RNC vs. DNC -- Will Medical Marijuana Decide the Election?

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Kyle mccall

Kyle mccall

Kyle Wrote: your all actually european who gave you your green card ? Well Kyle for your information, we are a melting pot here, I agree with that concept. If someone applies and stands in line like my mother in law did, great Welcome.. As Rosevelt said "we welcome all to America but we have no place for two flags"

To point out another fallacy of yours is that when the Spanish arrived here, they took Native American Slaves to mine silver, they did a much better job than the blacks. With my grandfather being burried on a reservation and a large portion of my life living there I can show you places where one tribe hung other tribes.. Land was taken call it hunting grounds, same thing as being owned. Do I really own my land? I'll try not paying my land taxes here and you will find I really don't own it either. The point is, your logic fails. Who is to say early inhabitants in the US were not European that were killed off by different tribes? DNA supports that theory, Clovis Technology from the Salutrian of France support that theory. Your point is?

Nations, native Americans included fight, win and lose, take land, possessions, rape, ect. Some want to see that it seems, us to go back to the dark ages, you think the other super powers wont fill the void and capitalize? I would like to see that overted, you may be speaking Chineese if you get your wish, they are patiently waiting
If your country is so bad as well as ours and it isn't worth AT LEAST expressing your voice and opinion by a popular vote,there are other countries that will take you, just not the western ones, we are all full of applicants and those that dont respect our application process for citizenship. From what I hear it is relatively easy to denounce your citizenship and apply to China or Russia, they will take you.

You know i'd written a nice long speech to put here but this is the re-write.

I don't need to change my citizenship as it's irrelevant to me i'am of this earth here to experience life with my rules and my desicion's you throw some theory work into our european greencard debate but you miss my point you continue to think getting lot's of people to vote will change something and in doing that im afraid you delude your self to how far every country has failed and is failing american , chinese , russian does'nt matter we don't belong to that country or own that country .
All this birth ceftificate, nationality just another way to single you out from the bigger picture from coming together as one give people the idea of individuality so they forget that we are in fact ONE
Kyle mccall

Kyle mccall

P.S like i said china and russia man you guy's in the usa are obbessed with these two why because you all think your the top three superpowers it does'nt matter china don't want to rampage round the world like the U.S they like to be left alone and russia well they just want to see you guys gone trust me when i go back to egypt to take my nice long break for 6 months russians and egyptians well lets just say these two countries and people love each other and have a great respect for each other america is hated pretty much everywhere in the world now to me its just another place where shit's going down and if your in the way they'll take everyone else down with them.

No offence intended to anyone just my own view of it however my view is only relevant to my life i do not have your life so i could not compare in many aspects but i respect your opinions either way :)



Actually go back to your study you say 4th grade social studies yes well how will that make you informed enough to make a desicion on a political candidate when he is talking about a certain subject like your study points out tax how can one talk about it when they hardly know anything about it 4th grade social studies is not going to learn them that or many other important issues.

I don't think that the two problems are one and the same.

The two problems are:

1. People don't understand the system of government, and as a result they tend to be more focused on aspects of the government which should be--overall--less important to them. A good example is the president vs. congress. It is VERY clear that the voter should be far more concerned with who is sitting in congress, because this body ultimately has far more power to change their experience as an American than does the president. While this is a foregone conclusion for any political science guy in the country, its something which is not known to the average voter.

2. People don't understand the specifics of the systems that elected officials will vote on well enough to judge how a particular candidate's vote will affect them personally, or the system at large. This follows from the article I posted, and is a fairly obvious result--although it is nice to see that the science backs it up.

In short, I DON'T think that solving one problem fixes the other, but I do think that both things are glaring problems.


At the end of the day regardless what the people want its all about the money. MMJ or Legal Herbal Vs. Court & Industrial Prison Complex. You decide what's more profitable and controlling.


At the end of the day regardless what the people want its all about the money. MMJ or Legal Herbal Vs. Court & Industrial Prison Complex. You decide what's more profitable and controlling.

It is all about the money, Ethos certainly talks about that but unlike many who complain Woody offers a solution and that is to effect the money, and they will react. Don't buy their product they will react, make laws exempting people from the industrial prison complex, they will react, and we will too. But don't waive a white flag in the air and sob. FIGHT

You know you brought up a good point and it actually PROVES voting can and will make a difference. Voter initiatives is the biggest weapon we have had in this just fight for MMJ. Politicians cannot ignore the people forever, eventually they have no more battle crys against us because we expose them for what they are, every time they try and do meddle. Example here in AZ the opposition is now trying to say they understand and sympathize with us, that things need to change, Why? Because they are getting killed in public forums and news comments for going against the voters.

Why put ballot initiatives out there if we dont' vote out the politicians why try to fight them? I don't vote someone in I vote them out!!!! As i stated before. I don't give a rats ass about the opponent of County Attourney Bill Montgomery, all I know is i want to make a statement to Bill and all his cronies the he's FIRED, his opponent is capitalizing on MMJ, so what , great. Perhaps if he is elected because I get off the couch he will remember the power all those who think like me have. They say weed makes you complacent, that it robs you of your ambition, I don't want to prove them right. Their warriors will show up at the ballot box, will ours?

The way i see it, political pacifists should not complain if things that are important to them are taken away or never materialize because they excuse themselves from a peaceful process. So for all of us who bring you legalization, I hope that you will not say "yeahhh we did it" Because no they sat on their asses and complained.

I think of a pictures of the French being executed in the war. One shot in the head falling into a pit, the next man in line, the next, how nice and polite of them not to resist.. This American would not go down like that.


I think of a pictures of the French being executed in the war. One shot in the head falling into a pit, the next man in line, the next, how nice and polite of them not to resist.. This American would not go down like that.

Exactly. You can bet that at, THE VERY LEAST, ONE nazi is going to get his dick pulled off/nuts smashed into oblivion/teeth knocked out (take your pick) before I take my shot to the dome piece.
Kyle mccall

Kyle mccall

This is a pointless debate because as typical human beings everyone thinks there right :)


MMJ will not decide this election I would be shocked if it even comes up. Obama doesnt want to talk about it cuz of other glaring issues here and overseas and Mitt doesnt want to talk about it cuz his backwoods views on it and will show his true agenda.


Theres a better chance of someone asking if they prefer sausage or pepperoni to win free pizza for life than there is of them asking about MJ legalization!
Darth Schwag

Darth Schwag

Is it just me or does anyone else think it is odd that the two major candidates for president absolutely refuse to discuss a topic that to date has destroyed millions of Americans?


There are a shit ton of other things even MORE important than MJ darth and they wont talk about those either,wars,illegal immigration,poverty,declining middle class,crooked corporations,i could go on and on but you get the point.they tell the people what they think they wanna hear or what will get them their vote,they could give a shit if its the truth or if they actually beleive its right.


Is it just me or does anyone else think it is odd that the two major candidates for president absolutely refuse to discuss a topic that to date has destroyed millions of Americans?

You may thank their constituencies for making this issue one ensuring political suicide.


This country is doomed to fail unless we return to what made america powerful, which was industry and agriculture. Hemp grown for material and cannabis grown for medicine, if utilized to the fullest potential will make a serious impact on the economy. Tens of billions of dollars a year. We used to grow so much hemp americans payed taxes with it. We outfitted fleets of ships with hemp rope and sails. Today we could make high quality cloth and paper that lasts longer than wood paper, oil to make plastics and medicine to wean us off dangerous pharmaceuticals. Talk about a combination of industry and agriculture. . . The total effects of a cannabis based economy would be amazing. But we think we are too good for natural things it is really pathetic.


So what do we now say that Obama Wins? Colorado legalizes, and MR fight tooth and nail should have thought about those words to Colorado voters all of us in the other states. So IMO yes MMJ made a difference, even though it wasn't addressed. I hope some Republicans will take this message to their leadership and try to garner our support.


When you say this--you essentially prove the first part of your statement by saying the last part of it, if that makes sense.

The answer is yes, it does matter.

You can abstain from voting till you are blue in the face but if EVEN ONE person votes in this country--a non-vote is a vote for the victor.

Let's say you have a life-saving anti-serum to a virus. A person collapses in front of you dying of the virus (imminently). You choose not to deliver the anti-serum to that person. Did you kill them?

Not exactly, but you COULD have saved the person.

It's essentially the same with voting.

If Romney wins, and you didn't vote--did you vote him in? Not exactly, but you COULD have voted against him--which may have prevented him from winning.

For this reason, as well as the understanding that in a self-governed society it is the duty of citizens to choose the most appropriate leader by voting, it does matter if we vote or not. Not the perfect leader, not the leader whom isn't on the ballot. The most appropriate person on the ballot.

I understand the feeling that neither of them are appropriate--but I would argue that the two men are not perfectly equal, and that one of the two is more appripriate than the next guy. Hence, the most appropriate.

The way to combat the system in this country is not by refusing to vote. It is by, as you say, choosing the best of the two evils--and in SUBSEQUENT elections, being a part of the process which is attempting to put non-partisan politicians on the ticket.

Make no mistake, if you do not vote--you are voting for the victor.

The quote goes:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Take that with a grain of salt, as I'm not trying to be overdramatic (let's just assume the word evil there is replaced by the word mediocrity). The idea is the same, however, if you do nothing all you accomplish is the removal of your voice from the political process.

We ACTUALLY NEED people who believe the way you do to reinsert themselves in the political process in this country. Nothing is worse for America than a poor voter turnout. Nothing.

So much of the country has become disillusioned with the electoral process that they have left the ENTIRE THING up to the fools who ARE NOT disillusioned with it. They say, "what's the use" and in so doing, essentially leave the country to a bunch of retards.

The reason WHY the political parties seem so retarded, and seem more worried about propaganda than truth is because the only voters they expect to turn up are the fucking crazies.

It is abandonment of this process by people such as yourself that has skewed the political message in this country (on both sides) to a bunch of fucking morons.





I'd rather you vote for Romney than not vote, it is that serious. The loss of interest/faith in our political process in this country is more damaging to our future than any one president ever could be.

Can you imagine, just for a second, what the political process would look like in this country if 100% of Americans voted? There would be infinite amounts more accountability expected from candidates.

Details, with supporting evidence and figures, would be absolutely DEMANDED. Wouldn't you demand them?

As it stands now the majority of people who vote are idealogues--and they are fucking stupid as shit. Hence why every time you hear a politician you're thinking to yourself : What am I, fucking stupid?

No, you're not--they're not talking to you, because they don't expect you to vote. They are talking to the moron who will be at the polls.
In some states your vote doesn't count for the presidential race because of the electoral college system. take mass. for instance, you could vote republican until your'e blue in the face and it would not matter ! but it is a different story for congress and senate where your vote does matter take the scott brown win last election


In some states your vote doesn't count for the presidential race because of the electoral college system. take mass. for instance, you could vote republican until your'e blue in the face and it would not matter ! but it is a different story for congress and senate where your vote does matter take the scott brown win last election

That's not necessarily true--and you can look at once-strong conservative bastions like florida, ohio, north carolina, and viriginia for proof positive of that.

In this election, yes, your voice would be drowned out as a conservative in Mass--but in reality it would've been drowned out by the popular vote as well. The idea is that our political process is about baby steps.

Refusing to take part in them because they are too small for you will ensure that we won't take bigger steps in the future. Everything starts somewhere.


That's not necessarily true--and you can look at once-strong conservative bastions like florida, ohio, north carolina, and viriginia for proof positive of that.

In this election, yes, your voice would be drowned out as a conservative in Mass--but in reality it would've been drowned out by the popular vote as well. The idea is that our political process is about baby steps.

Refusing to take part in them because they are too small for you will ensure that we won't take bigger steps in the future. Everything starts somewhere.
Yes but if it was by popular vote there is a better chance your single vote would count . takee the previous senate race .for ted kennedys seat with scott brown that election every SINGLE vote made a difference

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