Purple Closet in the Sky - LED v-scrog hydro

  • Thread starter jigfresh
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  1. Hello everyone,

    My name is jigfresh and I love growing marijuana. I also love the online experience of sharing my grows (and life) with you all. I started researching how to grow at the beginning of 2009, ended up joining a forum and buying some clones. The rest is history. I have made tons of friends from the forums, and not just online friends, but some we’ve taken to the real world. Hopefully I’ll make some more friends throughout this journal.

    I’ve had a bunch of different set ups in my little closet. It is 2’ x 3’ (~0.7 sq.m). I live in the mountains so the air is cool all year round helping with temps in the grow space. I also live in southern california, so the air is dry helping a lot with humidity. You should all live up here… ideal growing conditions. We even have amazingly clear tap water. I have tried both hydro and soil now, and I am definitely meant to do hydro. Soil was a horrible disaster. We won’t go there.

    So hydro, I have done a 30 gal DWC with 6 plants. I have done 5 gallon buckets. And now I am onto flooded tubes or NFT, whatever you would like to call it. I took the idea from Heath Robinson and made it work for me. There is a brand spankin’ new 27 gallon tank in the closet, and I’ll be using my old 4” soil pipe covered in aluminum tape. The only part to the system aside from the tank and tubes is the water pump/ hose. Gravity handles oxygenation of the water.

    I am starting from clones this round. They are supposedly Headband, but things aren’t 100% for sure. Potheads. :/ They were started in soil, so I washed them off when I got them home and put them in netpots. I used hyrdoton to hold them snugly in there. There will be 6 plants, 3 for each of the two levels. I’m thinking I’ll veg for about a month, depending on how fast they grow.

    So after all that talk I am finally to the exciting part. I’m trying LED’s !!! In the past I have used MH, HPS, and CMH bulbs. 250w, 400w, 1000w and many combinations of those. This is my first try with LED technology. I have been wanting to try it for a long time, but was hesitant to shell out the money for something I didn’t trust. As luck would have it I got an opportunity to test some lights for a company to see how well they work. I’m really hoping these things work out well… my wife doesn’t smoke and is not a big fan of the huge electricity bills. http://asset2.invalid.com/smilies/icon_smile.gif

    The lights are from GrowEvolution.com and are 150w each. I’m going to mount them vertically on the door of the closet to blast the plants against the other 3 walls. I have 3 of the 150w panels. They are truly bright bright bright. I bought welders goggles to wear around them. I’ve run 1000w hortilux eye’s before and they don’t touch how bright one of these panels are to the human eye. I think you could go blind real quick with these things not protecting yourself. Be careful out there kids.

    Because of the temperature difference with the LED’s vs the 1000w things are a little different in my closet than they are usually. I took out the 435 cfm and put in a 50 cfm fan. The thinking was too much air movement would keep the closet too cool… however I don’t like that the plants don’t have as much fresh air as before, and I’m also worried there will be humidity issues later in the grow when there’s a lot of vegetation. That bridge will get crossed when we get to it.

    Not sure what else to say at this point. I’m sure you guys will have some questions, I’ll do my best to answer them. All input is welcome, I appreciate advice although I’m not quick at taking it always. Be patient with me and we’ll figure this out together.

    Thanks for checking things out and let me know what you think.


    I keep the clones in the small DWC to grow their roots long enough to reach the bottoms of the tubes. They are long enough now, so I have to get to work putting the tubes back in the closet. Here is a video from yesterday. The only difference today is I added a second light to the mix.



Your humidity is way too low, at 20%. Needs to be in the upper fifties to sixties.

Your plants look hungry, maybe they want a bit more calcium nitrate?

Growth looks good, root development is very nice.
EC? pH?


That's incredibly high for my humidity. It's raining right now. It usually never registers a number, which means it's usually below 10%. It's dry here. There's not really room for humidifiers, and things get so tight that in flower I pull leaves quite a bit. To keep things from getting too wet... I've dealt with PM a few times and never want to again.

I am going to add some cal-mag, someone else suggested it too.

No idea on the EC, I just go off how they look. pH is between 5.5 and 6.0... I use drops so hard to tell.

Low tech around here.


That's incredibly high for my humidity. It's raining right now. It usually never registers a number, which means it's usually below 10%. It's dry here. There's not really room for humidifiers, and things get so tight that in flower I pull leaves quite a bit. To keep things from getting too wet... I've dealt with PM a few times and never want to again.

I am going to add some cal-mag, someone else suggested it too.

No idea on the EC, I just go off how they look. pH is between 5.5 and 6.0... I use drops so hard to tell.

Low tech around here.

Use wet towels, you have a small space and that should help a lot.

Don't use cal-mag, I was just warned off that stuff. Use calcium nitrate instead. For mag, use epsom salts- and you'll get sulphur as a bonus.

Dealing with powdery mildew is as easy as spraying high pH water on your plants regularly. Use potassium bicarbonate or potassium silicate. If you properly ventilate and keep the air moving around your plants, this too will really help with fungal issues, PM included.
Don Peppy

Don Peppy

Nice set up bro.. Hope the LEDS work out well for you. I've see some real nice results with them lately.. Southern Cal.. Sounds great. I'm looking at snowflakes.. Best DP


Welcome Don, urbanfog. Funny you mention snow, I'm looking at snow on my deck right now. While I live minutes from the warm sun, we are up 5,000 above the lovely Inland Empire. It's been snowing and dropping freezing rain for the past few days. It's miserable.


I've had some good growth over the past couple days.

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Hey there PaperStreet. There's not time in my life for two 600 threads, haha. Good idea though.

I got the plants in their final home. They look pretty happy. I'm not sure how I'm going to mount the lights though. We'll figure it out soon enough.

DSC 4515DSC 4524 DSC 4522


Ooooooh, hot n juicy gearporn! Love the LED in the vertical NFT pipe... very nice!

I think that slowing down your air turnover is a good idea, and here's another; if you haven't already, aim a fan straight up through the LED lights from floor level. The idea is as much about accelerating the heat current as it is about getting ventilation inside the cage.

Go on a serious leak hunt in your room. Plug every crack and hole, even power outlets leak. Do what it takes to get your humidity up and I think your setup will blow up hard! Considering what you've spent thus far in lights, a CO² system is a small additional cost for the benefit you'll see in your newly sealed room.


Thanks as always for the input ttystikk. Much appreciated. I do have a fan aimed upwards past the light. And the humidity is good.

Also I've only spent about $100 on this grow so far. I'm cheap.

Here's a new video.


looking great, how you liking the newer style led bulb? I keep seeing them more and more. Have been thinking about some supplimental lighting for the lower canopy of my scrog


I've never used LED"s before, so can't compare, but matched up with the HID's I been using these LED's kick the HID's ass! The plants are vegging harder than I've ever been able to accomplish in my little closet before. And I've vegged under 1000w Hortilux. I couldn't get the bulb close enough with the heat to get the intensity I wanted. It's really nice to not have a 6" inline fan going 24/7 as well. I'm using a 50 cfm fan and temps are less than 15 F above ambient. Oh... and these supposedly dray 450w total for the 3 (i've not checked on a kill a watt)... compared with 450w hid (not that those exist) but absolutely blows away the HID going watt to watt.

Let's see if these things can produce some worthy flowers. I'm picky about my buds... I'm hoping to be impressed.

Thanks for checking things out.
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