Please assist me? Ugh

  • Thread starter ThatCrazyStonerChick
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Don't fret too much over Rh and having a tent. Cheap mylar blankets areexcellent for tacking onto walls to make your own tent... it won't be airtight, but I can't see the need for being airtight except possibly for ventilation purposes. Temps up to 85 are fine and temp control can vary a lot. My temps range rom 63 to about 86 between light/dark, and my humidity is always low... 40% in summer, 10% during the winter... things still grow well. Try to keep your roots from getting too cold and your temps warm. A lot of the "professional" recommendations for temps and humidity isn't always the case, and folks grew just fine before the advent of all of the new gadgets being sold for high prices.
Growing is alot like having your first kid... you double check every drop of water, Ph adjust, test PPMs daily, flip out over a yellowed leaf tip... you can see where I'm going with this. After you have a few grows under your belt, you sort of laugh at how seriously you took each task instead of letting the plants do the growing after you set them up properly from the start. I get bored as hell... if it wasn't for watering, I wouldn't need to see them for weeks on end.
Your $450 investment in lights will serve you well for years, hopefully. Your price will drop once you get things rolling, as the initial startup is the expensive part... later grows are pretty cheap!
I should send a pic. It's not completely light tight but I'd have to show you for you to understand.


Def want ur rh at 60 to 70 percent in veg and early flower and then in the 50s during later flower. Try it ull get way better results especially with co2
no higher than 50 in flower, low 40’s..


I check on them minimum once a day. My set up really sucks. I think my biggest problem, other than lighting is that I don't know how to prune them.

Lol. I just looked up the 315cmh. They're a lot more affordable than I thought. I'm curious as to how much difference there is between these and led's when it comes to cost of power consumption.
Depending on your grow area look u marshydro LED affordable and VERY effective and EFFICIENT


Has anybody ever seen this? 2 tap roots came off of the same seed and this happened. It is *not* another seed or anything that was mixed in with the soil. I should've taken a pic, but it's too late now.
Yes I’ve seen it unfortunately you won’t be able to keep them both( one will smother the other. So let them grow out a little and pick the better looking of the pair! Sorta like shopping for a new 🐶


Yes I’ve seen it unfortunately you won’t be able to keep them both( one will smother the other. So let them grow out a little and pick the better looking of the pair! Sorta like shopping for a new 🐶
I separated them. They're doing ok so far. Crosses fingers...


PH is most likely off as well as no bacteria of the nitrogen fixing type.....and over watering as mentioned above is the precursor to these issues when in soil.


Ok, I guarantee I'm not overwatering. And before it was the soil. But, hey, I can go there. I use a spray bottle ph'd at 6.7 and spray it until the cup feels a bit heavier but not "heavy". But, I digress, I suppose my few sprays are overdoing it.


I think we're all getting there I've wasted a lot of time trying to help folks that seem to let everything you say go in one ear and out the other..

Or I suppose in this case, in one eye and out the other?
In one eye and out the other, eh? I did* forget where I had previously posted a pic of a plant with this problem. I'll have to go back and look for it.
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