The Uk Awesome Member And Growers Thread

  • Thread starter ghettogrower
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Thats fairly old news.
i mean thats pretty much wat the do now anyway but to come out and say it publically is promising but i still dont trust em.

It's very hit and miss here I have a friend caught with 60 plants who got community service and another friend with 6 large plants, 1 per light and he got 6 months. It's very much luck of the draw what happens to you when you start using more than a couple of lights.

I remember an MP's son was caught with 300 plants in the late 90's and nothing happened (Which at least shows he loved his son) and yet Jack Straw grassed his own son up for smoking weed I always though how can you trust a man who puts his own public image above his own son.

On a secondary note Jack Straw is banned for life from Leeds Student union (Which he was president when he went there) because of my mate who led the campaign ;)
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Basically there saying there not out looking for small grows but if your grassed up your fucked it is now.they only bother if they receive "a complaint" that could be anythin from some nosey busy body smelling it outside the grow or it could b your best mate sitting in the interview room in cuffs putting u in it to try and lighten his own load with the cops.
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