Oopsi's Journal

  • Thread starter Ooopsi
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Observation: Some days ago I bought a 'Brita' water filter tank with 8L capacity. My tap water runs at ph 7,8 and around 680 ppm. After filtering the water through the tank and letting it sit for 24h, ph automatically drops to about 6,5 and the ppm are about 310. For a small grow like mine... quite fine...
I'm curious about how ph will be after adding nutes for the next feeding....

Love this one: COFFIN SCENE
I actually prefer the original movie but that face... that face... LOL!
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Day 24
To me, everything (except for the mutant... hehe) seems fine. T: 24C - 25C, RH: 50% - 55%
Next watering, I'll be feeding 0,25ml/L BioGrow & 0,25ml/L Root-Juice, just to give them a little push before growth kicks in... hopefully...

@SKYWALKER420: couldn't reply to your pm but thanks a lot! Precious information seeing that light in action in the same sized tent than mine! Keep it growing and have a nice weekend!


Day 25
@Seraphim19 Many thanks for the BioBizz feeding schedule you're providing in the auto flower section! I'll be simply going to stick to that chart when feeding. Great info!!!
I didn't feed anything until now so started with 1ml/l Root-Juice and 1ml/L Bio-Grow, but I'm going to raise the nutes slowly until I reach your numbers. Having no molasses, I'll add some little Algamic as well.
The plants are starting to show the very first small pistils so I guess, the fun will begin soon...
Plants are looking fine too in my opinion.. Temp: 25C, dropped RH to 50%, ph 6,4
IMG 8391

I also pretty liked that 'auto in a cup' competition, so I just dropped a blueberry into one. Just for fun. My Blueberry in a lens.. hehe.. I'm pretty curious to see if I get it to grow or not...

IMG 8404


Ordered some new seeds today.
Queen Seeds: Royal Bluematic
Queen Seeds: Royal Creamatic
Queen Seeds: Royal AK Automatic
Grow your own collection: Florida Lemons (uh... looks shweet, can't wait to grow that one!)
For free: Zamnesia: Blueberry automatic
Okok... Maybe 2 or 3 more autoflowering runs and than I'm done with autoflowers... Maybe... Really can't make up my mind sometimes... :P

Good n8, good f8!


Day 29
I've bent them over for good... All 3 plants still looking fine. Yay!
BUT: still no pistils... Thought so but nah... never mind. I can wait...
As long as they keep getting bigger and bushier before they start flowering I can live with that!

IMG 8424

And my seed in the cup is slowly starting to grow too... question is for how long... LOL!
Edit: I think as soon as the second leaf shows up, I'll make it flower... Can't veg it in that cup for weeks anyways... :P

IMG 8422
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Day 30
Pistils!!! Finally! Starting to slowly flip the nutes... More bloom, less grow...
Still looking good imho.
Plant 1& 2: LST

IMG 8430

Plant 3: Just gonna leave this one grow straight up

IMG 8427

Some stupid involuntary changes: I had to move all 4 plants out of the veg box and into the flower box as I had to take the first one down. The problem is: there's still 2 photos finishing in the flower box and I can't switch the light schedule to 20/4 so I guess I'll have to put the autos under 12/12 as well. I know it's going to be a loss in yield but that's how it is. I think I will still be fine with these 3 autos in the end. No harm done.

Oh and yes, plant 4 was a blueberry. Didn't mention it in this journal. No auto. Someone's going to be happy tonight ....


Question: Ambient and radiant temperatures.

Short: is there some rule of thumb considering the relation between ambient and radiant heat?

Long: well, supposing temperature is always measured in the shade, I try to keep my canopy exactly at 25C / 77F. Measured in the shade of course. I simply placed a larger bottle cap over the probe to hide it from direct light. Placed it right under the light, at height of canopy. On top of that bottle cap, I placed another thermometer to read the radiant temps. It's in direct light and it varies between 28C - 33C (82,4F - 91,4F). Fan blowing over the tops and a fogger misting from below.

I read that plants can take up to 40-50C radiant heat so I guess even 33C radiant heat makes no problems at all. Handtest feels fine.

My question however is: is there any optimal relation between ambient and radiant to be really on the safer side? I found it quite hard to find some decent information about all that so... Yeah... Guess everything's fine but I just like to be informed and know stuff...


I don't know how many times I rewrote these custom BioBiz schedules ....
I just took an average of all he posts I've read so far. Now this is my last one I think...I hope...
The one for the autos has been simply copied from Seraphim's auto flower tutorial.
Is there anything you would change/disagree with... any tips from the more experienced BioBizz users in here maybe?
PS: I often experienced nute-burn with the official schedule so i tend to the lower side of the scale. Has been working good so far considering the burn but than again, buds seem to stay quite small... any help on that would also be highly appreciated!
Thanks a lot in advance dudes!

Screen Shot 2016 01 29 at 182803


Day 40
Flowering day 11
Quick iphone picture update.
Threw the 'salad'-mutant away. I just didn't like its looks so now I have a bit more space to let the other grow. Not doing the scrog after all so I removed the net.
Ambient temp: 24C, Radiant temp: 29C, RH: +~ 40%. Feeding 2,5 grow, 1 bloom, 1 algamic & 1 heaven.
Ps: that burnt tip in the lower left corner is from my f***ed up Shiva Skunk. Waiting for that disaster to finally finish to get some more free room. A bit sad I couldn't keep the autos on 20/4 because of that last photo-period. I bet they would have been much bigger by now...
Maybe I'll switch back to 20/4 as soon as the Shiva has finished. I read this should be no problem with autosflowers but I'm not so sure about that yet. Any thoughts on that?

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The Blueberry in the lens did not last long. I touched it with my elbow while cleaning the box. The plant tilted and than I accidentally sucked it up with the vacuum cleaner! All foliage was gone in a fraction of a second. Of course... Typical!... :/


Hey nice thread. Your plants look really healthy and happy.

What the heck kind of lens do you have?!?! Those are some crisp pictures my friend.

The Blueberry in the lens did not last long. I touched it with my elbow while cleaning the box. The plant tilted and than I accidentally sucked it up with the vacuum cleaner! All foliage was gone in a fraction of a second. Of course... Typical!... :/
Hahahaha I've done that before, and I constantly rip off fan leaves accidently with the shop vac. Sry not laughing at you just with you


@hiiipower bahaha.. are you kiddin'??? That made my day!!! Not feeling so alone anymore now.. LOL! Welcome to the club!!! Thinkin' I was the only one capable of doing such a thing... haha...
Lens used? I'm working with my old Canon EOS 5DMII and for the closeups I always use the 100mm USM 2.8. Great lens btw! I'm also quickly post-processing the images just a bit in Lightroom to get neutral colors and bit more contrast as I'm working with RAW-images. When exporting the pictures as jpg I set the sharpness to max (sharpen for screen) maybe that's why they look so sharp ;)
BTW: if you need any advice on photography.. just ask.. I am quite new to growing but when it comes to photography... I might be able to help people out ^^
Thanks a lot for stopping by and your encouraging words!!! Have a great day my friend!!!


I rock some lullaby music to em at night lol
Rockabye lullabies rock! Like led zeppelin or tool for babies. Good idea haha!!!
And here a small update on the SuperSkunks and the blueberry as promised. Skunks are doing great I think. Did some pruning today like pinching smaller budsites and tiny leaves on the bottom. Going slowly on it though. Don't want to stress them too much.

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