This Poor Dirt Farmer's thread.

  • Thread starter caregiverken
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Spiders are good Goo!
They are not bugs
They kill bugs! and eat em! :)
If we didnt have spiders, we would be over run with bugs!! :eek:

Hey mr. Ken I always enjoy hangin by your Garden Its sooo neet LoL

I was told when you have a variety of life in symbioses the spiders would be the tail tale sign of a great little eco system and everything was in balance , well mostly balanced as can be You have a grand spread Mr K.
Like the Saliva's too I was sorry to hear you had to pull one early. I cant wait till next season As I am starting to realize the time line I have and wont be able to do much outdoor growing this year but hey I will grow outdoors next spring and have girls all set to tree it up.
Keep it Green


Good morn Mr. K

Doin my thang on the mountain I would like to try and get a few ladies outside but
I dont believe I have enough time to get them up to size where they will benefit.
Do you have a separate light room you use to Veg
or do you keep um outside all ?
would love to see this gear outside to flower some this season
Just feel your outdoor input would be great

T you keepin it green


Fear Not!
Good morn Mr. K

Doin my thang on the mountain I would like to try and get a few ladies outside but
I dont believe I have enough time to get them up to size where they will benefit.
Do you have a separate light room you use to Veg
or do you keep um outside all ?
would love to see this gear outside to flower some this season
Just feel your outdoor input would be great

T you keepin it green
I used to veg inside year round..But not anymore..Im an outdoor farmer
just keep a few cuts alive inside now to save em.

You could flower any size plant outside. almost any time of year.(depending on where you live)
I have flowered practically year round outside in the past...I may take a break from that for a bit though
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I used to veg inside year round..But not anymore..Im an outdoor farmer
just keep a few cuts alive inside now to save em.

You could flower any size plant outside. almost any time of year.(depending on where you live)
I have flowered practically year round outside in the past...I may take a break from that for a bit though
What's the coldest root temps you grow through and the coldest ambient temp?


Fear Not!
What rh at 30 ℉? If you dint mind? I hope one day to grow year round
. im not really sure man. pretty dry 40'ish?
Hell, I dont remember...I didnt pay much attention..
i wasnt able to control the RH, so I didnt bother checking it much


Fear Not!
i found this tiny bug in a preflower..:eek:

and I was worried and thinking it was time to start spraying :depressed:

It turns out, he is a good bug :)
a nymph of a pirate bug.

Im not seeing mite damage...or any other damage really
So, im only going to spray bt and spinosade on the buds as the form.
I cant afford not to do that


I come from a long line of poor dirtfarmers, so when I was cruzin the new posts area and saw this thread I had to check it out! Man oh man from quittin tha job to drivin that garden till tha wheels fall off my man! What an excellent read this thread is ken so thankyou!


Fear Not!
I come from a long line of poor dirtfarmers, so when I was cruzin the new posts area and saw this thread I had to check it out! Man oh man from quittin tha job to drivin that garden till tha wheels fall off my man! What an excellent read this thread is ken so thankyou!
:) Thank You for being here!
I dont have many real life folks to share my passion with.
I do have my cats though :D

there was another one beside me in his own bed too.:p
I couldn't get him in the pic


lookin bad ass CGK! :D do you ever get bitten or rashes from all the insects and stuff? That Cana spider is disgusting. :eek: is that like a special cannabis spider full of THC or something. I never saw a green spider like that before. Maybe if you eat it you will get super fucked up.:Deat it CGK please please EAT IT! it would be super cool if you did a video of eating it.. you could be like Bear Gryls but much much cooler!:Dthink of all the protein you would
below frigid

below frigid

If they look healthy and are getting bigger. Leave them alone they will be fine. My smartpots are bottomless.


Its been my experience with my own smart pots that when you yourself have decieded how much space you wanna give your ladies, If you wanna let em go id say I could see no harm in planting the smartpot, ive seen roots shoot right thru em! Yeah ken the more cats I meet the more I don't mind meeting people! I gotta start taking more kids /my cats/dog are my kids/ pictures in the garden! heres mindy ken, wanted to introduce you so were not strangers anymore oh and ver sexy ladies ya got there! Lots of other pics of the kids on another powershot camera that has absconded from my belongings lol or I got super medicated on loompa gear last month and misplaced it. My last pic is of a "witch cat" named jade I got from my native American elders, swear my elder na na rivers swore to high shys that jade was a witch cat, lol idk what that means....she is the most intelligent animal ive ever owned tho I can tell you that. How many cats you know can navigate traffic and take walks yes folks /ill tape it to prove it/ with ya when ya walk the dog or go to the store. tries to walk right into the local kmart like she owns the place! Think I found a nice home here ken, haven even met ya in person and I can tell we appreciate similar things in life! WEll met goodsir!
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