Hows The Weather In Your Neck O The Woods?? And What Are You Doing Today???

  • Thread starter chickenman
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Boy did i call it wrong yesterday. Grey sky fooled me .Sky cleared and was niceish .Except the heavy chemtrail blanket fucking it all up. .yuck. Today it says 51 high with rain. W'ell see . Today i protest israel as i rest after yesterdays go cart racing. I was worried id throw up driving the carts because still somewhat messed up in the head with vertigo. Didnt get sick 1 rime. Too cool. I got to transplant little ones today. And of coarse im about to dose up baby.


There's a thought.... I consider myself fortunate to be approaching my 32nd year this month... hard to imagine 56 frankly, ifn I see it I suppose you can call me whatever the hell you want!!

Pain has been a lifelong companion for me. Physical, emotional... Either way- a precursor to reflection, and if lucky appreciation. I may be a half crippled bastard with more dead loved ones than living, but glad I have a few screws turning upstairs still to recognize how fortunate I am to have that. I ain't dead yet, this pain's just letting me know...

It's about time I get my ass doing that yoga, gotta get some strength back into my core. Until then... Valium and Percocet and hopefully some sleep tonight.

Youll make it , just take care of yourself. I used to circuit train for a couple years when i could and it helped alot with my back . I had 3 open claims at once with l & i. lol. they wanted to do elbows and shoudlers too. I said ive had enough ! it was for carpal tunnel , knees , neck. 5 days a week therapy for 1.5 years. changing my diet and doing key things were better than anything doc had to offer. I feel so much better. I was doing p.t. when i was 17 for my back and did every year of work almost till i could no longer work at 37. I got msa and beat it im so im sure ill see 56 now. sending more healing vibes to you ....................


Looks sunny, but last week I thought we were going to have a nice day. Looked nice out. Took care of the three S's, shit shower and shave and exited the bathroom to see rain outside. Doh!


:D:DSitting at work on my Lunch break, counting the seconds until I get home. I finally had my drug test and passed with flying colors, so when I get home I plan on walking the doogon then rolling a nice blunt comprised of around 12 different amazing strains, gotta get that full on terpene flavor action/effect. Then watching a movie, and smoking until I am asleep. It's my day off tommorow so I assume I will be high when I wake up, forgot to mention that the last time I smoked was over 2 months ago:mad: But it was well worth it because I got a good job, and no longer have to sweat over anymore tests.

Oh yea, it's nice and overcast and a balmy 15 degrees, much love and enjoy your night, I know:D I will


Premium Member
:D:DSitting at work on my Lunch break, counting the seconds until I get home. I finally had my drug test and passed with flying colors, so when I get home I plan on walking the doogon then rolling a nice blunt comprised of around 12 different amazing strains, gotta get that full on terpene flavor action/effect. Then watching a movie, and smoking until I am asleep. It's my day off tommorow so I assume I will be high when I wake up, forgot to mention that the last time I smoked was over 2 months ago:mad: But it was well worth it because I got a good job, and no longer have to sweat over anymore tests.

Oh yea, it's nice and overcast and a balmy 15 degrees, much love and enjoy your night, I know:D I will
12 strain train...nice..


Congrads on the job. I've quit jobs over refusing to take a test...and have never taken one for a job. Like I've told a few employers...If you wanna pay me for 24 hours a'll go pee. Otherwise. I'm peeing on your fuckin shoe, bitch and you can shove the job and the test up yer ass. Heeeheehhheee

Thankfully the wife's job only tests new hires....and that policy was enacted years after she signed on. To be tested now..rightfully so..would mean they caught you blazing ON THE JOB or you had a wreck in a company vehicle. My wife was offered a car years ago..but 'kindly' refused cus she knew that it could spell trouble/was the only way she could really get fired. (cus shes awesome in her job)

have fun with that doobie..LOL


Sunny, mid ta upper forties. Beautiful! No back pain at all! Got high, stretched with a smile and something popped back there like three times. IT FELT GREAT!! Bout piddled in my britches.
My supposed health insurance company called. Never heard o'em before. Didn't know I changed companies. Anywho they wanted to do a home health evaluation. Uh'm sorry fer the french, "FUCK THAT! NOT HAPPENING TODAY BRO! HAVE A BLESSED DAY!" Click!
Oh Today is gonna be a good day!


Sparking as i type goodnight folks:confused::D:confused:


PS whatch
Sunny, mid ta upper forties. Beautiful! No back pain at all! Got high, stretched with a smile and something popped back there like three times. IT FELT GREAT!! Bout piddled in my britches.
My supposed health insurance company called. Never heard o'em before. Didn't know I changed companies. Anywho they wanted to do a home health evaluation. Uh'm sorry fer the french, "FUCK THAT! NOT HAPPENING TODAY BRO! HAVE A BLESSED DAY!" Click!
Oh Today is gonna be a good day!

Glad to hear things snapped into place! I'm curious, what is a "home health evaluation?" I've not heard of this before....


Me either. That sent a red flag up for me. Didn't know health insurance companies made house calls.


@NaturalTherapy I too have some major back issues, I have found that making lotion from strains which are high in the terpene Myrcene have helped me considerably. It doesn't make it all go away, but it does take it down from that "forks in the eyeballs, want to crawl outta my own skin" kind of pain to the kind which is at least tolerable. I'd bring you a jar if you were close...hope your feeling better soon!
View attachment 465234
respect1 dense pheno. Strait dank and taken early on a trial run. Complex as fuck. By reggae seeds found by @leadsled


Bracing for my annual noreaster, amazing how lazy folks are when theres a foot of snow on the ground nowadays tho. Don't move to Vermont if you don't like 6 month winters!


The human body has the innate DNA blueprint to rebuild anything. Remember that... but most importantly, believe it.

The difficult challenge is that the body can not do its best work with sub-par "fuel" ( aka nutrition)

Whether it be Dr Gerson's Therapy (a strict organic vegan diet including enemas),which BTW is well proven and documented and/or the aid of psychedelics, anything can be overcome. A positive mental shift is also a huge player as well.

When it comes to REAL healing, it does not matter what the illness or disease proper diet and a positive mental shift can cure anything. Feed the body properly and the rest falls into place.

It has been said (and I believe it) that around 99% of all illness and diseases have their origins based in the mental and emotional confines of our bodies. And even when they are trauma induced, people never fully recover from the mental/emotional shock of it. Often these things are suppressed and have no way out so they create havoc inside our bodies...and minds. This often is deeply tucked away at the subconscious levels.


@kolah that is so true! Believe Manifest!
Hella day today! Had a wire short on a set of cfls. tripped breakers, killed climate control (heater), HID control/240v timer thingy and the sump pump. All except my fans they stayed on (of friggin course). Sucked in all the cold ass air for who knows how long. Got home from working in the cold rain all day to find 4" of water and 47* in a dark ass grow room. Everything is shocked to hell! Limper than who knows! F#@!/* just my luck. Of course I just set a new bunch o clones. But hopefully (GOD I PRAY!) the core temp of the moms' root balls didn't fall too low. I might be able to save'em. If not: good bye my Poison Nanners. It was a kickass roadtrip.
Wish I was smart enough or versed, I guess is more appropriate, for that peatree dish "mad scientist" type clonin. That mutant strain was badass! Wish some of you legal state pros could have tried/checked it out. I feel y'all woulda approved. Let's pray not all is lost.
Headin back down to ground zero fer a long night of clean up and sadness.


We are in for a storm in SoCal, this one is going to bring us some havoc. Roof in need of repair, but work not scheduled until next week. Keeping my fingers crossed it holds for this storm. They are calling for more rain in the next week than we saw for the entire winter last year. 6" to 12" in some places, and up to 70MPH winds. This is going to be one heck of a ride....


weather is shit, im going to help the family clean up, broke my heart reading this story!
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