Thinking of using UV light

  • Thread starter 2Bad
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please tag me in when you start using them.

This will be my first production UVB LED I have seen used. Just curious.
@Moe.Red I'll be using them in my current grow. Just currently I'm only using one light in that tent. I've got some clones started and will be starting some new genetics from seed before we get too deep into the winter months. Then I will have both lights on.

You can find it all here:


please tag me in when you start using them.

This will be my first production UVB LED I have seen used. Just curious.
Hey Moe, have you seen these from Spider farmer and what do you think about them?.....other than price is a bit high,


I had the UV/IR bar set with my first Grower's Choice E720. I ran a couple of runs. I like that setup way better than any quantum board I've tried. I added another this fall when I moved to a 4 x 8 tent. What I don't have is an apples to apples comparison. I could run one E720 with and the other without ... and I probably will at some point. It probably won't be this run though. I'm already involved with a bunch of cloning. It's something to think about for the future though.
Careful. Running tests like that can be addictive.

But yeah I would need to see 3 or 4 grows doing side by sides with clones before I felt like I had a good understanding of UVB. Change only the UV between the 2 clones and all other grow parameters are equal. Then get the end results lab tested. It’s a lot of effort for home growers.

In what I have run including splitting a plant in 2 and adding UVB to just half of the same plant, blind testing done with UVB finished vs no UV finished flower the user could not differentiate via smoke it all came down to the visual differences. I’ve still got some test buds if you want to see them.

I TLC tested them for cannabinoid levels and my testing was not precise enough to see a difference in THC. CBG was higher in irradiated buds.

What I will say is that the UV irradiated buds quit growing and ended up noticeably smaller. I documented all that too on the thread I linked above. Still got all the data from that test if you want it.

So if this is telling at all - those bulbs and bars are no longer in any tent. Pulled them all, Far Red too. It was very interesting but in the end it just seemed like technology for technology sake and the buds were no better. I’m sure there is a sweet spot that can be found for the non PAR spectrum that does result in a positive with some metric. But for me it’s a 95%er tweak. Like overclocking CPUs 20 years ago. If it works nice you got free cycles. But it’s just as likely to crash the pc.

An easier thing to do in terms of tweaking plants is injecting O2 in the root zone. That has results anyone can clearly see and probably costs the same in hardware and uses less power. I mean if ya wanna tweak stuff….


Hey Moe, have you seen these from Spider farmer and what do you think about them?.....other than price is a bit high, View attachment 1306850
What are their specs? UVB is what drives the resin/thc production (in theory). UVA as mentioned previously helps drive other processes. It's UVB you want for resin production. Look for something that has some 310nm wave length in its spectrum.


Careful. Running tests like that can be addictive.

But yeah I would need to see 3 or 4 grows doing side by sides with clones before I felt like I had a good understanding of UVB. Change only the UV between the 2 clones and all other grow parameters are equal. Then get the end results lab tested. It’s a lot of effort for home growers.

In what I have run including splitting a plant in 2 and adding UVB to just half of the same plant, blind testing done with UVB finished vs no UV finished flower the user could not differentiate via smoke it all came down to the visual differences. I’ve still got some test buds if you want to see them.

I TLC tested them for cannabinoid levels and my testing was not precise enough to see a difference in THC. CBG was higher in irradiated buds.

What I will say is that the UV irradiated buds quit growing and ended up noticeably smaller. I documented all that too on the thread I linked above. Still got all the data from that test if you want it.

So if this is telling at all - those bulbs and bars are no longer in any tent. Pulled them all, Far Red too. It was very interesting but in the end it just seemed like technology for technology sake and the buds were no better. I’m sure there is a sweet spot that can be found for the non PAR spectrum that does result in a positive with some metric. But for me it’s a 95%er tweak. Like overclocking CPUs 20 years ago. If it works nice you got free cycles. But it’s just as likely to crash the pc.

An easier thing to do in terms of tweaking plants is injecting O2 in the root zone. That has results anyone can clearly see and probably costs the same in hardware and uses less power. I mean if ya wanna tweak stuff….
okay then, that pretty well says it all. not needed waste of time and money and could be harmful if not done right.


okay then, that pretty well says it all. not needed waste of time and money and could be harmful if not done right.
Ya thanks I got that after my post,

with them being a sponsor for me I though I might ask to see if they would send me a test them out of course, they've been very willing to send stuff in the past.


Shoulda just said that.

I forgot I promised you a tldr on the bottom of my windy posts. I’ll do better 😘
No man, your explanations are great I just can't comprehend all the detail, it gets in eventually but then I forget something else......a result of too many years of steady
lights out gotta go...


Nice thread and discussion! Perfect timing to for me anyways I visited some hortilux people about their uv at a light show/convention. They actually put out a card to ck uvb intensity. I snagged one ( I’m sure they are bias) and held it under multiple lights claiming to have uvb some even advertising right on the lamp - when cked nothing not one diode on some ! In the end I got the hortilux engineer to admit that the uv is not really worth the bang for the buck ! Unless all other parameters are in ck


Hey Moe, have you seen these from Spider farmer and what do you think about them?.....other than price is a bit high, View attachment 1306850
I see zero benefit of running UVA on that spider farmers schedule. I run mine 12 hrs a day during the entire flowering period. I do not use it in veg at all. Only benefit I have observed through my own personal experience with UVA is it shortens the flowering phase duration a bit. Maybe by as much as 7 - 10 days.


I spent a lot of years working with and growing with UV. UVC is ultra nasty and you really don't want to be anywhere around it. And it's not near as good at sanitization as claimed. It's ultra high maint. and upfront attentive use. UVB is much better to work with. But it decreases and burns out a lot faster than most think and all manufactures lie about it, be it florescent or led. Your average T5 UVB bulb is pretty much shot in 30 days or under. UVA is easy to work with and last 50x longer than UVB and will give you good results if the plants under it respond. From what I've seen the last 20 or better years all this fufu hybrid crap weed popular now does not really respond to UV of any type. Your indica and landrace for purpose plants grown for hash production respond the best to UV. If the plants respond to it they can put out a massive amount of trichomes and thick goopy heavy buds,,, IE plants good for hash production. I've never seen UV of any type make weed more potent. Just more trikes and resin. For a long time and some even today claim the old tech HIDs grow better weed than led. Facts are really pretty simple for that claim. The older HID's did put out UV. And some of those old bulbs put out a pretty good amount of UVA and B. But it is always the first part of the spectrum to die out and stop working because UV of any type is really hard to reproduce. UV in simple terms kills itself. Also years ago we didn't have hybrids at the screwed up level we have now days. So it was much easier to find strains that responded to UV. Main indicator of strains that would respond to UV were strains from the equator or mountain strains and almost always indica. And a few sativas from those geographical regions. It's all about the strains coming from high UV areas of the globe. If you can find some good landraces from the equator, steps or mountains they will respond to UVA / B those plants love there UV. Two big problems imho concerning all this crap fufu weed we have now days. It does not respond to UV very well and these hybrid morons have pretty much killed weeds ability to deal with bugs, pest and critters. I have UVA in both my tents but very little of the fufu weed responds to it. I have some old school Kush seeds from the mid 1980's while not landrace there not very far removed and they respond to UV like little monsters. So it will be fun to grow them in 2023. Good Luck!


Hey 2Bad,

Your interest in UV - if that came from a post, I made a while ago I am attaching John Lydon's original research article, he published back in 1985. He and were graduate students in the same department. His Ph.D. research was USDA supported and examined the effect of UV light on cannabis bioflavonoids, cannabinoids production.

UVC dramatically increased THC in leaves. Bear in mind buds were not an objective. Now and again, I would help John harvest. Listen to me: If you had smoked one of his leaves you would be leaving buds behind. the leaves were very potent. UV damages tissue and accelerates random mutation events. Plants don't like that and respond by synthesizing sacrifice molecules to absorb the UV. Enter: pigmented compounds and other resins.

Article: If you guys need a better citation, I have the pdf.



For years I heard people talking about the UV from reptile bulbs increasing potency. Which UV is it and is it worth looking into as I noticed a lot of the LED light suppliers include UV in their panels? Is the panel UV provided the correct UV and is it enough to have the desired effect or is it not being properly implemented and only used to market the light?
For years people have had the lack of self respect to utter the retardation, "flat earth". Lol my first Q is, "ever been on a commercial airliner?"
I think my favorite "i heard" is adding actual diesel fuel to purple haze


If you attempt the UV lighting don't hesitate to mail me if you have questions. I think you will be rewarded.

Were you joking about molasses I've always overlooked it. But since I'm running multiple clones this grow I might as well experiment.


Molasses, Yes. We did a similar study in a soil microbiology class. It will dramatically increase all soil microbial populations, yes. But after a very short period, as levels of carbohydrate begins to wane, the populations crash and return to normal.

I don't see the value in applying sugar, molasses to potting soil or garden soil. It does nothing beneficial for the plant. But it costs almost nothing. If it makes others feel good go ahead and use it.



Molasses, Yes. We did a similar study in a soil microbiology class. It will dramatically increase all soil microbial populations, yes. But after a very short period, as levels of carbohydrate begins to wane, the populations crash and return to normal.

I don't see the value in applying sugar, molasses to potting soil or garden soil. It does nothing beneficial for the plant. But it costs almost nothing. If it makes others feel good go ahead and use it.

Ty Zill @Moe.Red what do you think about sugars
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