OBAMA! we been lied to...

  • Thread starter SRHninja
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Lol youtube? I wont even watch that...

come on people,
are we really going to let a youtube video influence like this?
its youtube, its YOUTUBE! you wanna know the real truth? there is a market for shit like this. guess what, someone got paid to make that video. they got paid to make it fuck with you as much as possible, and lets just say its working.

Exactly, youtube videos are completely out of context biased and poorly crafted. You wanna know why Obama can't get shit done? It's because of the stubborn ass republican party shooting everything he has to say down. Honestly a person like you who is sold on a youtube video I recomend the John Stewart show he takes actual clips and discusses real information but makes fun of it. Great show, some clips are doctored a little but if you know anything about politics you'll notice. I've myself noticed Obama is getting sick and tired of being pres, I don't think he even wants it anymore. Now that he really sees what it is and how childish and closed minded and old the jackasses around him are I think he's seen enough, you can tell in his speeches. He looks depressed he used to speak with passion and a smile and character, now it's robot depressed guy. How would you feel if you achieved your dream and found out how corrupt it is. What has obama did wrong? Pissed some rich people off who have enough money to make videos of BS propaganda to turn people against him. IMO that's a step in the right direction. We've made tons of progress in the war, he is doing his best to keep MMJ people safe from the feddys, he made sure that the people who work for the people can't just give themselves raises whenever they want and spend taxpayers money and charity money on their own personal shit. I mean I could go on for days on what this dude has done positive. Did he say somethings that may not pass in legislature? Sure did, as a voter you should at least know the president has the power to bring a bill to the house but if the bill gets rejected that's hardly his fault. Like John Stewart says the republicans have been doing it for years when their BS don't pass with the fillibuster and go with the majority vote. LOL then he says oh ya that's right democrats are pussys LOL. Spoken well. Believe what u want, your in better hands now then you were for the last 8 years, I don't know why u all the sudden decided to pull your head out of your ass. Nobody wanted bush in office he cheated both times, it took me no time at all to see through his BS so speak for yourself. Politics played a good part in the demise of the greeks back in the day. And will most likely do the same to us eventually. Correct me if I'm wrong about the greek thing pls. Bet you weren't bitching about your fatter income tax checks either. Sheesh head out of ass plz.


Premium Member
here is a link to a group all can participate in,and put all including obama in jail,

all those people in the photo on the header r going to jail or worse:character0110:


Change thread name to you've been lied to. thx

How about you join the put bush jr in jail party he actually commited real crimes and how about you people stop posting outside links it is somewhat of a security problem IMO. The site you visit next knows the site you come from how do you think douchebag spammers find these sites?


@illmind its not a youtube thing my dude the movie has been out for 2 years lol but either way people need to find the info themselves not from someone elses opinion!


wtf? obamas depressed blah blah blah... wtf did he think it was? NOT CORRUPT he's such a smart man he should have known the job was going to be corrupt hell his whole campaign was about fighting the corupptness tooth and nail and now all we get is a depressed man making speeches????

All you admitted is obama is just another president who got broken by the corruptedness.....

He needs to bite the bullet he talked a big game now its time to expose these fuckers.. all im saying is either OBAMA is just a puppet... or he is in over his head and talked alot of shit and now shits different...

If obama is the man i voted for he sure as fuck has not made ANY major effort in exposing the corruptedness.....

HE HAS FAILED US.... sure he might do a little here and their but he is not in their fighting tooth and nail for us... at ANY LEVEL that he claimed

::WINTA: i agree but this video will help you research certain areas.... i didnt mean the vid is pure fact im just saying alot of important shit on that vid is pure fact... and that alone is scary and not what i voted for..

This is like UFC fights the guy talks all this shit then he gets in the ring and gets his ass beat... im sick of it if your going to run a campagin about change and YES WE CAN and when you get in office your DEPRESSED? man get the fuck out of here... you pussy...

if he cant rely on his government branches then he needs to expose them to the american people..


Did anyone really expect a politician not to lie, I know we are all stoned but come on guys this has been going on since 'politician' became a word.

They lie, we believe them, we get fucked, new candidate lies, we want to believe them cause the last person was so bad, we get fucked and the cycle continues...... I am gonna stock pile ganja like a mofo so when shit goes down I will have some currency and an uplifted spirit.



Did anyone really expect a politician not to lie, I know we are all stoned but come on guys this has been going on since 'politician' became a word.

They lie, we believe them, we get fucked, new candidate lies, we want to believe them cause the last person was so bad, we get fucked and the cycle continues...... I am gonna stock pile ganja like a mofo so when shit goes down I will have some currency and an uplifted spirit.


Not very hard to find dirt on our nations biggest lier.

Barack Obummers’s lies are far more corrosive and destructive, because they go the heart of legislation and governance, and so seriously undermine trust in government. His lies generally take a specific form: they attempt to persuade people to vote for him or his policies by categorically assuring them that they need not have the anxieties that they have been expressing. The lies say, essentially: trust me, support what I want, and I promise that what you fear will never happen. But in every case it soon becomes clear either that he knew perfectly well that what the public feared would in fact happen, or that he was giving a firm assurance that he was in no position to give, or that he had no intention of following through on his promise.

The accumulated weight of Obama’s deceit is overwhelming:

* During his campaign for the presidency and since, Obama repeatedly assured us that he would protect Medicare against cuts; but he now presses for passage of bills that include savage cuts in Medicare.

* To obtain passage of his first stimulus bill, Obama assured us that 90% of the jobs created would be in the private sector; but as he well knew, most of them were to be in the public sector.

* Early in the health care debate, Obama assured us that he had not said that he favored a single payer system; but he was on record as having said exactly that.

* Obama gave primary voters a firm assurance that if he became the nominee of the Democratic party he would (unlike Hillary Clinton) abide by the campaign finance limits of public funding; but as soon as he became the party’s nominee, he reneged on that pledge.

* During the presidential campaign Obama criticized the presence of former lobbyists in the Bush administration and solemnly assured us that he would appoint no lobbyists to his administration; but once elected he proceeded to appoint even more lobbyists than his predecessors.

* Obama criticized the size of George Bush’s deficit and promised to stop deficit spending if elected; but he has already quadrupled the size of the deficit he objected to and recklessly continues new federal spending in the trillions.

* When campaigning Obama criticized bills before the congress that were too long for anyone to be able to read and promised to stop that; but the bills he has been backing throughout his first year are infinitely longer (2000+ pages) than the ones he criticized.

* Candidate Obama promised an end to the corruption of earmarks and pork, but in the bills he has supported this year there have been more and bigger earmarks than ever before.

* Candidate Obama promised us that CIA personnel involved in the interrogation of terrorists would not be prosecuted; but his administration is now doing exactly that.

* Obama assured a joint session of Congress that the health bill he supported (pre-Stupak) would not provide public funding for abortions; but bitter resistance on the part of House Democrats to inclusion of language to that effect soon proved that it did.

* Candidate Obama promised that he would make sure that there was always enough time for the public to read legislation before it was enacted; but he has done exactly the opposite, repeatedly pressing for even faster passage of even longer bills.

* Candidate Obama met fears that he would be a tax and spend liberal by promising, emphatically and repeatedly, that those earning under $200,000 would see no increase in their taxes of any kind; but he now urges passage of a healthcare bill that breaks that pledge in many different ways, and his unrestrained increase in federal spending makes more tax increases inevitable.

* Candidate Obama promised bipartisanship and an end to partisan bickering; but in a display of especially ruthless partisanship his allies have shut Republicans out of all key meetings on his health care initiative, with the unprecedented result that domestic legislation of historic importance garnered not a single Republican vote in the Senate.

* Candidate Obama criticized his opponent’s plan to tax employer paid healthcare benefits, and promised he would not tax them; but the bill he now backs will do just that.

* Obama had promised that he would not sign a healthcare bill that would add one dime to the federal deficit; but the bill he now backs adds trillions in new federal spending, offset only by new sources of revenue that are both uncertain and more properly seen as offsetting the already existing deficit.

* Obama coerced congress into passing his stimulus bill by promising that if it were passed unemployment could go no higher then 8%; but unemployment is now at 10%, and he could not possibly have had good reason to exclude that possibility.

* Obama promised that his cap and trade legislation will create jobs; but its massive tax increases will certainly hobble the economy and destroy jobs, while green jobs in significant numbers can at best be hoped for, but never promised.

* Obama has repeatedly assured the American people that if they like their current health plan they can keep it; but the House bill which he supported created huge incentives for employers to drop their coverage and shift their members to a public option.

* Obama has just as often assured the public that under his health plan everyone will be able to keep their current doctor; but many are certain to lose their doctors when ObamaCare’s large cuts in Medicare funding induce more doctors to withdraw from Medicare coverage, as they also would were employers to transfer patients to a public option to save money.

* Obama assured a joint session of Congress that his health plan would not fund illegal aliens; but his allies had been busy voting down amendments to that effect. (This was the point of Joe Wilson’s outburst.)

* Obama claimed that Caterpillar’s CEO had told him that Caterpillar would begin hiring again as a result of the stimulus bill; but that individual immediately announced that he had said no such thing, and that Caterpillar would in fact be laying off more workers.

* Candidate Obama promised that Guantanamo would be closed by January 1, 2010; but it is still open.

* Candidate Obama promised that his administration (unlike his predecessor’s) would be so transparent that TV cameras (C-Span) would be there for key deliberations; but an unprecedented level of secrecy prevails as the final stages of Obamacare are negotiated behind closed doors and kept so secret that even the Senate majority whip admitted that he had no idea what was going on. Requests for Obama to honor the promise of C-Span cameras are being ignored.

* To gain traction for his attempt to return a would-be socialist dictator in Honduras to power, Obama claimed that he had been overthrown in an illegal coup; but the congressional research service pointed out correctly that ex-President Zelaya had been removed for constitutionally sufficient cause by legal and constitutional means.

* Obama claims that he wants a public option only to increase choice and competition; but the House bill would clearly reduce choice both by squeezing unsubsidized private health plans out of the market, and by setting rigid conditions on acceptable plans that would narrow available options.

* Candidate Obama claimed that violent radical Bill Ayers was just another guy in his neighborhood; but the record shows that the two had worked closely together.

* Obama assured us that his stimulus bill would create or save a million jobs; but he was claiming as fact what could never have been more than a wild (and highly improbable) guess, and his more recent attempts to justify that guess have been fraudulent.

* Obama assured us that his health plan would never ration care, or “pull the plug” on grandma; but the legislation he backs sets up panels to make crucial decisions on when to withhold care, and it makes such deep cuts in Medicare that rationing is inevitable.

* Obama now assures us that health insurance premiums will not go up if ObamaCare becomes law, insisting indignantly that people who say this have not read the bill; but the legislation forces insurers to cover preexisting conditions, which will compel them to raise premiums substantially.

This is an extraordinary record of serial mendacity. One or two instances might charitably be regarded as rash promises later regretted, or as the wishful thinking of someone who had not thought through the implications of what he was saying. But when it happens again and again—and my 30 instances are by no means exhaustive—only one judgment seems possible: this is the record of a habitual, shameless liar, a man who will say anything to get what he wants. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, goes the old saying. But scores of times? How shameful is that for our society when this disgraceful record is never the subject of a reproachful editorial in the New York Times, the Washington Post, or CBS news? Richard Nixon was removed from office, and Bill Clinton impeached for a single lie. Who could look at Obama’s record without concluding that his lying is in a completely different league to theirs?

President Obama evidently believes that he can solve any problem with a speech. But he really does not care whether what he says is true or not, nor does he feel any responsibility to honor the assurances and promises he makes. As a result, this nation is now in a position where it cannot believe a word that he says, and that amounts to an unprecedented crisis of confidence in the Presidency. Democratic government will atrophy if we allow lying on this scale to count as the business as usual of politics. When will the press and the Congress hold him accountable?


yeah but that day is over.. americans are sick of it.. SO WHEN A PRESIDENT RUNS A CAMPAIGN and BOAST AS MUCH AS OBAMA does about change and exposing the frauds then we need to get on his ass and make damn sure no other president talks such a big game...

let these guys know that we automatically expect them to be 100% full of shit no more obama's in the future that only action will get us behind them like we got behind obama. not talk of hope and false change...

only thing that changed was obama....


only problem is its all just a "big game" and most people dont know the rules!


We as americans need to become more active in protesting and activism PERIOD.... we have become passive and unaware...


SRH I agree with some of what you said and I agree the people need to make their voices heard more but it's not gonna happen. People would rather bitch and moan on the internet LOL rather than actually do something. Trust that I tried sparking shit long ago when I seen gwb jr putting our country into a downward spiral into debt. People march and speak and then get shot with bean bags and beat with clubs. The more shit changes the more it stays the same.


Can someone tell me who Rupert Murdock is and why he is important here?


what do we do then? just wait for the self destruction? the internet is golden man its spreading information like wildfire...

dont knock the internet... lol enough ppl bitch we will start doing something else.. ahhaah keep informing!


I hear tons of blame, criticism, and short-sided careless statements used to inflict deeper divides amongst our struggling nation. I hear no one offering up reasonable solutions.

Health care companies have spent the last year lobbying their asses off to prevent them from having to insure our citizens at a reasonable price. Who do you think is going to end up paying for that lobbying? you are. Blue cross has already begun raising premiums, other companies will soon follow. Does anyone here believe health care should be more expensive or we should be limiting access to it? We could insure every citizen if we just cut our defense spending by less than 10%. Diplomacy goes farther and travels faster than any weapon anyway.

Im just sick of politicians using fear to fuel fires in a long standing political rivalry that does little to improve the health and safety our citizens. Politics should be about solutions and compromise not blame and profiteering.


only problem with that is does everybody REALLY believe in the cause like u? or are they just coming along to think they are doin something positive just to go home and forget what they were "fighting" for after the next episode of V? lol u gotta choose your moves wisely this chess! we are all gettin watched,listened to, recorded,filed etc do u want to be more on the radar? thats why i say control what you can control because "the man" (lol) is already decades ahead of us "physically" so we have to rise SPIRITUALLY and MENTALLY then we will win:damnhippie:

We as americans need to become more active in protesting and activism PERIOD.... we have become passive and unaware...


Ok a few things here..

SRH - you said you were not bashing Obama and yet all you have done here is bash. I have tried to point you in a few directions where you can actually do some historical research, but still all you say is broken promises blah blah blah.

Its the same thing in politics right now. Its always been the squeaky wheel gets the grease and attention. It does not matter if the wheel is glen beck/fox news and a liar. No one in main stream takes Fox News seriously. Hell, they should change their motto to, "Slanted and bias."

Research who Rupert Murdock is.. What Fox news actually is and realize you have been lied to and a pawn of the corperate America's attempt at rewriting history and brainwashing the masses to their greedy cause.

I could post endless links of conservatives lying to you to get you all worked up. The thing is, you will refute the lies as liberal propaganda. It gets old real fast.


Oh and the whole" WE are fed up and WE are going to do blah blah blah"

Speak for only yourself :)


I have no worries, sure the elite 1% control this and that and what not. But did you know that there is one common uniting factor amongst every nation that could bring us together, its called poverty.

The more this goes on the more people fall into this "group", the main problem is that the one thing that could unite the world is the same thing that holds people down. It's not the money part of poverty that will destroy you, I have been and still am there so I have a minor authority on this. The part of poverty that keeps people down and destroys your will is the mental game and social stigma that come from society, the shame people put on not being rich.

Give a man with nothing to lose a little bit of confidence and you will see the world change, IMHO. The poor out number the rich and in the end hold the power in those numbers be it in violent revolt or through democracy, but they have to BELIEVE they can change things.

Ramble... blah blah :)

/end rant


Hi guys!

Just wanted to add my 2 cents, cause I know all about conspiracy theories. This video you linked is old as shit and there is another one out that will scare you even better.

First let me tell you that Mr.Alex Jones was into scaring the hell out of people with the whole y2k bullshit too. He's in the business to scare people and if you ever listen to his radio program, no one has the floor but him.

Then let me tell you the sum of crazy conversations that go on amongst my family. Basically I can tell you that, ya there are people plotting to install a one world government. It is no secret, and yes most of the time your being lied to by media and politicians, it's their job to do so.

The big save:
When it comes to the Elite wealthy families that are pulling the strings with the world economy, you have to remember that they are in a place where money is not the objective anymore........it is power.
If you let fear rule your life...you will fall right into their plans. The best thing to do is educate yourselves and love one another. If they try to bankrupt us through fear of terror(like a dirty bomb in a major city) they will try to take full advantage by installing martial law and taking away our guns.
Do you guys honestly think some pampered Rockefeller or the like can actually pull that off, I got millions of brothers and sisters who say different!
We are all riding along on this journey together. If we become separated by fear we won't have any freedoms left to enjoy. If we stand together in the face of fear and do not accept some crazy elitist dream of utopia, we will survive it.
Even if you do not believe in God, you should believe in humanity.
We shall overcome!!! So do not fear the unknown, but embrace your knowledge and faith in your fellow man and the natural support of the universe.

Above all else enjoy your happiness and enjoy your freedoms and do not let anyone take it away.

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