The New Shit,show Ya Pics.

  • Thread starter keiksweat
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That's dead on how I felt when I gave up the pills. Its like a demon in its final death throes giving all it has left to stay alive. Kill that bastard and move on bro. You got it all day. You crawled to help clinging to life before so clearly you ain't a quiter. Man up and finish the fight bro. We got growin to do! @jipp

problem is its not the pills or even the withdrawals talking.. its just logical.. if X does not work and Y sorta did.. you go back to Y. but i can not go back till July since i have a medical card the medical system seems to do all kind of bullshit . hah not even good meds but whatever, they think if you have a card you do not need a operation, and you deaf can not be on pills and weed at the same time.. they drug test you.. i hated that drug testing i do not miss that shit. it did nothing for the patient just for the doctor.. that is all it is. fucking assholes.

shrugs.. oh well. that is months away, if i go back on them i sure and hell am taking them to my grave hah. but sigh july so fucking far away..

dunno man pain is killing me. oh well, was my idea to get off something that kind work i guess, so ill deal for now.

and i must be a little bit better mood.. do not even feel like fucking bashing az commercial growers. hah. hell AZ MMJ admins.. you know what you need to do you pricks. get your shit together.. how can it be medical, if a doctor wont operate on you if you have a card, eh you fucking g reedy bastards, ohg yeah.. whats with the price in crease for the card ( 200.00 in July, and now its 240, and they want to increase it more etc i hear.. shrugs. it is a snowbird state got to get that old people money.. ).. huh, greedy fucks.. was suppose to go down not up.. oh.. im done.. im more mad at the system than the growers i guess. would be nice to find fire in a disp.. like take some pride in your shit for fuck sakes. and if you have a shit pheno ( sure your pheno may produce lots of bud, but if it lacks taste, smell, and the high sucks, who gives a fuck ).. cull that damn thing do not try to pass it off as meds.

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Ok let me put this a different way. I don't want to use the dehumidifier to dry the bud. I want to know if anyone would recommend using the dehumidifier to control the RH in my dry room. Yay or nay?
Humidity is 68 currently.

Yes. Under 60% is safer for mold. Too dry not good either. Make sure the dehumidifier is not sucking moisture directly from the buds and also not blowing right on them. Good air circulation is important but not so much that the buds blow around.


Yes. Under 60% is safer for mold. Too dry not good either. Make sure the dehumidifier is not sucking moisture directly from the buds and also not blowing right on them. Good air circulation is important but not so much that the buds blow around.

What I thought. I noticed that when the plants were growing, any fan leaf close to the dehuey intake was being sucked dry. Thanks for the input!


Ok, super soil, and organic teas. I used a granular fertilizer made by Espoma, called Citrus tone, it is packaged for citrus and avacodos. But it has a nutritional panel that looked like it would go well with cannabis.

Nice. I cheat with ocean forest and pure blend pro but I know growers who use Epsoma Tomato tone and Plant tone.

Seems to be working well for you brother.



well i have zero energy to exercise or lift today or even the proper attitude to do jack shit today, so i will say fuck it.

fun. at least my eyes are going back to normal i guess. only positive im pulling out of my ass today.

enjoy your future programming.

was thinking if i cant deal with the pain for long ( how all this shit started. hah going for pain help.. hah visuouse cycle ) i can probably go back to the doctors and just cut my card up. will miss the people at the distrib tho they have always treated me cool even if the farmers sell them shit herb fro my experience of what i have tried anyhow.. and been burnt.

but ill hold off for now, but if it get to bad i will just say fuick it and go be part of the system again.. and this is probably the withdrawals talking now.. hah, sigh i do not normally bitch about my leg /back pain other than in passing like yeah i went f or a walk and it hurt l ike fuck.. but man all i can do is focus on the pain.. sigh.

opiates did good about ignoring pain cause i guess yo are in a faze so you did not care i guess. which is ok.. better than pain it self. hha.

sigh.. i hate living here in az.. should of never listen that fucking doctors advice cock sucker really did a number on em.. should of know a boy from the sticks would miss trees but i was a sheep l;listening to the doctor.

so fuck you doctors.
bowl up for me you fools.


Nice. I cheat with ocean forest and pure blend pro but I know growers who use Epsoma Tomato tone and Plant tone.

Seems to be working well for you brother.
At this time it is, I like the Plant tone, never used the Tomato tone.
I go light with it because it is time released, so I applied it at the beginning of the veg, at transition to bloom, and last dose was about 3 weeks ago. Figure it should be used up when I chop.
I added it to my super soil while it cooked. I like it, hard to say if it makes a difference with the other ammendments but I will continue using it


At this time it is, I like the Plant tone, never used the Tomato tone.
I go light with it because it is time released, so I applied it at the beginning of the veg, at transition to bloom, and last dose was about 3 weeks ago. Figure it should be used up when I chop.
I added it to my super soil while it cooked. I like it, hard to say if it makes a difference with the other ammendments but I will continue using it

It makes a difference because the more different sources of NPK and micronutrients available to the plant the better your results can be. That's why I like to use an amended organic base even though feeding when time comes can be a bit tricky to transition too.


It makes a difference because the more different sources of NPK and micronutrients available to the plant the better your results can be. That's why I like to use an amended organic base even though feeding when time comes can be a bit tricky to transition too.
Well that was my logic, different forms of nutes or nutes in different forms. Giving a broader range to utilize.
And this has cal and mag in it plus sulfur.Which seems to be a issue for some growers keeping those levels up.
Not that concerned as much about sulfer with using ewc and bat guano. But it is there if needed
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