sugar in your flush to promote THC crystals??

  • Thread starter smokey_waters
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im still a lil confused are you hypothesizing that plants up-take these complex molecules? or defending a previous to lazy to read further.

Defending a previous post. There are numerous academic, peer-reviewed, studies showing sucrose uptake in both root and leaf tissue.


Its not soo much of a vaccum as it is a general disdain for some of the reoccuring marijuana growing myths. I don't doubt your knowledge, but as I am a wetland biollogist not a chemist, I have a hard time folllowing your discusssion as I am quite certain 99% of the others are. I got a C+ in organic chemistry, one of the two C's I got in my entire college career. So, chemistry is not my strong point.

I have done quite a bit of reading on the subject, and while yes, I am sure that there is SOME way that sugars can get into the plant... but, are these sugars going to result in an increase in the traits that we are seeking? (weight, density, thc levels?) nothing that I have read would suggest so. People seem to think that plants are going to gul up these carbs your dumping in the soil and then "they won't ahve to make their own" and will have "all that extra energy to build buds". In soil gardens people have reported increases in weight, vigor, etc, but how much of this is from an increase in available nutirents from increase microbial activity and how much is just placebo effect, I am not certain.

Wheather you agree or not on what the supposed effects are, I can tell you this, adding molassis to a DWC is playing with fire. For me, loosing an entire crop to a massive slime outbreak (not too mention al that damn sterilizing afterwards) is not worth the supposed benefits.

Based on my readings, trichome production and THC content is largly a function of genetics. The only actual scientific study I have ever found on the subject of environmental roles in the expression of cannabis traits suggested increases in resin production from higher UvB and Low humidity.

Another recent study on THC levels showed that a strong increase in the EC level, in the area of 3 EC, resulted in a significant corresponding increase in THC levels. HOWEVER, this test was NOT performed in DWC where such a high level could cause serious issues or death, and the test was NOT intended to increase yield. I suspect that the yields where actually dramatically lower.


Another recent study on THC levels showed that a strong increase in the EC level, in the area of 3 EC, resulted in a significant corresponding increase in THC levels. HOWEVER, this test was NOT performed in DWC where such a high level could cause serious issues or death, and the test was NOT intended to increase yield. I suspect that the yields where actually dramatically lower.

Well I can tell you I've done this for years.

The key here is drought, and it makes a big difference. I suppose it's debatable as to whether or not resin production is increased or merely more concentrated, but either way it translates to more magic in every pinch of herb.

Drought is pretty easy to simulate in dirt, but in hydro you can't just take the water out of the equation. To simulate drought conditions in a tank of water, a spike in EC at the end does the trick. They don't seem to enjoy it very much, but I sure do.


won't spiking the EC make the smoke more harsh in the end? It would be similar to burning the plant with too much nutes and that (in my experience) is harder to flush out and makes for a harsher smoke...

This is my first RDWC grow though so it might be different

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