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Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

OK so I am fighting Rousey. Somehow she manages to grab my wrist and has her legs wrap in front of my face and across my shoulders. Somehow, even though I don't think she can, she holds onto my arm. Then I remember she only weighs 135 lbs which is 50 lbs less than my one rep maximum curl and 575 pounds less than my maximum one time squat and I pick her up and start using her as a human fly swatter. After I whack the back of her head on the mat one time she is going to have an occipital lobe concussion and the next day wake up with the classic sign of double black eyes. It is called "raccoon eyes" and is the result of a concussion to the back of the head.

Seriously it is difficult to deal with somebody in a UFC match with rules that can lift multiple times your body weight. You don't have good striking power when your feet are not touching the ground. That is why Heavyweights don't fight lightweights.

OK all this fighting talk has made me achy and ready for a nap. LOL!

Hey! I am old.


If she were to get wrist control while standing, she may drop you on your head then jump your arm for the arm bar. She is a Olympic judo medalist and black belt thru gokor n judo gene labell I believe. You gonna tap like Sammie Davis jr.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

For the record I ain't messing with Ilino or any Alvarado. LOL!

When I was 40 I entered a Tough Man contest. I lost in the semifinals to the eventual champion who was 23. I was the only person he didn't finish. I was the oldest and lightest heavyweight at 193 lbs. I was actually ahead but got cut on a head butt and they stopped the fight.

The guy I was fighting was built like a cartoon superhero and was wearing American flag trunks like Rocky Balboa. He knocked me down in the first 15 seconds. Than I became enraged and pummeled him for the rest of the round. The main guy said I won that round. They only go two rounds.

The second round he hit me with a solid punch on the side of the head and for a minute I said to myself "what the hell are you doing in here?'. It made my ears pop. Then he head butt my chin and blood was everywhere.
Then the crowd booed me as my wife came in the ring and started dabbing at my cut with a tissue. The crowd started mocking me and were chanting "pussy! pussy!" Somebody yelled "Oh look his mom is here to clean his face".

I had to get 13 stitches in my chin. The next day at supper time I couldn't even lift a dinner plate with my arms. I had done a lot of running and my gas tank was good. All the lifting and exercises did not prepare my arms for the day after throwing a lot of punches.

It was a real eye opener for me.

OK I take it back. Rousey would kick my ass.


^"Her legs Wrapped Around YOUR FACE"! ...:D ?

^^ Mighty Mouse! Pound for Pound gr8.. Yes he's always Impressive and Fighting Dodson Again soon i hear..
Surprised i hadn't seen this tho[until the Other day!]..135lb Bantamweight Championship against Dominick Cruz . << That guys got awesome footwork! ..He did have against Faber Anyhow.. Cool... Almost like a MMA Peek-a-boo style i tought!!

oh (^) Winky right was a gr8 Boxer ..yup ..peek-a-boo ..King
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Tough man contests are exactly that. Tough man contests. Boxing is a boxing contest, street fights are street fights.

Fundamentally we are talking about removing a person from one contest & putting them in another & saying they would win. Each situation people have experience in optimizing their environment. MMA is not what it started, like in the UFC. Now EVERYONE is a striker, JJ, wrestler etc.

You are entering the ring with a woman who is trained to use her whole body as a weapon. There are mechanics ar work here my friend. It does't come down to "what you can lift." Can you curl 135 on your back with your arm on the ground? I don't think you can. Now move a lot of that 135 weight much further out than your hand & try to lift it. Now it's heavier. She is gonna be the heaviest 135 lbs you ever saw.

Can you squat 575 with the weight tied to one wrist and your shoulder turned outward? If you were in a squatting position, as soon as you tried (if she decided not to break your arm) she would just go for the leg. Now she has the distance management (are heel hooks allowed in UFC?). Just enjoy the rest of the time you have in the ring with her and tell her you're sorry if you hurt her feelings, but that you find her very attractive, and that this whole thing was just so that you could meet her and ask her out. She may take pity on you lol.

Lol, you ain't swinging no one around, as soon as you pick her up she will snap your elbow. You think she is going give you a chance to pick her up? I think you do need a nap. You just said if she got you in an arm bar, you will just pick her upend swat flies with her. If she has you in an arm bar, it's over. The only flies to swat will be the ones hovering around the dump you just took in your pants.

I've been in an arm bar. These guys who don't tap for an albeit awkward armbar, I don't know how they do it. the tap reflex just happens when the brain senses a body part about to be broken in half.

You said you wrestled, you know what I'm talking about. If a guy has you around the torso, & you are in a sprawl, low to the ground & he straight legged and bent over, it doesn't matter what he can lift. He ain't lifting you, especially the 60 year old, porker version of you ;) You aren't a barbell, your weight dist. Is much different, and harder to lift.

Mighty Mouse is a pussy, I got a cat that could take him.

And in your RR scenario, I think you skipped the steps where she kicks you in the leg so hard you can't walk for a week.

She ain't gonna fight you like she does another opponent in the ring. With them, she know what she has to defend against, and that will take up a lot of her time/mental energy doing so. You are a confessed tubby whose advantages are weight and strength. She could eliminate both those threats very quickly.

I don't know why I'm doing this, I'm not even an RR fan (I don't think, is she cute? Then I'm a fan) but if I'm your corner man, your only hope would be to accomplish exactly what she does not want you to, remain upright, throwing punches. Any other scenario she wins.

Do you have any medieval armor you could wear on your legs? If so, I think we have a shot at this...I'll make the call.

OK so I am fighting Rousey. Somehow she manages to grab my wrist and has her legs wrap in front of my face and across my shoulders. Somehow, even though I don't think she can, she holds onto my arm. Then I remember she only weighs 135 lbs which is 50 lbs less than my one rep maximum curl and 575 pounds less than my maximum one time squat and I pick her up and start using her as a human fly swatter. After I whack the back of her head on the mat one time she is going to have an occipital lobe concussion and the next day wake up with the classic sign of double black eyes. It is called "raccoon eyes" and is the result of a concussion to the back of the head.

Seriously it is difficult to deal with somebody in a UFC match with rules that can lift multiple times your body weight. You don't have good striking power when your feet are not touching the ground. That is why Heavyweights don't fight lightweights.

OK all this fighting talk has made me achy and ready for a nap. LOL!

Hey! I am old.


Mighty mouse would have won if there were no rounds. In underground fighting no rules, no rounds 160 -170lb is a common size to win these oversea no hold barred events. Cruz was gassing , saved by the bell.... MMA cage matches are not even close to a real fighting.


That Cruz fight looked a lot like my sessions with Emile, except 5 rounds longer lol. Can you imagine, a genuine savant, who is also got a few years of mma under his belt. I'm not saying that makes him more dangerous, it's just such an odd thing. He will kick your ass in chess, and in the ring, but he literally cannot tie his own shoes (that's a fact, don't ask me to explain it, I'm as baffled by it as you are) We could remake "Rainman" and it would totally rock.

When you are on the ground with someone who is better than you (and you know it) you spend so much of your time thinking about what to defend against. "Ok, he has the under hooks, I'm on the wall, he is going to use some sort of toss, I gotta get ready for the bounce...or should I fight the toss, his legs are too far, damn this guy is heavy, I'm gonna pull guard and make him work for it...or I could just go Tyson on his ear...I gotta do something, he is making it hard for me to breathe" I pull guard, I was in a weird arm bar in short order. Now he has weight on me, you being stronger and heavier than RR, that should buy you enough time to put out the Mighty Mouse call. Yeah, do that, I think all you have to do is sing his song, REALLY, REALLY loudly ;)

The tapping thing is natural. I think I've been in every basic submission there is, and once you feel that pain, you tap. These guys in the ring have something to prove (toughness). The only submission that the average person may not tap for is the rear naked choke. Because, you are thinking, "this ones not so bad, I'm gonna show'em." By the time you have had that thought, right at that moment, the lights go out.

My favs, (some oldies but goodies)

Matt Hughes
Anderson silva
Connor mcgregor
Chris Weismann


Mighty mouse would have won if there were no rounds. In underground fighting no rules, no rounds 160 -170lb is a common size to win these oversea no hold barred events. Cruz was gassing , saved by the bell.... MMA cage matches are not even close to a real fighting.

Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Junk I think you are missing some key points of biology and physics.

If you hit a baseball bat with a broom handle even though the broom handle is doing the hitting the broom handle breaks. A woman's bones are not as strong as a man's bones because they are thinner. Add to that a man that has lifted weights for 45 years and his bones are incredibly strong and thick. Then wrap those big bones in muscles and it won't be fair. RR will not defeat me with leg kicks. That idea makes me laugh.

It is a 185 lb maximum one time curl. Not 135. 135 I can do TEN TIMES. It won't come down to Rhonda's arms, legs, body or back trying to arm bar me. Even though I think I would still overpower those. It will come down to her grip strength. Her little tiny girl fingers and hands are going to be the absolute weak link. It will be impossible for her to hold on.
I know you think she has super girl grip strength too. LOL! She doesn't.
Stop arguing that a 135 pound girl can beat a 275 lb man.

How come Rampage Jackson picks those men up who weigh the same as he does and body slams them while they try to arm bar him but I can't lift up pipsqueak Rhonda Rousey and do the same thing? He does it all the time.

And lastly Rhonda Rousey is not known to have good leg kicks. She has no punching power. She has never knocked anybody out or down.

HEY DANA WHITE!!! I want Rhonda Rousey.

Rhonda gets snapped in two. Film at 11.

Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

This is what will happen to Rhonda.

And at the 1:10 to 1:30 mark is footage that exactly disproves your theory about body slams when being arm barred.

Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

It's official now Floyd is fighting Berto.

Bisping says he wants rematches with cheating scumbags Belfort and Henderson.


I agree rampage would beat her. I don't think you are rampage Jackson. If you are please tell me now so I can change my entire position and dialogue.

I think you are missing that each of those slams the guy is holding on for a bad arm bar. If I'm RR I'm not going do that, to let you pick me up. In most of those cases, the guy obviously thought it was beneficial to keep the arm bar. When rampage slips his feet in to get into a position that will allow him to slam I would hook one of the legs. She will lose the armbar but someone like her, I think, would find another way in short order. What I'm saying is, I think you would be surprised at what these mma people can do to a "civilian." She's not known for her kicks you say (I don't even know who the woman is, I'm just having fun) I think that would be a mistake. She will kick you harder than I could (IMO). Maybe not harder than your average man would get in the ring with her, ;) but I am sure you would say to yourself (you mentioned you fought before so you know what I'm talking about) "I can't take a ton more of these or my legs are done."

I've figured it all out. Life, God, the universe, everything..but most importantly this conversation. You and I weigh the same, although, I'm younger, I would wager faster (I'm pretty quick for my weight, or so I've been told) I'm definitely better looking. I entered a tough looking man contest before and I won! I don't know as much about MJ cultivation though...I'm getting off track.

You made it to the semi finals of a tough man contest. We're there only four contestants? ;)

But seriously, this is what it is. We are about the same size, you are even stronger than me (much actually, I can't curl 150 with both arms, I just tried it) we have both fought. But, I wouldn't get in the ring with her, I think it's a bad idea for my overall health and good looks. If you are game (what did you say you were 60? You ar pretty much done anyway, so why the hell not.;) I'll even be a corner man and cheerleader (I'm only dressing like a corner man though.) But you have got to listen to me. How many mma matches do you have under your belt? I believe it was zero? (tough man is much different). I have at least 10, non-sanctioned, minutes of practice to draw on.

Anyone else want to be Tobor the eighth mans's, 10th man? We can get shirts made that say "the fighting farmers." All we need are some smelling salts, and some good product to take away the pain in between rounds (they'd prolly let you vape between rounds) to quote Dido, "I will go down with this ship," although I think you should just "put your hands up, and surrender ;) Damn I'm clever.
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That would be really funny actually if we got there, you were all warmed up, in the ring, the bell goes off, and one of us just throws in the towel...lol, how pissed would you be...


That would be really funny actually if we got there, you were all warmed up, in the ring, the bell goes off, and one of us just throws in the towel...lol, how pissed would you be...
thats funny... go kick your corner ass for throwing in the towel. I tend to think my corner guys would leave me there... or like pro wrestling , try to tap in to help me ,, lol...


Bare Knuckles, no holds barred - 200lb vs 275lb. Bitonio could have won with a ghee, The 'Pillow Case, move would make Vale tap with it and it was there. I've googled and looked all over and cant find the "Pillow Case" , "Potato sack " , " the head wrap "

all heart ,,,, man love this fight, tournament fighting, no rules, keep fighting more fights with no rounds



thats funny... go kick your corner ass for throwing in the towel. I tend to think my corner guys would leave me there... or like pro wrestling , try to tap in to help me ,, lol...


^Brutal Vid! (Woaaaaaaaaaa...!!!) Also ,Longest round ive EVER seen too.[No rounds right!?]

Bare knuckle ?! John Furry [^^^] ..Big 6'9" Tyson Furry's dad.. He use to be Irish Gypsy Bare Knuckle King (champion) in his day.. leads me to say.. (a BIT yuk ..but "^^^"
, Im feeling brave/merciless or something,Wonder why,lol
Heard not long ago John Furry's in Prison, they reckon he Gauged a blokes Eye Out in a car park Brawl........................He ate the Eye,Swallowed it!!


Just a Holla.
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