OBAMA! we been lied to...

  • Thread starter SRHninja
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LOL LOST man i agree and did watch the vid you posted on fox lol.. Bashing is a harsh word im just saying OBAMA has let me down i voted for this man i followed his campaign and everything he has done has been a total scam to what he was talking hell he hasnt done 20% of what he said...

i just think Americans need to EDUCATE THEMSELVES WITH TRUTH AND NOT MEDIA PROPAGANDA. We are lied to by all these guys protecting these BANKS that are really running this country and spiraling us toward hell...........


i just believe we should start calling these people on this stuff publicly... lets not make it easy is all im saying....


This video was discussed on this site here

As for it being a YOUTUBE video. Are you people serious? Of course you shouldn't just believe any video you see on YOUTUBE. You know what is more stupid than just believing a youtube video without any critical analysis, dismissing a video just because it's on youtube without doing any research. Real dumb.

Lost, What does Rupert Murdoch have to do with this Video? You tell me. And by the way, you are dead wrong regarding the Federal Reserve. Two of the biggest obstacles facing Americans now are the corporate owned media (you actually thought you were getting news or information from these corporations who FILTER all information you are getting) and the Federal Reserve. That's just two of them.

For those of you see this and would like to do something about it, check into all the AUDIT the FEDERAL RESERVE groups and rallies that are happening all over the US. You know, the ones that the mainstream media is telling you is a bunch of "teabaggers." And shut off your TV completely unless it's to study how the enemy uses propaganda. We can get back to trying to "entertain" ourselves after we get the power in our country firmly back in our hands. Ron Paul is also a champion of these ideas and going back to a constitutional government, so you should check him out too. Listen to and read his words, DO NOT go by what some other person tells you about him.

For those of you who think Obama has helped you, you are very, very, sadly mistaken. This guy is a puppet just like Ronald Reagan was a puppet. The US government has been infiltrated by people who have no interest in America or the American people. Obama has littered his administration with them. I could go on for a while about how dumb most Obama supporters are, but let's just think about this. This guy ran on a platform of change. In big words everywhere, "CHANGE."
You know what is sad. He never even articulated what "change" he was going to bring. Just a word, "change." And look at all the people that bought it. You know what he said when he was elected and asked about the "change we can believe in." He said, "I'm the change." In other words, I'm not Bush, and EVERYBODY fell for it. Well, I didn't. Obama is the end result of a massive marketing and propaganda machine that plays on your core emotions, and spent a billion dollars. That's why people react the way they do to the suggestion that he is not what he appears to be, because they have been subjected to a sophisticated brainwashing program, and it's kind of like they are in the matrix, and will fight to stay there.

For those of you trying to slant this as a Bush vs. Obama vs. Clinton thing, like, "where were you when Bush ran this country down?" They are all criminals. There has not been a legitimate president of the US since at least Kennedy, and possibly before that. The Bush and Clinton family have ties going way back. You should look into it. (Mena, Arkansas airport drug running). And if you truly look into it, there have been people fighting this machine as long as it has existed, like back when Bush and Clinton were president. This is NOT NEW, just new to you.

Anybody that wants to debate me on any on this had better do their homework and bring some original thinking. I know what I'm talking about here. If you have a particular point of mine you want to debate you need to be clear and concise. I'm not going to get into any stupid arguments with people over this.

Take it easy everybody
~xO Kakalak Ox~

~xO Kakalak Ox~

Calyx Bros. Seed Co.
Would someone please close this thread? I came here to get away from this kind of shit.


lol what the heck this is activism thread this is where this belongs...... ANYWAYS...


I believe that the federal reserve is a group of private bankers (INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF AMERICA) that controls our currency and answers to no one... Their for i see it not in the best interest of the people of the united states and this must be changed!

IF YOU! have a group of people controlling the currency and with it the economy and their best interest is profit and not the people what do you think is going to happen?

What does a president or congress mean then? NADDA? when we don't even control our own money! and UNTIL we face this problem we will never be able to take control of our country nor will its people see another fruitful harvest..

For us to even prosper no matter what president is in office we need to take our financial fate out of the hands of special interest groups that dont have the American peoples best interest at top priority..


we do not own our currency or have control of it a third party outside of the government does.. that is the message....let the ppl decide if they like that...


Premium Member
When has any politician done what they said they were going to do? They say what they have to to get into office....and then business as usual. How are people even surprised? You really have two choices during an election....let's be logical here. One choice is no choice at all and two is as close to no choice as you can get. Not-to-mention the candidates are hand-picked and groomed to follow the bigger agenda....no the president isn't the leader of the America...that's a lie too, all he is, is a spokesman or front-man for the power elite. Those are the people that print the money. The money we borrow as a nation to run our country....our taxes only pay the interest on the debt we owe. Essentially, we are beyond broke...in fact our grandchildren are broke.
~xO Kakalak Ox~

~xO Kakalak Ox~

Calyx Bros. Seed Co.
I really didn't come here for PMs like this from Madseason:

Don't open the thread, or go somewhere else. Calling for the thread to be closed is some spineless pathetic crap you loser. If you don't like this site, fucking leave, don't come in here calling for the threads you disagree with to be closed like the closed minded punk you are."


well........it's a turbulent time for all of us.

Let's show some love people, the life you save could well be your own.

Sorry if this thread has anyone thinking about shit they would rather avoid, I trust you guys more than I would another forum. Can we keep things peaceful, PLEASE?!!


and they charge us interest on our own money...... people are surprised because no one knows this is for real.. its not like the media is helping?

THE ELITE/SPECIAL INTEREST have taken every industry from us!

From pharmaceuticals, our media
to OUR CURRENCY.... no ones working for us..

Sure American people such as myself were weak and went for the HOPE WE CAN CHANGE as i call it campaign, i truly believe it just shows that the American people are ready to come together to take back this country.... Only thing is we are looking for direction so they fed us a puppet...

this is a opportunity people are more willing to suspect and question these days if a accusation becomes popular....


edit: peaceful indeed nothing but love even if u think im full of shit lol :rasta: (just reachin out to open ears)


Im done guys, its been fun. Like I said earlier, no one is going to have a come to jesus moment here..

Madseason, if you truely do not know who Rupert Murdock is.. Then wow, im just sorry.. And a bit amazed you would even try make a stand here without that primary knowledge..


I really didn't come here for PMs like this from Madseason:

Don't open the thread, or go somewhere else. Calling for the thread to be closed is some spineless pathetic crap you loser. If you don't like this site, fucking leave, don't come in here calling for the threads you disagree with to be closed like the closed minded punk you are."

You come into a thread that I guarantee you did not read and call for the thread to be closed. By the way, that was a "PRIVATE MESSAGE" which are supposed to be, you guessed it, private. I'm sick of people like you
~xO Kakalak Ox~. You bring nothing to table at all. I stand by what I said to you. The issues in here are too important and too serious, so if you do not understand the bluntness in which I addressed you, there's nothing I can do about it.

This thread will not be brought off topic by this guy, and will remain peaceful. If you don't like this thread just don't click on it. Do we need to get the FCC to monitor threads now so nobody who clicks on a thread on an internet forum will be offended? Sadly there would be plenty who would want that.

As for OBAMA.....



P.S. - Cut and pasting talking points from a consertive website is bullshit. Common people, think and research for yourselvs.


You come into a thread that I guarantee you did not read and call for the thread to be closed. By the way, that was a "PRIVATE MESSAGE" which are supposed to be, you guessed it, private. I'm sick of people like you
~xO Kakalak Ox~. You bring nothing to table at all. I stand by what I said to you. The issues in here are too important and too serious, so if you do not understand the bluntness in which I addressed you, there's nothing I can do about it.

This thread will not be brought off topic by this guy, and will remain peaceful. If you don't like this thread just don't click on it. Do we need to get the FCC to monitor threads now so nobody who clicks on a thread on an internet forum will be offended? Sadly there would be plenty who would want that.

As for OBAMA.....


Thats was a lame move PMing him like that. To be honest, I do not think posts like this belong in this forum. I have only posted because im tired of people blindly following this "tea party" movement, and the movement is based on lies (and funded by Rupert Murdock, who you guessed it, ownes Fox news, wow, shocker!!!)


Oh shit, cat is out of the bag on who old Mr Murdock is.. Did you know he had been a hard line conservative and has always strived to have a news outlet that showed HIS view, or how he wants people to see it. That he is a political activist who owns and manages Fox News.. Wait, they are supposed to be the good guys right? Fair and balanced right? Far right...


Im done guys, its been fun. Like I said earlier, no one is going to have a come to jesus moment here..

Madseason, if you truely do not know who Rupert Murdock is.. Then wow, im just sorry.. And a bit amazed you would even try make a stand here without that primary knowledge..

Hey Lost. Read carefully. Exactly what did I say that made you think I don't know who Rupert Murdock is? I'm serious here. What did I say that made you mistakenly think I said that. Is anybody reading anything? So, Lost, start over, read my post again, and get back to me with any specific points you have. And, Lost, answer the question I directed at you, if you can. Oh wait, you can't, you're "done." I'll be here.

P.S. - Cut and pasting talking points from a consertive website is bullshit. Common people, think and research for yourselvs.

I don't think this is directed at me, but if it is, I am a writer. All my words are my own, period. I would love to see it proven otherwise. In fact, I've given you plenty of things to go "think and research for yourselvs."



well im done to lol im just sayin fuck the federal reserve much luv ill see u farmers back @ the garden were politics don't exist lol im going hermit from the crazy world for my entire first harvest so i guess im getting my views out b4 i go into a new world! im way ready!

ill be so busy with my indoor grow, my outdoor vege garden, my shrooms and such i should enjoy my lil journey!


You asked me to tell you. If you knew, why did you ask?

Like I said, im done here. :)

Happy MJ growing :)


well im done to lol im just sayin fuck the federal reserve much luv ill see u farmers back @ the garden were politics don't exist lol im going hermit from the crazy world for my entire first harvest so i guess im getting my views out b4 i go into a new world! im way ready!

ill be so busy with my indoor grow, my outdoor vege garden, my shrooms and such i should enjoy my lil journey!

Hey, its all good. Its when it get all personal that it needs to end.

One of the greatest things about America is that we can all say, "No i think its really this way. And someone else can say, no I think its this way.", And its all good!

It when people cannot be civil that really pisses me off. Hell, i didn't like Bush, bush or reagan, but I never tried to incite people to violence (ya, i said it, you know they are) or tell other republicans that they were bad people. I waited my turn and did my part win or lose. I never had any dilusions about politics. Never thought obstructionism made any fucking sense.. Just me :)


Madseason - I said "If you truely do not know who Rupert Murdock.." And when on to say then I would be sorry for you. You appearantly do know who he is and I do not appreciate the game :)


You asked me to tell you. If you knew, why did you ask?

Like I said, im done here. :)

Happy MJ growing :)

I asked you a very specific question that you still have not answered. Why Lost? Why can't you answer the question I asked, instead of what you think I asked. I mean it. Go back and read my post and QUOTE ME where I asked who he was. I did not ask you, "who is ruport murdoch?", so get over it. I damn well know who he is. Now, answer my original question to you, if you can???

I think you can't answer the question because the answer destroys your whole premise that this video "The Obama Deception" is some sort of FOX news production.


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