Are you getting a flu shot this year?

  • Thread starter LittleDabbie
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Getting your flu shot this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • No Way Man No Dead Virus For Me!

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • Unsure But Thinking About It!!

    Votes: 1 3.1%

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Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

Wow, I'm very glad you recovered. Would you say you've recovered fully? What you describe is what I recall reading about the Spanish Flu of '18.

ya im cool now. im an avid cyclist (well back and forth to work...) and i couldnt cycle for 2 months after it passed. lungs were weak and would still run out of breath. i forgot to mention that the flu i got gave me a "walking pneumonia" - apparently this forms if you dont treat it right and dont go to the docs.... like my stubborn ass... I took it easy and all, hoping that it would pass, but it just got worse and worse until i finally started taking antibiotics.... << a flu that doesnt get better unless perscribed antibiotics... scary shit right there...


Living dead girl
My oldest boy got walking pneumonia when he was about 12, it was very scary.


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Repeated Flu Vaccinations Reduces Vaccine Effectiveness
A study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases9 in September 2014 investigated the effect of influenza vaccination over the course of eight seasons. They found that seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness in children under the age of nine was significantly higher among vaccinated children who had NO prior flu vaccination history, compared to vaccinated individuals with a history of frequent influenza vaccinations.
Similar results were obtained when analyzing data for adults between the ages of 18–49. What this suggests is that, as you keep getting the flu vaccine year after year, your chances of the vaccine not conferring protection increases—and there are plenty of studies showing the flu vaccine does not work as advertised to begin with.
Take the 2012 independent study review from the Cochrane Collaboration10 for example. Tom Jefferson, an influenza researcher with the Cochrane Collaboration told "There is no evidence that vaccines can prevent deaths or prevent person-to-person spread of infection." Basically, the evidence suggests that the more you're vaccinated, the less responsive your immune system gets. According to the authors: "vaccine-induced protection was greatest for individuals not vaccinated during the prior five years. Additional studies are needed to understand the long-term effects of annual vaccination."


Well considering its 2015.. I shall be getting another one this year :D


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How to Protect Your Health During Flu Season
Avoiding serious complications from influenza and resisting other influenza-like illness during the flu season is primarily about taking positive steps throughout the year to maintain a healthy, well functioning immune system. By following these simple guidelines, you can help keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you're far less likely to acquire the infection to begin with or, if you do get sick with the flu, you are better prepared to move through it without complications and soon return to good health.
  • Optimize your gut flora. This may be the single most important strategy you can implement as the bacteria in your gut have enormous control of your immune response. The best way to improve your beneficial bacteria ratio is to avoid sugars as they will feed pathogenic microbes. Additionally, processed foods and most grains should be limited and replaced with healthy fats like coconut oil, avocados, olives, olive oil, butter, eggs and nuts. Once you change your diet, then regular use of fermented foods can radically optimize the function of your immune response.
  • Optimize your vitamin D levels. This is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of ALL kinds, and vitamin D deficiency may actually be the true culprit behind the seasonality of the flu – not the flu virus itself. Regularly monitor your vitamin D levels to confirm your levels are within the therapeutic range of 50-70 ng/ml. Ideally, you'll want to get almost all of your vitamin D from sun exposure or a tanning bed. Supplement with an oral vitamin D3 supplement to make sure your level is 40-60 ng/ml. Just be sure to take vitamin K2 and magnesium if you are taking oral vitamin D as it has a powerful synergy and will help prevent any D toxicity.
  • Avoid sugar and processed foods. Sugar impairs the quality of your immune response almost immediately. It also can decimate your beneficial bacteria and feed the pathogenic yeast and viruses. Be aware that sugar (typically in the form of high fructose corn syrup) is present in foods you may not suspect, like ketchup and fruit juice. If you are healthy then sugar can be consumed but the LAST thing you should be eating when you are sick is sugar. Trans fats in most processed foods also play havoc with your immune response.
  • Get plenty of rest. If your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. Be sure to check out my article "Guide to a Good Night's Sleep" for some great tips to help you get quality rest.
  • Have effective tools to address stress. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work, to family, to trauma.
  • Get regular exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads. Be sure to stay hydrated – drink plenty of fluids, especially water. However, it would be wise to radically reduce the intensity of your workouts while you are sick. No Peak Fitness exercises until you are better.
  • Take a high-quality animal-based omega-3. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response.
  • Wash your hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don't use antibacterial soap for this. Antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to. In addition to washing your hands regularly, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. If possible, avoid close contact with those, who are sick and, if you are sick, avoid close contact with those who are well.
  • Use natural immune-boosters. Examples include oil of oregano, liposomal vitamin C, and garlic. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, these do not appear to lead to resistance.
  • Avoid hospitals. I recommend avoiding hospitals unless you're having an emergency and need expert medical care, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds—including antibiotic-resistant diseases. The best place to get plenty of rest and recover from illness that is not life-threatening is usually in the comfort of your own home


No way would I get a flu shot. My body can handle the flu just fine. Can't tell you how many people year after year get the flu shot, then get the flu. The last 5 years in a row my mom has told me to get a flu shot. She has gotten one every year since and has gotten the flu every year since. I personally don't see the need, it is big business however so I can see why people would tell you it's needed.


Premium Member
Folks are too lazy IMO to take the time to properly nourish their bodies, get exercise, avoid stress, and do as advised in above post.
It's easier to chomp down on fake food like substances, like fast foods, processed preserved junk foods, seems few know the value of real home cooked meals that nourish and prevent....They are used to fake food and are addicted to the chemicals and Crapola
Much easier to go get a shot than to take care of one self. it is a lot of work to stay healthy and avoid all the fake foods and fake prevention which they admit may be only 30 % effective and still some fall for it , not for me......time for some preventive breakfast,
Farm fresh eggs, sautéed spinach, canned peaches, fruit smoothie, sound better than a shot any day.....


I am one of those who have a hard time eating correctly. Been eating crap for 30+ years, hard to turn it around. I am just trying not to eat when it's dark out, and that is hard enough. I am growing my own fruits and veggies so that helps, but I still love my Doritos. I couldn't agree more with what Chickenman is saying. Proper nutrition is the best prevenative measure one can take. This is true when growing cannabis as well. Grow healthy plants and fungi/disease just stays away.


Premium Member
I am one of those who have a hard time eating correctly. Been eating crap for 30+ years, hard to turn it around. I am just trying not to eat when it's dark out, and that is hard enough. I am growing my own fruits and veggies so that helps, but I still love my Doritos. I couldn't agree more with what Chickenman is saying. Proper nutrition is the best prevenative measure one can take. This is true when growing cannabis as well. Grow healthy plants and fungi/disease just stays away.
I drink way too much milk, have been drinking a gallon daily for many years am going to cut way back causes me indigestion.....


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Yum 1

Come to farm, LD, will whip up a pie you will not soon forget......thinking will rustle one up today........


NO! We are humans not machines. We are supposed to get sick its either gonna make us or break us. Eat better food and your bodie will fight the good fight IME.
happy farmin;)


why would i put myself at risk with big pharmas track record ?

NaturalNews) (Story by Michelle Goldstein, republished from The decision to vaccinate is yours alone, but it is a decision that should not be taken lightly or done under duress or pressure by others. Once vaccinated, the potential side-effects cannot be easily undone, if at all. These include death, sudden infant death syndrome, auto-immune disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, Guillian-Barre Syndrome and other neurological damage.

Your physician will most likely NOT connect the development of these unnatural disease states with vaccination, whether they occur immediately after vaccinations, several days or months later. You alone will be responsible for treating your child or yourself for these life-long diseases.

The decision to vaccinate SHOULD include extensive research to determine if it is right for your family.

The following are ten reasons not to vaccinate. Additional educational resources follow.

1. Vaccines have never been proven safe or effective. Vaccine studies funded by pharmaceutical companies compare vaccine "side-effects" from one vaccine to another. True, scientific, double-blind placebo studies have never been conducted on vaccines to determine their safety. Effectiveness cannot be determined unless one is then knowingly exposed to the disease entity following vaccination. Only antibody production is measured. See How Pharmaceutical Companies Hide the Dangers of Vaccines from Parents.[1]

2. Vaccines do NOT work. They may create a temporary increase in antibodies for a particular disease, but this does not equate to immunity to disease. Vaccines, with all of their toxins and their unnatural way of introducing disease directly into one's blood stream, decrease cellular immunity, which is more critical for one's immune system. Neurologist Russell Blaylock has lectured and written extensively on this subject.

When there are outbreaks of disease, unvaccinated children are often blamed. Whenever the outbreaks are examined more closely, the data show that the majority of those suffering have been vaccinated for the disease.

Disease charts show that diseases were mostly eliminated prior to the creation of vaccinations. What is truly responsible for most communicable disease elimination is clean water and improved sanitation. See the following graphs: Disease Graphs Showing Decline of Childhood Illnesses Prior to Vaccines.[2]

3. The very first vaccine was a disaster. Vaccine safety and effectiveness is a created myth, strongly embedded in Americans' psyche and reinforced by the health care system.

The history of small pox vaccines demonstrates that the first vaccine resulted in an increase in the disease and created additional serious health consequences including syphilis and deaths. Physician groups met repeatedly to discuss the "vaccine problem" and concluded that as long as vaccines remained profitable, they would be impossible to eliminate, in spite of the evidence against them. Nothing has changed since this time.

The polio vaccine was another one linked to serious health consequences, including cancer and AIDS. Statistics were manipulated to try and prove this vaccine's effectiveness. With each new vaccine has come new health damage and created illness. See Small Pox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness.[3]

4. Vaccines are highly profitable for pharmaceutical companies and the health care industry. Strong financial incentives exist to continue this practice, not effectiveness. You cannot trust brochures on vaccines provided by pharmaceutical companies because they are corporations with a profit motive. Their objective is NOT to protect health but to sell vaccines.

5. All vaccines contain a number of toxic poisons and chemicals that are linked to serious neurological damage including aluminum, thimerosal (methyl mercury), antibiotics, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and formaldehyde. Other dangerous substances found in vaccines include antifreeze, lead, cadmium, glycerine, acetone, and yeast proteins.

6. Every study comparing unvaccinated to vaccinated children demonstrates that unvaccinated children enjoy far superior health. Unvaccinated children generally do not suffer from upper respiratory illnesses, ear infections, autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies, auto-immune disorders and other diseases, in comparison to those vaccinated. (See Sally Fallon Morell's The Nourishing Tradition's Book of Baby and Child Care, 2013.)

7. Vaccines cause a host of "chronic, incurable, and life threatening diseases," including autism, asthma, ADHD, auto-immune disorders, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, food allergies and brain damage.[4]

8. The only way to create true life-long immunity to a disease is through natural exposure to the disease in which the body creates true antibodies and immunity on many levels.

9. Vaccines kill infants, children and adults. Strong evidence links vaccines to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).[5] More than one hundred previously healthy young women have died as a result of the HPV vaccine.[6] The flu vaccine has been documented as awarding the most money for serious health injuries, including death.[7][8]

The long term effects of vaccines are unknown. It is a medical experiment of one's health for which no one knows the long term health consequences.

US children are given far more vaccines at younger ages compared to other countries. Infant mortality rates for US children are one of the worst in the world, especially compared to countries who vaccinate their children less and who have wisely raised vaccination ages.[9]

10. If you or a loved one suffers from a vaccine injury, pharmaceutical companies and physicians hold no medical liability. In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was formed, eliminating the ability to directly sue pharmaceutical companies or health care practitioners responsible for vaccine injuries.


You are on your own to try and regain your health in the event that you are vaccine injured. The expense and suffering is yours alone to face. Very few individuals will be awarded money from funds set up by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. The system is designed for individuals to fail in making their claim of vaccine injury. The public pays for this injury fund in the cost of taxes on vaccinations.












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They can look for aother victoms. I iant playing thier dirty fucking game !

Mandatory chickenpox vaccination increases disease rates, study shows

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(NaturalNews) Once again, the completely illogical debacle concerning the world of vaccinations has surfaced.

By now, you know they've come under fire by those who are adamant that they do more harm than good. Countless people have developed irreversible health problems and even died shortly after receiving a vaccination, which the medical community chalks up to "coincidence" or cleverly crafted wording that a patient should have known about.

Take, for example, the young Florida girl who made headlines last year when she received the flu vaccine. Marysue Grivna, now 10 years old, experienced paralysis and vision loss within a few short days of receiving the shot. She was ultimately diagnosed with a debilitating brain disease called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Today, she's confined to a wheelchair or bed and is almost entirely nonverbal.(1)

There's also the disturbing discovery of elderly people who lived at a senior care facility in Georgia. After all received the flu shot in 2014, five of them died the next week.(2)

Time and again, stories like this abound. Most recently, however, additional news comes from South Korea, where researchers have demonstrated what people have known in their heart to be true all along: that vaccinations not only are unhealthy but also aren't effective.(3)

Surprise, surprise.

Reported cases of chickenpox have more than tripled since vaccinations became mandatory in South Korea
What spurred the researchers to engage in their studies in the first place was the fact that, despite the amount of people receiving chickenpox vaccinations, the rate of the illness in the nation hasn't diminished. Instead, it's increased. The question then becomes a matter of why something designed to keep an illness at bay is actually boosting its activity, creating the opposite of the desired (and often applauded) effect.

For example, the researchers note that, in 2005, varicella (chickenpox) vaccination was mandated in South Korea for infants between the ages of 12 and 15 months. Although there was 97 percent uptake by 2011, no decreases in the illness were found nationwide. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) has reported an increase of varicella patients; in 2006, there were 22.6 cases per 100,000, while in 2011, that number more than tripled to 71.6 cases per 100,000.(3)

To better understand why the vaccine was failing, the research team conducted a case-based study, a case-control study and an immunogenicity and safety study. The latter study involved a total of 126 healthy children who were vaccinated with a single dose of Suduvax, which researchers discovered "may not be immunogenic enough to be effective in preventing varicella in South Korea."(4)
Chickenpox vaccination "has not been effective," say researchers
The study, titled "Varicella and Varicella Vaccination in South Korea," was published in the journal Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. The study acknowledges that the increase in varicella vaccinations is likely due to the fact that getting them is mandatory; however, the article addresses serious flaws in that cases have surged, not declined in spite of that. The study notes:

Although the increase in reported cases of varicella to KCDC may be due to the fact that mandatory varicella notification began in 2005, no decrease in the number of varicella patients does not harmonize with the fact that the varicella vaccine coverage increased to above 97% in 2011. Although it can be asserted that the annual number of cases of varicella might have been higher with greater morbidity in the prevaccine era, the high vaccine uptake, the lack of upward age shift in the peak incidence, and the high proportion of breakthrough disease, with almost no amelioration in disease presentation among vaccinated patients, strongly suggest that varicella vaccination has not been effective in preventing varicella in South Korea and is in great need of improvement.(4)

Once again, their findings reinforce that vaccinations have done more in the way of sparking great debate, illness and death than they are actually controlling, or altogether ridding, certain diseases from the population.






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Im not really a veggie kinda guy.. You eat alotttttt of stuff id never put in my mouth lol
Debbie you sound like me when I was a kid. I worked in a home cooking restraunt for about six years 17-23 and it totally changed the foods I like. You have to train your body to like good food. Especially after eating proscessed food for as long as you have.You would be surprised what your missing! For starters your bowel movements will float instead of sinking like rabbit pellets lol:D


Premium Member
Debbie you sound like me when I was a kid. I worked in a home cooking restraunt for about six years 17-23 and it totally changed the foods I like. You have to train your body to like good food. Especially after eating proscessed food for as long as you have.You would be surprised what your missing! For starters your bowel movements will float instead of sinking like rabbit pellets lol:D
also how one feels after getting away from all the chemicals and preserves...
We had a kid come to farm on kidney dialysis. they monitored his blood count cells etc. His diet was Taco Bell and top ramien , pizza hut, wendys etc....
Within 1 month on farm eating real food they were astounded in his cell count, loss of weight, over all way better health. he felt way better too, more energy, better digestion...
Exercise being outside also really helped.
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Debbie you sound like me when I was a kid. I worked in a home cooking restraunt for about six years 17-23 and it totally changed the foods I like. You have to train your body to like good food. Especially after eating proscessed food for as long as you have.You would be surprised what your missing! For starters your bowel movements will float instead of sinking like rabbit pellets lol:D

Its a texture thing... I gag on some textures... cant help it..
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