Start of 2nd Grow. This time in Soil

  • Thread starter PerfecTrader
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Ohh 😯 I thought maybe he was going to stick a tap in there and get some cannabis syrup for some 🥞 😆

But your idea is better 😂
Funny you say that. I should have linked the pic from whatever rabbit hole I was in earlier but someone had attached 3mm tubes directly INTO the stalks and was feeding/pumping/heroin-mainling Molasses into them 😯


Hell yeah!!! Can't be happier I bet, describe the smell to those are that jealous like myself lol

good job

Yeah pretty stoked. I took these from the plants Wednesday before last. The rest of the plants are technically still growing until I chop them manana. I think the stuff in the tent will be better tham this but this is pretty good so far. It seems 10 days doesn't actually dry it enough to move to cure in jars or bags but it is close. I'm thinking another day or 2 and then I will just burp the bags if need be. 12 days has got to be enough hah GIMME DAH COOKIES!
The grape rock candy x banana butter cups is hard to describe. I'd say it is a bit fuely if anything. The mimosa x orange punch is super easy to describe though. Smells like my college days with women champagne and orange juice flying everywhere 😯 wait what. I can't wait to take a snippy here or there tomorrow of the blue Sunset Sherbert and Blueberry before they start their dry journey
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