Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I did this at a work party that the girlfriend and I hosted, put the song on, walked in to the kitchen tucked back, pants down and just waited for the reaction. Self deprecation, yeah we got that!!
We used to call it “the ugly lady”

Great at parties and mixers hahahaha


Just have an idemic brain like sheldon cooper...

Give me a scenario and I'll have a clip to match it with In seconds...

Give me a 2 or 3 second clip of a movie and I can name it(if I've seen it)...

All these clips are from some point in my life that I can recall in seconds
JKash we are definitely brothers from separate mothers!!


Mr poopy butthole?

Sup cousin? 👊🏻
IMG 4800


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Nothing gets a party hopping and jaws dropping like a good old fashioned tuck back!!
Fuck them up farther, say I’ll be back, I guess I’ll go get dressed. Yeesh, tough crowd…….

Enters room in a fresh depends diaper.
Proceeds to drop a fatty bono, break Randy marshes record. Fuck bitches 🤣🤣🤣


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So I love that you posted this. So I tell people about it often, and I may surprise you, but actually getting me to laugh. It’s fucking tough because, a trip in my head for a day would be tough for everyone and anyone. It’s fucking ridiculous in there. But the last time I got popped good, was bad grandpa. That scene the first time I saw it, I fucking died laughing at that shit for 2 hours straight. It had it all man. Perfect execution of the gag. The kid, all of it…….just some great original, waaaaay outta bounds humor. If you don’t laugh at something like that, I’m not sure we can be friends. Guess what, it just fucking got me again 😂😂😂😂


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
So I love that you posted this. So I tell people about it often, and I may surprise you, but actually getting me to laugh. It’s fucking tough because, a trip in my head for a day would be tough for everyone and anyone. It’s fucking ridiculous in there. But the last time I got popped good, was bad grandpa. That scene the first time I saw it, I fucking died laughing at that shit for 2 hours straight. It had it all man. Perfect execution of the gag. The kid, all of it…….just some great original, waaaaay outta bounds humor. If you don’t laugh at something like that, I’m not sure we can be friends. Guess what, it just fucking got me again 😂😂😂😂
Welcome to my headspace


So I love that you posted this. So I tell people about it often, and I may surprise you, but actually getting me to laugh. It’s fucking tough because, a trip in my head for a day would be tough for everyone and anyone. It’s fucking ridiculous in there. But the last time I got popped good, was bad grandpa. That scene the first time I saw it, I fucking died laughing at that shit for 2 hours straight. It had it all man. Perfect execution of the gag. The kid, all of it…….just some great original, waaaaay outta bounds humor. If you don’t laugh at something like that, I’m not sure we can be friends. Guess what, it just fucking got me again 😂😂😂😂
I don’t about you captain but obscure references and fucked up humor are like a litmus test for friendship. I can’t even fathom how boring life would be without a sick sense of humor. I grew up pulling pranks on friends and referencing weird movies, well I don’t think I ever grew up, but aged.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I don’t about you captain but obscure references and fucked up humor are like a litmus test for friendship. I can’t even fathom how boring life would be without a sick sense of humor. I grew up pulling pranks on friends and referencing weird movies, well I don’t think I ever grew up, but aged.
51 going on total idiot.
I gravitate to the weirdos too man.
My homies outside of the ether, a few
But a certain breed. In a sea of assholes who don’t get the joke, it’s nice to have a place, where the random flows free and true. May be bewildering to some. And man let me tell you,
laughter with homies is what makes the world turn and cures cancer. Don’t believe me?
Go f yourself. You may just get more tang that way 🤣😜👊🏻🤡
My head is a bear trap of what most would call useless. I don’t think making people laugh is ever useless. Even at the breakfast table, the morning after (insert important woman in your life here 😜) and I have made the double backed beast.

Your mom is rad. 😆
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