POTorNOT, NEEDS? crazy concierge

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this would be experimental, for me

the grow plug, is soaked

the cheese descendant doesn't care, 30ish minutes in, at 210ppm & 6.0

i usually root in the prop tray, to a few inches so... being able to skip a few days, is helpful to know. i don't soak em, in the prop tray.

g says i can claim the coffee maker, to kick off everclear's vag water. everclear is for pussycats. I'll take absinthe, or even jager, over eclear, any day.

i gave up my last 24/1 cbd, 5ml's, for a topical test, straight up strength, on shingles. if i c the person, again, I'll let u guys know.
i loathe that i might have to grow more... steaming pile of cow dung... but not if it works, for her. she has alergies, over 70yrs and booze n cig, compromised immune system.
she was opposed to thc beyond the 1%; notapot fan... no heart, or b.p. issues... no internal meds. allergic to opioids...


sux cause i never had a sunburn so bad, i blistered, before. second degree, if I'm not mistaken... and on the oil... it's of no consequence, pain wise. i could've given her, relief, in 30, internally. half the problem, is sensitive skin, being damaged by scratching and exposed to germs, in nails, etc.


Don’t wai for long tails. Little shorts are fine.
Get a pair of those wide tipped tweezers it helps a lot. Get em in tail down just below the hole. I always take a chunk out the top of the hole and set it aside till I get the seed in there then put it back loose just above the seed. Soak the plugs the day before so it’s room temp when your ready.
that's gold
thanks so much
yeah, the differences between what he's saying and what i did, this time: didn't cover hole, as he said. i thought i needed to go deeper and have damaged plenty of tails, by doing so and i don't soak em... they come premoistoned and I've read somewhere that people do soak em, still... but it's not a change I'll make because i have too bad a history, for drowning from peat, to rockwool, to whatever but he knows i appreciate the intel, regardless. i really kid glove em, with daily, syringe squirts. i use the hydroton for support and rh control. i don't have fluid, below. ain't the easiest method vs other trays i have, but one I've learned best, with.
just elaborating, for newer peeps.

thank you, diesel.

and also- he's sayin i can go from 24-36hr, initial pop, to the plugs- having longer/most established tails, of 2-4ish days, is hurtin my game.


Looks like D's the one whos really holding out!
welcome to the party, mang!
first times i believe I've run into you.
how are you? how's the fam?
help ya find anything u can't get?
how bout grow supplies? trying to clean out my closet/s.
what's ur medium? growin a while?
let's see some pics! u don't want me following ur journal, just trust me. already went on a tangent, over your first, recent pic. figured I'd better run home.
u smoke, or intake, how? growin for u, or targeting? whatcha smokin, whatcha growin! pics?

feels like Corona time


i was bashing the mbe2, against one solid, or another and thinkin bout the pound in the fzr, of twice washed... maybe, i should make some budder. urgh... heptane! not even sure how I'd go about it, with the solvent in there.


a wealthy man, whose lady has an autoimmune disorder and that pain thing nobody really knows what it is, so they treat em with 500 drugs... imma check her out. i don't want his money, BUT... he's intrigued and diy smark so if i can help her out, he might help out with a still, or rotary vac recovery system. knowing quality matters... he knows it's his people, it's for. if he wants to help, I'm going to let em. a still, in my mind, equates to special circumstances, far as I'm concerned, and booze production so... not lookin to waste time, researching booze: we will c what we will c.


i forget
but it's neurological pain
oil has zero problems with neuro.


i was just thinkin

there's a line around the 25/50k income bracket

and I'm wondering if the $1,200+,

won't cause a few folks

to have to pay, 5ish thou in taxes

for receiving that money, pushin em into the wonderful world of payin taxes...


Don’t wai for long tails. Little shorts are fine.
Get a pair of those wide tipped tweezers it helps a lot. Get em in tail down just below the hole. I always take a chunk out the top of the hole and set it aside till I get the seed in there then put it back loose just above the seed. Soak the plugs the day before so it’s room temp when your ready.
i want those clamping, forceps/hemostats! i have the hundread tweezer set... should've grabbed... u know, it wouldn't kill u diy, bowlers to make a couple very pot specific tools. a seedostat, curved/straight... locking and nonseedcrushin, would b extremely helpful! maybe even gyroscope levelled so when i shake from pot withdrawals (never know), i don't scrape the tails!

jaguar makes a good point about the bowling team, diversity. shoulda dropped some pennies n skirt checked. ain't nobody dunking the courts, on grass... i believe i just may not know how to speak to a lady.... it's a valid point... who hangs picks at 8'... besides my bedroom, as a kid... not a bit of paint, nor popcorn, which wasn't covered with some vealzyland, gland, padang padang, easter island, pipeline, Mavericks Maldives, surf pic.

regardless of which team ya bowl for, it's nice to meet you, dr J.

some of us weren't raised rich, diesel... we couldn't afford to practice our seed insertion, so to speak... that was only for ages 18 & up...

the last pic... bet his pics were 8'...
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i want those clamping, forceps/hemostats! i have the hundread tweezer set... should've grabbed... u know, it wouldn't kill u diy, bowlers to make a couple very pot specific tools. a seedostat, curved/straight... locking and nonseedcrushin, would b extremely helpful! maybe even gyroscope levelled so when i shake from pot withdrawals (never know), i don't scrape the tails!

jaguar makes a good point about the bowling team, diversity. shoulda dropped some pennies n skirt checked. ain't nobody dunking the courts, on grass... i believe i just may not know how to speak to a lady.... it's a valid point... who hangs picks at 8'... besides my bedroom, as a kid... not a bit of paint, nor popcorn, which wasn't covered with some vealzyland, gland, padang padang, easter island, pipeline, Mavericks Maldives, surf pic.

regardless of which team ya bowl for, it's nice to meet you, dr J.

some of us weren't raised rich, diesel... we couldn't afford to practice our seed insertion, so to speak... that was only for ages 18 & up...

the last pic... bet his pics were 8'...
insert this bro



and... if i catch em tanning, again...!!! there's a 50' gopher snake, chillin with my trashstands, in the crawlspace, under my hood! g's all freaked.
I'll get a pic, if i can. it's pretty... because it kills, all things that kill. pretty sure this is the feller, who fell in, during an argument which ended in, "I'm sure your right"... last snake season... because... why the f bother screwing yourself out of a happy ending, when ya know whatcha saw... did it make a mang less right to say, "I'm sure ur right"? do we not still have a snake, where one has always known- THEY LAY IN WAIT, JUST TO BE MY PERSONAL ESCORT TO THE REAPER OF WEEDEN! I'll try for a pic. i hear another neighbor, with a 3/4 property wall... seems to b breading king snakes. if it ain't the fangs, it'll b the heart attack, from slithering stinkeye.


and... if i catch em tanning, again...!!! there's a 50' gopher snake, chillin with my trashstands, in the crawlspace, under my hood! g's all freaked.
I'll get a pic, if i can. it's pretty... because it kills, all things that kill. pretty sure this is the feller, who fell in, during an argument which ended in, "I'm sure your right"... last snake season... because... why the f bother screwing yourself out of a happy ending, when ya know whatcha saw... did it make a mang less right to say, "I'm sure ur right"? do we not still have a snake, where one has always known- THEY LAY IN WAIT, JUST TO BE MY PERSONAL ESCORT TO THE REAPER OF WEEDEN! I'll try for a pic. i hear another neighbor, with a 3/4 property wall... seems to b breading king snakes. if it ain't the fangs, it'll b the heart attack, from slithering stinkeye.
ok harbor freight is clearly broken... but def insert this!



insert this bro


didn't come up.
saw the freightliner, but no item link. no... i know they have em, online and harbor always always, i get stuck in the cool, kid section (hobby lobby has same, kid section, with the da Vinci models n such) so i don't end up with some really expensive stuff I'll use once, break n say, "well, it was fun while it lasted".
I'm just not spending money on shiny stuff, these days, but thank you.
i just need to fine tune, my methods, to begin with. the shakes... aren't going to improve, with age so i need to grab em, soon as they pop, instead of breakin off the root... and try from that angle. i do have the every size tweezers... and should've gone with clamps, but the lovely g would've liberated them, as well... it's fine... I'll steal her closet, one of these days.

for anyone who feels like they're chasing their tails- i dump the shot glass, on a coffee, or creamer lid, where i can slide em away from the water... and then, tweeze, hopefully, without em spinnin and gettin pinched... is it me, or is it the little things!?
I'm tangenting... sorry. just need pics n that'll do.
mornin, jaguarlax. mornin, d...
imma try n put in some triage work n keep my... or rather, get my act together. small doses... I'd like to believe, I'm handling crazy, betta. not jackin so many threads... i don't believe. BESIDES MINE! nobody likes a smartash...


ok harbor freight is clearly broken... but def insert this!

urgh! & it's under ...!!! sob!!!!
diesel, tell jaguarlax, porn is not allowed! i might b a shopoholic, when it comes to pot gear. yup... i know they exist.
check this out:

ask dahmer- nothing says i love you, like a suture.
figured if my dog needs me to know how to stitch... well... with my shaky hands... best to just work on saying, "oops... my bad.".
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this would be a fun croud to do a secret santa with
scarey... but fun
diesel... gun... mosh... gun... dod... baseball bat... cat- a viscous dog... jaguarlax, would have me stumped.... nm- pot!


and as jaguarlax knows lab gear, by heart- I'm guessing decades of sticky icky, green thumb. answers that question.
J, imma crawl up ur pic history and stare and ooo and ahhh! & do my best to say as lil as possible, before i talk to myself, for 20pgs, on ur thread, but as u know clamps... i have got to see ur setup! and your harem! man, any tips r always, appreciated. and while i won't risk harbor freight, i do appreciate the suggestion. truly. i can't leave that shop, without a declined card. it's as bad as best buy, for me.


i couldn't look anymore.
not a single deficiency
i never even made it to the buds.
i hate people, who r just this good.
i like my girls to tell me what up.
jaguarlax's, never even have to ask. this is bullshit! argh!

anyway, this is what pot is supposed to look like... you'll just never see it, in my tent. wtf is the green-ISH/yellow stuff i grow?!

since i can't grow pot, i put in some other stuff, but what i really was lookin for, was lucky Billy's, gun vault; diff h.d....
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never understood y they made grow bags, black. i did, eventually see em in white. like what jaguar did with the top of one of his grow dealeos, with what looks like panda, for more efficiency. dam thorough growa! another, who puts me to shame. beautiful. simply, flawless, gorgeous. what strains u growing, now and what's cured? are u targeting any specific ailments?


740ish ppm. 6.3- +4ml down. 13ish gallon rez.

having seen Jaguar's diggs, am completely frustrated with prop tray and took even the sloppiests, to the cloner so i can handle nutes, more appropriately.
t2, above 700, wants flushed. got a lil canoeing/taco-ing/cigaring. sigh... maybe, tomorrow. the heart just ain't in it, enough. I'll get there.

so we're N deficient, N surplused, low rh, wind chapped and ummm... at 740, with any deficiency- 800ppm tends to b the max, in my setup, at 15-1600ppm diox, before going toxic/ nut burn. yeah... i need to flush, today... i prefer to run em lean.
I'm retarded. it's calmag and N they want.
flush day!
don't talk to me about the cigar. so pist i mist cmag. just takin for granted the 300ppm and originally good rhythm, adjusting to tap. urgh!
I'll fire it up at 1/2/3 with the flora trio. hold off on the boost and cmag til tomorrow, when it settles. I'll shoot for 400ppm, which would historically b around... meh... 20/40/60ml into the 13gal. and the tap will take that, to 700, with its 300, filthy ppm. we will see...

forgot to add water to humidifier, last night....
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