what the FUCK is wrong with the USA

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true grit

true grit

I agree with it being a mental health issue, but I also have to question a lot of shootings like this. I personally don't think the Obama admin has done anything that has actually made gun control a real issue but implication from his crying speech yesterday does kinda lean in that manner. I just find it odd that it takes 18 kids dying, or a theater getting shot up to bring up these issues when numerous cities in America are facing hundreds of deaths a year to gun violence- most of which are illegal firearms- and many cities that could see as many shootings in a weekend as people that died yesterday. cough cough cities like Obama's Chicago. And im sure if you look at age getting killed by numbers its probably youth there too. To think things like that to accomplish goals for goverment is under them... is just naive. And is it just not important because they are poor, druggies, gang bangers, lost causes or what?

Now mental health is truly an issue, but is it any more an issue than it was at any time? is it like drugs where no matter what a certain % of your population is going to have issues? or is it more so the publicized means to reach out and do things like this. Blame media, cuz if there wasn't news hype/tv/media these crazies wouldnt be doing things as publicly alarming and attention drawing.

And to blame families? I believe they said he was son of the teacher he shot...does that mean shouldn't have been teaching those kids?...not hearing that one yet, but already hearing his mental health issues should have been addressed. sure there are plenty of stories/info to unfold yet.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
If we studied all the drugs in the last 20-30 years that have been advertised on television and if they have actually helped much would be interesting...
I mean it's helping pharma make uber $$$ and the side effects are typically death, nausea and all sorts of shit that seems just as bad as or worse than the original problem.
Pharma can be out of biz overnight if we start eating for health versus eating to fulfill the drug addiction of sugar/fat...


the problem with this argument is assuming everyone in the american government would turn against their families, friends, relatives, neighbors, just to do.... who the fuck knows what.

like i have always said, the government are people too. sure there are some fucktard politicians but there are still good guys out there in all the ranks, the people that would do the actual commanding.

and to be honest everyone i've ever met in the military is exactly what i just said, here for america, not for the orders.

let the media twist your mind which ever way, but the fat fuck on capital hill gettin 6 figures a year to talk shit only controls the world on paper. everything else will be chaos held together with good people.

I see what you're saying--and you're coming at it from an intelligent angle here, but I think ultimately the reality is that in a "civil war" situation--wherein we actually needed the rifles being bickered over (that's what this is all about--retarded if you ask me)--essentially ALL of the necessary firepower would come from equipment and vehicles stolen from the US military in a "split" of the country.

If it didn't come from there, it would come from nowhere.

You are certainly right, not all soldiers would follow orders and march on citizens--and likewise not all militiamen would have the conviction to aim at and fire upon US service members (I know I couldn't) when it came right down to it--but if the weapons we're arguing over, supposedly necessitated according to our need to have protection from the government would make a real difference in such a conflict, then I'm a monkey's uncle.

So there's two scenarios:

1. Civil war/government overthrow--we need to take some armories/vehicles/equipment if even a fraction of the military is loyal and active. Rifles will almost certainly not get the ball rolling in this respect. Presumably it would have to be US service members "defecting" that would facilitate this.

2. The Civil war doesn't happen, and we still don't need the rifles.

I'm not saying take the things away--the rifles I own are rich with family and American history. You'll pry them from my cold, dead, fingers. They are prized and cherished possessions and not because I like "firepower". I have honed my shooting abilities since a young age, and put a lot of work in--my grandfather taught me how to shoot that rifle, and his father taught him, and so on and so forth (and it killed a grip of McCoys in its heyday). I will teach my future sons/daughters to shoot that rifle, the universe willing.

I have every interest in keeping my rifle--but I'm also keenly aware how easy it is to get a weapon, and I'm not sure that it should be so easy.

Being taught to not only use but respect a weapon was passed to me as a sacred responsibility. I don't know if I like the idea of someone who can't SPELL responsibility owning one, but that's neither here nor there.

I agree with what you're saying, but it sort of proves my point--in any civil war/overthrow scenario, you're going to need considerable firepower; and if you don't--well, then you don't.


If we studied all the drugs in the last 20-30 years that have been advertised on television and if they have actually helped much would be interesting...
I mean it's helping pharma make uber $$$ and the side effects are typically death, nausea and all sorts of shit that seems just as bad as or worse than the original problem.
Pharma can be out of biz overnight if we start eating for health versus eating to fulfill the drug addiction of sugar/fat...


and this is from a chemist who is interested in going into pharmaceuticals (though I'd like to end up in a canna-research capacity somewhere ultimately).

The problem isn't the drugs, well it is, but it WOULDN'T be if the proper testing was done ahead of time. If these things weren't rushed to market, and all of the bad studies and data withheld (completely legal and QUANTIFIABLY common).

Doctors and scientists can't make good decisions without all the data, and these pharma companies NEVER publish poor results--even if they later bring the drug to market. They cherry pick good results to pass shit through and you end up with a bunch of birth defects and dead people.


I always have to wonder when people talk about gun control after an event like this,guns are inantimate objects and never killed anyone by themselves,guns dont kill people,people kill people and if you could take every gun in the world out of existence tommorow some sick fuck would just build a bomb and blow up the whole school full of kids instead of just one classroom.Yesterday i beleive someone in russia went into a school there and stabbed 20 people so should we outlaw knives?or how about the nuts that drive their cars into a crowd running down as many as possible?do we get rid of cars?
I beleive the real problem is addressing mental illness,getting folks the care they need and that DOES NOT mean putting them on a roller coaster ride by giving them a cocktail of pharma drugs that takes a three minute commercial for each one just to tell you the side effects.
Blaming an object for a tragedy is flat stupid,face the fact that behind every attack be it with a butterknife,a gun or a B-1 bomber there is a human operator controlling it and therein lies the problem.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
We try to differentiate ourselves from animals, which is hilarious as we are chordates...lmao
But, we talk of dogs and other animals as being "animals" and we are humans. Lies, lies, lies, life feeds on life, plain and simple. We don't digest rocks and air to fuel our bodies...
Now that I took that tangent I think with a population this large we are going to see more outliers and plain crazy shit, and with the pharma cocktail it just seems to exacerbate it!


yep, the pharma paying doctors to peddle their drugs doesn't help the people but oh the profits...lol

Actually for the most part this is not the case. What's happening is the drug reps are all trying to "sell" the doctors. The person who makes money is the rep--by and large the doctors are trying to be critical, and are pissed when they find out they didn't get all the data--but this usually doesn't happen until studies of the studies are done, to determine if data has gone missing.

These ARE performed--but once again are not funded by big pharma itself, this is mostly academic research aimed at exposing big pharma's bullshit.

What's curious is that almost universally it is found that the underfunded collegiate research often has better accuracy and precision than does the essentially "blank check" corporate research. Despite their having worse, well--I could run of a list, but let's just make it simple and say they have worse everything. Yet they end up with BETTER data? Sounds fishy.

A lot of doctors agree, and you're seeing a shit back to more tried and true drugs (prozac and the like) in all forms of treatment.

There certainly are some doctors getting kickbacks, like in any industry--but this is far from the norm.

They all get the "perks" the reps can provide them (steak dinners, shit like that) but these "bribes" are generally considered small scale and pretty much ubiquitous (i.e. they don't give anyone an edge--it just is sort of a part of the business and expected from everyone, it rarely informs any decision making).

I couldn't agree more about us being animals. We're such fucking chimps that it's retarded.

We mimic animal behavior in almost every sense--we just do it with the addition of language which skews the complexity tremendously. We think we're different because we can notice our differences--but somehow we've lost our similarities in the process of doing that.

There are FAR more similarities than differences--even on the level of personality, not even talking physical form at all.


Fear Not!
Squigly, I am not a fighter, Im a lover man. I never wanna have to fight.:)
I hate fighting.

I love freedom...Do I love it enough to die for? Probably not.
But if someone comes to my home to "mess" with my family. I will defend them with my life
Be it the government or anyone else for that matter

Im glad you liked the mouse and the eagle. ;)

I have always liked the underdog:p

Whos gonna win this one


First Red Dawn was better.

I was reading a story in the paper the other day regarding the shooting. It claimed the number of these shootings has stayed the same sense about 1970. 20-30 a year. This isnt the story I read, but its similar in terms.

Remember a few years ago when all the Florida shark attacks were in the news?

Actual shark attacks were down that year. Thats right, less than the usual number of shark attacks.

I am not trying to downplay this, or any other shooting incident. Horrific to say the least. This type of activity has been going on for a while, the information age has just made reports more readily available.
dirk d

dirk d

America has a fundamental problem imo. When i used to build houses i prioritized the foundation. Then i used CDX, Solid Headers, Energy efficient appliances and windows, extra insulation, 20 amp wiring throughout the home, etc.. Sure i could have used inferior products, ie. particle board, 2x4's for headers, cheap everything and profit margin was less(being underfunded lol) but my homes are better for the families, protect our natural resources and overall better for our world.

When we feed our children nutrionless foods, sit them in front of the tv playing video games and rush them through high school so they can get a min wage job these incidents will only increase.

What can we do?? not much with the $$ as our primary focus. Everyone has to start with themselves and their families. One small step at a time. hopefully enough people will take a small step that it will turn into a snowball.

The allopathic system of medicine has to stop. The massive amount of side effects are causing our kids and adults to be sick in mind and body. Big pharma and their $$$'s doctors (who i know) are paid off by these guys to push their posion.

I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:

To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art - if they desire to learn it - without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.

I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.

What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.

Hippocratic Oath written by Hippocrates


^^^^^ i agree with all of it what everyone said has valid points either way you look at it, and in my opinion you have to look at it with an open mind. I think Where squiggs and the conspiracy theorist( Fractal and me and some other) get it messed up is we are both right just looking at the situation from different angles and both those angles are needed to make good decisions.............with that said; i guess this isn't the time to tell everyone that the world is controlled by 2 waring factions of inter-dimensional space (aliens) beings, whom take the form of sytheticlly created humanoids..............................whelp off to smoke a J and get some food now..... haha take it easy


likes to smell trees.
I can't help but think the Oregon shooting on Wednesday and the one today are related. The Oregon one didn't go as planned. . . Sounds like the shooter wasn't as well trained or programmed as this new one. Oregon guy busts in yelling "I am the shooter!" and only wacks two people. Not enough body count to get people riled up and calling for immediate changes. So to make sure they get their gun control measures pushed through they activated another shooter, this time sending him to a place where there are defenseless KIDS in a small room where they can't get away and a slaughter is the result. Now the president is hinting he will make damn sure some gun control measures are a foregone conclusion.

These fucking bastards will murder 20 children in order to get their gun control thing enacted. What do you think they want to do to the rest of us once we are disarmed, if they are willing to blow away 20 kids just to get to the rest of us?

Bro I'm all for conspiracy theories, but this one is a little extreme to believe.

Crazy to think that human beings are the only species on gods green earth that plan murder.


Well extreme is the name of the game. They do things that just blow away the mind's ability to process them by their extreme nature. Makes it harder for anybody to take seriously, anybody who says that they are conspiracies. If you have a lot of kids killed, right there that shuts down a lot of conspiracy talk because it is taboo to question it, people get upset that you are somehow "disrespecting" the kids' memory or whatever. I never said that IS what happened, just that I suspect it.


Fear Not!
I think anything is possible...

One conspiracy we all can agree on is the "Reefermaddnes conspiracy "
And Our government, Really thought weed was Dangerous and need to be outlawed

Governments...dont think twice about killing people.....Never have...never will

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