Hey guys, been reading this thread because i as well am on the serch for the rotting dead skunk, low tide, oniony crushed garlic body odor down the block terp/volatile ester that seems to elude us these days. My 2 cents on the Death Star ... growing up in pittsburgh PA I had access to an odd rolodex of weed. Starting out heavy chiefing in 2008, it started with just mids but soon i graduated to the fire or "headies" as the dudes in suburban pittsburgh would call it or "kush" and "sour" if you were in the city. One of the early strains that was actually named was the Death Star. I could get it from 2 people, at the time i couldnt tell but now looking back the dudes in the burbs had outdoor and the dudes in the hood had indoor. The indoor Death Star i would get came the same exact way every time. I would get a 1/2oz for $200(

2009-10 prices) and it would ALWAYS be only 2 buds each weighing almost exactly a 1/4oz. It was dark, purpish bud but had white and orange hairs as well. Average density with the 1/4 oz buds being pretty big. The terps were unreal. Walking up to the spot you would literally get slapped with the sharp, skunky smell. The smoke was that opioid effect where you had to put the blunt out even if you were puffing w a homie. The other Death Star i would get in the burbs was the same cut, just grown outdoors. Less exotic looking but the terps were arguably better. My friends mom would bust us everytime we had it. She would say "Jesus guys it smells reaaalllyy skunky in here right now" Then, in 2017 i moved to southern Oregon and to "settle in" i got a qp of Death Star from my buddy and smoked it to the neck w my wife in a month. It was a great first month in Oregon. Definitely similar look to the other DS but not the same level as the one i would get in Pittsburgh PA(proximity to Ohio?)
The few other times i remember that ive had more intense skunk aromas than the Death Star was outdoor OG Kush from SoCal which reminded me more of lowtide but still skunky as hell, a run of GG4 I did on 11/13 light cycle brought out the most intense, specifically skunk smell with an undertone of strong coffee while being made. My father inlaw was visiting at the time and he kept reiterating that we have a skunk problem in our yard. We kept trying to tell him it was the weed plants(legal) but he couldnt accept it because "marijuana doesnt smell like that", hes in his 60's and probably used to mids.
The final and last time i can remember getting something stronger than any of those strains was the Afghani that I found from my buddy that lived in the woods woods outside of Pittsburgh in 2008 or 9. It was the strongest smelling herb and strongest smoke ive ever had, Everyone involved can attest to this. This is long winded but i really need to find cuts or seeds of this Afghani so if someone out there reads please let me know if you have any insight into where i might be able to get some..
So in 2009, my buddies and i would all make a plan at school on Monday to gather some coin, pitch up, and have a sack of herb for the weekend. We were used to mids or at best some "hydro" (level up from mids but nothing special". This week, we found some bud that this dude kept hyping up saying he could barely walk after 2 hits and shit so we thought "yea whatever just bring the weed as usual". On friday morning, our guy walked into school with the 2grams of afghani and the entire hallway full of students and teachers snapped their necks and sniffed this dude as he walked thru. and the smell hit me and my buddy immediately. with a concealed grin we just looked at eachother like "daaammmmnn". Then the "plug" sketchily nodded for me to follow. We went in the bathroom immediately and exchanged so he could get it off him haha. I put the double bagged 2gs of bud into my secret deodorant stick stash spot, wrapped in gym clothes, then in the bottom of my backpack under all books and supplies. It did nothing to conceal the smell. After a couple times of my locker neighbor (student president prude chick) giving me an upturned nose side eyed look after each period, i decided it was time to dip. I dipped out the side door early, then walked around and waited for my boys bus to pull up. On the bus i naturally sat on the back to avoid detection, but one of our stoner buddies kept yelling "SOMEONES GOT SOME KUSH BACK HERE!!" somehow, we made it to my boys crib and stashed the weed outside. As his older brothers and family members would get home, they would come up to us and sniff the air w an offended face even though the weed was outside. Eventually, we decided it was time to blaze. Now this Afghani was not impressive looking even for 2008/9. Very leafy, dark green buds covered in orange and purpish hairs. It would leave a visible shiny streak of grease on your hands if you handled it. We packed all 2gs into a sherlock holmes pipe and started to chief under a well lit night sky. 2 hits in, i felt like my vision changed, shit looked like it was "HD" or "Computer world-ish". Then, we called a neighbor and charged him $20 to come blaze lol. After we finished the bowl and stood up, the neighbor kid instantly fell on his ass like he was drunk as hell and we all started uncontrollable laughter. Then we went inside, and began wathing tv. I was on a lazy boy about 6-8 ft from the tv and no exaggeration i felt like i was 20 ft from the tv. it looked further away as fuck! As i would reach over to grab my soda it would be a challenge and take forever to get a sip. My buddy was laying flat on his back on an adjacent couch swearing that he was overdosing and going to die. He kept saying he thought it was laced with heroin becuase its "Afghani" . I assured him that it wasnt and it wasnt grown in Afghanistan either lol. Anyway, to whoever read this, thank you and if you have ever heard of or had an Afghani that was dark green, orange and purpish hairs, greasy as all hell, and smells like a skunk pissed into a bag of rotting garlic and onions, please reach out. Peace