Plans for the new season

  • Thread starter CollieMan760
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So with all those ingredients Dre, after they are all mixed together and have reached 80, i throw it in my smart pots and top feed it with the same compost pile later? im confused a little. and with the beneficials being in the soil, what do you feed them with? i hear cats using Agave? molasses also! hey thank you again everyone! your input is appreciated!
Awesome info Dre, this is the reason I joined the farm. who makes caps bennies? sorry if that was a stupid question

The only stupid question is a unasked one. this is the place for all your growing questions. You can get caps beenies at . Capulator is actually a member here check out the tree farming section he hangs there. If cut my soil recipe in half you would kill it still and not have to worry bout neighbors. Go organic and you won't be happier. I'm not hating on liquid nutes, shit I run them in my hydro just know organic is what I like . Strains I like bubba kush katsu cut, check out thcbay on here Devine has feminized seeds and his crosses are sick. Anymore questions feel free to ask.


Guy who digs fat girls
Cman ya just mix, water once and let sit 4 to six weeks. Fill smart to top with this mix if your new to growing this is great you never have to feed just water there is plenty of food already in this mix. Caps teas or optional. If first grow don't use them use this mix and just watch and observe you'll pick up on things. I used this mix my first year growing but in 200 gallon smart pots hit a 4.5 lb plant and where I'm at that's insane because of our short season in Cali it normal.


Really Dre? even if im only using 30 gal smart pots? i feel like the roots will power through 30 gallons quick! I havent used Caps Bennies, but im running beneficials in my indoor crop and they dont seem to hate it. i was planning on utilizing Teas in my regimen and incorporating foliar feeds as well. good job with 4.5lb by the way. my hope is that i will get somewhere near that number! i gotta eat!


Guy who digs fat girls
Cman ur right they will over power but they are going no matter what u do in those 30 gallon bags unless u up them to 100s. U will able to hit 2 max in 30 gallon bags. One option u have is to veg outdoor for two weeks and start taking them inside every night for a light dep crop doing so u should be able to get two crops by end of season


Dre, Thats exactly what i was doing! ha, i am actually going to run 4 crops this season. Currently, i have 4 indoor in veg getting ready for the outdoor season and am going to light dep my greenhouse. the others will be started outdoors and deprived of light at different times so i can keep a steady harvest every month and a quarter. Back to the discussion though, even in 30 gal, would i still not need to feed them? or just keep my eyes open for deficiencies and tend to them as they arise?


Guy who digs fat girls
You won't have deficiencies. no need to even veg indoor for that long clone veg 3 week from rooted clone a put outside. I find Transitioning is harder for bigger plant so in the end the small ones do better IMO


dre, he specifically says that his operation is too big to grow organic in his thread and says he uses foxfarms. he said if he were a smaller scale he would go organic but at this scale it is too hard. he said he doesn't even have time to make teas and that he might utilize a local company that trucks tea in. He makes his own soil but other then that he is salts bro.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

What is the soil/dirt like in the backyard? Why are California outdoor growers always digging holes and filling them with soil mixes or not even digging and growing in 100 gallon pots or kiddie pools?

If I could do this legally in my backyard I would remove the layer of lawn and make the start of a mulch pile with it. Then I would rent a rototiller and till the ground. Then I would add a large amount of composted cow manure, horse manure or alpaca manure and rototill that into the ground. I would then lime the entire area and work that in. If the ground has worms fine. If not I would buy a few thousand worms and scatter them about. Then water the entire area and cover with straw.

That would be so much easier then mixing huge batches of soil and you have endless root space. Every year you worked the garden it would get better.


Guy who digs fat girls
dre, he specifically says that his operation is too big to grow organic in his thread and says he uses foxfarms. he said if he were a smaller scale he would go organic but at this scale it is too hard. he said he doesn't even have time to make teas and that he might utilize a local company that trucks tea in. He makes his own soil but other then that he is salts bro.
First post what not organic about that. please show me where he said he uses salt. He based his soil mix off Tom hills mixs.


Guy who digs fat girls
What is the soil/dirt like in the backyard? Why are California outdoor growers always digging holes and filling them with soil mixes or not even digging and growing in 100 gallon pots or kiddie pools?

If I could do this legally in my backyard I would remove the layer of lawn and make the start of a mulch pile with it. Then I would rent a rototiller and till the ground. Then I would add a large amount of composted cow manure, horse manure or alpaca manure and rototill that into the ground. I would then lime the entire area and work that in. If the ground has worms fine. If not I would buy a few thousand worms and scatter them about. Then water the entire area and cover with straw.

That would be so much easier then mixing huge batches of soil and you have endless root space. Every year you worked the garden it would get better.

I got rock and hard ass ground I'm in desert hard to do that
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I know some places you just can't do it. But in Cali there are vineyards and big farms. They must till the land.


i would totally do something like that IF it was my backyard and not my parents
What is the soil/dirt like in the backyard? Why are California outdoor growers always digging holes and filling them with soil mixes or not even digging and growing in 100 gallon pots or kiddie pools?

If I could do this legally in my backyard I would remove the layer of lawn and make the start of a mulch pile with it. Then I would rent a rototiller and till the ground. Then I would add a large amount of composted cow manure, horse manure or alpaca manure and rototill that into the ground. I would then lime the entire area and work that in. If the ground has worms fine. If not I would buy a few thousand worms and scatter them about. Then water the entire area and cover with straw.

That would be so much easier then mixing huge batches of soil and you have endless root space. Every year you worked the garden it would get better.


Living dead girl
What is the soil/dirt like in the backyard? Why are California outdoor growers always digging holes and filling them with soil mixes or not even digging and growing in 100 gallon pots or kiddie pools?

If I could do this legally in my backyard I would remove the layer of lawn and make the start of a mulch pile with it. Then I would rent a rototiller and till the ground. Then I would add a large amount of composted cow manure, horse manure or alpaca manure and rototill that into the ground. I would then lime the entire area and work that in. If the ground has worms fine. If not I would buy a few thousand worms and scatter them about. Then water the entire area and cover with straw.

That would be so much easier then mixing huge batches of soil and you have endless root space. Every year you worked the garden it would get better.
For me it's because my own soil is heavy clay, emphasis on the heavy and the clay. Pot just doesn't get very big in that kind of soil, plus it's very deficient in Ca. It's chock full of worms, but worms don't equal well mineralized or friable. So, without a tractor to dig up the holes, it's a LOT easier, like as in a qualified metric shit-ton easier, for me to make above-ground beds, pots, what have you, fill those with soil and get my grow on.

That said, I have been cover cropping and working to build up my soil profile, but that's already taken YEARS, and I expect many years more before I get in the range of an appropriate level of organic matter.

As for the rest of them? I'm going to guess that they go with what's proven and easy, the vast majority.


Guy who digs fat girls
read the whole thread and you will see

Quote from humboltlocals thread

The weather has been a little cold and rainy but the hoops are paying off. Well worth the extra effort. The girls don't seam to be missing a beat.
We will be applying for Clean Green Certification here real soon so I will let everyone know how that process goes. We need more Organic, healthy, pesticide, and chemical free meds in the collectives. Our patients deserve it.

Now tell me why he would say this using chemicals/salts he did say he didn't have the time to make compost teas because how big his garden is and lack of man power. So yes he had a 500 gl truck bring tea in.

Please read his thread again as I did. I'm not arguing just don't want farmers given wrong info. I based my outdoor growing from humboltlocal he based his from Tom hill.

It's ok to be wrong bro I have been many times!
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People ask me all the time what brand of nutes I use thinking that is the secret to big plants and buds. I actually don't use any bottled nutes. I do use a couple different Organic mite sprays that come in bottles but that is about it. This year I am also trying Brix Mix as a foliar spray. I do a really hot soil mix and I top dress with high nitrogen bat guano and earth worm castings during veg. During bud I will switch to high phosphorus bat guano. I will also be using some locally made compost tea. I also use the EWC as a foliar and soil drench. Good ol Organics is the secret to huge plants and rock hard buds. Those companies want you to think that you can only get it from a bottle but don't believe the hype. Good genetics play a huge role as well. All these threads about what nutes work best just make me laugh. All the claims by these companies are ridiculous. If you want to know what the best fertilizer is read my sig. I have friends that grow indoors in soil and don't fertilize even once and they grow some of the best indoor I have ever seen so don't think they are needed there either. That is also on very large grows in case you were wondering.
A lot of love and dedication is what it really takes to get big bushy plants

I guess i got some things mixed up you were right but here is what he said Sorry for the misinformation everyone
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Clay soil is a pain in the ass seamaiden. I was just wondering. What type of soil do those huge Cali vineyards have?

I think making soil mixes is fun but I don't know about mixing 100 gallons for 50-100 containers though.

Farming of any kind, big and small is work. I can't do the guerilla grows I used to do when I was younger. Digging a few hundred holes in the wilds and carrying out the seedlings in milk cartons that I used and doing it while sneaking around at 12 midnight until the wee hours of the morning. No can do anymore.

I envy backyard growers even though I know it is still a lot of hard work.


Living dead girl
Depends on where they are. If I were just a bit downcountry I'd be sitting on some really good soil.

I got a 6'cu concrete mixer, and my husband used his inheritance for a tractor and some other equipment. I personally don't find mixing soil and fucking around with that stuff to be fun, at all. It's a chore, but if Sea wants good weed, it's gotta be done. Nothing worth anything ever came easy, right?
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I like touching the soil and breaking up the clumps. I guess like some people like popping bubble wrap. LOL! I like digging and rototilling too. My wife loves it too. We are groundhogs in human bodies.

CollieMan mixes, containers and fertilizers are important for the end results but there are two other factors that probably make or break yield and the overall end results.

One is putting your stuff out too early when the nights are not short enough. Now in legal places they keep regular light bulbs on for awhile after sundown. That keeps the plants vegging. If plants start to flower in April it will continue to flower into May and then slowly to start to reveg and won't really get vegging again until late. They will always be messed up and they will yield very poorly.

The other is water. Outdoors in the sun they grow fast and drink lots of water. The sun and wind also factor in. You don't want to overwater although with good drainage it is hard to do and in the ground it is almost impossible to overwater. To get big plants and big yields takes lots of water. They can drink 5-10 gallons a days easily.

If this was already obvious to you please take it as a positive. It doesn't hurt to bring good information into a discussion because somebody reading won't know. I didn't know they used lights to get an early start until a few years ago. Of course if I did that here the police would soon follow.
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