Pets on the Farm

  • Thread starter Canappa
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Sad day today, Have today had good bye to my oldest Tyson he spent his senior years with me, he lived 14 great years of his life and will be missed by many

I never seen another dog so obsessed about his toy He love it and even though he could not play no more he still managed to hold on to it to the end.

RIp my friend and thank you for the many great memories....

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Sorry for your loss Canappa, after recently losing my dog a few months ago, I know how you feel. But you have others to keep the joy going.
RIP Tyson,


Premium Member
Almost lost ours ran off all day couple weeks ago Were found on down the hill on the road at night..
Why would they runn off? They sleep in bed with us, get freshly made breakfast and dinner with grass fed beef every night and yet they wander.. Gate was left open.
the one dog 8 years old could barely walk for several days.
Their also have been mountain lion sightings..

We had a Boston named Orson. He would turn savage when my bro and I woulld pretend to fight. He was real defensive of who ever was getting attacked..
He would also attack dad when we got whoppings...




I rely on bird powered beak trimmers along with patients and hand trimming..No automated trimmers allowed here either.As you see my Eclectus Parrot does a great job cleaning and he also manicures bud for me..

Both him and his brother also help process my stem material into pulp and fiber. This allows me to incorporate this material back into my living Vegan soil mix as well as my compost bins and piles.. Those stems can take a while to break down otherwise..

When he is done shredding leaves we like to allow a portion to be used as a general healthy vitamin and nutrient supplementation for my small zoo. Fresh Canna Greens are something many animals love to eat, even reptiles like Iguanas and Bearded Dragons. The insects I keep and breed as well along with their offspring intended for feeders are also fed Cannabis for its nutritional value...

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I rely on bird powered beak trimmers along with patients and hand trimming..No automated trimmers allowed here either.As you see my Eclectus Parrot does a great job cleaning and he also manicures bud for me..

Both him and his brother also help process my stem material into pulp and fiber. This allows me to incorporate this material back into my living Vegan soil mix as well as my compost bins and piles.. Those stems can take a while to break down otherwise..

When he is done shredding leaves we like to allow a portion to be used as a general healthy vitamin and nutrient supplementation for my small zoo. Fresh Canna Greens are something many animals love to eat, even reptiles like Iguanas and Bearded Dragons. The insects I keep and breed as well along with their offspring intended for feeders are also fed Cannabis for its nutritional value...

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Nice looking bird peace pipe. So the leaves and stems are safe for birds if grown totally organic?


Nice looking bird peace pipe. So the leaves and stems are safe for birds if grown totally organic?

Yes I have never seen any ill consequences in any of my feathers friends nor my scaled ones or furred ones either and I only feed them raw vegan grown organics due to traces of drugs and chemicals found in animal matter exp. Blood and Bone meals.

Some people spread rumors that the barbs (in layman's term,) are often associated with stomach troubles when eating raw Cannabis leaves. This is preposterous though considering in ancient Tiebetan and Indian culture the raw leaves were eaten whole to treat stomach ailments. Must of been someone who witnessed a cat repetitively vomit up fresh raw Cannabis leaves that started this nonsense herban myth. Or was it just another form of propaganda? Makes me wonder, but then again I do like to analyze a little excessively at times :) I like to follow the daring Veterinarians that are exploring the world of Cannibinoids in this field and practice.

Either way yes it is perfectly fine to feed raw Cannabis to animals in general. Moderation is the key being that the mammalian and reptilian body can process Cannibinoids through biological means via stomach. Would not want to get them high and euphoric or stoned stupid either.

One can induce a Cannabis induced coma if dosages levels are high enough. So no feeding a bag of trim to the horse or dog lol... Again I stress moderation is the key for raw leaf to be a beneficial in the aspect of health. The endocanibinoid system is amazing, and when supplemented in balance it is even more amazing in its rapid response to disease and other health issues.

I wonder about the reptilian family though but I do know most Reptile vitamin supplements are derived from hemp seed meal. Hemp and Cannabis are one plant in my opinion and even though they are different they are not in many aspects. I believe we can all benefit from Raw Cannabis as the studies Dr,Courtney and others have indicated.. We are all related my friend and connected we are to our loved ones be they with scales, feathers or fur. I feel we owe it to them to use a holistic approach to their health care in general, especially with all the environmental poisoning none of us can escape. Regardless of no reptile data they too are related and connected to the whole so I feed them the leaves as well as their prey

One may never know but this may be prolonging their little lives too.. None the less, it is anything but harmful..Even when titration and dosage levels are miscalculated decarboxylated Cannabis & Concentrates will not kill an animal. Coma may be induced due to this but the body will simply reject the excess of the dosage through purging of the stomach even when an animal is under the coma (very dangerous due to choking risks). Long story short its best to use fresh cannabis as a health supplement verses the decarboxylated and dried. This is where the psychoactive effects become most apparent and that induced coma I menion only happens with decarboxylated cannabis luckily due to that whole process of the carbon molecule and exchange that takes place..

Sorry to ramble lol Just wanted to clarify and let others know that animals can benefit or suffer from Cannabis...Google my dog ate my stash and read the endless comments and sad stories ..Cannabinoids are digested and turned into new chemicals, especially material that has been decarboxylated.......PeacePipe
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Almost lost ours ran off all day couple weeks ago Were found on down the hill on the road at night..
Why would they runn off? They sleep in bed with us, get freshly made breakfast and dinner with grass fed beef every night and yet they wander.. Gate was left open.
the one dog 8 years old could barely walk for several days.
Their also have been mountain lion sightings..

We had a Boston named Orson. He would turn savage when my bro and I woulld pretend to fight. He was real defensive of who ever was getting attacked..
He would also attack dad when we got whoppings...

Good that you found them thats always a good feeling. My Girl has been lost 3 times already, my fault but I have them chipped and tagged so when they find her I have got her back each time. Tyson that just past away, hated little kids. He would bite them if tried go near him, I adopted him when he was 9 guess he was abused by childen?


Premium Member

Heres what we have been feeding our dogs for years.
Have never fed commercial dog food. The Vets are brainwashed into Science diet and other crap dog foods.
We use the Original and mix with raw grass fed beef, eggs, all types of veggies..
Feed less , our dogs are incredibly healthy and live up to 17 years as our last dog did..


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