Recommended solutions to a neighborhood thief

  • Thread starter LoFive
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Just let them mold, thatll teach the prick.
rippers are smarter than that. not by much, but they come before the shit is truly ripe or before mold has had the chance to set in. have had quite a few crops ripped, most either still in veg (because leaf is grade a smoke ya know) or early flower (buds brodude).

long story short -- don't try to maim this motherfucker. no booby traps, no fish hooks, no nailed boards. since they know you grow, your options are one of two: move, or strap up. age doesn't mean shit. my 87 year old grandfather ran off many a tweeker from his property in Ignacio CO, oftentimes choosing to shoot first ask questions later. WWII vet, half blind, never hit his target but gotdammit he tried.

coming back to my point. be ready to kill or move.


I guess you all like having to spend shit tons of money on attorneys and spending time in the tank before you get sprung on bond. I get it. It's satisfying to get revenge on some scum bag that wants to steal from you. How much is that revenge worth to you and your family? Your freedom?

OP, it's not worth it. Probably the least legal exposure you would have would be from owning a dog and even then you're still open to litigation. A tough little Pittie will do the trick. If he shoots your dog you'll know. That's when you're 911 call stating shots fired/active shooter will bring PD to your front door but otherwise don't involve yourself in ANY interaction with him/her. If he attempts or enters your home you shoot him dead, call your attorney and have your attorney call PD while you calmly lay your weapon down and wait for him and PD to arrive. The fact that YOU initiated the call rather than them having to find you will setup the basis of your defense. Having the police look at the incident favorably for you since you called them will be what shows up on the report and is what the judge and DA will base their decision on in charging you or releasing you from liability. Actual justice and the law are almost polar opposites of each other. do you know he's carrying? Did he flash a gun into your camera shot? You can submit this to the police and file a report of an armed intruder trespassing on your property without mentioning the weed. The moment you mention weed, regardless of if it's legal in your state or not, will trigger the reefer madness response in them and will open you up to their preconceived notions about "potheads".

They probably already know who it is just by looking at your video since it's probably some dumbass crackhead that they've hauled in for various crimes. Doing this will also set up your defense if you do have to shoot the guy/girl. If you've reported prior incidents involving this person it will show that you aren't trying to take matters into your own hands. Courts hate when people do that and court is where you're going to be negotiating your freedom.
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I'm having an issue with a neighborhood thief stealing my plants since last year. I have cameras this time but obviously it's pretty easy to hide your face. He is strapped with a gun when confronted.

I'm too old for this shit and I have too much to lose going to jail especially over weed. I do live in a legal state of up to 4 plants. Does anyone have any recommendations on deterring or catching this bastard without legal consequence? Maybe a tiny tracking device with GPS history I can attach to the plant inconspicuously? I know, just grow inside... but I enjoy growing outdoors as it is way more cost efficient.
I love growing outdoors as well, here down under i have two australian cattle dogs, only a madman comes into my yard especially at night. Today's trespassers are tomorrow's dog shyt.


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
I'm hearing set traps, put cameras, etc.

I've seen a bunch of YouTube videos of thieves getting caught by those Apple GPS tag things. This one guy had someone stealing from him so he hid those Apple Tags in a bunch of stuff and set him up - he took it, and the GPS led him and the cops to his house where the cops were able to get a search warrant based on the GPS information. Good shit.

Hide some of those in your soil brodda.


The other alternative would be to shoot him and use him for fertilizer for your next grow......kidding! Don't do that!!!😬
I agree would make bad fertilizer... probably other alternatives for the bod?


I'm having an issue with a neighborhood thief stealing my plants since last year. I have cameras this time but obviously it's pretty easy to hide your face. He is strapped with a gun when confronted.

I'm too old for this shit and I have too much to lose going to jail especially over weed. I do live in a legal state of up to 4 plants. Does anyone have any recommendations on deterring or catching this bastard without legal consequence? Maybe a tiny tracking device with GPS history I can attach to the plant inconspicuously? I know, just grow inside... but I enjoy growing outdoors as it is way more cost efficient.
First off I'm sorry that this is happening. At this point the weed plants are irrelevant, you have an armed thief(every armed thief is a potential murderer) wandering your property and is out of control. As far as the law goes, well they've abandoned us so they're useless, it's your God given right to protect yourself and your property. I don't know the person's background ( gang affiliated? Operating alone?) and if you have him arrested his buddies may retaliate, I don't know. But what I do know is that it has to stop I would confront him(armed of course) and if he reaches for that smoke wagon and gives you shit then you give him hot lead! Do you live in one of the abandoned libtard states?


First off I'm sorry that this is happening. At this point the weed plants are irrelevant, you have an armed thief(every armed thief is a potential murderer) wandering your property and is out of control. As far as the law goes, well they've abandoned us so they're useless, it's your God given right to protect yourself and your property. I don't know the person's background ( gang affiliated? Operating alone?) and if you have him arrested his buddies may retaliate, I don't know. But what I do know is that it has to stop I would confront him(armed of course) and if he reaches for that smoke wagon and gives you shit then you give him hot lead! Do you live in one of the abandoned libtard states?
I live in one of those so called " libtard states " I think? Well anyway, my two friends in town who are the so called police who've " abandoned us " showed up to a scene where a mentally ill guy with a high powered rifle killed a guy and then barricaded himself in the house. One friend was shot, in the arm thankfully, before the shooter was killed. They probably saved many lives with no regard for their own safety.
I recall a very different police response at an elementary school in one of those states by the border.


First off I'm sorry that this is happening. At this point the weed plants are irrelevant, you have an armed thief(every armed thief is a potential murderer) wandering your property and is out of control. As far as the law goes, well they've abandoned us so they're useless, it's your God given right to protect yourself and your property. I don't know the person's background ( gang affiliated? Operating alone?) and if you have him arrested his buddies may retaliate, I don't know. But what I do know is that it has to stop I would confront him(armed of course) and if he reaches for that smoke wagon and gives you shit then you give him hot lead! Do you live in one of the abandoned libtard states?
Oh also, this state you probably hate has legal rec weed. 🙄


Depends on where you live, your state and local laws. I'm in Oklahoma and can use deadly force to defend my life and property. We have great 2A/gun laws and property rights. The only thing I can't do is keep firing when they are down and clearly out of the fight. Reload and a mag dump point blank into the perp is a no no. Otherwise a Home Defense, Self Defense or Property Defense is a good shoot. Once the shooting has been ruled a good shoot by the DA nobody can sue or otherwise come after you in the court system. We can't use boobie traps here at all. Reason being they could injure or kill emergency responders in execution of there duties so they are a go to prison no no. It sucks our world has come to such a place in time. But the trash is what it is and has to be dealt with.


Bear trap his ass...
Istockphoto 529315781 1024x1024


For a deterrent I go with the guy who said an electric livestock hotwire set up. Don’t cost a lot, get them at tractor supply, and could be configured to protect the grow area. I know from experience that they will deliver A memorable jolt! Most people use them with existing Barb or welded wire fencing. Nothing illegal about them.


If you live where I think you live, you might be breaking the law by not having your plants in an enclosure only accessible to the cultivator. So law enforcement might not be the best resource. I would suggest a metal chain link fence that’s six foot high with a pad lock to gain entry. Making it difficult for anyone other than a key holder to access the grow area. It might set you back a little bit of cash putting up a fence but in the long run you’ll be doing two things: covering your ass legally incase of further incident, and making it too difficult to steal in the first place. I think this might be a better course of action to take, it is certainly less controversial than some other suggestions as well. That being said if you are ever in a situation with someone who means you or your family harm then defend yourself and your family.


For a deterrent I go with the guy who said an electric livestock hotwire set up. Don’t cost a lot, get them at tractor supply, and could be configured to protect the grow area. I know from experience that they will deliver A memorable jolt! Most people use them with existing Barb or welded wire fencing. Nothing illegal about them.
You have to be careful and check local laws concerning electric fencing of any type in the city limits when used as a primary fence or integrated into a primary fence and many wont allow it to be used as a secondary fence if over "X" amount of voltage/amps. Some areas of the country you can't even string up electric fencing in the county or you have to have a permit to instal it. With a bit of thought I'm sure you can figure out what parts of the country have those rules.


If you live where I think you live, you might be breaking the law by not having your plants in an enclosure only accessible to the cultivator. So law enforcement might not be the best resource. I would suggest a metal chain link fence that’s six foot high with a pad lock to gain entry. Making it difficult for anyone other than a key holder to access the grow area. It might set you back a little bit of cash putting up a fence but in the long run you’ll be doing two things: covering your ass legally incase of further incident, and making it too difficult to steal in the first place. I think this might be a better course of action to take, it is certainly less controversial than some other suggestions as well. That being said if you are ever in a situation with someone who means you or your family harm then defend yourself and your family.
If you live where I think you live, you might be breaking the law by not having your plants in an enclosure only accessible to the cultivator. So law enforcement might not be the best resource. I would suggest a metal chain link fence that’s six foot high with a pad lock to gain entry. Making it difficult for anyone other than a key holder to access the grow area. It might set you back a little bit of cash putting up a fence but in the long run you’ll be doing two things: covering your ass legally incase of further incident, and making it too difficult to steal in the first place. I think this might be a better course of action to take, it is certainly less controversial than some other suggestions as well. That being said if you are ever in a situation with someone who means you or your family harm then defend yourself and your family.

Plants are fence enclosed and I live down beside a private road. It's not chain link but it's welded. We farm and have a bunch of livestock contained by electric fencing BEFORE the welded wire. He just walked right over the fucker and bent it, leaving boot prints and all. Even stepped on my goddamn watermelon vines in the process.

I know he will be back this Fall for my huge Banana Kush and others. I decided to transplant them all in the ground and hiding behind a tarp so he can't tell when they are ready for the chop. My auto flower that was stolen last month was slightly visible and he could see the leaf fade walking down the road, knowing it was about right.


You might just have to do the job bruh. If an armed guy treats the place like he owns it. Not many options. I'd delete this thread. And lay in wait.
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