Round Two: Clone And Seeds ;)

  • Thread starter mrskush
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Thanks! very reassuring since that's what I ended up doing yesterday - taking off bottom larf. Cute baby buds haha


It's my first run with her but taking her down by the beginning of week 9. Tonight I will take some pics and post them for you. This strain is indeed very coveted, and the person who gifted me the clones had only grown them outdoors and didn't realize the fire he had. Needless to say he is 3 weeks behind me with the cut now growing indoors. It has the yield of Blueberry with the extreme trichome production of the GSC. I am in love from start to end with this one.


With Nutes, she has LOVED everything I have given her. I use bottled organics (green planet, Medi one) Next round I'm going to push her to the max. She has beautiful nodes, perfectly spaced. I have not used any CO2 and it will still be a large yield. I'm thinking 2 lbs off three plants. Weirdly best genes I've had the pleasure to work with to date and it was clone only and free LOL. Good luck, I will get back at you with pics tonight.


Well...I definitely do not expect your yield off my blue cookies!! She's cute and petite due to my mistakes and experimentation on time I pop one of these seeds again I hope I can get her to her full glory like you did :) Thanks again for sharing
20161206 055623


Well...I definitely do not expect your yield off my blue cookies!! She's cute and petite due to my mistakes and experimentation on time I pop one of these seeds again I hope I can get her to her full glory like you did :) Thanks again for sharing
No problem,
I was extremely lucky to have a buddy find gold and gift it to me. Yours looks great! I think yours took more of a gsc structure, and mine is more of the blueberry structure. Best of luck, excited to see what other phenos this produces:fire::fire:


Thanks for the tips! I did re-pot everybody because around Friday I noticed the clone looking droopy near end of light hours...thought all basic things - overwatered? Overheated? Didn't start nutrients yet. Then I picked up pot and noticed roots coming out from bottom. Same with babies but just barely with them. Used remainder or Happy Frog soil for babies and about a half pot's worth for clone. Mixed some Ocean Forrest in for clone. Added cal-mag. Watered with just plain water. I did end up putting clone in a 3 gallon, not five. Might still be a bit big but I don't think I'll see roots poking out anytime soon. Everyone seems to like new homes. I peeled off those peat pots from babies. That's why I used them, so I could just tear them away. Worked nicely :) Everyone seems happy thus far!
Thanks for the tips! I did re-pot everybody because around Friday I noticed the clone looking droopy near end of light hours...thought all basic things - overwatered? Overheated? Didn't start nutrients yet. Then I picked up pot and noticed roots coming out from bottom. Same with babies but just barely with them. Used remainder or Happy Frog soil for babies and about a half pot's worth for clone. Mixed some Ocean Forrest in for clone. Added cal-mag. Watered with just plain water. I did end up putting clone in a 3 gallon, not five. Might still be a bit big but I don't think I'll see roots poking out anytime soon. Everyone seems to like new homes. I peeled off those peat pots from babies. That's why I used them, so I could just tear them away. Worked nicely :) Everyone seems happy thus far!
Also, my purple kush is a bushy lady. should I leave it be, thin out, or? don't want to stress or hurt her...
i would trim up any leaves that aren't getting light. Plant will put more energy into flowers. I.e. Lollypopping


I know it's a little late, but I would actually leave as many of the leaves on as you can. Plants use those for energy, kind of basically. If I was gonna do a lollipoping-type thing, I'd do it about ten days before I initiated flower. I don't think I'd start chopping branches off and shit once my plants were in flower.

Everything looks really good, though. Nice job.


Well I cut down some purple kush branches and they look good and smell really good to me!! hanging up now....damn waiting!!!!
Have you ever tried dry trimming before? I used to wet trim when I first started, then someone showed me his way and haven't looked back. My terps were stronger than ever, and I noticed that there wasn't a slight chlorophyll taste after it dried, I think due to cutting so much on top of the trichs. Anyways just a suggestion, Looks super amazing! I will post ya a pic of my dry room and how the blue cooks are coming along tonight
One drop

One drop

Bush Doctor
Have you ever tried dry trimming before? I used to wet trim when I first started, then someone showed me his way and haven't looked back. My terps were stronger than ever, and I noticed that there wasn't a slight chlorophyll taste after it dried, I think due to cutting so much on top of the trichs. Anyways just a suggestion, Looks super amazing! I will post ya a pic of my dry room and how the blue cooks are coming along tonight
Yes always dry trim its less sticky and your plant has produced the goodies your looking for .
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Yeah total first time harvesting. I debated how to do it and most things I read said a wet trim was easy for noob but I have my other girl who will be ready in a month and I'll have to try a dry trim on her. It was a sticky mess trimming haha

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