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  • Thread starter dirk d
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Use my mind?? haha very rich coming from someone who's very close minded.. I use my whole mind which is why I dont care if I learn the truth bro, I embrace it. I'm not out looking for a zillion different conspiracy's because I only need this 1 to prove how rigged your political belief system is. You arent too busy to watch the video you sit on this site quite a bit debating politics and other topics(writing full length romance novels about Obama and how good our system is for example), you easily have time to watch but you will come up with any excuse to not have to change your view and its because you're a coward. BTW I had a good laugh about the physics part.. The fact you cant or rather WONT comprehend a planes nose unable to go through the entire building(completely intact,not even a dent) is hilarious. If a bird can dent a planes nose you argue steel cant because its a different object?? wtf man... how are YOU telling me to use my mind here. Ace Baker takes 3 shots of the planes nose before entry and 3 after the exit.. you cant tell which one is which.

You say Im a disease? You watch the world burn under its current power and are too gutless and afraid to learn the truth and take your freedoms back. you'd rather wave your flag, vote on someone who was put there not elected and eat a nice greasy cheese burger while everything turns to complete shit because tards like you think the government and the people running it are a bunch of angels. I spit on you for even entering this conversation, you say you seen a bunch of these videos, bullshit. Its obvious I made your blood boil and you didnt even watch the video, psychologists would say the problem is your unwillingness to look at the truth because you will do or say anything to not change your "World View". World view is the part of your mentality that makes you believe "America is #1!!!" "We're the good guys!!!" "Terrorists are evil, we need to have our freedoms taken away to protect us!!!" Just leave this thread bro, nobody asked for you to come in here, stir shit up and keep babbling with no proof to even discredit me. Shit gets old dealing with people like you man.. That button you were talking about.. I used to wanna push it on people like you, but I realized it takes time and patience for people to come to terms with this horrible shit. Either watch the video, tell me Im still wrong or agree with me.. otherwise you are of no use to this thread and are just being completely ignorant. The hardest part about listening to you, is you wont give me a proper chance.. you just come in here guns a blazin and wont even listen to reason and thats what makes my blood boil. Atleast watch the video and debunk me instead of taking the traditional lazy way out and just plugging your ears and saying "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU LA LA LA LA LA"
dirk d

dirk d

"They that can give up essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, Deserve neither Liberty or Safety" Benjamin Franklin



Fear Not!
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” – Thomas Jefferson
Good ole Tom thought the goverment back then was the enemy.
We need to break out that Constitution and use it rein in our out of control goverment.


Fear Not!
the most gagged person in the history of the United States
Eye opener
give it a min of your time

Our Government doesn't want you to hear what she has to say^^^^^^^



The truth doesn't hide, and it's not easily hidden. If its in video form, there's nothing that can stop it.


Really? Guess this is where I say JFK. And don't argue this one with me Squig. I *know* firearms and ballistics.

It is a physical and mechanical *impossibility* for Oswald to have done what they claimed with a piece of shit 6.5mm Carcano on a downward traversing angle , in point of actual *fact* it would take quite a marksman to do it utilising available *modern* equipment.

How about a variety of *truths* surrounding the airport at Mena Arkansas? Or certain events in south Louisiana that happened behind thos goings-on?

Or hey , Gary Webb shot himself twice in the head right?

The *truth* can be and does get concealed , more often than one thinks.


I honestly do not understand how anyone believes the "magic bullet theory" haha it's like 9/11 of it's time haha seriously the guy tries to change the debt/money situation and boombam brains in the street


Really? Guess this is where I say JFK. And don't argue this one with me Squig. I *know* firearms and ballistics.

It is a physical and mechanical *impossibility* for Oswald to have done what they claimed with a piece of shit 6.5mm Carcano on a downward traversing angle , in point of actual *fact* it would take quite a marksman to do it utilising available *modern* equipment.

How about a variety of *truths* surrounding the airport at Mena Arkansas? Or certain events in south Louisiana that happened behind thos goings-on?

Or hey , Gary Webb shot himself twice in the head right?

The *truth* can be and does get concealed , more often than one thinks.

That is true--but what I said is that it's not easily hidden.

What I meant by that is that the truth isn't hidden in a youtube video.

I've been an NRA member going on 20 years now, and have been shooting since the age of 3. I'm not a bad shot at all--and I know a little about ballistics (and physics). As it goes to the JFK incident--it's not impossible, it's improbable. We don't know how well Oswald was trained, hell there's a lot we don't know.

Maybe it was a shady assassination--there were certainly plenty of people with motive to have him dead.

All I'm saying is no one is blowing the truth open on youtube--we'd be foolish to think that. Conspiracy theories are often far too elaborate to describe reality. The truth is, as I've said before, that there isn't a need for conspiracies--people who are shitheads simply know what needs to happen innately. The rich know what's good for the rich, so to speak. They don't have to have a "rich club" with rules and plots to do things that benefit the group.

Often times the people do know who each other are, and they are friends--but they, again, don't need to have some super secret society or some big overarching maniacal plan. Sometimes individual people getting together making many shitty decisions equals out to a much bigger clusterfuck than could've first been imagined.

Read up a bit on game theory for a model of this (the wiki page should do well enough).

My explanation for all of goings on behind most of the theories is that people are greedy--and at each step it made sense for a greedy person to do the thing they did. If JFK did go down under shady circumstances it probably didn't need to be a conspiracy--there was no shortage of individuals who wanted him dead.

The idea that 9.11 was a American born conspiracy is absolutely appalling to me. The rest of the stuff I can deal with--and I can't disprove. But this shit needs to have a cork put in it. 3,000 Americans died and a shitty shitty person did it, don't bail him out by blaming Bush (no matter what you think of him, I'm sure none of us can imagine what it's like to have that happen on your watch as a president).

Absolutely repugnant if you ask me.

The rest of it, speculate away, but as far as I'm concerned any American who thinks 9.11 was orchestrated by an American can get the fuck out of the country. You're unwanted.

As for the physics of the building falling and things along that line--I don't want to hear from anyone without at least a Master's in physics/structural engineering. It's a joke that anyone without such a degree would believe that they have the expertise to determine whether or not a given source on the issue is credible. I'll say that again in a different way for dramatic effect: If you are not an expert, you are not capable of properly judging the claims of an expert--yet people do it internally all the time, believing they know something which they do not. Again this goes back to people's need to understand and to explain.

Essentially, if you don't know physics--you don't know if someone else does either. For this reason I go with the 99% of all physicists who agree the circumstances were legit. I don't believe the conspiracy is a million people strong.

That is to say that almost none of you would have the foggiest idea if someone was speaking the truth to you about the physics or making the shit up on the spot.

A few people on this board have gone about convincing people that they know stuff about chemistry, by knowing just enough to sound knowledgeable--but in truth they couldn't have been spouting more nonsensical bullshit if they had been trying to (something which I was happy to point out :p ).

This brings up a relevant news article I recently read based on a study that was done, I urge you guys to give it a look see--it's a good read.



Haha all those physicists work for our gov. Or I'm sure for companies owned by biggest banks. All those American physicists you speak of probably imagined what happend to JFK when he called big dogs out, so they decided to agree with what happend. I love it lmao wasnt one fact something like the air security hadn't had any incidents in years but had like 4 breakdowns in one day lol

Sorry to say squiggly but you are the 1% on 9/11 bc 99 believe we did this to ourselves. You really believe all that shit about Bin laden ? So you must belIeve that the seal team attack on him that they made into a history channel segment is real? Haha yea our special forces would actually reveal the exact strategy and procedures we took to capture a guy we supplie weapons to for years and then send him out to sea? Bullshit since when does US give two shits about the religious side of things
dirk d

dirk d

The rest of it, speculate away, but as far as I'm concerned any American who thinks 9.11 was orchestrated by an American can get the fuck out of the country. You're unwanted.

You know squiggly you seem like an intelligent person. But i always find "the sheep" come out with a statement like this. If you don't like the government of the USA trying to exploit its citizens then get the hell out!!! this is a very unamerican statement.

If you thing this then maybe you should get out of America. The founding fathers said that the government needs to be kept in check but i guess since i dont have a masters in constitutional law you don't want to hear that from me.

And as far as the building collapsing. I don't have a masters in engineering but i do know what a thermite cut looks like.



I am with the majority on this one. Conspiracies happen. Of course its human nature. As for 9-11, all i had to see was the response on Bush's face to know something really wrong was going on. The invasion of individual rights post 9-11 was nothing short of phenomenal as well. Squiggly, President Clinton wrote that there were two things he wanted to find out when taking office: who killed J.f.k., and what happened at Roswell. He never received a conclusive answer for either. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe like some that everything is a conspiracy.....that is a gloomy path at best, but at the same time I will not believe that everything happens the way we are told, big money and big motives do play a big part in our government. How do you explain groups like the Bilderbergs?
dirk d

dirk d



Squig , all due respect. The series of shots Oswald allegedly fired is *impossible* with the designated 6.5 Manlicher carcano. You are aware that they were sold in the back of outdoor mags of the era for 16.95 to 20 bucks? J U N K.............never seen one that wasn't , 6.5 x 52 isn't a bad caliber but the platform is ( again) J U N K.

Now consider that for a moment , given the available hardware and other cartridges of the era why would someone enaged in such crap choose a substandard rifle ( phased out by the freaking Italian Army no less) in an obsolete military caliber over other available hardware and chamberings?

And look.........the film doesn't lie , their 'official explanations' don't wash P E R I O D , JFK was shot from the front.

the 9/11 thing? Until some shows me something beyond bullshit hyperbole it's just a dog and pony show to me. Those who like to talk about the " Plane couldn't penetrate" might want to take a close look at Tornado phenomenon..........like cardboard driven into and through a tree. Velocity/mass etc.etc........you know what I mean.
dirk d

dirk d

Here's a nice research paper on nano-thermites found in the dust of WTC 1,2 and 7.

Here's an MIT Engineer speaking on the Collapse of WTC buildings i found interesting

part 2


You know squiggly you seem like an intelligent person. But i always find "the sheep" come out with a statement like this. If you don't like the government of the USA trying to exploit its citizens then get the hell out!!! this is a very unamerican statement.

Look dude, when you make wild claims--I put the burden of proof on you.

You have not shown me any proof which even approaches something which would put to bed any reasonable doubts I might have about just about any of the shit you've said.

I'm sorry dude, but my requirements for being convinced of something are a bit higher than "a guy I know nothing about said something in a youtube video one time."

Frankly, I believe it's unamerican to be so easily duped into believing shit without the proper backup. That really is the main thing that separates us from other countries--we educated the masses. Everyone doesn't end up being Doogie Houser--but we expect a baseline intelligence from citizens, or at least I do.

You seem to have been convinced that google is some almighty oracle which would never do you wrong. It just isn't that way dude.

I'm sorry to say it again, but everyone is not out to get you--if they were, you'd be fucking got by now.

Here's something you probably didn't expect. I actually just the research paper you posted. I found a surprise inside.

The scientists publishing the paper have this thing called ethical standards--and as a result they've made it painfully clear that their results were inconclusive in terms of actually proving any wrongdoing or conspiracy. There are quite a few places where the writer takes liberties with their comparisons (vast over generalizations unbecoming a scientist)--a great example of one such place is where the researchers discuss comparing the red particles to paint. They seem to have ruled out all paints in the known world simply by noting that one type of paint had a particular reaction to MEK. To any reasonable scientist's eye, the sentence structure and reasoning in this paper will raise red flags.

That said, though, a good portion of what's in there is just plain old good analysis. Sadly for you, it doesn't actually mean all of the nasty things you probably want it to me if you know how to read it. I suppose it's lucky for me that you aren't qualified to judge the expertise of any of the people involved with this paper--and that as a result I don't need to take you opinion on the analysis seriously, especially when my own has shored up my own suspicion that this--like everything else you post--doesn't actually prove anything, but simply says stuff.

Oh and to this:

And as far as the building collapsing. I don't have a masters in engineering but i do know what a thermite cut looks like.

Actually--you probably don't. One of the things you'd end up with (generally) to be able to identify something like this would be an engineering degree. Unless you personally make thermite cuts on the daily, I'm not buying what you're selling here. I think you're taking on characteristics and abilities which you do not actually possess so that you can prove your point on the internet.

Squig , all due respect. The series of shots Oswald allegedly fired is *impossible* with the designated 6.5 Manlicher carcano. You are aware that they were sold in the back of outdoor mags of the era for 16.95 to 20 bucks? J U N K.............never seen one that wasn't , 6.5 x 52 isn't a bad caliber but the platform is ( again) J U N K.

Now consider that for a moment , given the available hardware and other cartridges of the era why would someone enaged in such crap choose a substandard rifle ( phased out by the freaking Italian Army no less) in an obsolete military caliber over other available hardware and chamberings?

And look.........the film doesn't lie , their 'official explanations' don't wash P E R I O D , JFK was shot from the front.

the 9/11 thing? Until some shows me something beyond bullshit hyperbole it's just a dog and pony show to me. Those who like to talk about the " Plane couldn't penetrate" might want to take a close look at Tornado phenomenon..........like cardboard driven into and through a tree. Velocity/mass etc.etc........you know what I mean.

Now Bluenote, much of that might be true, but I'd say the same thing to you as I have to dirk (although perhaps less abrasively). I'm not certain that what you've presented here really represents an effective proof against the plausibility of Oswald. I get it that you have this expertise in this area, but at the same time I think the burden of proof rests on you here--and that you've just not done an airtight job of convincing me that it had to have happened the way you said it did.

That's the real crux. I don't want to hear about a conspiracy theory. I want conspiracy proof. No one ever seems to have that--though I'll give you some credit here for getting probably the closest of everyone I've ever seen to presenting something like this.

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