washington and colorado approve recreational use

  • Thread starter kushtrees
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fatzip, im no troll. i just made this account beecause i wanted to discuss this subject. if i were a troll i would have used all caps and called you a bitch. i assume you are a troll because you are talking only about how badass you are instead of the broad implications that these bullshit laws have. Now that we have determined how successful you are can we get back to the topic. if we lived in a free market country, maybe people could thrive in other areas like you. it is my belief that mj is a good industry, not because it is illegal, but because it cant be touched by finance capital. im not worried about fair competition, what im worried about is cheaters. cheaters with unlimited phony money, whos only purpose is to kill the competition at all costs.
i was not talking how bad ass i am, read it carefully from beginning to end, someone started talking shit, i finished it. BIG MONEY CAN NEVER KILL THE CONNOISSEUR GROWER WHO USES THE NUTRIENTS HE WANTS TO HAVE IN HIS/HER HERB! THEY WILL CURE IT TO THE IDEAL PERFECTION, SOMETHING THAT IS VERY HARD TO DO AS YOU INCREASE THE SCALE. IT'S THE PERSONAL TOUCH THAT MINI GROWS HAVE PLUS TIGHT INNER CIRCLES THAT WILL ALWAYS SEPARATE THE BIG MONEY GUYS COMMERCIALLY GROWN KIND TO A MINI GROW BY A SEASONED GROWER. I believe in fair competiton thats why i shop at smaller grocery stores that have nice butcher shops and great organic fresh vegetables! i love the smaller guy who takes note to detail, flavor, care, and health of my fruits and i am sure a lot of bud smokers are into the mini grow personal touch AAAAA+ COnnoisseur!
i hear you, peace to you. many happy grows. sorry if you got confused by my post!


sorry you pay taxes on a plant LOL ! i pay taxes on my income from my company i own. not from a crop i grow for personal! so whatever. smaller crops done by experienced peeps will always be better than med shop bud! PERIOD and if you haven't attested to that then hey sorry to hear that. the best cannabis is underground and always will be PERIOD! just like the best alcohol is moonshine done right by pros that shit is illegal also in california so what home brew beers outrank in flavor comercial beer. for the freedom not to be arrested you dumb ass. you are not seeing the larger picture

I agree that you cannot reliably produce the AAA grade buds on a large scale, why are you calling me a dumbass? You really should turn off the CAPS LOCK.


I agree that you cannot reliably produce the AAA grade buds on a large scale, why are you calling me a dumbass? You really should turn off the CAPS LOCK.
I must have mistakenly read your post I took a OG Chem honeycomb trip, my bad mis have misunderstood u, sorry once again.


False. One thing will never change, the person with the best weed will sel the most weed. That's not saying their isn't a market for for cheaper, lower grade weed. There is and always will be, but the person with the best weed sells the most weed, not the person with the cheapest. That's said, I don't think we'll be seeing $10 or even $100 ounces of truly primo any time soon.


I disagree with this, but not for the reasons you may think- You see, try growing more than a relatively small amount of truly great weed and you run into all sorts of problems. Problems with scale, technology, workload, the list goes on. Our dispensary operating friends all tell us stories about trying to keep up with a large grow, and just not having the time to attend to each individual like a small scale grower can. Therefore, the guy with the BEST weed never has the MOST weed, but you can definitely bet your last dollar he will sell all of his weed first- and for the most money.


Were those pics of your schwag supposed to impress me? Proves my point even further. If u have been growing since the 80s then u are by far a patheticgood grower.

Im not selfish. Im not greedy. I want our plant to stay out of the hands of the government. If u cant see that point then fuck off.


Premium Gardener
Were those pics of your schwag supposed to impress me? Proves my point even further. If u have been growing since the 80s then u are by far a patheticgood grower.

Im not selfish. Im not greedy. I want our plant to stay out of the hands of the government. If u cant see that point then fuck off.

First it was sacred plants, then it was feeding your family, now you're selflessly keeping a plant out of the hands of the government. And you wonder why I don't see your point? Make a point stick to it, back it up, or take your own advice.

It's a plant. It's always been in everyone's hands, mine, yours, the gov's. Now it's just a little less worrisome from a legal perspective. This is a good thing for everyone, except for those profiting off illicit status, and, those who just hate weed. Strange bedfellows, eh?



First it was sacred plants, then it was feeding your family, now you're selflessly keeping a plant out of the hands of the government. And you wonder why I don't see your point? Make a point stick to it, back it up, or take your own advice.

It's a plant. It's always been in everyone's hands, mine, yours, the gov's. Now it's just a little less worrisome from a legal perspective. This is a good thing for everyone, except for those profiting off illicit status, and, those who just hate weed. Strange bedfellows, eh?


Oh your a smart one. Making multiple valid points means i dont stick to what my cause is hahaha. And my cause is keeping the plant out of the governments control.

U guys are right. Let the government control everything. Sounds like a brilliant idea. Im done talkin to brick walls. Later.
dirk d

dirk d

Here's a scenario i dread. weed becomes legal. tobacoo industry takes over everything. don't think for a second they won't destroy mj like they did tobacco. Everyone better think about this before legalizing it all the way. Let's keep everything as it is for now except for decriminalizing.


Premium Gardener
I'm leaving this thread. I usually stay away from opinion matters online because as the the old saying goes. . . Arguing online is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still a retard. Hate to ruffle any feathers.



Wow whats up with all the trolls lately? Some bridges must of got closed
Just spent the last 1/2 hr reading this thread and I must say I am amused. Never saw so much need to measure our dicks in one place. Guys isn't this a reason to be optimistic? Have never seen new posters talk so much shit, think all should smoke a bowl and at least be happy it's Friday.

My shit is dank and in demand and today that makes me happy.


Amend 64 IMHO is probally ona the best things thats ever happened to the mmj scene. Liberty and freedom are what its all about. So what if they mass produce 20$ zips. NO 20$ will ever replace or outsell some homegrown thats had love poured in with every feeding. The 20$ ounce are only gonna help bring the best weed out there to the top and make it more available to those who are willing to pay. just my 2 cents. Take it easy guys....and gals; medusa


I have no doubt that there will be big companies that can produce really good buds. Lets just hope they sell it for what its worth. Everyone should be okay, as long as price fixing doesnt occur. The writers of these laws have admitted that they are not pro pot. it makes me wonder whats really happening. We have already seen that the people in charge of creating money, will authorize unlimited new money for the purpose of destroying people to create the climate they see fit. If finance is allowed to get involved then we are not in the realm of reality anymore. We could be facing big business market manipulation, simultaneously with atf+mj government crackdowns who will steal our supply and sell it to the big companies. Just like they sell seized opium from middle east to pharma.


I think even if big pharma and tobacco get involved there will still be a market for good bud. Nowhere near what it is today though. I dont think you will make a living off it.

Just because Velveeta cheese is sold everywhere, is there no market for a good hand crafted Brie ? Old granddad rotgut vs Johnny Walker blue label ?


Premium Gardener
I have no doubt that there will be big companies that can produce really good buds. Lets just hope they sell it for what its worth. Everyone should be okay, as long as price fixing doesnt occur. The writers of these laws have admitted that they are not pro pot. it makes me wonder whats really happening. We have already seen that the people in charge of creating money, will authorize unlimited new money for the purpose of destroying people to create the climate they see fit. If finance is allowed to get involved then we are not in the realm of reality anymore. We could be facing big business market manipulation, simultaneously with atf+mj government crackdowns who will steal our supply and sell it to the big companies. Just like they sell seized opium from middle east to pharma.

Big pharma controls the poppy fields in Afghanistant whose production has exploded since we attached afghanistan? Really?

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