Uprising White Bear + Imperial Kush DrBudaCola

  • Thread starter DrBudACola
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Hi all glad to join in with the fun my contribution will be;
Imperial Kush- (Pre 98 Bubba x Uprising OG)
White Bear- (White Fire x White OG v2.0)
A quick bath in some technoflora and into the towel they go!
Uprising white bear  imperial kush drbudacola


That white bear sounds great and so does the imperial kush.. That bubba crossed to a daddy from a 3 way og cross lemon og x Tahoe c fire og that's got to be some real fn dank!

Good luck on your run I'll be stuck to this one.


Update;this morning we had 4 white bears uprising, 3 imperial Kush's standing as well. Expect more when I get home this evening. I will post a pic most likely on Thrurs. with details of how or what methods I will use to test these.The White Bears seeds seem to be very robust at this point. DrB


Hey Folks;
Sorry been really sick for the last week. Ok update.
I started 7 seeds each of White bear and Imp. Kush. I got 6 of each that are looking very nice. Second set of leaves sprouting out on all of them. It should assure me that I will have at least two ladies of each to watch.
My methods; Veganic, soiled 5 gal pots, Gen. Hydro Veganic formula + AVT (Bountea Brew)
I expect about 2 months in veg under 1 300 watt Plazma + 1k metal HID.then into a 16x16 flower room with mini split, UVB + charcoal filtration, Solar Rev. 360 light mover with 2 1K lights 1HPS 1Metal.
My belief\experience is that veganics bring the best in flavor and aroma in any variety. Try it U will be convinced as well. I am messaging my formula's to improve yield as well. I have been an organic grower for many years but have swithced over to veganics. A work in progress but I will get there.
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