real gsc w/ powdery mildew.what would U do

  • Thread starter socalpunx
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Great info guys to think i had the Whiteberry,Skywalker,GreenCrack and Sleestack sitting in my liveing room at one point and i scrapped them :( cuz they had visible pm on them!!!!

I have a quick question im interested in Eagle20 now cuz i wanna trade for a few new cuts so if i set up a quarantine spot and take new cuts and root them over a period of a couple generations on veg pad do u think it would be safe to say the PM would be Eradicated and the clones would be ready to hit flower after a proper veg to get it out systemicly it cool where a thread can end up i learned alot so far.


IG @delae_632
I dont have any visible PM at the moment..
Do you think I could skip the spaying and just water it in?
and I dont plan to flower anything for about 6 months
Is six months long enough to wait after using it?

Edit to add...It doesnt seem long I dont think should
If you know your plants have it but aren't showing signs at the moment then I'd treat the mothers accordingly. If you treat your mothers now my bet would be that you will see zero E20 in your finished buds.

Watering it in is a simple and effective way to rid your mother plants of pm.

I looked at that link you gave but I don't see the actual test report. pretty easy to find msds on anything we can buy in stores.i guess as long as your not in cali it doesn't cause cancer ?:banghead:

I don't think any one product is any better then another,but we have been using matches made of sulfer to light stuff like cigs in our mouths for a very long time lol.sulfer is in a lot of the bloom boosters and other nutes we use because plants like sulfer as well;) I would not push the sulfer burner if I didn't have a lot of first hand experience or if I thought is was as unsafe as any of these chems on the not stirring" the pot" just giving my opinion,peace
Oh okay man...lets just disregard it because there's no report then. lmao Treebark is a stand up guy and isn't spreading misinformation for fun. Hell, do a test yourself instead of nay saying and make me eat my words.

If you think the sulfur in your additives is enough to eradicate the pm from your sick plants then have fun smoking pm for the rest of your life. lol Not one of us would ever have pm if this was the case. Extra extra read all about it! Additives kill pm! lmao man...come on now.

I don't see how using it responsibly and strategically is harmful whatsoever. Smoking pm on the other hand...I'm not so sure about.;)


I used sulfer in additives as a example of its safety and uses.i never once said bloom boosters with sulfer would stop pm,now your getting mad and putting words in my mouth so to speak.its all good D,use what works right ;)
but those msds findings don't lie,it is what it is.remember I did say we could do this shit all day,im self employed and took today off hahahaha,naw man im done here cause you been preaching eagle 20 so long you wont take anything I say as legit,peace


Premium Member
Sulfur only eradicates the spores from powdery mildew. A plant infected with Powdery Mildew is infected within the plant. The spores(white powdery residue) are only the byproduct of this infection. Burning sulfur or sulfur sprays only kill these spores on the surface of the plant(as well as any other surface).

Eagle20 kills the infection within the plant. As long as it is applied correctly with enough time for the plants metabolism to rid it from its system, it is as safe as any other treatment..


can you show me the info where it says pm is systemic guys ?generally mold spores need only a host that is acceptable for breeding and some wind or a bug to get open to learning about how the spore gets into the root zone and blooms at the leaf surface after traveling through the plant.fwiw,im licensed by my state (Michigan)to spray chems,insecticides and fungicides as well as fertilizer(commercial applicators lic) and lemme tell ya its a big fuckin test we take to get these endorsments ;)
eradicate the spores and the problem doesn't exist !! if you like your eagle 20 you can keep your eagle 20,period.:clown:

that last line is a joke so don't get all huffy on me :bag:


can you show me the info where it says pm is systemic guys ?generally mold spores need only a host that is acceptable for breeding and some wind or a bug to get open to learning about how the spore gets into the root zone and blooms at the leaf surface after traveling through the plant.fwiw,im licensed by my state (Michigan)to spray chems,insecticides and fungicides as well as fertilizer(commercial applicators lic) and lemme tell ya its a big fuckin test we take to get these endorsments ;)
eradicate the spores and the problem doesn't exist !! if you like your eagle 20 you can keep your eagle 20,period.:clown:

that last line is a joke so don't get all huffy on me :bag:

Im about to get all puffy homie!

Heres what i think ur both right.
Perhaps spray Eagle20 on veg and treat ur moms.
Maybe burn sulfer on flower pad "both" for preventative maintenance.
Thats what i would do!
Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster

can you show me the info where it says pm is systemic guys ?generally mold spores need only a host that is acceptable for breeding and some wind or a bug to get open to learning about how the spore gets into the root zone and blooms at the leaf surface after traveling through the plant.fwiw,im licensed by my state (Michigan)to spray chems,insecticides and fungicides as well as fertilizer(commercial applicators lic) and lemme tell ya its a big fuckin test we take to get these endorsments ;)
eradicate the spores and the problem doesn't exist !! if you like your eagle 20 you can keep your eagle 20,period.:clown:

that last line is a joke so don't get all huffy on me :bag:
I googled " is powdery mildew systemic" first thing that pops up is a thread on the mag, very interesting. Apparently its not.
Check it


yeah man,there are folks on this site and many others that HAVE gotten rid of it by using just milk and water as a spray.its a airborn mold spore,it likes humid conditions and low light conditions.keep rh fairly low around 30-40% and good airflow and light penetration and it can be controlled and eradicated.the milk thing raises the ph above 7 and helps stop the spread.eagle 20 has a ph of about 8.5 which would explain why it works well also,but you dint hear that from me;)


Amputating Fakeness


Hopefully this link works. Yes, you are correct, pm is not a systemic disease, it is a fungus (or fungi). However, Eagle 20 is a systemic fungicide that can in essence erradicate a specific plants succeptibility to the fungus, in essence rendering it "resistant" possibly even permanently. I promise you, milk....will not do this, sulfur either. Again i will agree that that proper environmental conditions greatly affect pm's ability to manifest. No doubt. the above linked article is from Clemson University. Listed as #1 (in approximate order) most effective chemical combatant of which is the main active ingredient of what? Eagle20.


Amputating Fakeness
Eagle20 to plants is like a vaccine for humans that in essence blocks your body from being able to contract herpes, rather than a topical ointment to slowly take away that fucked up volcanoe lookin sore on your lips or genitals (like milk or sulfur). Lol, jus sayin ;)


Eagle20 to plants is like a vaccine for humans that in essence blocks your body from being able to contract herpes, rather than a topical ointment to slowly take away that fucked up volcanoe lookin sore on your lips or genitals (like milk or sulfur). Lol, jus sayin ;)
wait a min bro,ill buy the first post but are you sayin they got a cure fer da herps now:D thank god im married the last 25 years ,I cant imagine the shit that's out there now:clown:

ill go read the Clemson article,peace


Amputating Fakeness
wait a min bro,ill buy the first post but are you sayin they got a cure fer da herps now:D thank god im married the last 25 years ,I cant imagine the shit that's out there now:clown:

ill go read the Clemson article,peace
Lmao, i wish bro, im sure its been made, we just don't know about it yet though, lol. Pfizer or someone has the herps killa on lock!

Btw, that article makes a note that conditions referenced were from North Carolina only (or south, cant recall), but pretty much same info all contained in articles from UC Davis and University of Colorado that i saw.


Premium Member
I really dont want to get into this all again as I spent many hours researching(as well as debating/arguing) PM when I was dealing with it a couple years back. Chimera even blessed us with his knowledge on the subject.

Powdery Mildew isn't a systematic disease as in it doesn't move freely throughout the plants system(like the stalk, roots etc.). If that's how it came out, I apologize. But what it does do is actually lives just below the surface of the plant. Mainly the leaves.. The powdery substance (spores) is a manifestation of the pm that happens when its releasing its spores to reproduce and spread to other plants. Now, the spores can be suppressed(not seen or spread), if you make the environment uninhabitable for it to do so. Like by applying sulfur, raising the PH of the leafs surface, etc.. But the fungus is still alive and well inside the plants tissue, even if it doesn't show itself.

Like Motiv said, Eagle20 is a systematic fungicide. So its able to reach the PM below the plants surface.


ok so I read the article and the thing that pops out to me is the treatment for ornamentals and the treatment for veggies are dif,we need to compare our weed as consumable goods like veggies not woody ornamentals like spirea or hydrangea that we don't eat. notice theres a note about veggies ?

Ornamental Plants: For fungicides to be effective, they must be applied as soon as symptoms are noticed. Product labels will provide information on how often to spray. When ranges are given, use the shorter interval during cool, damp weather. Be sure to cover both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves.

Table 2 lists fungicides labeled for ornamental plants. Myclobutanil, propiconazole, thiophanate-methyl, and triadimefon have systemic properties and can be sprayed less often than sulfur or copper-based fungicides. When powdery mildew persists and sprays are repeated, it is recommended to rotate (alternate) fungicides to decrease the chance of fungi developing resistance.

When deciduous plants are infected, consider the season. Generally, foliar diseases occurring in late summer do little damage. The leaves have already produced food for the plant and are going to fall off soon anyway. Just be sure to rake and dispose of them as they fall.

As with any pesticide, read the label and heed all precautions. Sulfur, for example, can damage plants if applied when temperature and humidity are high.

Vegetable Plants: For information on vegetable crop disease controls and tolerant varieties, consult the Clemson Extension publication EC 570, Home Vegetable Gardening, and other Home & Garden Information Center fact sheets.

also want to point out that sulfer is second on that list.

if you read the msds on eagle 20 I posted you would see it being a "hazardous chemical" and listed in cali and a few other states as a carcinogen.i just think you guys are pushing a product as systemic and "safe" to smoke and eat when it isn't really all that safe.and you cant tell me it works systemically and some how the plant mysteriously grows out the chemical and its just gone at harvest.

if you treat you veg room with sulfer a few times,moms and clones/seedlings,you could most def have clean plants 3 months later with very little effort ie,a few foliar feeds/washes would clean em right up,specially with one of those fancy atomizers lol.


I really dont want to get into this all again as I spent many hours researching(as well as debating/arguing) PM when I was dealing with it a couple years back. Chimera even blessed us with his knowledge on the subject.

Powdery Mildew isn't a systematic disease as in it doesn't move freely throughout the plants system(like the stalk, roots etc.). If that's how it came out, I apologize. But what it does do is actually lives just below the surface of the plant. Mainly the leaves.. The powdery substance (spores) is a manifestation of the pm that happens when its releasing its spores to reproduce and spread to other plants. Now, the spores can be suppressed(not seen or spread), if you make the environment uninhabitable for it to do so. Like by applying sulfur, raising the PH of the leafs surface, etc.. But the fungus is still alive and well inside the plants tissue, even if it doesn't show itself.

Like Motiv said, Eagle20 is a systematic fungicide. So its able to reach the PM below the plants surface.
powdery mildew is everywhere for the record.our plants and indoor gardens are a great host if we run em wrong.


theres no doubt that the stuff works based on all the people here that used it,im just a bit worried about what it is chemical wise, for my stuff anyhow.i make edibles and oils for my patients,i got my wife eating about 1/4 oz a day of raw buds and leaf( cancer) and I smoke the living shit out of my weedz.I aint ever gunna use e20 after reading those msds sheets.sorry man I tried to go easy lol.peace


one more thing lol

Uses of sulfur
Sulfur is essential to life. It is a minor component of fats, bodily fluids and skeletal minerals.

Sulfur is a component of black gunpowder. It is also a good insulator.

Sulfur's many uses include:

  • Vulcanization of natural rubber
  • As a fumigant and a fungicide
  • Making phosphatic fertilizers. It is used extensively for this purpose.
  • Producing sulfuric acid, one of the most important manufactured chemicals. The process requires a tremendous amount of sulfur.
  • Making sulfite paper and other papers
  • Bleaching dried fruits

  • take note of the line,making phosphatic fertilizers ^^^
we all use it already in our nutes.


Amputating Fakeness
rower, post: 1154717, member: 611"]Yeah, Im going to bow out of this discussion. I already went through this mess once. And thats about all I can handle...[/quote]
Only once bro? Lucky dog! Thank you for the input though.
@sixstring fully understand your concerns bro, and if other, safer means work.....Roll with em for sure!
@Capulator lmao bro, you already know theres another Milk speach comin up ( much love seamaiden)
in the end it comes down to what works, in what environment, with what amount of time/ effort expended, and Most importantly knowledge of products used and how to do so. Plus prefference. nuf said, keep the cookies, spray it with milk, sulfur, e20, or fukn Sunny Delight, lol. If it works.............
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