What Would You Do If Your Caregiver Quit On You?

  • Thread starter LittleDabbie
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just lost a friend to MS and he would get free QPs and he would also pass along to other MS patients.

The Lem Chem fan....or someone else on your list? Damn bro.....either way....sorry to hear that. Such a tough life...

As far as how to "caregive".... Everyone sees it differently.

And Karma sees it all.

>>much love from the East<<


Premium Member
The Lem Chem fan....or someone else on your list? Damn bro.....either way....sorry to hear that. Such a tough life...

As far as how to "caregive".... Everyone sees it differently.

And Karma sees it all.

>>much love from the East<<
Yup he fought to the bitter end..


Whew sometimes I'm glad I'm just considered a drug dealer by most ;)
The dynamic that the ," you are a drug dealer" posters at these sites portray is something I have pondered from the first weeks at Overgrow.
After Decades of interaction with growers, marketers, users of cannabis I thought I had seen it all. When I began posting at Overgrow I saw a dynamic that I had not been exposed to. "The Magnanimous dance" Growing Pot had always been a way for me to be," That Niggah"Smoking everybody out and Sharing was the key, lots of caregivers around before care-giving became cosmopolitan.
At Overgrow I noticed very quickly the," I am more generous than you" posts. where people would competitively HIGHLIGHT just how generous they were as though doing for others was some type of competition that needed stats recorded and MVP awards. LMFAO!
Inflated egos, Boosted personas based on chronologically detailing ,"Selfless gifts" The irony was as tart as a lemonhead, I hates me some lemonheads.
Watching these types run around portraying themselves as karmic gods I found another dynamic that attached itself to this scenario, The "CASH CROPPER" accusation.
Used to further elevate themselves this accusation is standard fare in this scenario as it creates an illusory image that the accuser does not sell their wares.
Being a curious type I researched many of these,"Selfless" heroes. finding that the VAST majority were FULL OF SHIT!!! and the image portrayed of the selfless hero who gives all the herb away was just that, a portrayed image. Meeting quite a few of these heroes face to face I found that the realty was far from the image and the VAST majority of the, self proclaimed selfless were as deep into making money off the herb as anybody else.



True. Many of us here (CO) had "patients" we took care of (for free) and sold the excesses to the "rec" folks who had jobs and could afford to do so/didn't want to be bothered with growing weed to make it up on the backside.

Then the clowns came...and that game ended for most. Now the circus is run by the State

What I notice is different NOW than back in the OG days are the movers and shakers.

These are the cats who had absolutely NO game where they grew up... so they load up and move where the laws make it all easy for them to play (med states)...and THEN...THEN they are instantly pot Gods! Back on OG folks were where they were and they were making it happen THERE. No clown migration...no circus big top folding and heading to the next town/etc. for an easy take. Nobody talking about "donating" with their hand out for cash...nobody lying to hide behind a med law/etc then acting like they made it all happen themselves/etc. No waltzing in on others turf/game. No driving across town to fill the garden with purchased genetics, no blind/cold calling on multiple "medical" dispensaries where the herb could be unloaded without "knowing" anyone other than "Garmin" and WeedMaps/etc. Some game there, huh? LOFL.

but that was then and this is now. (cue that calliope app, oh ringmaster)

I hope ya figure it out Little Dabbie...


156005 10151511842151812 1703748154 n
amen willie, lots of new folks in the industry now spreading, greed, hate/discontent. We been handing out herbs for free up here for evah!
Prime C

Prime C

Defender of Dank
True. Many of us here (CO) had "patients" we took care of (for free) and sold the excesses to the "rec" folks who had jobs and could afford to do so/didn't want to be bothered with growing weed to make it up on the backside.

Then the clowns came...and that game ended for most. Now the circus is run by the State

What I notice is different NOW than back in the OG days are the movers and shakers.

These are the cats who had absolutely NO game where they grew up... so they load up and move where the laws make it all easy for them to play (med states)...and THEN...THEN they are instantly pot Gods! Back on OG folks were where they were and they were making it happen THERE. No clown migration...no circus big top folding and heading to the next town/etc. for an easy take. Nobody talking about "donating" with their hand out for cash...nobody lying to hide behind a med law/etc then acting like they made it all happen themselves/etc. No waltzing in on others turf/game. No driving across town to fill the garden with purchased genetics, no blind/cold calling on multiple "medical" dispensaries where the herb could be unloaded without "knowing" anyone other than "Garmin" and WeedMaps/etc. Some game there, huh? LOFL.

but that was then and this is now. (cue that calliope app, oh ringmaster)

I hope ya figure it out Little Dabbie...

Thats the problem right there! Regulated bullshit! Everybody should be able to grow for themselves. Every farmer should have some in their garden. If it was everywhere there wouldnt be all these jacked up prices. Hemp is worth more per acre than any other mass produced crop and waaaaaay better for the environment. Fuck this system!


Sounds like you need to move so you can grow your own Dabbie. Are you on facebook? There's some nice people up north around the Traverse City area. Not sure where your at.

Around that area yeah, Working thru a friend atm. Scoping disp. Prices eeps 250 ounces :\ didn't think it was THAT bad.. Im used to 175 and buying like 4 at a time.. This is going to be a fun adjustment period lol


And so everyones clear.. Let me explain my position on the difference between a drug dealer and a caregiver ( and no i have nothing against drug dealers lol )

A Caregiver should be someone who actually gives a shit, Not someone who does it to make every last penny he can, This means caregivers grow strains the patients need if your a patient your self that would include growing strains specific to your own needs as well..

Caregivers should offer up what they would normally just throw away FOR FREE to patients to make into there own medicine, that means if you have a bag full of shit fan leaf and whatever you don't want.. Offer it up as medicine for free, Don't try and attach strings to shit like if you do this for me you can have all this fan leaf.. Thats not a caregiver thats a barter system that a cheap bastard uses.. :)

When your using the medical marijuana laws to grow marijuana then your a caregiver.. Act like one. Set your price make the agreement of what the patient can expect and should expect and stick to those agreements, NOTHING should change for the year or 2 ( now ) that hes or she is listed as your caregiver/patient without both parties agreeing and discussing it. After all you took the job as CAREGIVER, Your trying to fill the role of a dr now in the patients eyes, So your our pharmacy, We tell you what we need and you dispense OUR medication.. Do so and collect your fee, Remember if you choose to be a caregiver and do so under the MMA Then thats now your job you took that role not me..

Now a drug dealer will be just about the complete opposite of a caregiver. Whores EVERYTHING Trying to make stash from trash from every single leaf pulled, Every tiny little nug is sold every bit he can make money off of. Drug dealers care not about your medical problems nor will they offer much in the way of working with you at all, They take take take take take and thats cool thats there job too.. There drug dealers i don't pay them to give a shit about my problems i pay them for the marijuana and we both part ways. No real interaction needed tell me what ya got if i like i buy if i don't ( when don't i? ) I buy..

Ways to test if your caregiver may actually just be a drug dealer in disguise....

1. Do they actually CARE??? If you explain to them that the last batch of so called indica actually kept you up at night Do they care ? Or do they just go and i quote here.. " Whatever buy another strain then! " ,,, Your caregiver may just be a dick too ;)

2. When you call your " Caregiver " do they get paranoid cause your using the phone? BBZZZZZZZZZZZZZT Drug dealer!

3. Does your provider give you anything ? Even just FAN LEAF? Considering how much money your pouring into them I would think the answer would be a resounding yes on the fan leaf at least! ( If thats acting entitled then so be it ;) .. )

4. Does your caregiver abuse any of the MMA while still acting high and mighty like there above everyone else who doesn't have there card? In other words, They go over the limits of plants or ounces or break any part of the Law yet still harshly judge and criticize those around them who don't follow the law? Bzzt Drug dealer who thinks hes a caregiver .. The WORST KIND!

5. End rant i need a dab.

This may or may not been some of what ive had to put up with over the last couple of years... If i sound entitled so be it.. Ive explained my position from my point of view.. The former caregiver sadly would never join a forum so you'll only get 1 side of this..

Carry on :D


Sounds like you need to move so you can grow your own Dabbie. Are you on facebook? There's some nice people up north around the Traverse City area. Not sure where your at.
That just trips me out.I'm from Northport and it just amazes me how the times have changed.


I used to go to church in Peshawbestown as a kid.Sometimes they'd even have ceremonies there and teepee's were not foreign to see. :) Last time I rolled through there a lot had changed but a lot has remained the same.Even Northport,it still looks pretty close to the same it did 36 years ago.God's country! P.S. Last I heard Omena's mayor was a dog.


Well in an odd twist of events, a 3rd party was able to negotiate a . I won't say a peace treaty between the 2 of us.. But a truce to the point where i'll be getting my meds again From him...

Funny how things work out when the other person realizes they needed you just as much as you needed them..


What kind of agreement did y'all have? Like an oz a month on the house or ???


What kind of agreement did y'all have? Like an oz a month on the house or ???

I paid for everything i got from him, there were no freebies, * Other then fan leaf in a blue moon or Trim leaf that i trimmed my self * the agreement was i was not supposed to use the phone... He threw a fit over me calling him one day.. *rolls eyes* Family for ya..

But the weed agreement is more less i buy X amount once a month and dont bother him more then once a month.. again * rolls eyes *


Sounds sketchy as fuck. If he's a legal CG he should have no fear of the phone....

But he does...so what he's obviously doin' is hiding behind the med laws and fucking you by charging you and then selling pounds from your plants on the back side to the street.

the least he could do is give you your meds for the extreme profits he's makin off you.......

and this guy is "family"? Iz yer surname Corleone? LOL

good luck.


Sounds sketchy as fuck. If he's a legal CG he should have no fear of the phone....

But he does...so what he's obviously doin' is hiding behind the med laws and fucking you by charging you and then selling pounds from your plants on the back side to the street.

the least he could do is give you your meds for the extreme profits he's makin off you.......

and this guy is "family"? Iz yer surname Corleone? LOL

good luck.

Oh im well aware of what hes been doing and hypocrisy of it all..

I do question his mental status at times but then again hes been one of those conspiracy aliens all that 9 yards since as far back as i can remember..


We're all a bit mental...but that doesn't give anyone a pass in my world to fuck friends and relatives over.

Hopefully you can find better treatment elsewhere @ some point. I guarantee unless he has some balls and will forge ahead without your paperwork to cover his ass you have the upper hand here....

and if he's speedin anyway...which it kinda sounds like he is with the whole phone gig and limited visits/etc......you maybe..just maybe....don't want your paperwork tacked to the wall of his grow anyway...

best of luck going forward
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