Post your Organic Soil Mix

  • Thread starter justiceman
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Living dead girl
Yessir, I reuse my soil. I figure if I throw it outside then some plant outside grows in it right? :p

I don't add guanos, nothing against them, just not my preference. I'm a big fan of vermicompost and getting some good humus in your soil (I ain't talking Atheno's, and I ain't talking about Leonardite ;) ) I'm trying to track down some good pumice to add for aeration. It's a pain in the arse to break up this lava rock with a hammer!

You already hit on what's really good for aeration--rice hulls & biochar. Truly, IMO/IME better than perlite by a year.
honestly, all I do is pull the main root ball sometime in december or jan after the rains so it pulls easier

I think my fungi and bacteria in the soil do most of the break down of everything else, but if you aren't sure then yeah you can use an enzyme product to facilitate an acceleration.
I don't bother pulling the root balls, I just yank the main stalk if it's in the way of planting. This year I'm doing cover crops to help reduce watering, have you ever tried that before? My goal is to keep the soil alive and covered throughout the year.

I could have sworn that Pro-Mix (recommended for those who use soil-blocking techniques) is a mix of coir and peat, along with a couple of other goodies. I have a bale of that and Sunshine peat in my basement, I guess I'll have to go take a look!


You already hit on what's really good for aeration--rice hulls & biochar. Truly, IMO/IME better than perlite by a year.
I don't bother pulling the root balls, I just yank the main stalk if it's in the way of planting. This year I'm doing cover crops to help reduce watering, have you ever tried that before? My goal is to keep the soil alive and covered throughout the year.

I could have sworn that Pro-Mix (recommended for those who use soil-blocking techniques) is a mix of coir and peat, along with a couple of other goodies. I have a bale of that and Sunshine peat in my basement, I guess I'll have to go take a look!

I agree with SG...HP and BX do not have coir..but they have a new one called "HP-CC" that does have coir.


all I know is from my personal experience, and plants that I grew in hd peat alone as the main base were smaller and yellower that in sunshine or promix brands.

so everyone is clear here, sunshine and promix are peat based, but better for growing plants than home depots peat. It is a simple fact if you have grown in both side by side.

and yes, reuse your soil.
Once again, I'm going to politely disagree. This is your experience with Home Depot's Peat (which isn't actually home depot brand, but ok w/e). My guess is you didn't aerate it enough, or had some other issue going on. Mine don't have any problem with the organic peat from Lowes or HD. I have seen many growers do amazing grows with this peat, and I myself have had great grows with it. In fact, I had more problems with Promix compacting (since it's chopped and heated for shipment).

@E.T. That is very similar to the mix I use. I've been leaving out the Azomite and Rock Phosphate. I still need to pick up some Karanja.

HD peat with soil mix and an application of SST v2.0


You already hit on what's really good for aeration--rice hulls & biochar. Truly, IMO/IME better than perlite by a year.
I don't bother pulling the root balls, I just yank the main stalk if it's in the way of planting. This year I'm doing cover crops to help reduce watering, have you ever tried that before? My goal is to keep the soil alive and covered throughout the year.

I could have sworn that Pro-Mix (recommended for those who use soil-blocking techniques) is a mix of coir and peat, along with a couple of other goodies. I have a bale of that and Sunshine peat in my basement, I guess I'll have to go take a look!
Seamaiden, I totally agree. Perlite breaks up, floats to the top, really isn't my favorite. Lately, I've really been digging the lava rock and scoria - still need to source some pumice. I have not tried the cover crops, but I have seen several people using some clover, and I thought it loooked like something to check out!

There are many different bags for promix. I have even seen an organic one that was sold at a hardware store. If I'm not mistaken, Promix actually makes at least one of the HD brands. I believe it is Premier. However, this version is not heated and chopped before shipment and only costs a fraction of the price and is not at the hydro store... Hmmm. ;)



Living dead girl
@E.T. That is very similar to the mix I use. I've been leaving out the Azomite and Rock Phosphate. I still need to pick up some Karanja.

HD peat with soil mix and an application of SST v2.0

View attachment 329604

Why have you left out the Azomite and SRP/RP? I'll have to look again, but are you covered otherwise for the rest of the mineral profile..? Crap, I just took my first hits of the morning and now I've forgotten, you're using lava rock or pumice..? Or have you simply found it to be an extraneous addition?


Why have you left out the Azomite and SRP/RP? I'll have to look again, but are you covered otherwise for the rest of the mineral profile..? Crap, I just took my first hits of the morning and now I've forgotten, you're using lava rock or pumice..? Or have you simply found it to be an extraneous addition?
Azomite has aluminum. It is good for minerals, but I feel I can get the minerals without the aluminum. Rock Phosphate there has been talk of this becoming/or is arsenic (Been I while hope I'm not mis-remembering). In addition, I did a lot of reading of the amount of P in farm crop soil; basically the years with the best crops it was all over the board. Imho I don't think plants need that much P.

And I'm using Lava rock and Scoria atm. As soon as I can source some good sized pumice I will add that as well. I figure if you have access to it, why not have a little variety right? Oh, and I added about 3-4c of GRD per cu ft of soil mix! Scoria is a basalt base.

And I just woke up and need some coffee! :p


^ love the garden:-)looks neet + tidy.
Once again, I'm going to politely disagree. This is your experience with Home Depot's Peat (which isn't actually home depot brand, but ok w/e). My guess is you didn't aerate it enough, or had some other issue going on. Mine don't have any problem with the organic peat from Lowes or HD. I have seen many growers do amazing grows with this peat, and I myself have had great grows with it. In fact, I had more problems with Promix compacting (since it's chopped and heated for shipment).

@E.T. That is very similar to the mix I use. I've been leaving out the Azomite and Rock Phosphate. I still need to pick up some Karanja.

HD peat with soil mix and an application of SST v2.0

View attachment 329604

Seamaiden, I totally agree. Perlite breaks up, floats to the top, really isn't my favorite. Lately, I've really been digging the lava rock and scoria - still need to source some pumice. I have not tried the cover crops, but I have seen several people using some clover, and I thought it loooked like something to check out!

There are many different bags for promix. I have even seen an organic one that was sold at a hardware store. If I'm not mistaken, Promix actually makes at least one of the HD brands. I believe it is Premier. However, this version is not heated and chopped before shipment and only costs a fraction of the price and is not at the hydro store... Hmmm. ;)



all I know is from my personal experience, and plants that I grew in hd peat alone as the main base were smaller and yellower that in sunshine or promix brands.

so everyone is clear here, sunshine and promix are peat based, but better for growing plants than home depots peat. It is a simple fact if you have grown in both side by side.

and yes, reuse your soil.
yeah i can see that. peat ive read as a ,stand alone, is not good at buffering etc. ive read A LOT of logs on riu about new growers.shit even longer termers try a pure peat,moss meduia + there nearly crying about a month later when their plants are only 1,2,inch ugly yellow things!idk why.there never seemed to be anyone on there who knew. ?
just my 02:-)


Living dead girl
Seamaiden, I totally agree. Perlite breaks up, floats to the top, really isn't my favorite. Lately, I've really been digging the lava rock and scoria - still need to source some pumice. I have not tried the cover crops, but I have seen several people using some clover, and I thought it loooked like something to check out!

If you do try cover crops, try to create a guild with as many cover crops as possible. It creates diversity and can be easier to maintain and keep going. This year I only had amaranth and red clover available, so that's what I used to start, but then I was able to get bulk fenugreek, so I added some of that. If I remember to buy some bulk mustard, I'll add that, along with anything else that piques my curiosity. I just remembered, I should probably go trim my cover crops, the amaranth does get rather TALL.


hey sea:-) can u tell me what soil blocking gtechniques are please? i use just curious.oh + that link up 2, biochar!is amazing .i cant beleive it holds all that co2,s etc.AMAZING im goina try it as an organic gardner i need some yeild increasing tips.and are u using ur biochar? how much bio char tp ?50,l of soil:-)please kinda like,the orracle,:-)ha.need to know about ?sommet?ask sea:-)thanks sea+ we all love your knowledge:-)+ you mate. peace
what is
You already hit on what's really good for aeration--rice hulls & biochar. Truly, IMO/IME better than perlite by a year.
I don't bother pulling the root balls, I just yank the main stalk if it's in the way of planting. This year I'm doing cover crops to help reduce watering, have you ever tried that before? My goal is to keep the soil alive and covered throughout the year.

I could have sworn that Pro-Mix (recommended for those who use soil-blocking techniques) is a mix of coir and peat, along with a couple of other goodies. I have a bale of that and Sunshine peat in my basement, I guess I'll have to go take a look!


Living dead girl
Soil blocking is another planting method for food production growers. You HAVE to get the mix right or it won't stay in a block. Pain in the ass, I never explored it farther.

A little goes a looooooonng way with biochar. I've done some beds outdoors, but need to figure out a better way to get it done because for me it was time-intensive, too time-intensive, to get a small amount. I used rice hulls in an open-air method, creating a small fire and then burying it, and keeping the vent holes buried as soon as they come up. The goal is to get the hulls or other material charred, but not burned to ash, ya dig? Think: carbon.

So, for my soil beds less than an inch of char would be plenty. For indoor growing, I would make a mix with about 10% char at most. You can substitute a few things for making your own char, like activated carbon, but that could get expensive. The goal is to create a home for microbes that is also chemically active and 'locks' onto nutrients.


Living dead girl
I have used it, years ago, but it needs to be broken up. Smaller pieces are better, provide much better surface area.


I have used it, years ago, but it needs to be broken up. Smaller pieces are better, provide much better surface area.
Well, I already have the hammer out breaking up the lava rock. lol. Maybe I should try running it over with a car?!



so could i bust open an old carbon filter?and use that?.that sounds waay to easy, ive read about using charcoal.bbq gear aswell + ,somehow, inpregnating it with micros!it said a 1,inch ,single layer about 10% way up the pot and? exellent results?.idk. can u use crushed powdered plain charcoal?that may sound stupid but carbon remember?.i mean now im thinking charcoal might have ?some value.surelly. what you think seamaiden?.. lol ive got a few old carbon be cool if i could do?sommet benneficiall+ enritching for my lil garden! im really needing a lot of meds from a 1.2.tent+ 680,watts of hps.i refuse to go fully would defeat the purpose of it being a med.,FOR ME, if it had chems in!. i CANT use a harsh chem diet.FOR MY SAKE. i want all the yeild increasing tips for a lil organic INDOOR is there anywere you can just buy bio char?i mean all that.i couldnt make it i really couldnt.
Soil blocking is another planting method for food production growers. You HAVE to get the mix right or it won't stay in a block. Pain in the ass, I never explored it farther.

A little goes a looooooonng way with biochar. I've done some beds outdoors, but need to figure out a better way to get it done because for me it was time-intensive, too time-intensive, to get a small amount. I used rice hulls in an open-air method, creating a small fire and then burying it, and keeping the vent holes buried as soon as they come up. The goal is to get the hulls or other material charred, but not burned to ash, ya dig? Think: carbon.

So, for my soil beds less than an inch of char would be plenty. For indoor growing, I would make a mix with about 10% char at most. You can substitute a few things for making your own char, like activated carbon, but that could get expensive. The goal is to create a home for microbes that is also chemically active and 'locks' onto nutrients.


Living dead girl
Yep, you could bust up an old carbon filter. It likely has many sites (molecule-size) that are already 'locked' or 'filled' with something else, but I wouldn't be surprised if microbes could still make a home, and maybe washing the carbon would help free up those sites further.

For me, charcoal is different from carbon, but that's another issue.

Mix the carbon into the soil mixture. I don't know why you can't use crushed or powdered, it would mean even more surface area as long as it doesn't get washed out with each watering, ya dig? There is, at this point, no place I'm aware of where you can just go and buy some bio-char. I say reuse those old filters, especially if they're not doing anything for you anymore.


ah now thats soo cool.ive got about a half dozen filters.even 1,thats got a ,speciall virgin, carbon init:-)lol. w.t? yeah my mountain air big air series +a few cheaper jobbies.ive been wondering how to get rid of em heavy ass things literally for yrs should i wash the carbon with ?plain cold water?or is there something ?speciall sure with my head i could even make some silencers with the empty filter cages.i mean fill em with fire proof foam or ? thats another how much of the carbon would you use sea,in about a 50,l sak of good organic Usoil? sorry to ask a hundred questions bBUT this is a WHOLE NEW high teck me,whos used to bio canna or biobizz eh.its exiting aswell cos if you do it.or would it must be decent!.thanks sea. i understand if im comin at ya sorry.just really keen wh,:-) .+ yeah i dig.:-)
Yep, you could bust up an old carbon filter. It likely has many sites (molecule-size) that are already 'locked' or 'filled' with something else, but I wouldn't be surprised if microbes could still make a home, and maybe washing the carbon would help free up those sites further.

For me, charcoal is different from carbon, but that's another issue.

Mix the carbon into the soil mixture. I don't know why you can't use crushed or powdered, it would mean even more surface area as long as it doesn't get washed out with each watering, ya dig? There is, at this point, no place I'm aware of where you can just go and buy some bio-char. I say reuse those old filters, especially if they're not doing anything for you anymore.
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