Kim's Beginner Diary

  • Thread starter KLight03
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They say Bill Gates gave his hardest jobs to his laziest workers because they would find the easiest way to do it. I only said soil because it's probably the easiest between coco and hydro. This way the grower can learn how the plant grows and develops, while not having to worry about to much else because the ease of using soil...which then can be applied for future grows. That's why I said it was just my opinion. Everyone learns differently. I learn from doing it. I can read a million books and I still wouldn't know what to do unless I do it myself.
agree with that,books even with pictures dont teach me nothing,screw it up and i learned


Hey khalto3 , sorry i started the white castle comment in your grow thread , stoners demon , around here people will trample over each other for a "slider" , its not my style to divert topics off someones thread , if any one wants to continue fast food talk or munchies please do so on my new thread "whitecastle" , ! Thanks !

This thread here is all about a girl and her plant 😊
Dude, you are safe here. I really don't care what is discussed, as long as no one is getting disrespected, that's all I care about.


hahahah just a tard that been there,i cant sit still i guess is the biggest issue,with discovery you learn why not with coco as mentioned above learn to read plants,im thinking that happens sooner than later with coco,now hydro that damn day im talking about in hours hahaah as i found out the past summer ,shit get me fixed right now or i will just die on you they say
doesnt matter which method all teach us how,even with soil as easy as all think it really isnt,pour something in there it dont like,it just doesnt get fixed with a flush,cause you cant flush soil,you make great mud pies and wash any life it did have out and that all,then it compacts,while you try to bring it back around you think you locked something,oh boy you sure did,it all washed out,so all is a learning curve,im really digging trying to get this hydro stuff to work outside in the summer,it would save me so much room almost to the point i wouldnt need my bottom garden if i could swing it off,by no means do i know what im doing either,so in reality you could say the same to me and i got a minute or two experience,so to see what i mean ,jump out of your comfort zone ,try a new method and see if im wrong your right,my next adventure i believe is gonna be straight up perlite on tables
right or wrong or both it breaks up the monotony i think and most off the complacency that is the one that makes or breaks you
What is this hydro you speak of?


same way here,i never asked any employee to do some thing i hadnt,i made a point to put right back in the fire as soon as possible
It's the only way to respect someone, in my opinion. I've always been the, "Prove to me by doing" kind of person. If I don't see you are doing it, I want to hear that you have done it, you know?


What is this hydro you speak of?
33 gal t
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hrash can growing watermelon
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I need permanent digs ASAP. I have got to try this!!! Challenge accepted. I just have to have permanent place. I hope to get my ideal for me small farm area soon.
that trllis is just 2 or 3 hooks holding it up in front of kitchen window,come spring i plan on having 10 gal totes or maybe just 5 gal buckets to grow them in,the 33 gal can became a problem ,couldnt change the res water easily at all,had mama hold the lid while i refilled the can ,i also had to syphon the fluid out,so no go on big can ,and it really didnt need it ,roots go right about 3ft long and would sit in bottom of a 5 gal bucket pretty easy.
so growing stuff right up the wall of your home can be utilized,the melons we tear up,the pumpkins are for the grand baby and halloween,then the deer they love um will slap with a hoof and split open ,eat the filling like candy,then leave the mess for me to watch out for when im throwing corn hahahah.
we use pumpkin for the dogs and upset stomach also when they get old ,but i didnt know the deer would enjoy them as much as they do,they be out there standing on back legs just a fighting each other for them,thats why i have to spread the corn ,just a couple would guard the feeder and most time 2 bucks,and none the doe would get to eat,so i spread it all around property for the doe and babies,these damn bucks can fend for themselfs hahahah,they should be dropping there horns here soon and the girls will be back in charge then,funny as hell seeing a tiny doe chasing a dominant buck slapping his ass every step he runs hahahah


that trllis is just 2 or 3 hooks holding it up in front of kitchen window,come spring i plan on having 10 gal totes or maybe just 5 gal buckets to grow them in,the 33 gal can became a problem ,couldnt change the res water easily at all,had mama hold the lid while i refilled the can ,i also had to syphon the fluid out,so no go on big can ,and it really didnt need it ,roots go right about 3ft long and would sit in bottom of a 5 gal bucket pretty easy.
so growing stuff right up the wall of your home can be utilized,the melons we tear up,the pumpkins are for the grand baby and halloween,then the deer they love um will slap with a hoof and split open ,eat the filling like candy,then leave the mess for me to watch out for when im throwing corn hahahah.
we use pumpkin for the dogs and upset stomach also when they get old ,but i didnt know the deer would enjoy them as much as they do,they be out there standing on back legs just a fighting each other for them,thats why i have to spread the corn ,just a couple would guard the feeder and most time 2 bucks,and none the doe would get to eat,so i spread it all around property for the doe and babies,these damn bucks can fend for themselfs hahahah,they should be dropping there horns here soon and the girls will be back in charge then,funny as hell seeing a tiny doe chasing a dominant buck slapping his ass every step he runs hahahah
Oh yeah! All livestock loves pumpkins. Farmers around here ask for everyone's pumpkins, so does the zoo. They feed them to all the animals. Good for iron, potassium, and probiotics.


I need permanent digs ASAP. I have got to try this!!! Challenge accepted. I just have to have permanent place. I hope to get my ideal for me small farm area soon.
cattle panel and hooks off the eves of your house lady,i have like 24 /18 gal totes i grow in behind the house,this year i added 2/ 55 gal barrels split in half for potato's and 1 i split long ways and put hinges on it were when there done open that thing like a suitcase let um fall out,fresh veggies are sure enough better than a store,even when you dont have a good harvest it sure taste good,yall talking about them munchies this morn,i sit and eat these grape tomato like hot cakes when im stoned hahahh


cattle panel and hooks off the eves of your house lady,i have like 24 /18 gal totes i grow in behind the house,this year i added 2/ 55 gal barrels split in half for potato's and 1 i split long ways and put hinges on it were when there done open that thing like a suitcase let um fall out,fresh veggies are sure enough better than a store,even when you dont have a good harvest it sure taste good,yall talking about them munchies this morn,i sit and eat these grape tomato like hot cakes when im stoned hahahh
I'm all about some cherry tomatoes. I eat those in the summer like they are apples. Little sea salt and pepper. Yum!


Oh yeah! All livestock loves pumpkins. Farmers around here ask for everyone's pumpkins, so does the zoo. They feed them to all the animals. Good for iron, potassium, and probiotics.
i have the hardest time growing them though squash too,we get squash vine boer worms,it is a wasp that stings the base of the plant right at soil level,injects the parisite,be a black dot ,look like a grain of dirt on the stem,next day it will be orange,next day it gone and a hole will be in the stem,they get in the stem and eat the plant inside out,cant even tell except during peak heat,2 or 3 hours after sunup and near sundown,plant will be awesome looking,during rest of day like melted wax,i literally go outy there with a paper clip i made a small hook on the end and fish up that hole and dig them out,plant will have like a egg sack on stem,not eggs but shit,go in the hole and you will bring one the damn thing s out,if you cant spin the paper clip were it kill it inside the stem,when i harvested my squash last year,for the hell of it,mama had me see how many i could get out of plant,24 was least i got from one plant,about 5 of them were almost mature,when they mature they turn into the wasp and keep going,over on east coast and down deep south they get the squash bug which i call stink bugs eating the shit out there plants up,DE will work fine on them ,but the boer worm once it in there isnt but one way to ride them,wire with a hook.
what attract them like most garden bugs is the color yellow,and if the vine is hollow,like melons squash ,cucmbers they get in there wipe um out,to top that off and why i want the balcony for my vines is i lost 4 really good melons last year ,one going over 30 pounds,to damn grubs,boered a hole as big round as a nickle threw my water melons,that was also with DE thrown all over the garden and walk ways,look like snow in july down there and they still wiped me out


I'm all about some cherry tomatoes. I eat those in the summer like they are apples. Little sea salt and pepper. Yum!
i have a doe tha
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t thinks we just plant them for her,she pouted for 3 days when i pulled the plant up,spoiled ass rotten,this is the spoiled bitch,as a matter of fact this is her after she realized her red plant was gone


i have a doe thaView attachment 935385t thinks we just plant them for her,she pouted for 3 days when i pulled the plant up,spoiled ass rotten,this is the spoiled bitch,as a matter of fact this is her after she realized her red plant was gone
That's so awesome. She needs some extra. Plant them all around her. Look at her face! She's like, "Excuse me, Sir? Are you lost? This is not up to my standards. I'm gonna need you to fix this problem here."


That's so awesome. She needs some extra. Plant them all around her. Look at her face! She's like, "Excuse me, Sir? Are you lost? This is not up to my standards. I'm gonna need you to fix this problem here."
thats her previous daughter behind her,this years babies are with brother,scar has twins every year and one of them this year is a bread hound,and begs to all get out the weak link falls for it every time,that family comes up i just get ,mama for there spoiled ass ahahahah,she usally comes up to the gate at least 3 times a day when she pregnate hahaha


Pictures from yesterday. What do y'all think? Sorry for the late post. I went to a Tool concert last night (bucket list item). First time in years, and post EMS career, so I literally had to mentally prepare, so I spent all day creating ads. Anyway, Let me know what you think from yesterday. Today's are coming after.
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Here's today. They are super happy and let me know when I've been in there too long, as I bring the cold air in with me. I thought, previously that they were reaching for the light because they were cold in general ,but it's not. I realized yesterday, they do that when I'm in the tent because I have the door open and it's colder. See, I can be smart. Haha!

Anyway, I am super happy because they seem to be super happy. Let me know what y'all think. <3
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Here's today. They are super happy and let me know when I've been in there too long, as I bring the cold air in with me. I thought, previously that they were reaching for the light because they were cold in general ,but it's not. I realized yesterday, they do that when I'm in the tent because I have the door open and it's colder. See, I can be smart. Haha!

Anyway, I am super happy because they seem to be super happy. Let me know what y'all think. <3
a plan has come together there lady,absolute turn around,great job

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