U.S. Will Enforce Marijuana Laws, State Vote Aside

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Totally agree with dizzle, but I'd ad that govt seems to always be pushing with 215. Always trying to close dispensaries down any way they can. Daunting to think what 19 would allow them to push. I love this quote below. So so true of the fight still ahead of us.

The city attorney's office doesn't see it that way. "We have an obligation to enforce the plain-vanilla language of the rules," said Jane Usher, a special assistant city attorney handling the dozens of lawsuits swirling around the regulations.

Legal loophole threatens some well-meaning, well-run collectives

By Sandy Banks
October 19, 2010
They seem like just what California voters like me had in mind when we approved the "compassionate" use of marijuana to treat medical ills 14 years ago.

The Toluca Lake Collective operates out of a converted house on a quiet street, with no neon sign or ATM machine. It carries just six strains of marijuana — unlike the dozens some dispensaries offer. All are grown locally by members, and owner Frank Sheftel can tell you which works best to relieve pain, ease muscle spasms or just deliver a good night's sleep.

Across town, there's PureLife Alternative Wellness Center. It was created by cancer survivor Yami Bolanos as an alternative to "those blaring-music and strobe-light places, where you're taking advice from an 18-year-old with piercings all over her face," she said.

PureLife has a comfy lobby, high-end furniture, and rows of marijuana choices and medical information. The shop hosts tours for city officials and law enforcement officers and was selected by collective owners as the best example of a well-run place.

Both have been around since 2006 and were supposed to be among the 186 collectives "grandfathered" in when the city adopted tough medical marijuana restrictions that put hundreds of dispensaries out of business this year.

But they have wound up among 130 original collectives now threatened with closure because of — depending on how you see it — either a paperwork glitch or a dirty trick.

In Sheftel's case, his required registration was "inadvertently misdirected by city staff." The city acknowledged as much in a notation adding him to the approved list in 2008. But he has since been dropped from the list on the grounds that he missed the deadline when he filed his paperwork in Van Nuys instead of the clerk's office downtown.

Bolanos is caught in a bigger problem. PureLife is one of 58 collectives targeted for closure because they may have hired or fired a manager since they first applied.

"It's ridiculous for them to disqualify me because I have hired a manager," said Bolanos. "I want my business to be run well, so I have family members helping me manage now. What do they think I'm supposed to do when I can't be here? Is that a reason to shut us down?"

It's not as if the city is going easy on dispensaries now. After years of watching pot shops proliferate, the City Council this year passed one of the toughest marijuana regulation laws in the state. It requires dispensaries to be patient-dominated collectives, located at least 1,000 feet from schools, parks, libraries and homes, closed by 8 each night and without neon cannabis-leaf signs.

The ordinance goes on for 17 pages, regulating everything from how much employees can be paid (reasonable wages and benefits; no bonuses) to how many collectives a patient can join (one). It caps the number of dispensaries, but makes an exception for those that registered with the city in 2007, when a moratorium was adopted.

The regulations were a product of more than two years of contentious debate. I guess it's no wonder that a few things got mashed up in the soup-making. The new ordinance allowed the immediate shut-down of more than 400 dispensaries that had sprung up after the moratorium and validated only those that had opened before.

But among those, it excluded dispensaries that had changed ownership or management. The city attorney's office interprets that to mean that if a collective has hired or fired a manager since 2007, it no longer qualifies as an original.

And although it has not yet moved to shut those down, the city attorney's office has left them off the list of legal collectives and filed suit to keep them off.

"We want to be legal, but he wants to get rid of us," complained Bolanos, president of the Greater Los Angeles Collective's Alliance, referring to the city attorney. "I really believe this is very political, because the city attorney doesn't believe there should be such a thing as medical marijuana."

Councilwoman Janice Hahn isn't willing to go that far, but she is co-sponsoring an amendment to the ordinance that would put those collectives back on the list by allowing them to qualify as long as they "maintain at least one primary owner and/or manager" from their original registration.

"It's unfortunate that the city attorney misinterpreted our intent when it comes to a change in management," Hahn said. Allowing management changes is not just a question of fairness but of good business, Hahn said.

"I want them to have the flexibility to run a decent, safe, responsible business," she said. "They ought to have the right to make a management change if they need it."

The city attorney's office doesn't see it that way. "We have an obligation to enforce the plain-vanilla language of the rules," said Jane Usher, a special assistant city attorney handling the dozens of lawsuits swirling around the regulations.

The motion to amend the ordinance is scheduled to be heard by the City Council today. But Usher wants the discussion delayed until a judge rules next month on motions filed by dispensaries challenging the city's law.

"What the collectives are experiencing is impatience and frustration," Usher said. "I'm sympathetic to that. But we have to let the legal process work. Out of respect for the court, I'm presuming that the city will honor the order of the proceedings and let those things be resolved first."

I understand why this feels to collectives like an underhanded trick by City Atty. Carmen Trutanich, who has made clear that he believes state law does not allow the sale of medical marijuana, just its "cultivation and exchange" among patients and caregivers.

Even to me, it plays like part of a crusade to stop the city's medical marijuana trade: If they can't use the law to shut pot shops down, they'll grasp at whatever loophole can be found.

But then, it's kind of like the game that some dispensary owners played, turning "compassionate care" into legal drug dealing. It's just a shame that legitimate collectives may have to pay for the fear and ill will that created.


Prop 19 = 80% lower price! not bad for people who just wanna smoke day and night.

How do you figure adding $50 per ounce in tax will make it cheaper? Do you think those greedy bastards in Oakland or elsewhere will start cutting you a break on price. They already rip off vendors now with their prices and sure as hell dont lower prices in the dispensaries. If this passes they will have complete control over the supply, thus control over the price. What dont you people understand about this prop. It was written by and for commercial ops.
Pay $150 and get your medical card. Then you can actually grow it yourself. Sun is free, water is nearly free. Grown by me for me.:free-character-smil


I can see that happening!!!

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Jezus H' KRIST!! Garden of Dreams' that's one big clean evil shorebreaking' monster...I can't imagine ever goin out if it was that big. Oh yeah part of my HB story was I lost one Churchill on my wreck...and we attended the OP Pro that year. I met Kelly Slater there too as he came up the beach after one of his heats.He dumped his girlfreind for me that night and got Jack Johnson to play for us out on the jetty for a sunset moment...hehe..big HB story eh?

...i'm pretty much retired body surfer and now I'm out on my 8'6" Walden custom foam'. I'm out at Cowells' alot and Pleasure P' occasionally...that' is whenever I can get out of the redwoods. Sometimes I'm out up in Pacifica..I spent 7 years in Maui and 2 in Hawaii but SC is where the skwirlie g' hangs'

I don't have much more to say about Prop 19. You guys have this thing pretty much pegged. It's just such obvious 'corporate shenanigans' and it blows my mind how anyone who's read the law and all the inside info' can argue for it


Living dead girl
That's a cool HB story, skwrl.
I can see that happening!!!

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I got my Red Cross water and scuba rescue certification on that beach. In February. In 8' surf (I know, that ain't no 8' surf there). Had to rescue another diver at depth, give resuscitative breathing at the surface while I swam him in, then had to drape this 200lb kid over my shoulders, fireman-style, to get him *out* of that surf and onto the beach where I could begin compressions and more breathing. Got my cert, I sure did. Fucking COLD ass water, it sure was!

I don't really miss diving or trying to swim the Wedge. While I miss the beach, I do NOT miss people.


monsanto GMO MJ seeds, coming to a store near you!

um there already here and have been here for at least 10 years it called feminized seed monsanto sold the concoction or recipe to to the owner of cultivars choice[in conclusion with the cia] then the owner went and repatented the process and sold it to all of the amsterdam seed companies im not in cali and i say vote no cali dont even think of letting these criminals in to our community


whatever...I do see if the Nov' prop passes he'll be waaay busier busting grows over the 5x5 limit. I'm sure he's not down with that. But if there's a stiffer law and he's willing why wouldn't he beef up his 'jacket' with more felony busts..

Maybe he's a redneck but... As it stands now I'm sure he's just kickin back watching good folks do their Medical grows.

Alot of CALI LEO are tired of busting med grows cause they lose in court. In general they're somewhat mellow. I've seen a few times where they just come and go. It's crazy to see them pull up in force anticipating a major grow and then all of them file out because the person was not over the 'limit'.. Soooo it's usually no problem if your not abusing your county limit. I say that's pretty g' damn legal..

On the other hand if this law passes all the cops that don't dig the present situation (still plenty of those) will have ample ammunition for the their own 'interpretations' and sure enough busts will go UP..That tax $$ from the clubs will sure come in handy uh huh yes sir,,,

So to vote yes is a vote of ignorance IMHO...yes says go ahead and take the precious herb..tax it regulate it skim it..haha jokes on you cali folks. Have fun in your 5x5's but if we catch giving weed away let alone selling it your BUSTED..and don't have any kids nearby cause your BUSTED...child endangerment ...extra BUSTED in the eyse of the court for that one..f'n scary glad I don't have any kids I guess

No offense but you have NO idea how the legal system works at all.. Not to mention I dont give 2 fucks who says I can or cannot have a natural reoccuring plant of this earth. I'll bet 99.5% of people reading this thread think they know the laws and what not.. truth be told, you have all been fooled into living under a society which doesnt apply to you unless you contract yourself into it. The society is called The Law Society, Hell they even have their own language.. It's called legalese, it sounds deceptively similar to english but it isnt!! Infact if you look at Blacks Law dictionary, you will find that the term "Person(s)" has been changed from You or I (Flesh and blood) to a corporation (Fictitious entity)

You may be wondering why? Well if you will kindly take notice to your drivers license, social security card.. ANYTHING government issued infact, You will notice your name in ALL capital letters. What else in our world has its name in all capital letters? only every single corporation to have ever exsisted. Again, the question is why? It's simple.. We are supposed to be FREE, this is what our fore fathers envisioned.. yet are we free? Since our name is in all capital letters on all our ID's we are at the status of a corporation, what is the status of a corporation? THE LOWEST ONE COULD POSSIBLY BE, A SLAVE. Infact guess who MUST follow Acts, Statues and legislation? A corporation. There are many words in blacks law that have been changed to mean something else. Need some more help understanding what I mean?


If anyone has a brain in their head, they will wake the fuck up to this tyranny we all face. My whole point in this topic was this. Who truly believes ANYONE could put you in a small 4x4 cell for years at a time for doing something to your own body ie getting high. or for growing a natural reoccuring plant of this earth. Back before the FED, there was civil law and common law.. These are ACTUAL laws because they sum up to basically 3 different convictions. 1. Dont harm someone or their property. 2. Don't steal someones property. 3. Dont commit any acts of fraud. THATS IT.. But of course with the FED comming in the early 1900's they soon figured out a way to keep track of us, while making us slaves at the same time.. Birth Certificates.. All capital letters. So even before you can defend yourself your already a slave because no ones ever heard of this before and nobody thinks about things outside the box. Everyones so tuned into their own little box so much that they fail to see the liberties going bye-bye.

I close by saying WATCH that video, I'm not crazy folks.. the video can explain far better than I can in text. There are things I left out because you just wouldnt get it unless you see the video!!

I love all, and just want our freedoms back.. I dont intend on dissin anybody by this but please wake the fuck up.. history is repeating itself, were right in the middle of the government taking our lives whole.. Put down your cell phone, stop watching mind numbing shows like Jersey shore and all these REDICULAS fake reality shows.. FACE YOUR OWN REALITY. Never forget, the government is our public servants.. They have stopped acting as our servants and have made us their servants instead.. We have the right to rid them of the scene completly (It's in the constitution) STOP being walked on!! Were natural human being of this earth and have more rights than they could ever write down on paper.

Edit: Thought I'd throw in some more shit to top the pile off. If you people think for 1 second the president or any high government offical has ever had the people in mind, you are sooo wrong. Bush, Clinton, Obama, Nixon , ford, Carter Ect. Ect. Ect. over 90% of presidents are BLOOD related to each other and there relations travel down a thin blood stream of ROYALTY.. queen of england, king george of the 15th century. Hell, George bush is a direct decendent of the first ruler of jerusalem. The first ruler of jerusalem was named godfrey de bouillon, he obtained his ruling title by waging war.. IMAGINE THAT.. Cant you people understand.. we are still the peasents of the 15th century, under the same rule.. just different generations. People in power have it for a reason, none of the reasons are good.. Britain left our countrys hundreds of years ago but the rulers didnt.


^^^If she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood and therefore... a witch!

The cast of Monty Python approves your logic. :-)


[Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization) In Roman law. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man's status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.

Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe) - The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man's family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144Capitis Diminutio Media (meaning a medium loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John DOE) - A lessor or medium loss of status. This occurred where a man loses his rights of citizenship, but without losing his liberty. It carried away also the family rights.

Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) - The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.

Diminutio. Lat. In civil law. Diminution; a taking away; loss or depravation.

Capite. - Lat. By the head.

As Black's Law Dictionary explains, the full capitalization of the letters of one's natural name, results in a diminishing or complete loss of legal or citizenship status, wherein one actually becomes a slave or an item of inventory. The method by which the State causes a natural person to "volunteer" himself into slavery, is through forming legal joinder, implied or stated, with the entity or legal fiction (name all CAPS). Of course, most natural persons wouldn't willingly form such an unlawful but legally reductionist joinder, so trickery and obfuscation are used. The initial joinder is formed when a legal Birth Certificate is issued by the State, name in all CAPS. In fact, both the Certificate of Birth AND Social Security number, are for "inventory" control purposes, similar to the Amistad Schooner's manifest or those numbers or records used by legal entities or Corporations to track, account for, use and dispose of inventory. It is under the Admiralty jurisdiction Terri Schiavo's fate was determined, and under this alien fictional jurisdiction many of today's legal or other fictional entities such as "gay marriages" are fabricated. Commensurate with color of law, they appear to "be," but they are not. Indeed, under common law and the American Constitution, "gay marriage" is unlawful and an oxymoron (contradiction). This, no legal maneuver can change.

Whereas one may have legal recourse in a Corporate or Admiralty Court, no lawful or moral remedy will be found. Administrative directives of the legal tribunal or Admiralty jurisdiction, while having the color or appearance of law, may be legal but are in fact unlawful due to the nature or status of the Court's origin, which is predicated upon fiction. Admiralty Courts are in effect vastly inferior to the intentions and authority of those who founded the American Constitutional Republic. When searching America today, one would be hard pressed to locate an authentic Constitutional or Common law Court. This unlawful condition prevails in both Canada and the United States. A serious breech of Constitutional fidelity surfaced recently, when it was discovered Judges in Oregon were not properly sworn to uphold the Oregon Constitution and therefore were acting without Constitutional authority. The Courts and Judges in question, therefore, represent an alien power or entity.

Thats why our names are in all capital letters, we are merely slaves and inventory to them!!! just like how a CEO of a corporation has full control over everything his employees do.. they have full control over us, unknowingly (other than people like me who see through this bull shit) Watch atleast 30 minutes of this vid.. become informed!


Hey big al i see what your saying, and its true marijuana laws are unjust in most of the country but 19 is bad for us CA, medical was finaly starting to be eased up on raids were fianly slowing it was becoming accepted finaly and now this is only going to set us back. Belive me or not its a step back for law reform, just cuz they write dosnt mean they have to accept it. its only going to bring heat to the subject, its going to put more strain on the dispenseries and the med patients. we were moving forward it finaly got good now it looks as if its all going to go down the toilet. So big all plz understand that we need solid ground on the medical first. once they recognize that law we can think about legalizing it


uhhh not sure what all that was marski..or is this Mel Gibson?..haha just kidding..

and who the heck are you to say we all don't understand law?

I know one thing>

we understand the law in question...and we know who wrote the law and who it benefits. We know it's corporate and we all know it's rockin the boat..a boat that's finally somewhat stable.

That's the issue here..Now go find Julia Roberts....haha just kidding again


Those that say vote no to protect their own livelihoods are hypocrites and willing to profit off someone else's incarceration just like private jailers. Vote yes to let the world know what you think of the criminalization of cannabis. Improvements can be made in the law in the future. Personally I believe there should be no controls on cannabis and no taxation beyond simple sales tax.

Show me a prop that had flaws in it(much like prop 19) that people said "after we vote it in we will fix it", and actually did fix it for the better...
On an issue like Prop 19 where there are so many people firmly planted "for" or "against" it that getting some type of compromise after it has become law has never happened.
How does a no vote on prop 19 make someone a hypocrite? The argument you gave doesn't prove hypocrisy...If it was true(and I know it is not) it might be callousness or profiteering(ok maybe in some cases, but welcome to America, and our business format) but doesn't make someone a hypocrite..


uhhh not sure what all that was marski..or is this Mel Gibson?..haha just kidding..

and who the heck are you to say we all don't understand law?

I know one thing>

we understand the law in question...and we know who wrote the law and who it benefits. We know it's corporate and we all know it's rockin the boat..a boat that's finally somewhat stable.

That's the issue here..Now go find Julia Roberts....haha just kidding again

Nah, you think you know "law" And you think you know economy too I bet but unfortunately like alot of good decent people the blind fold is on and its on tight. You live what is known as an illusion.. think long and hard here.. who has ANY right to take someone from their natural habitat and stick them in a 4x4 cell because a bunch of old white geezers decided doing things to your own body can land you there, and they have the thugs (cops) to make sure you do whatever they say. There are 3 laws which should be enforced.. 1. Dont harm someone or their property. 2. Dont steal from people. 3. Dont engage in any act of fraud. How simple is that??? But nah, you know law.. well if you know law why do all these other "laws" (In quotes because they ARE NOT laws, they are legislation, acts and statues) Legislation, acts and statues only apply to certain human beings.. they are known as slaves and guess what.. thats our whole race!! If your name = all capital letters on your government ID's then your at the status of a slave and or a corporation.. Corporations have their names in all caps, the laws for running a corporation are known as Legislation, acts and statues (What a coinkidink) We have been fooled as a race by our elite masters.. you dont even know who these people are and you wanna act like you know shit.. I'm sorry but, get on my level.. my intelligence is atleast 3x yours, especially since your one of those people whos right into what celebrities are doing apperently.. Sorry I actually make real use of my time instead of wasting it with the latest reality show, what celebrities are up too and thinking government is "a boat that's finally somewhat stable." Government is stable, yet here we are.. in a "free" country being told "Fuck ya, even if you all vote yes, we still say no" Yeah.. free indeed.. I'm sorry for what I said above, but I'm not because it needs to be said.. wake the fuck up everyone!!

There is one thing hollywood told the truth about.. The Matrix (See link below) tells us exactly what we are.. A slave born into bondage.
I'm not expecting you to understand, you have been apart of the illusion your whole life.. there are millions out there who know what I say.. and then there are the billions of indenial people who know somethings wrong with the system but are too stupid/lazy or IGNORANT to fix what they allowed the government to do.

I dare anyone reading this to do research on all this, maybe you will find what you have been looking for, PEACE.



So marski, you're Canadian? Perhaps telling Californians we don't understand the law isn't the best approach. I understand what you're saying about the contract creating by submitting to the law etc, but you're going way too far for most of us.

Your posts are really repetitive and long and hard to read. I'm a total rambling windbag whose posts are too long too, but your posts seem like bizarre ramblings, and outside of preaching pure anarchy, I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish. This thread was about Prop 19. Assume we got your point about needing to overthrow the government and move on, please.

And don't worry, we all live our lives by the teachings of the one true document, The Matrix.


I was using 1 scene in the matrix as an example.. I never said I live my life by it, please explain where I said such nonsense? So what if I am from Canada, were all humans before countrymen and my point is to stop rolling over and dying. Your country is in the same boat as the rest of the world, were all just as screwed.. I know what this thread is about and my topics are on topic, just because my words seem esoteric to you doesnt make them un-true / too far fetched in any sense.. Bizarre ramblings? Yes, to those who just dont understand the truth or dont want to.

I love how just because im from a country that is directly attached to you I shouldnt have an opinoin on my fellow brothers getting the shaft.. Yeah I rambled a little but get the fuck over it and yourself.. dont like it DONT READ. I recall not even speaking to you in the first place as I was clearly directing my comment towards another member, not you..

Also I just had to say something about this little quote of yours.. "but you're going way too far for most of us." REALLY?? you were the first person to say anything to me besides the other member I was talking to.. Most of us is 2 people?? Sorry your offended by being a slave, I was offended too at first but then I decided to inform people. I'm also sorry you enjoy living a life that is completely fabricated. Furthermore I'm sorry you cant handle 1 person's words.. Ever stop to think why people get so offended by such things? It's called your ego, ego is the cancer upon this earth which divides us and makes us a weak race.

BTW you want the real videos I look up too for my information? (probably not.. your time is much better WASTED watching tv, movies and any other distraction you can get your hands on, right?)




Everybody look at me, I'm SPEWING anarchy everywhere because I KNOW the government is corrupt and preach peace to the world.. AND IM THE BAD GUY hahaha oook


I do apologize for being a bit arrogant to skwirlgirl.. I shouldnt have said I was more intelligent and all that.. But when everyone thinks they know whats goin on when its just a massive illusion infront of your eyes it gets me goin. I ment no offense skwirl.. Smoke on farmers..

Edit: One thing I forgot to say to Amstercal was this.. I stand up for my fellow man.. your from across an imaginary line from me, so what? I live in a free country like you (supposedly) and we both go by democracy(Again, supposedly) so when I see the the government say "Even if you vote yes, we still say no" that strikes a nerve as if it was my own country.. I may sound like an asshole but im an asshole out of love. Hope everyone understands.


Living dead girl
A 'bit' arrogant? Could you understate it any more?

Buddy Hemphill

I was using 1 scene in the matrix as an example.. I never said I live my life by it, please explain where I said such nonsense? So what if I am from Canada, were all humans before countrymen and my point is to stop rolling over and dying. Your country is in the same boat as the rest of the world, were all just as screwed.. I know what this thread is about and my topics are on topic, just because my words seem esoteric to you doesnt make them un-true / too far fetched in any sense.. Bizarre ramblings? Yes, to those who just dont understand the truth or dont want to.

I love how just because im from a country that is directly attached to you I shouldnt have an opinoin on my fellow brothers getting the shaft.. Yeah I rambled a little but get the fuck over it and yourself.. dont like it DONT READ. I recall not even speaking to you in the first place as I was clearly directing my comment towards another member, not you..

Also I just had to say something about this little quote of yours.. "but you're going way too far for most of us." REALLY?? you were the first person to say anything to me besides the other member I was talking to.. Most of us is 2 people?? Sorry your offended by being a slave, I was offended too at first but then I decided to inform people. I'm also sorry you enjoy living a life that is completely fabricated. Furthermore I'm sorry you cant handle 1 person's words.. Ever stop to think why people get so offended by such things? It's called your ego, ego is the cancer upon this earth which divides us and makes us a weak race.

BTW you want the real videos I look up too for my information? (probably not.. your time is much better WASTED watching tv, movies and any other distraction you can get your hands on, right?)




Everybody look at me, I'm SPEWING anarchy everywhere because I KNOW the government is corrupt and preach peace to the world.. AND IM THE BAD GUY hahaha oook

So you think your enlightened underground video proves something?

"They" can fool the ordinary folks who are on the "ether"...but not the paranoid conspiracy types....right? Those guys have it all figured out...:joint:

I love (smarter than everybody else)people who yell "the plane is falling" and then post friggin you tube videos for conclusive "proof"....lol....too funny!

BTW....the men in the black suits flying over your house in the helicopter ARE WATCHING YOU..!!!

I think you post on every forum I have ever joined..


Everyone must thank you for enlightening us with the wisdom of the Matrix, it will do everyone good to think of themselves as just "a spoke in the wheel of the big machine that cares not for our existence". Forget the wisdom of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, St Augustine, St Anselm, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, etc and so on..Its all about the wisdom of Keanu Reeves, a Hollywood screenplay based on a running joke from the early days of the internet, and second semester philosophy/metaphysics class from a state level college..Take care, and look into Malebranche's "Dualism on metaphysics".


I assure you I was not anything but amused. I wasn't saying you were going too far being rude, well at least to people other than skwirlgirl. I was saying your trite and paranoid suggestions were more fiction than I could go for. However, I should have said "for me" rather than "for most."

I have nothing against Canada or Canadians whatsoever. My comment about your being Canadian was to point out that you're making a lot of assumptions. I would never presume to tell Canadians how to vote on some complex issue that will involve difficult legal battles and have such far reaching effects. I would not presume that even after some study I could understand all the factors that go into how your government works and how it will affect people's lives without some actual experience in it. Then also I think it's odd to tell people how to vote when you won't have to live with the direct legal ramifications of the vote. And even stranger to tell them how to vote since voting seems like further enforcing the contract, but whatever.

Still, I support your search to unplug yourself from the matrix and just ask could we please not be subjected to any more really long and strange "dictionary" entries? By the same token, I doubt anyone wants to hear me ramble at you, so I will now quietly endeavor to accept the truth.

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