for the 'cue! We just moved here a year ago from Seattle and I think this is a great way to meet everyone:passingjoint:

Also, maybe we can do kinda like a swap meet? Everyone bring your favorite genetics and trade em like baseball cards. It's a great way to expand your library.
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