Corona virus and Marijuana

  • Thread starter detroitjoe
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Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is preparing to sign orders that could lead to the deployment of both of the US Navy’s hospital ships and a mobile hospital facility, according to two defense officials.
The two hospital ships are the USNS Mercy, currently in port in San Diego, and the USNS Comfort in Norfolk where it is undergoing maintenance. The third element that is part of the expected so-called “warning order” is a Navy Expeditionary Medical Facility, which is a mobile field hospital that has full resuscitation and emergency stabilizing surgical capability.
According to the Navy website, an EMF is “designed to be assembled and operational in 10 days,” as a self-sustaining medical facility.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Tuesday referred to the hospital ships noting, “We have already given orders to the Navy a few days ago to lean forward in terms of getting them ready to deploy. They provide capabilities.”
A warning order from Milley will then formalize the process and lead to decisions on calling up to active duty troops or other medical care organizations to operate the ships. Activating the EMF could lead to Seabees being called to build the hospital.
But a limiting factor remain on how all of the medical needs for ships and hospital get manned.
“All of those doctors and nurses either come from our medical treatment facilities or they come from the Reserves which means civilians and so what we have go to be very conscious of and careful of as we call up these units and use them to support the states that we aren’t robbing Peter to pay Paul,” Esper said. “What I don’t want to do is take reservists from a hospital where they are needed just to put them on a ship somewhere else where they are needed so we have to be very conscious of that.”
Esper said he had spoken to several governors about that very challenge."


Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is preparing to sign orders that could lead to the deployment of both of the US Navy’s hospital ships and a mobile hospital facility, according to two defense officials.
The two hospital ships are the USNS Mercy, currently in port in San Diego, and the USNS Comfort in Norfolk where it is undergoing maintenance. The third element that is part of the expected so-called “warning order” is a Navy Expeditionary Medical Facility, which is a mobile field hospital that has full resuscitation and emergency stabilizing surgical capability.
According to the Navy website, an EMF is “designed to be assembled and operational in 10 days,” as a self-sustaining medical facility.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Tuesday referred to the hospital ships noting, “We have already given orders to the Navy a few days ago to lean forward in terms of getting them ready to deploy. They provide capabilities.”
A warning order from Milley will then formalize the process and lead to decisions on calling up to active duty troops or other medical care organizations to operate the ships. Activating the EMF could lead to Seabees being called to build the hospital.
But a limiting factor remain on how all of the medical needs for ships and hospital get manned.

Esper said he had spoken to several governors about that very challenge."
No panic. It could be worse, it could be raining.
Coronavirus meme 3


I was homeless and couch bound for a good portion of my early twenties. Strung out. I had a choice. Ten years later, clean, I know own a home. It IS possible with will power. Thanks for letting me share.
I wasn’t pointing any age group out:)
I was a rebel without a cause through my teenage years and 20s.
Hooked on crank, coke, hoars and whatever drug I could get my hands on back then. Homeless off and on throughout those years.
There were no support systems back then you were considered a looser, lost cause, worthless. Nobody cared, the only way out was for you to rise out of it get control of the situation.
Seams like that is lost these days.
Especially with all the avenues of support that has been created.


Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is preparing to sign orders that could lead to the deployment of both of the US Navy’s hospital ships and a mobile hospital facility, according to two defense officials.
The two hospital ships are the USNS Mercy, currently in port in San Diego, and the USNS Comfort in Norfolk where it is undergoing maintenance. The third element that is part of the expected so-called “warning order” is a Navy Expeditionary Medical Facility, which is a mobile field hospital that has full resuscitation and emergency stabilizing surgical capability.
According to the Navy website, an EMF is “designed to be assembled and operational in 10 days,” as a self-sustaining medical facility.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Tuesday referred to the hospital ships noting, “We have already given orders to the Navy a few days ago to lean forward in terms of getting them ready to deploy. They provide capabilities.”
A warning order from Milley will then formalize the process and lead to decisions on calling up to active duty troops or other medical care organizations to operate the ships. Activating the EMF could lead to Seabees being called to build the hospital.
But a limiting factor remain on how all of the medical needs for ships and hospital get manned.

Esper said he had spoken to several governors about that very challenge."

Both my sister and my daughter, although not in the military, they are registered nurses with emergency room experience. They will be on the front lines. My daughter was telling me last night that she's facing mandatory overtime at a level she's not comfortable with. (She's a nurse in the maternity ward now). She was saying that she feels guilty in a way ... like she's going to profit from this and she's not comfortable with that.


And hospital ships of each coast solves what?
There are some strange decisions being made.
It's all fucked up dude. Politics are meaningless. This is one of those once a century virus's that can take down a percentage of the human race. Reality. 1918 Spanish flu. History, it's important to know and understand. I make fun, I'm good to go. I know my time will come. It's cool.


Okay, F this scare. Stop being afraid. Take a toke. Okay, 2 or 4 or... take a breath. Most of us will be okay. Relax. Can you change the future? Didn't think so. Chill.

Doubt if my wife could survive this. Flu almost did her in 3 years ago. No like, but frickin chill. Take a hit, wash your hands again and frickin CHILL. Take another hit.😀


It's all fucked up dude. Politics are meaningless. This is one of those once a century virus's that can take down a percentage of the human race. Reality. 1918 Spanish flu. History, it's important to know and understand. I make fun, I'm good to go. I know my time will come. It's cool.

The Spanish flu, actually, was some dastardly rebranding. That shit started in Kansas. 😄


Both my sister and my daughter, although not in the military, they are registered nurses with emergency room experience. They will be on the front lines. My daughter was telling me last night that she's facing mandatory overtime at a level she's not comfortable with. (She's a nurse in the maternity ward now). She was saying that she feels guilty in a way ... like she's going to profit from this and she's not comfortable with that.
The maternity ward crisis will be in nine months with all these school closings.
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