Got some questions about Colorado

  • Thread starter organicozarks
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Living dead girl
We've been talking about forming an independent testing lab that does "secret shoppers" with dispensaries. Testing product for residual pesticides, herbicides, PGRs, etc. Then having an online blacklist of all the dispensaries that have questionable test results. The site should be free to consumers and earn revenue by charging dispensaries to remove bad test results from the site (in which case we just go back a month or two later to test if they have corrected their bad practices).

I LOVE that idea with the exception of the concept of indulgences. If the shop can pay to have a bad review removed, then that impinges on the reviewer's veracity. Take advertising dollars, instead.
I deal with tons of market growers, farmers, and home gardeners. I also deal with certified organic growers. They have to document everything, and I mean everything. If you request their documentation then you get it.

It should be the same way for cannabis.
Yeah, Lord, the documentation... thank God that at least the ag department has gotten with the modern times and I can do it online. The U.S. Ag Census..? Oh my God! That shit was drivin' me nuts.
I was going to bring my skills to the great state of colorado, but now I have no idea how to get my flowers to market there. How the fuck do you guys get by without being able to vend to dispensaries. I think cali is more my speed.
You may have missed this on the news, but dispensaries are being locally legislated out of existence.
Well... If I started selling here people would talk talk talk, and thats no good. So im just lookn for a like minded community with a legal outlet for me to vend my meds. Shit I would take a thousand a unit just to have the peace of mind.

Try closer to $600-$700/, especially if you don't already have a good relationship with a dispensary that's still in existence. No COD, net 30 or net 60 (billing).


I just want to know colorado or cali when it comes to getting rid of flowers. 600 a lb is crazy low. Im running wifi indoors and its only 600/700 a lb. holy shizz


Living dead girl
What is "no cod,net 30 or net 60 (billing)"?

It's a billing cycle used for businesses that don't demand payment upon receipt of goods or services. Net 30 simply means that you'll bill them in a month, net 60 means you'll bill them in two months. COD means cash on delivery.

Yes, for indoor-grown bud that price is stupid low. For outdoor grown bud, depending on how much input the gardener has made (with regard to nutrients, water, time, etc), and then in relation to the quality, etc, then it can be seen as a fair price.
Johnny Redthumb

Johnny Redthumb

The days of just walking into dispensaries and vending are also mosly over. Cali is paranoid and picky. They don't want to talk to most vendors, especially new ones. If you can find a local broker that already has his foot in the door in a few shops, then you have an upper hand. But I know lots of folks struggling and sitting on weight in Cali. At least Colorado has a thriving black market!


And legal to grow here...truly shouldn't have all of this monetary value placed upon it. The big money weed used to bring was about the RISK at one point...and well deserved...but there' little risk and the cost needs to reflect that completely... yet here we stand...greedy fucks all lining up...and the weed they sell will still be sold at "illegal" prices and taxed very heavily...moreso than any other product sold.

Yup. It needs to be more like the products the organic farmers you deal with sell. Reasonably priced, high-quality, and free of disease/pesticides.... and priced like all other produce or shared freely like backyard tomatoes are.

Yup, it should be the same way for cannabis.

As long as the real costs of growing are included, cannabis will always cost more. Long ripening time, finicky needs, high power requirements if grown indoors, etc.


Unfortunately, there is still huge risk and huge expense associated with "legal" weed trade, if anything it has gone up and is significantly higher in the cost of production than any basement grow in the state. Even today, most places cost per once is way way high, that is coming down and will come down further just due to the economy of scale and improved production methods but that does nothing to mitigate the risk of raid, robbery, license denial, theft, catastrophic crop loss/failure or the cost to play the states high stakes poker game where every hand is a minumum of a $10,000 annie and the rules always change daily like the weather.....there is or "legal" and "illegal" weed markets anymore imo, it's a free market and prices are consistant with that model..everytime a dispensary pushes up on weed prices, 2000 basement growers jerk off because it pushes their market price up with it, with them still being passive in controlling the market..pretty much anybody burnin over 2k is doin it to make money one way or the other, how much you charge all becomes a matter of degrees and if your chargin $150 or $300 a zip its all the same game.

This. The voice of experience talking. Everyone has an effect on the markets, including all the little basement ops. The risks are far from gone- worse! Now, you don't even know what the fuckin' rules are anymore!


Well since I wont be able to sell any flowers. Do companys like top shelf extracts process stuff for private growers? It would be nice to get Big D to make me some shatter.
Johnny Redthumb

Johnny Redthumb

Nothing is what it seems. Plenty of ways to sell flowers. No dispensary is making it off retail alone. They are all backdoor wholesalers, just like everyone else. Extracts are the new hot shit. Take some lessons and you can make your own just as good as everyone else's.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
There are more dispensaries buying product in the back door than sellin theirs out of it and the private hustlers are really takin it to the streets...there are three liscenses for retail strait ammend 64 all over 21, A64 and MMED servicing only over 21, and MMED and A64 with the MMED servicing from 18 and up or you can keep your MMED the way it is..there are different partitioning and "POS" seperration requirements but that's about it
sky high

sky high

This. The voice of experience talking. Everyone has an effect on the markets, including all the little basement ops. The risks are far from gone- worse! Now, you don't even know what the fuckin' rules are anymore!

The only time the rules get foggy and the risk goes WAYYYY up is when you play like TK and the other big boys do.

As far as home grows and not growing for has NEVER been safer to grow pot than it is now. I remember when I sat my 600 K house on the line as a possible forfeiture risk EVERYDAY I had plants growing inside it. (the days of $400 ounces and $6400 pounds) Today that risk does NOT exist....then again...neither does the cash.

The rules are plain if you aren't ballin it....and if you just need tha balls to roll. Same as it ever was....except now you need to grow 3X as much to keep the payday on par with the past. (No thanks)

Be safe, all........
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
I'll have to tell my attorneys me, there is plenty of risk even if your followin the "rules", it may have never been safer but there is still a steady stream of people gettin tossed into the system and they have to get into some real serious conversations about the cops interpretation of the law, not the actual law but how they see the law. When in one county what your doin isn't even on the radar and in another the exact same activity will garner you 6 felonies and all your patients become co-conspirotors, something is screwed up..and if you really want to get mad, they sit ya down at the court house and tell you that the Colorado legislation and the Colorado Judicial are two completely seperate and different entities and the courts don't believe they have an obligation to honor the legislative offices votes until it gets put into actual law and right now, none of it is the actual law. Ammendments and constitutional rights under ammend 20 or 64 have absolutely zero to do with the actual criminal code and the law, so I wouldn't believe otherwise if your smart or want to get an expensive civics lesson....weight is the trick, no one pulls down a light for 2 zips. so everytime you harvest you are a sittin is super easy to stay in your plant count and stay under the radar but when your pullin a 1.5-2lbs a light, you bounce over your usable weight numbers by a mile real fast..then if they come for a "compliance check" yur over and then they charge with possesion with intent to distribute and because you have others your a caregiver for they charge everyone and every charge has a conspirocy charge attached to it for all of ya to compare and complain about before you call your attorneys. I hope none of you are ever in that situation but believe me their are more people every day that are than you can imagine..If they want, they could actually whack you with RICO charges because you have and 5 others conspired to produce/cultivate a controlled substance, distribute it for sale, and refine it into a concentrate for the purposes of distribution, thats pretty much what the DA says..they never mention your med card, your status, ammendment 20, ammendment 64, ec..none of that you are a criminal in the eyes of the court and the state

But I will totally agree 100% that if you only have 6 plants total in your house with only 3 in flower and 3 in veg at a time and harvest in a way that there is never more than 2oz in the bags at a time, you are totally you know anybody doin that? I don't, at bare minimum people grow enough to cover themselves and sell a little to cover cost and make a car payment or two..99.9% of the people are doin that and that is 100% against the law, just a matter of degrees..

So say goodnight to the
sky high

sky high

I hear ya dude. We're all speeding to a degree. I think the key is stepping over that "licensing" line cus that is nothing more than admitting you grow for profit and are a dealing madman looking to make bank.....LOL. There have been many changes over the last 13 years here....but even so....there are no "compliance checks" for patients/home growers that don't say WARRANT on them...and there still has to be a REASON for them to come and for a judge to issue a warrant. (aka,. they aren't coming because we give them no reason to come)

And then you have to say we really don't @ this point in time. :rolleyes:


the state of CO is becoming a very difficult state to navigate. I know 5 people now in the system because of unwarranted Blood Draws based on the Gilpin cop's "judgement".

And like Texas Kids says, the difference between counties like Gilpin and BoCo can be staggering.


Its times like this, when i look back at the days when there was zero tolerance for this plant. Even though its all pretty screwy still, im glad we are somewhat in a better place. Like when you were more worried your neighbor would report you for smelling like weed than you were the actual cops finding your grow. Now the average citizen (neighbor) has started to accept the smell, the language and the people surrounding it. Putting the law to the side for a moment, im just glad the people around me are not complaining or upset of my doings. Im sure some will argue that they wish things could go back to the way they were before medical. But I for one, am glad of the movement we have made over the years. No we are not where we want to be, but in my opinion we are better than we ever were. And for that, I am thankful.


Great post TK, very accurate and insightful and much better than rambling opinions and spreading incorrect information.

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