POTorNOT, NEEDS? crazy concierge

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homework complete
cheese lights
atf x cbd
the fruity pebbles cross
due to the vaired aromes
depending on time of day
sweet n fruity to skunks butthole
and i think godfather og
would suit em.
i think the entire wheel, or as much as I've managed to capture, would freak em.

i been stressed about this
for daze

cause if i fuck it up

i just wasted 4mo and probably $700 is for em, in expenses, alone.

eq genetics needs to get out n sponsor some grows

their reviews r pretty nonexistent
as to medicinal effects
they're shit at puttin em down
but the structure and production of every strain I've grown of theirz
is flawless
and clearly
they chose winnerz
I've yet to c an immature seed from em
unfortunately, they don't ship...
pac seeds- no complaints. very generous people
did have 5% immature
but what do we expect
when seeking recent cup winnerz n new, trendy poop... they're fantastic n beat the shipping expectations
i never troubled em about 1 in 20...
dutch seed shop
no comment
but their white widow xtrm was
scary strong
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i don't have to look up myrcene

mimed looks for it

all i need to know

he feels it gets him high

this is what ocd shitzophrenic looks like

just to pick which seeds

y everything freaks me

i have to trainspotting

crawl up the ass of everything i commit to

like so

reminds me of my tap water issues
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it's interesting to see cbn cbd cbda thc thca cbg and others
having positive influences
whether activated, or not
and that i should've grabbed the stank chart for comps


slayer is a lil maddening for... shit it's almost 11... i better get to the garden chores

i send g ur way, big eazy d


3ish chem males of 5ish. they're a

how to c the diff and they all happen to b taller, as is their tendency

imma leave em, at least another day and if they happen to nut, which is unlikely, so b it.

couple reminders

we have how bad 600ppm fried em as linglings
how well they recover
how healthy green looks, under my lighting n how bad too high N looks, as well.
one of the lings in t3 shows signs of heat, or more likely, fry... can look similar
i do need to calibrate my ph pen

i have my suspicions it's off, over that single fan leaf and the amounts of ph up
I've had to use
this is a week-ish, in the beginning of forcing and we c how quickly from 24/24 to 12/12, the testes, drop. i don't c pistals on the short chems, with blue collars so i could ignore the stress of a treasure map, but based on 50/50 m/f odds n stereotypes of short f vs tall, quicker m's... they're likely, chix-w/o-dix; hopefully...
the males will go od, soon and I'll be an od growa, this season, jerking off the males n finally rereadin 710's pollen storage genius pm, once more so i can learn a thing with my own handz so i won't forget the years of experience he imparted me, with a wink n prolly 20min puttin it down in a pm i am happy to share... just prefer not to have to review a history of my crazy in pm, til i absolutely must.
i did just fim those 3 malez so let's not confuse new growth with a pair of grape bunched hairy fellaz
i prolly lost a week of vert growth over the shock of 600fry (might b an ec of mmmm 1.2; i cheated
i forget the conversation equation, more oft than not. u.s. Americans were too stupid to conform and admit the British have as good a point...; as the rest of the whirled... we duneed to b rebels about everything, such as logic n reason. i should probably learn my ph pen, on ec... n not show my ignorance, but with tap kwrap, i got bigger problems.
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nice choice, Diesel. it'll help me remain calm
maybe i can sneak in triage a lil longer n fuck shit up for the farm, scaring off new recruit, sukkaz.

thank you

I'm leanin towards what's hiz... james Taylor
maybe ummm... some neil young. suggestions?


not what's his name, though- it'll trouble me that his genius died with em
envisioning a hourse on his last not neil young


as u know
it's 1120

i need a drink

i need to take something
yesterday's madness is beginning to wear off

she's still on the phone

she got a lil hurtt about the green bean casserole comments
didn't know i was playin


let us c what the kid's up to

maybe we can find something productive for today

took atf cbd combo

day 1... 2 caps... not the greatest for pain, but I'd like not to b mental n not have the crazy munchies, just one... for a change. it may already b in my 6 day, but i don't think so so... should b mild. it's 212° stuff.


i get to go shoot pool

at the vfw


diesel, have an awesome day!

try to catch u, tonight. she never got off phone
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