pre-harvest curing

  • Thread starter shadyslater
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Thanks BudBogart , the one I couldn't remember was Columbian Gold , I could see myself sitting on the beach smoking it :) , That was the $50.00 an ounce my buddy's older brother would get us . And yeah , we tried some carzy stuff but as you said , couldn't just go ask the establshment for sure :) . Took a long time to get good at it . Sure messed up alot of grows . When came around I could finally talk to other breeders and growers and ask them questions to see what they were doing . Even then it was some crazy shit . I found some great growers and breeder there as well .
Looks like I I owe Blaze an apology then , because if you were talking about all the carzy shit that was shared , you were right on the money :) Here's a good one, barry your weed in the ground after you get it a bit wet so it'll mold the weed and make it better . I had a friend, maybe when we were 13 years old who did that . I hope I didn't smoke the shit :)
Blaze , I don't know any " Hippies" that still grow as the 60's or 70's , maybe some of your friends, but I know of none who waste their time growing bud different other than we grow orgainic weed . Where do you think the good strains came from to start with ? The younger people ? To funny :) My buddies created the strains , Sour Deisel ect. we used to get the seeds for free from the breeders or trade our own strains for each others strains. I created alot of strains, RomP19 is one, Goggle Romp19 you'll find one of my strains that went around the world to other breeders and growers alike . They used the strains WE created , to create the strains that are being grown now from the breeders from around the world on , .
Bottom line, I have nothing I have to prove to any one, you can find me by Googling Marksurfs , or my strains . Not braggging, you just can .
Let me know when I can Google Blaze to see your work . Or maybe put up a link to your grow journal your doing right now , I'd love to see your work .
As far as for curing, I can tell you haven't got a clue what 3 year old bud even looks like as well as how it would taste or smell , so how would you know ?
Look up curing my Friend :) Long cures are better for flavor, terpin and smoothness of the smoke . The cure is perfect even aftr 3 years , you just have to make sure your jars stay cool or some of the THC would trun to CBD and it would be more couch lock rather that a up high as it is now :) .
For a buds flavor to come into itself, terpenes , taste ect . longer curing is the way to go .
The THC potency is going higher , but I can see but what you say you have no clue what good older strains are and why they're coveted . I've seen nothing that compares to the buds high or flavor that we got in the 60's and 70's . If I could get those seeds I'd grow them in a heart beat . I'd also breed them to a strong strain from now and create my own new strain .
I'm afraid my friend , you can't make great bud without staring from somewhere and it was through us "Older" growers , way before your time. No offense ;)
Not sure what the bud I grow now tests out to be THC wise but it kicks ass , send me the money and I'd be more than happy to have it tested :)

I remember about burying the weed. I was living just north of Mendocino, at Russian gulch, buried some in a coffee can. I doubt if I left it buried long enough to get much mold, lol.
I also tried curing by putting bud directly on some dry ice for a couple of days. I swore that bud was killer stony. Anyway, great to have you here, enjoy, and I hope you check out my NorCal outdoor grow and give any advice you feel will help. Peace


Fermentation is a chemical breakdown of complex compounds into their simpler forms and usually entails gas and heat release. This process is only possible if temperature exceeds 15 degrees Celsius and the marijuana’s moisture content is more than 15 percent.

Though fermentation is faster when the material is tightly packed, the fermentation rate is highly determined by moisture content. It then follows that there is no universal rate of ferment because moisture content varies among strain types. The varying content of nitrogen is also a controlling factor. The nitrogen gas is important in maintaining the bacteria needed in the entire fermentation process.
Fermentation is a delicate process which involves destroying the plant’s chlorophyll. Once this green pigment is gone, the cannabis will then exhibit a ripened appearance. The delicacy of this process is due to the fact that if fermentation happens too quickly, the grower will end up with compost and not a quality weed. So it is very important to keep a watchful eye on your cannabis during the whole process. Once your cannabis displays the preferred color, dry the grass at once to stop the fermentation.

It is also during the fermentation process that the grower can flavor the marijuana. This is where those blueberry and strawberry flavored weeds start.
That's why I say you need to know what you're doing .......


Fermentation is a chemical breakdown of complex compounds into their simpler forms and usually entails gas and heat release. This process is only possible if temperature exceeds 15 degrees Celsius and the marijuana’s moisture content is more than 15 percent.

Though fermentation is faster when the material is tightly packed, the fermentation rate is highly determined by moisture content. It then follows that there is no universal rate of ferment because moisture content varies among strain types. The varying content of nitrogen is also a controlling factor. The nitrogen gas is important in maintaining the bacteria needed in the entire fermentation process.
Fermentation is a delicate process which involves destroying the plant’s chlorophyll. Once this green pigment is gone, the cannabis will then exhibit a ripened appearance. The delicacy of this process is due to the fact that if fermentation happens too quickly, the grower will end up with compost and not a quality weed. So it is very important to keep a watchful eye on your cannabis during the whole process. Once your cannabis displays the preferred color, dry the grass at once to stop the fermentation.

It is also during the fermentation process that the grower can flavor the marijuana. This is where those blueberry and strawberry flavored weeds start.
That's why I say you need to know what you're doing .......

Hey Mark, good morning. I checked out one of your grow logs on another site. It was a romulan grow. Great diary, man. You show your thought process and why you do what you do.
You definitely got it going on and I know I would enjoy having you do a grow log here on the farm, especially your outdoor grow. I'm sure others would as well.
Sorry things got off to a bumpy start. I've never been on a forum where the people have been this polite, friendly and helpful until I found the farm. I hope you enjoy your time here. Anything you think I can help with, just holler. Peace


Thank you BudBogart :)
I saw the post here on this website when I was looking up others fermintation posts and had to respond to this one , so I'm glad Blaze got me to post :) .
If I can figure out how to post here with some of my good pictures of the grows then I'll post if you think people will be interested in checking it out .
As you know , that's alot of work on top of the growing :)
I have all the pictures taken for the grow journal still , so I could post the journal here as well . Maybe copy and paste alot of what I wrote with pictures ect. , so I'm not spending alot of time rewritting what I wrote and why as you said .
Good thought :)
I'ts also very nice for me to see someone fron Norcal posting thier grows . I've not seen that before other than me so to see your grow journal is very cool to me :) Nice work :)


Don't know who Blaze is , but you must be very young .I'm 59 next month , older growers don't do stupid shit unless they're trying something new out to up the game in plant size, yeild , potency to produce killer bud . I'm from the Emerald Triangle where most of the good bud comes from in the USA .
I'm good enough at growing to go into the business which is my goal , If I did stupid shit I wouldn't get very far .
In the 60's and 70's is when I started to get high , we had Thai , Pannama Red , Acapulco Gold ,
Sensimilla AKA Seedless Bud , some Mexican bud for $ 10 dollars an once that would make your head spin , strong enough that it was as though you drank way to much . DON'T shut your eyes or the whole place spins in cricles until you get sick , just like drinking to much . We also had buds that cost $50.00 an once back then and that was some good shit . If you had been there you'd know these things .
So you're talking from what kind of experience about older growers ?
Still haven't seen any bud that could match that Mexican shit , wish I had saved the seeds but I was only 12 then .
I've grow alot of bud . This is my grow journal link . Tell me us older " Hippie's " era can't type can't grow the BEST buds . I also am very picky about taste . If you don't cure your buds right , you'll have shit for weed , I don't care if was good before it was dried . If not done right you have hay or grass - lawn type taste .

I was talking and growing withthe breeders of today on OverGrowAmerica .com . All us old hippies were teaching you younger people how to grow. I was asked by the website administration to be a mentor . I asked them if their was anything they wanted me to do . The answer was to continue doing what you do. I posted journals of growing back in the year 2000 or so . So us old folk have many moons of growing .

As far as ferment, I have bud curing from 3 years ago still . That is some of the best smelling , tasting , excellent high bud I have . It started out as fruity aroma , cured - fermented as it sits in Gallon Mason Jars in boxes " Don't know how to cure ? , Right " . Those jars have been kept like I would wine in a nice cool place. It smells like fine wine from the fermentation. Burp them now and then . If you don't understand what that is, it's opening the jars to let fresh air in , then closing the lid
So looks like you have some leaerning to do if you're going to talk shit about older growers . I'm sure I'm old enough to be your dad , Blaze " .
Out grow me :)
Fermentation is a good thing, IF you know what your doing, or you may end up with mold if your bud going into the jars are to wet and aren't burped each day until the gases stop popping when you open the lid . The bud will start to smell like buds supposed to smelllike apposed to the green smell and taste , if not cure right .
You don't use goats to feremnt your buds , that's sick , at least not in the USA I ever heard of . non of us OLDER growers do stupid shit like that or even think about it .
I have better things to do with my bud than run them through a goats ass .
You use Mason Jars, the right moisture content and time for cure - fermentaion .
You want killer tasting buds , cure them right .
The jars that are 3 years old cure - fermentation , still let off gases and pop now and then when opened . The curing is continuing even after years . The bud gets better tasting as it cures - ferments . If they have around 10% humdity left in the bud it'll cure nicely -ferement nicely . Marksurfs 7/15/2016
Thank you sir, grow knowledge is power, we can grow and create such a wonderful plant because of what has been handed down through the years.


If you drown out your roots and create an anaerobic environment you will have PM problems, your resin content will decrease and subsequently your yield. Flush Hard and Heavy do not over do it too much. As in do not do this everyday! Also use chelates like fulvic preferred, molasses is good and Heavy16 Finish. You could do a weak kelp or tea brew too.


If you ferment bud you will surly have mold in there and no one wants to ingest that nasty stuff. Besides it stinks like ammonia. And no hippies, damnit, that is not the good shit!


If you mean by pre-harvest curing is by creating an end of cycle environment for your plants than seek my thread on creating a seasonal shift.


If you ferment bud you will surly have mold , not so .
It depends on if you've brought your moisture leves down to the right point.
Yes , you have created an end cycle to the plants environment and now are braking down the chlorophyll through your cure to get the best flavor as well as smoothness to the smoke .
If you don't know what your doing, you're correct.
With the perfect moisture content , you're cure wil smell of fine wine from the fruit amorma that came from the bud orignally , in my case .
It's really a very good cure more than ferement , though the smell is of the buds is something that has been fermented and there is enoughmoisture in the buds to keep them from drying out to the point they turn to dust.
It's very smooth , zero mold, never had any mold . If you don't know how to cure right , you'd be right . Otherwise the cure is to brake down the chlorophyll . Fermentation is a delicate process which involves destroying the plant’s chlorophyll. JUst as I posted . Marksurfs ...............


I totally agree that a very good SLOW cure is much more beneficial that fermentation. Curing and fermentation are not synonymous.


If you ferment bud you will surly have mold , not so .
It depends on if you've brought your moisture leves down to the right point.
Yes , you have created an end cycle to the plants environment and now are braking down the chlorophyll through your cure to get the best flavor as well as smoothness to the smoke .
If you don't know what your doing, you're correct.
With the perfect moisture content , you're cure wil smell of fine wine from the fruit amorma that came from the bud orignally , in my case .
It's really a very good cure more than ferement , though the smell is of the buds is something that has been fermented and there is enoughmoisture in the buds to keep them from drying out to the point they turn to dust.
It's very smooth , zero mold, never had any mold . If you don't know how to cure right , you'd be right . Otherwise the cure is to brake down the chlorophyll . Fermentation is a delicate process which involves destroying the plant’s chlorophyll. JUst as I posted . Marksurfs ...............

Hey Marksurf! Hadn't seen you posting, glad you are. I hope you keep watching my grow. I can always use your watchful eye cuz you know what you do. You can be a real help to some of us farmers shooting for excellence! Thanks for your help.


Hi BudBogart , thank you , I'm watching alright :) I have your grow bookmarked so I can click and see what you're up to . Any time you need help I'll be around . Seems you're doing just fine so far to me . I've been working on my own grow and journal and have been posting it at Toke City , with pictures and explanations of what I'm doing and why . Lots of work as you know to be a farmer , writter and camera man :) I check in on you ever day or so , if you need me I'll be here . You must have some good help here if they've helped you get to where you are now . Nice job to all your teachers aand advisors ! Marksurfs ...

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