Was He Justified???

  • Thread starter chickenman
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Was this man justified in shooting these kids???

  • yes

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • no

    Votes: 16 84.2%

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Grow god no need to try to be little me i have a right to voice my opinion with out prejudiced
If police can get away with murder you may be surprised what a person can get away with when when dealing with a intruder
We can guess all day or say he is fucked or not that is what courts are fore
Remember he is innocent till proven Guilty
Least we should hope the legal system works ????

looking forward to the outcome guilty or not guilty i really could care less..

His down fall is he should of purchased a Sig SRD 762 titanium  supressor with some harvestor 227 grain sub ammo could of killed 100 people and know one would of heard a thing the noise is what got him in trouble


Amazing the number of people who will crucify someone before any facts are even known.If he laid in wait and sniped them from a window is one thing,if on the other hand it happened fast,in the dark and in the commission of a crime is another story.Doesnt even matter if they were kids,its very sad but no one can tell a teenager from an adult in the dark and under stress even cops who train for it all the time right?We're their other mitigating circumstances?Was he robbed before?the neighbor said he was right?So many unanswered questions but I hope after both sides get to tell their story the truth will be known and 12 jurors will make the right decision.


Premium Member
Amazing the number of people who will crucify someone before any facts are even known.If he laid in wait and sniped them from a window is one thing,if on the other hand it happened fast,in the dark and in the commission of a crime is another story.Doesnt even matter if they were kids,its very sad but no one can tell a teenager from an adult in the dark and under stress even cops who train for it all the time right?We're their other mitigating circumstances?Was he robbed before?the neighbor said he was right?So many unanswered questions but I hope after both sides get to tell their story the truth will be known and 12 jurors will make the right decision.

Well then why don't you start a fund for his legal defense and see how much is donated...


Pretty sure this guy's situation is exactly why un-licensed outdoor grows are prohibited. He might as well have clothes-pinned 100 dollar bills to his tomato plants in plain sight. No fence..no nothing right there in the heavily populated run down part of Denver. Penalized for having a puny brain.


Premium Member
Lets keep it respectable..
Bulldog, wondering your Christian as I recall.
Thu shalt not kill Gods commandment..
Also judge not...
So how do you justify judging then shooting one of Gods children???

Well, you learned one line. Now read the rest of the bible. It of coarse allows one to defend oneself, and their family. Gods law. Simple and universal.

If you walk into a cave and walk on a mother bare with it's cub, you know instinctively you fucked up and are now threatening the bear cup. It's natures law.

1. Luke 22:35-36 Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you out to preach the Good News and you did not have money, a traveler’s bag, or an extra pair of sandals, did you need anything?” “No,” they replied. “But now,” he said, “take your money and a traveler’s bag. And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one!

2. Exodus 22:2-3 “If a thief is caught in the act of breaking into a house and is struck and killed in the process, the person who killed the thief is not guilty of murder. But if it happens in daylight, the one who killed the thief is guilty of murder. “A thief who is caught must pay in full for everything he stole. If he cannot pay, he must be sold as a slave to pay for his theft.

3. Luke 22:38 And they were saying to him, ‘Our Lord, behold, here are two swords.’ He said to them, ‘They are enough.’

4. Luke 11:21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed.

5. Psalm 18:34 He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow.

6. Psalm 144:1 A psalm of David. Praise the LORD, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.

7. 2 Samuel 22:35 He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

There are hundreds more. Check out number 4. God's law.

Now can somebody explain how this doesn't make sense? Or are you guys just scared of guns and afraid of consequences of ones actions? Seems like the main problem with today's youth. I wish they kept God in school, we wouldn't be having near the amount of problems we are having today
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Premium Member
So then I ask.....
What would Jesus do???
Would he have shot and killed??
He was not defending himself he was defending pot plants which are illegal and the bible also says obey mans law....
I could say more but I have learned to be nice.....
So your saying this was justified??


Few years back we caught kids in GH..Red handed...
We knew who they were and handled it with involvement with a friend who is a hip minister.
If their parents found out they would be in deep shit.
So my friend the hip minster sat them down and made a deal..
stay out of trouble and we will not tell parents.
The older brother was caught with weed and parents came down hard...Military school
Later on my firewood guy, one of the kids grandpa thanked me for not harming or calling cops or parents...
Small town everybody finds out what up.
Worked out just fine for all no trouble since, thanks to alarm systems in place.
I can be out in a few seconds and it's usually a cat on hunt sets of alarm...

The kids that ripped me are all kids I knew. The main culprit was my oldest son's (RIP) HS girlfriend's little brother...

We didn't even call the cops. I went on patrol myself...visitng 3 residences at 6AM....I pounded on their doors til they got up and then told the parents what I thought was up...and that I was 99.9% sure their kids were involved.

As usually happens...shit simply PLAYS OUT. No need for guns and ass hat shit (committing even worse crimes than burglary) . I knew that HS kids with VERY stinky pot would reveal themselves @ some point...and that they did.

All of em went through "Juvie" for their fuck up. The kid that was my son's GF's little brother eventually came around and apologized....and when he did (he was 14 when he took the weed....18 when he came to apologize) I gave him a nice sack of nugs and we squared/set things to rest. Now he's a valued family friend. He hung his head VERY low when he came to shake my hand and apologize.....but he was almost crying when I handed him that bag.......

None of you fuckers who advocate death KNOW dearth...as in how it feels to lose a son. Your caual and stupid fuck talk shows that very well. I hope you NEVER know what dumbfucks you truly are....

I hope they hang this fucker up by his nuts.....then they need to let the kids DAD in for a few minutes. >Problem solved<


Premium Member
Are you trying to compare humans to Jesus? That is the whole reason God gave us Jesus, and Jesus died on the cross. To absorb all of man kinds sins. So no, Jesus would not have. However, as a man, we are imperfect. However, is it a sin....No. Also, trick question, God brought every plant and animal on the Earth for humans. So with abundance, nobody would be stealing for it in the first place. Making the plant illegal is the sin here.

As for this case in particular, I didn't even read the story. Yes you have to be responsible gun owner, but as a thief, the difference between getting shot and not might be as small as stepping in the wrong direction once my gun is pulled. I come out with my gun when a thief is on my property. I warn them, while my gun is trained on them. Then it's up them what happens from there, but you better believe in a tense moment like that ANYTHING can happen. You come on my property, YOU are putting yourself in that position. Simple stuff, same rules in nature. Same rules since the beginning of time. Now you just have dip shit liberals trying to take your rights because they don't agree with them. Shall not infringe.


Premium Member
Well, you learned one line. Now read the rest of the bible. It of coarse allows one to defend oneself, and their family. Gods law. Simple and universal.

If you walk into a cave and walk on a mother bare with it's cub, you know instinctively you fucked up and are now threatening the bear cup. It's natures law.

1. Luke 22:35-36 Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you out to preach the Good News and you did not have money, a traveler’s bag, or an extra pair of sandals, did you need anything?” “No,” they replied. “But now,” he said, “take your money and a traveler’s bag. And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one!

2. Exodus 22:2-3 “If a thief is caught in the act of breaking into a house and is struck and killed in the process, the person who killed the thief is not guilty of murder. But if it happens in daylight, the one who killed the thief is guilty of murder. “A thief who is caught must pay in full for everything he stole. If he cannot pay, he must be sold as a slave to pay for his theft.

3. Luke 22:38 And they were saying to him, ‘Our Lord, behold, here are two swords.’ He said to them, ‘They are enough.’

4. Luke 11:21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed.

5. Psalm 18:34 He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow.

6. Psalm 144:1 A psalm of David. Praise the LORD, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.

7. 2 Samuel 22:35 He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

There are hundreds more. Check out number 4. God's law.

Now can somebody explain how this doesn't make sense? Or are you guys just scared of guns and afraid of consequences of ones actions? Seems like the main problem with today's youth. I wish they kept God in school, we wouldn't be having near the amount of problems we are having today........ Black lives matter.......lol.........If cops started shooting people today at three times the current rate, and planned parenthood stopped killing babies, there would be net more black people in this world......But remember.....BLM.
Sorry not this is not the place for religion banter or your racial opinions please read TOU...


Premium Member
None of you fuckers who advocate death KNOW dearth...as in how it feels to lose a son. Your caual and stupid fuck talk shows that very well. I hope you NEVER know what dumbfucks you truly are....

I hope they hang this fucker up by his nuts.....then they need to let the kids DAD in for a few minutes. >Problem solved<

You are full of hate, and are making huge assumptions. Sorry about your son, but that has nothing to do with anything here.


Premium Member
Sorry not this is not the place for religion banter or your racial opinions please read TOU...

You literally asked..... Truth hurt a little to much? I love these internet conversations, totally ok to hate on God, however once a person defends god.....well that's too much. Carry on guys......


I'm full of hate?? And as you say that you advocate killing children who trespass on your rental property?

Yup...that's about how it goes these days! Just wrap that smelly turd in (your smelly) "God" and all is well...

"Dear God...sorry to inform you...." XTC


Premium Member
Where did I say I hate your God??
And why are you judging me and others?
Not very Christ like..
Are you not supposed to love everyone and let God judge??
Carry on then


Premium Member
Where did I say I hate your God??
And why are you judging me and others?
Not very Christ like..
Are you not supposed to love everyone and let God judge??
Carry on then

Dont be so defensive. I didn't say "you" did any of that. It's just a constant on the internet. You can hate on guns, god, white people, ext ext. You defend any of the above, banned!


Unfortunately I think this topic was brought up so that folk could prove they are on morally higher ground than others, particularly those who they disagree with. Lots of chest thumping and one-upsmanship in this thread.

For my part, I hope everyone stays safe and has a good fall harvie.


Premium Member
For the record. Since I was playing devil's advocate for a second. (just read the entire story)

In a perfect world, nobody should ever steal, or be killed for stealing. However that is not the world we live in. IMO, we need law and order. You can't just let people take what others have, that is what third world power structures look like. People also need to be able to defend themselves. I guess where that applies is where the argument has started, however we should all be able to agree stealing is wrong, and it puts you in danger. Defending yourself in the right situation is always allowed. Those should be concrete facts.

What is in question is did these kids deserve to die? Well, no. did they put themselves in mortal danger, yes. They did deserve some punishment because what they were doing was wrong. Breaking the law and committing a crime is what lead to the death of those kids, without jumping that fence, they would still be alive.


Premium Member
well at least you believe they did not deserve to die...
Have a nice day...
Helps to read before commenting...
But this guy is a fucking coward 6 shots probably wounded and 2 more to finish off...


Premium Member
It does help to read first. If you read my comments, I never once said those kids deserve to die. I know, emotions block common sense. We are all guilty of this.
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