Tnelz thread about whatever!

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yea i think its gonna be great...i am using 1 teaspoon of slf-100 per gallon and i got a bottle of rxgreen life cloning solution or whatever to try sometime but for now im just happy i can clone!!! I was able to get 2 small ass cuts off of one of the nightmare cookies and a tiny one of the ugliest buckeye i got but both have lil nuggets on was the only cut i could take with out sacrificing good bud real estate...its basically just to see if it works and to get a hang of things!!! Im so happy!
Dude nightmare cookies and buckeye hellooooo lol


Air layering is more common with trees... you cut around the branch, then cut around it again about 3 inches away from the first... cut a line between the 2 and peel off the strip of bark layer...

View attachment 561762

you can use rooting compound, but it is not necessary... mix up a wet ball of soil mixed with spaghnum moss and squeeze it around the wound... squeeze it tight so excess water runs out and wrap it in saran wrap or plastic with string.
once the roots grow through the mossball into the plastic and you can see them well, the whole branch is cut off just below the roots and re-buried...
trees are done this way, and I've seen giant clones from air layering.... not my pics, but this cat is turning one tree into a whole run ready to go in short order....

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thanks buddy!! when dealing with cannabis are there any other benefits besides keeping your plant count down when cloning this way?


Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly

Microbial populations, ammonification and nitrification in soil treated with urea and inorganic salts.

Anhydrous Ammonia and Urea Fertilization: Myths and Facts - Frequently Asked Questions$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/faq7758

Soil microbial community response to controlled-release urea fertilizer under zero tillage and conventional tillage
Thanks sea . would it be fair to conclude from those , that low doses of urea would have minimal effect on the microbes and yeild improvement is likeLy..??
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happy b

So I was trying to figure out how I am going to label all the clones in my cloner so I don't fuck it all up and mix up my shit. I think I decided on puttin a strip of duct tape on2 adjacent sides and label on 1-6 and the other a-f, then just kkep a paper or dry erase board next to it and have the names labeled like strain name-b-3, strain name-e-2...ect ect...Anybody have a simpler or better way of keeping things separate or should i stick to this?
I know this is a bit late but what i do is write what each cut is on a small bit of paper and wrap it in some clear selotape so its fairly water proof and i use the green plastic coated garden wire to tie each wee tag on a cut.peice o piss.youl never get mixed up again.

happy b

I immediately thought of milorganite (ugh).... but this is not that.... and honestly, I cant really tell what it is... in one place it pretends to be a caps pack full of fungi and microbes, in another its a "unique combination of nutrients, minerals along with a proprietary blend of amino-acids that is GMO-free, all natural and wild-sourced."....

I wouldnt bother personally when you can cultivate beneficial indigenous microorganisms so easily anyways... you're surrounded by them... to me, thats like being stuck on an ocean and yet still buying a cup of salt water.
get some tupperware and drill tiny holes all over the top... cook up some rice and put it about an inch thick in the bottom of the tupperware... you can srceen the holes with pantyhose or something similar... pantyhose is rather cheap... now find a spot of thriving grass (dont go forest, wrong microbes... go grassland) bury that rascal for about 5-10 days and catch those microbes and molds yourself... (black mold is bad. start over. white/green/yellow are all good) //1//
mix it 1:1 with sugar/molasses in a new container, cover it up for 3-5 days.... when its all emulsified into a liquid, add 3x as much water as you have rice/mold/molasses... leave it loosely covered for another week... then strain the liquid off the solids and seal it loosely so gas can still escape until tiny bubbles stop forming on top of the liquid... (just like the DIY fish hydrolysate recipe) mix that with a bit of lacto, and I guarantee that you'll have the same thing only better and fresher...

//1// you can stop at the moldy rice and just scoop that into your pots to inoculate your soil with those microbes without having to go through the extra steps that makes it able to be stored...
Your something else bro i tell you.great stuff.this post should be a sticky.

happy b

Any of you guys run any of just blazins gear?iv got 2 animal walkers just about finished and im pretty impressed.iv got a cookie leaner and a skywalker og leaner.the cookie leaners one of the best lookon plants iv ever had.although ofcourse that dont mean its good.


I know this is a bit late but what i do is write what each cut is on a small bit of paper and wrap it in some clear selotape so its fairly water proof and i use the green plastic coated garden wire to tie each wee tag on a cut.peice o piss.youl never get mixed up again.
thanks bro!



Just to go a lil further bc I'm sure nobody will mind. Now I have done the rice in a container before with my leftover rice when making lab and i burried in a grassy spot and the topdressed all my outdoor plants over the summer...its not so easy to find nice grass in NY in the winter. For the next part you talk about...when you dig up the container with mold, you say to add the same amount of sugar or molassas...since the mold is not a liquid and not easy to measure i assume you mean to eye it out? After that you say to drain the liquid after it does sugar and mold turn to liquid? is that just something that happens? bc in my head soggy moldy rich and suger don't produce much juice but i have never done this before so i dont know much....if you can please clarify a lil i would really appreciate it! Thanks homey

and @happy b
a grow team?? Hell yes!! Cannabis Warz 2016....I hope this wont be like gym and i get picked


Air layering is more common with trees... you cut around the branch, then cut around it again about 3 inches away from the first... cut a line between the 2 and peel off the strip of bark layer...

View attachment 561762

you can use rooting compound, but it is not necessary... mix up a wet ball of soil mixed with spaghnum moss and squeeze it around the wound... squeeze it tight so excess water runs out and wrap it in saran wrap or plastic with string.
once the roots grow through the mossball into the plastic and you can see them well, the whole branch is cut off just below the roots and re-buried...
trees are done this way, and I've seen giant clones from air layering.... not my pics, but this cat is turning one tree into a whole run ready to go in short order....

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I have never seen this done with cannabis, that is interesting. I'll say a couple things, but FYI, this is coming from fruit trees (not a euphemism, actually fruit trees) so some of it may not apply. If you are interested, I'm sure you are going to google it anyway. But they use it not only to create more trees, but some trees won't bear fruit for years, so they can get you a tree much closer to yielding fruit as the cut will be on the same genetic timeline. Other trees this technique doesn't work, e.g. apple trees (iirc).

The only problem I could forsee, he has basically handled by growing this out so long (look at that main trunk, holy cow) is that you need a fully formed outer layer, like a bark you can peel. Or something that will peel, bc if you scrape too deep it can fail. It's kind of like clones in that way, if you scrape too much off it won't work. So, supposedly, you want the bark material to prevent that. I don't know how you would do it on a cannabis plant. I've just never grown it to the point where it has bark. If you don't have a bark you can peel some people use a food peeler. If you search on line, you can find a specific one that people prefer.

If you have a local tree nursery, they have a product for it instead of using the tin foil etc. I'm not sure if they sell them actually...I see them on the trees, but not for sale? As I think about it, it would make sense that they wouldn't sell them. But you may be able to find them online. It looks similar, just not aluminum foil. I have no idea what they are even called. But it's got extremely sticky tape (extremely) on both ends, & the bubble itself is like a nylon material. I think they way (at least those ones) are designed to work is you wet them occasionally. I've only cloned/cut a tree once to try this & I don't know if it failed or not, as I gave up on it. It took a long time (very basically, I did what Seafour pictured). Anyway, that is how many nurseries make a lot of their smurfs, basically, they clone or graft them.

@SeaF0ur do you know how long that process takes to root? Like how long till vigorous growth starts to happen? It's just curiosity, I don't think I'll ever do it. I'd be really curious if he did the whole plant & left a little growth at the bottom to regenerate, which would happen faster...

I think I might try regenerating on the next round. In theory, it seems like having all those roots already developed would make things go fast...


Fantasy Cannabis!!

Now that's a fantasy type game I could get into. I won't mention any more names as i'm sure I would not do a lot of people justice. But Seafour is a fountain of knowledge. As is Flyin J. I wish our minds worked like computers & I could just drag & drop all their knowledge & exp into my head.

I have a good amount of exp of my own, but not with cannabis, & not even in the same league as those two names.
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Fantasy Cannabis!!

Now that's a fantasy type game I could get into. I won't mention any more names as i'm sure I would not do a lot of people justice. But Seafour is a fountain of knowledge. As is Flyin J. I wish our minds worked like computers & I could just drag & drop all their knowledge & exp into my head.

I have a good amount of exp of my own, but not with cannabis, & not even in the same league as those two names.
My next pick would be @Power OG

I play this game all the time with my buddy and pro skateboarders. Im only allowed to choose goofy footed skaters, and him regular. Its fun. Were usually stoned
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