Tnelz thread about whatever!

  • Thread starter Tnelz
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If I were to get these I'd line the 4 corners of my tent. Haven't seen anyone using these though. Love to see how they work and if you see something positive from them.
Like how long do the filters last with weed and cost of filters.


Assuming you mean carbon filters I usually get about a year out of a filter. And they cost about 125 or so. I'm sure there are people who pay more and less.
My bad. I was talking about a small filter that had it's own fan and did a 10' x 10' room. Thought I saw it in here. I can't find it now. Doesn't really matter.
I use carbon filters rated for 8" fans. Last spring they weren't working so I took them down. And started blowing outside. Just put them back up and they work fine again. I don't know if it was humidity or what but they seem to be good? Saved me like 4-6oo. so I'm happy.


I own 2 of these and also got the xtra white tray that has the inbetween micron size....
I take it you like the tray then?The non skid on the bottom sold me compared to the trim bin.
Btw,got the cheap glasses to go over glasses as I have been noticing the light bothering me.Should've pulled the trigger awhile ago.$15
Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly

Ok @Tnelz ur a bad man lol. ended up settling on 6 315,s new ballast out that converts old reflectors , mine will be in med diamond ref and im running 3 144 reflector series mars in what it a 7,10"by 9,2" room lol . no alcohol for xmas and im guna have to hunt a turkey cause pockets r empty . thanks for all ur advice bro .


Ok @Tnelz ur a bad man lol. ended up settling on 6 315,s new ballast out that converts old reflectors , mine will be in med diamond ref and im running 3 144 reflector series mars in what it a 7,10"by 9,2" room lol . no alcohol for xmas and im guna have to hunt a turkey cause pockets r empty . thanks for all ur advice bro .
Damn bro, that is going to be one killer room!!! I'm excited to see what amazing-ness comes out of it next year!!!!


I found the male for the Catpiss bx1... I ran through a whole bunch of seeds real quick and just committed genocide up in there... I just killed like 18 more plants.
I've found 3 thus far that show the stink bad, are males, have tight, but still good node spacing and have the same leaf shape and structure as the catpiss. (I'm trying to keep it almost exact, but stretch the nodes out a touch as the catpiss is way, way too dense and likely prone to PM because of that) there are slight variations and I've ranked them and have a favorite, but I'll veg em out a bit yet before I decide, but I'll keep cuts of the top 2 for a "just in case" situation.
I've 2 female catpiss cuts ready for the box, probably stick in a glue and I dont know what else in there.... I'm sure I'll find somethin...


@Tnelz Ok I had a question and figure you would know. I want to run an exhaust fan but am not sure which way to have the flow going...should it draw in or push out? :drunk: (joking of course...I couldn't resist).

Ok. I can give a bit more of an update with Nutes. I'm now on the 4th iteration of formulas with Urea to test. Each forumla is applied to at least 9 plants across 3 separate weeks and containing 2 strains. All formulas have the same NPK and very similar Ca,Mg, S (excluding original had no Ca, Mg,S).
To recap:
Original formula - 11% NO3, 36% NH4, 53% Urea (best yield, lowest end "health" of older leaves, best buzz, flavor altered)
Modified (shown)- 45%NO3 ,21% NH4, 34% Urea (good yield, good end "health" of older leaves, good buzz, flavor altered)
Low Ammonia ---- 58% NO3, 10% NH4, 32% Urea (lower yield, good end "health", more trim leaves, ok buzz, some flavor change)
Lowest Ammonia - 44.5% NO3, 4.5% NH4, 51% Urea (Poor yield, not known: end health, trim leaves, buzz, flavor)

----So, the most apparent negative with the original formula is that some of the larger shade leaves will "show" damage in week 6-9; relating to deficiencies (mainly Ca, Mg) in week 3-6 application. However, this formula by far yields the highest in bud weight and has the lowest number of trim / waste leaves.
-----Moving to the modified (previously shown) formula; we have the expected improved health of leaves late via "some" level of Ca/Mg being supplied in week 3-6. As well there is a bit less ammonia which seems more tolerable to NH4 sensitive strains. There is a marginal (tiny) drop in yield, though a more noticeable drop in "density" (I.e. bud of same size as original weight slightly less). Overall, I'm still VERY happy with this formula and still do not see any improvement; .......that I would recommend for others at least.
----Continuing on to the Low Ammonia formula; I had mentioned and shown pics before of poorer stacking and an increase in bud leaves. As well I had pointed out that my bullrider started to show N+ signs at around week 4. These plants have great health to the end as you would expect from a full nitrate profile. However, the buds are much "shorter" and "skinnier". Foxtailing is much more noticeable as well, which places the "causal factor" for this squarely on Nitrate......yes nitrate. Trim leaves (sugar leaves) doubled as compared to the original formula, which places the "causal factor for this on Nitrate as well (genetics and pheno aside). Lastly, plants were a bit shorter than previous formulas (around 6" less).
----Finally we move to the Lowest Ammonia formula. Despite the name, this formula was also intended to adjust NO3 to below 50%; which is where I saw several negative effects of nitrate (foxtail, leaves, N+ etc). Further this formula was intended to get ammonia as low as practicably possible to try and "cut out" that as a variable. The lowering of NO3 did eliminate the N+ that is common with bull in week 4-5 and it does appear to have a "slight" bit less bud leaves. Though again, the stacking and form does appear to be further hampered. As well plants are again shorter by another 3-5". Overall there is a distinct absence of a "vigor" that I would expect to see during the stretch phase. Finally here, the plants do not seem to be "greening up" as I would expect with prior urea formulas in week 3-6. I do not have finished specimens for this formula yet to determine final yield, form, health, taste, buzz etc.

For reference; here is a pic from the "low ammonia fomula". I had previously shown a plant at 4 weeks with this formula, so here's a plant at appx 8 weeks. Not sure how noticeable this all will be to you guys (as I've seen this plant for a lot of years now); however this, to me, is very disappointing. I.e. skinny narrow bud, bit of foxtail and bud leaves all over. Curse you nitrate lol.
Bull 7   601030

Relating to this and as a result of more searching to find a reason for these effects; I happened on to some lovely useless information with forms of N. It takes less energy for a plant to assimilate NH4 than it does to assimilate NO3. Specifically; Nitrate takes 2.4g of Glucose per g (-1) of protein produced. Ammonia takes 1.8g of glucose per g (-1) protein.

---------------------------Ok enough of that.

@NaturalTherapy Here's a top cut shot of the first 3 plants to go into flower; blueberry vimana's. The shot is from my newer bubble cloner and these are "top cuts" to be as backups. They are just rooted and got pulled from cloner after pic. The intent here is so you can have an idea of leaf structure with these.
The plant on left had the most differing leave structure and tended to stretch nodes. The plant in middle is the one I've had my eye on. If you look close you can see visible trichomes (looks like dust). The plant on right was then just the largest of remaining and was chosen.
The remaining 2 "BM's" will be out to flower soon and I will take backup cuts / pics for those also. When they get kicking butt in flower I'll update pics again. Overall, very healthy and good strong genetics!! PROPS!!
BM A C root

Last a shot when pulled from cloner. Good strong rooting with these!!!
BM A root
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happy b

Refreshing to see there are people on the North who still dare grow a mostly sativa :) even though according to Happy B (maker of the cross) the "Fruity Thai" is actually a transvestite Indica (and in that sense truly "fruity" I guess):

Can't wait for a smoke report, my brain loves both chocolate and sativas.
The chocolope is a great sativa imo.i love the way the 4 bottom branches grow right up near the top.
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