What are the top 3 strains your currently after?

  • Thread starter Skunkmasterflex
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if i remember right he has the freiseland.. not my fams.. always told him about it but never got proactive about it. lol.i work atta shop in the boons with a town of rather rich OD history.. crazy all the doods that come in with random dank, a guy has some raspberry columbian beans hes been working since the 70s or some shit.. literally smells like fizzy razz berry straight noidy high.. haha some crazy stories to boot. and yeah especially in the boons with the NL n skunks. i got like 200 seeds of supposed f10+'s from "woodstock" beans.. said he used to bang out 100's in the 70s-90s in cornfields. what buds he had smelled like fresh diapers/chemy/skunk but wasnt grown very well indoors(def not enough light for 1 and were seeded with male pollen, brushs it on i guess). paw skunk and capers seem to be the oldies faves around here.. i have yet to really even see much on the capers.. they said it was a mid 80's thing so its prolly not around very much if at all.
Darth Fader

Darth Fader

Picked up NL beans from Bodhi and Doc Atomic. Heard there's a Christmas Tree pheno in the Atomic NL. Got a sack in college in the late 80's that smelled piney - just like a Christmas tree & been on the lookout for awhile now. This was back in the midwest where I grew up (IL). Figured it was probably NL.

Shamus - grew out Elvis & tossed it. Couldn't stand the odd smell. Buzz wasn't special imo.


Just cruisin....
I grew out a pack of Atomics NL back in like 03 and it was some of the most narcotic smoke I have had to date lol...
true grit

true grit

Gonna act like real folks aint talkin to ya? Cuz i do think you referring to me SMF. Since this is what i said in a private forum, that trust me i know you can see.
Lol i saw that Jaleel post too...and love how SMF has some input. Typical check what i got fashion/weaksauce.

Cuz thats real. Forums aint about swingin dicks, showing what you got or talkin about everything you ran. Real homies in the game see this as a community and people like me help everyone we can in the community instead of trying to build up our ego. I post pix but i also help people fix problems, dial rooms, narrow variables, etc...none of which you do. Now i hear you shady enough to be fuckin homies over? SCC aint lying theres post talkin bout your shady BS on forums you dont get invited to. Wanna call me a douche fool? Well i keep it real, this is what forums about building a community. Not what you do. So quit actin like a...


Premium Member
Gonna act like real folks aint talkin to ya? Cuz i do think you referring to me SMF. Since this is what i said in a private forum, that trust me i know you can see.

Cuz thats real. Forums aint about swingin dicks, showing what you got or talkin about everything you ran. Real homies in the game see this as a community and people like me help everyone we can in the community instead of trying to build up our ego. I post pix but i also help people fix problems, dial rooms, narrow variables, etc...none of which you do. Now i hear you shady enough to be fuckin homies over? SCC aint lying theres post talkin bout your shady BS on forums you dont get invited to. Wanna call me a douche fool? Well i keep it real, this is what forums about building a community. Not what you do. So quit actin like a...
Its not about swinging dicks or egos.....then you throw up a mad shit talking post and put up a e40 video. Wow TG, that post almost made sense. Fact is you have a peoblem wirh me the same reason surfr jas a problem with me and happens to be the same reason sky has a problem with me. I wouldnt pass you cuts. In fact you actually had nerve to hit me up in PM askimg me for certain things. Have you ever though im just following rules that came with cut or seeds I was given. Maybe im just being a honest dude as yall preach you all are and just doing what was asked of me when I was passed certain things. Also all this talk about me passing fake cuts is funny. Esp because iv only gave cuts to like a handful of people. The people I have gave cuts to....they were def real and theyvwere def passed for free or trade. So whoever is saying I am shady is probably shady actually. I do agree with one commenr you made about how forums should be. Helping people and what not. If tou actually read any posts I make I do help out with any stuff I can. I also help mod this site without being a dick about things and give people a chance to chill out and never use thw mod power for personal benefit.
Im not acting like "real folks aint talkin to me". Just not about the drama and im here to learn from people and look ar there grow pics.not have un needed fights with people I thought at one point I was cool with online.....or read comments I find offensive such as "picking on kids that ride the short bus". How do yall know if I have a handycap family member? Talkimg like that is just not necessary.
Im gonna be decent and keep your business and name out of my mouth TG, would apperciate tou doing the same man. Thanks ~smf~
true grit

true grit

Same problem? Please homie, i 100% did ask you about the sour pebbles. you dodged it, just like ya did with sky. What pissed me off is that you come around our private spot tellin Sky what ya got since it was what he wanted then fell out like i expected. and do what im talkin about- please fool- im a man i let homies know when they cant have shit, i don't act dodgey and make up stories. Do i care about sour pebs- nope. Just ran a grip of hype of and found just that. What i dont like is fools hypin shit unnecessarily much like you do.

You dont add to community, you floss around community. Ya musta thought we were cool til you called me a "fuckin douche" and that i knew who i was. So i said, ya nigga that me. callin you for what it is. i don't hide anything. and you think callin you on BS is limited? please. 1 person brought it up then all sorta shit you fucked homies over on popped up. Play a fool, play the nice guy- either way keep it in the mitten.

short bus, please. he said special bus- like you cats think you special. we all got handicap folks around, dont try the play nice guy. and be decent, lol, im straight homie, aint nothin hidin here talk your shit. community know what up. .

otherwise think twice before you start callin fools out, and if ya do, at least be a man bout it.
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

of course im a little puppy and im not about to get involved with two pit bulls,

i will say whoever has an ego enough to give a "no pass out" on a cut that they PASS OUT, is a fucking douche. doesnt really matter how much you "worked or bred" a plant IMVHO, everyone should be able to enjoy it. simple as that. not saying your shouldnt get credit or anything, but thats fucking bullshit.

and the dick swinging IS true, when a few people have ask around for the cuts that are "hype" right now, and the big "respectable" names saying NO. wtf these are respected good fucking people.... and they cant have access to the hype medicine because some guy 3 cuts down says no? thats fucking absurd in my mind. nobody owns shit. perfect example, thank god for exotic making those starfighter f2's, people deserve to run good strains and keeping them to yourself and even when the breeder says no to good people, bad business practice (or your business practice is run by white dudes from the 50's)

i could go down the list of breeders and people that have done this to this site over the years and they come and go, like always.... then the strains are everywhere and nobody cares.

i always think of it like, most of the breeders must have been burning somebody somewhere to do those crosses they themselves are crossing with. swerve is #1, took all that work off other people and just worked a simple BX... wow you're a world class breeder now.

the forum community is hilarious, unfortunately its not like the local community here which is REAL. i have yet to be given ANY bs over anything really....

theres some dick swinging for ya! CO homies are fucking legit.
sky high

sky high

I wasn't gonna say anything....then you brought my name up...

It's not about being sore about you NOT PASSING CUTS...

It's about you >>offering<< me cuts...unsolicited.....then disappearing and making lame fuck excuses...and eventually...backing out altogether on YOUR WORD.

Sound familiar? Gimme a fuckin break.

At the same time....grit was promised SP (or was it FPOG?) seeds...but that person also >coincidentally< backed out. It was then that we found out from multiple sources that you/the others who offered then backed out were 'prohibited' from sharing with us.... evidently because we don't buy into the hype about this gear/"breeder" until we grow it and smoke it and see for ourselves that the HYPE is warranted.

So...did you treat surfr the same way and offer...then back out on your WORD? Pffft. Now you wanna try to make us look like we're baggin on you or there's some other reason besides the fact that we don't gobble the knob that excludes us? Tell the WHOLE story, please ...if yer gonna open yer mouth at all.

I'll get by without the exposure to these super-hyped genetics....it's just a truly shitty, sad way to operate, that's all. Whatever tho...ya know?


Fear Not!
This is getting good!:)
Lets keep it civil so we can keep talking about it..and not get the thread locked up.;)

Im just a tea cup puppy dog..:rolleyes: So I should probably stay out of this..cause I know nothing..
But my two cents,
I would Gladly give anyone a copy or seeds of anything I have...

Except my Grapefruit hairspray Pheno Ewok :D That one is on Lock Down!! ;)
Find that one yourself!! :p


Fear Not!
I wasn't gonna say anything....then you brought my name up...

It's not about being sore about you NOT PASSING CUTS...

It's about you >>offering<< me cuts...unsolicited.....then disappearing and making lame fuck excuses...and eventually...backing out altogether on YOUR WORD.

Sound familiar? Gimme a fuckin break.

At the same time....grit was promised SP (or was it FPOG?) seeds...but that person also >coincidentally< backed out. It was then that we found out from multiple sources that you/the others who offered then backed out were 'prohibited' from sharing with us.... evidently because we don't buy into the hype about this gear/"breeder" until we grow it and smoke it and see for ourselves that the HYPE is warranted.

So...did you treat surfr the same way and offer...then back out on your WORD? Pffft. Now you wanna try to make us look like we're baggin on you or there's some other reason besides the fact that we don't gobble the knob that excludes us? Tell the WHOLE story, please ...if yer gonna open yer mouth at all.

I'll get by without the exposure to these super-hyped genetics....it's just a truly shitty, sad way to operate, that's all. Whatever tho...ya know?

Yeah...Dont believe everything you read on the internet..;)

Folks talk big online

I know Im "Cooler Online" :cool:

^^The end is great!^^


lol. this dood who has mad cuts didnt give me (who has mad cuts aswell) a strain i want really bad.. that shit happens.. haha i thought for like 3 seconds itd be awesome to have the legend TK n ghost from a vendor on this site but i opted not too as it wasnt worth putting a my cut on the online circuit.. to be whored out. im sure theres logical reasons. but to completely attack a mans character seems a bit out of place in this situation.. maybe indecisive at best.. lol. tell u what u all can give me your clone onlys and ill say whos nicer.. jesus
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

lol. this dood who has mad cuts didnt give me (who has mad cuts aswell) a strain i want really bad.. that shit happens.. haha i thought for like 3 seconds itd be awesome to have the legend TK n ghost from a vendor on this site but i opted not too as it wasnt worth putting a my cut on the online circuit.. to be whored out. im sure theres logical reasons. but to completely attack a mans character seems a bit out of place in this situation.. maybe indecisive at best.. lol. tell u what u all can give me your clone onlys and ill say whos nicer.. jesus

however there is a difference of saying "here timmy you can have one, but bobby cant, he has to wait"

thats bullshit. but lets not get sidetracked, ive heard this story since Alien said TG couldnt have it so i'd love to know why myself.


i really dont think there is.. its no ones business what the fuck i do with my cuts.. lest u gave it to me. could be jus me thou
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

and thats all fine and gravy... everyone can do whatever the fuck they want in life, but dont think your actions wont give people certain perceptions of you. guess thats all im saying.

and im not trying to sound greedy like people are "entitled" to cuts, because thats not what im getting at. i simply want to hear the whole story because i heard about this months ago..... and everything said so far is valid and fair.


Fear Not!
Its a Touchy Subject
Peeps should have a right to do what they want with what they have..
No one should have a problem with that

^^unless you are this guy^^


All this shit is just plain sad to me..Elitest attitudes About hobbies/passions are just overly lame IMO..at what point do people start claiming clones (they received elsewhere) are "mine"...I personally love the feeling of making good people excited/happy..just a huge smile on there face makes my day and that goes for anything, taking people on fishing floats to giving them what I consider my prized seeds and when I get some solid clones I'll gladly hand em to trustworthy solid folks, I won't hand them to anyone but if I know they are good people then I'd bette than happy to make there day..who fuckin cares if a cut is whored out, if u have the cut then why does it matter if people cross it as you still have the pure yourself..again it's the Elitest attitude that some people think they can have that pissese off...I never understood why a handful of members post up photos of killer hash, nugs etc then write "don't even ask how, what, who etc" - why fucking post pics on an online forum then refuse to share any info, might as well just lock the thread immediately after the post that way nobody can bother you gurus then when people ask questions the member usually gets pissy and claims he doesn't have to share anything blah blah elite elite attitude then they say everyone is a hater and they need time away lol fucking über lame

3 strain update- deathstar, gsc, lvpk
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