High THCV strains and breeding them

  • Thread starter TripsRabbit
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This is the other plate I mention in the vid, it looks like there are clearly visible bands on the bottom that I hypothesize are terpenes. I would like an expert to tell us what they are.

IMG 2297


Here you go Trips. Uploading now

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 5 ~ Analysis and Results

This video series tests the theory that decarb time and temp is a significant variable in overall THCV detection using Thin Layer Chromatography.

This final episode of the series focuses on the TLC plate and how to interpret the data.
It worked for me the first time you posted it. You got my hopes all up, I thought it was the results.


Loving this thread. I was a little late to the party so it took me a minute to catch up, but I'm loving it so far. Anyone who wants to nerd out and science the sh*t out of some cannabis is doing important work imo. Keep it up.

I'm currently growing some Dutch Passion - Durban Poison specifically for this reason. From what I've read/seen, there are a few phenotypes to be had. One of them has purple buds with some very cool looking trichomes (purple and pink). That's the pheno I have currently. I'm hopeful it holds some THCV potential. Unfortunately I don't have quite the lab setup that you do @Moe.Red , nor do I have easy access to one (we're still getting things up and running in my state.)

When it comes to factors that increase/decrease THCV production, I'm in the 'must be genetics' club. Of course environmental factors will contribute to the plant's overall growth and health, but when it comes down to the ratio of cannabinoids? I am a firm believer that genetics is the primary factor.

Anyway, pics and some info for my DP is in my sig. If I can manage to get it tested I'll be sure to post the results here.


It worked for me the first time you posted it. You got my hopes all up, I thought it was the results.
Yes, latest one (message 179) is the results - final vid. Youtube is killing me on the upload speed. I've got 200MB internet and it takes 2.5 hours to upload a 5 minute video. Guess my channel is not special enough.


This video series tests the theory that decarb time and temp is a significant variable in overall THCV detection using Thin Layer Chromatography.
These tests verify the correct time and temp to properly decarb for maximum THCV detection in a sample.

THCV Decarb testing with Jack the Ripper Part 1 ~ Harvest, inspect, dry

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 2 ~ Decarb and TLC Setup

Decarb points:
sample 1 = 30min @ 125
sample 2 = sample 1 + 30min @ 135
sample 3 = sample 2 + 15min @ 145
sample 4 = sample 3 + 15min @ 155

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 3 ~ Sample Prep

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 4 ~ TLC Testing

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 5 ~ Analysis and Results



This video series tests the theory that decarb time and temp is a significant variable in overall THCV detection using Thin Layer Chromatography.
These tests verify the correct time and temp to properly decarb for maximum THCV detection in a sample.

THCV Decarb testing with Jack the Ripper Part 1 ~ Harvest, inspect, dry

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 2 ~ Decarb and TLC Setup

Decarb points:
sample 1 = 30min @ 125
sample 2 = sample 1 + 30min @ 135
sample 3 = sample 2 + 15min @ 145
sample 4 = sample 3 + 15min @ 155

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 3 ~ Sample Prep

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 4 ~ TLC Testing

THCV Decarb Testing with Jack the Ripper Part 5 ~ Analysis and Results

That baby yoda pug is insane


She’s a French bulldog named holly. We call that pic grolly. Getting one drawn of her older sister (June) as Yoda who will be Joda.

I do realize I am hopeless but I just don’t care lol


Am on a thcv project also! Diabetes, Parkinson's, weight loss, psychedelic medicine, and prolly more!
I have procured all but one strain for my project. Still need the Vietnamese black. But this is my project using landraces only. All strains have thcv content on their descriptions.
Malawi gold
Wild thailand
Vietnamese black
Durban poison (cannabiogen)
Mekanika haze
And using the Balkhi (Afghan) to speed them up. This strain also has thcv phenos. I started using uv bulbs after reading uv can increase thc, and thcv, but no affect on cbd. forget where the content is. Read this a few years ago. Since experimenting with them, I feel like I have completely changed a strains cannabinoid expressions.
Ran my uv lights in the greenhouse at 4 hours a day. But instead of just using last two weeks, I started using them at the beginning of flower. Ran a cbd strain (Harley m.d.) and it came out not even close to a cod expressions. I don't even like to smoke this strain now. It feels kinda edgy. Maybe an outlier, but I think this light can change the expressions of the plant. All my crops have a clear type feel to them. Ran 6 strains last season. They all feel similar. And also I feel the lights decrease smell. They were not a pungent smelling this season. All just experimenting, thought I would let you know how it's going.


Am on a thcv project also! Diabetes, Parkinson's, weight loss, psychedelic medicine, and prolly more!
I have procured all but one strain for my project. Still need the Vietnamese black. But this is my project using landraces only. All strains have thcv content on their descriptions.
Malawi gold
Wild thailand
Vietnamese black
Durban poison (cannabiogen)
Mekanika haze
And using the Balkhi (Afghan) to speed them up. This strain also has thcv phenos. I started using uv bulbs after reading uv can increase thc, and thcv, but no affect on cbd. forget where the content is. Read this a few years ago. Since experimenting with them, I feel like I have completely changed a strains cannabinoid expressions.
Ran my uv lights in the greenhouse at 4 hours a day. But instead of just using last two weeks, I started using them at the beginning of flower. Ran a cbd strain (Harley m.d.) and it came out not even close to a cod expressions. I don't even like to smoke this strain now. It feels kinda edgy. Maybe an outlier, but I think this light can change the expressions of the plant. All my crops have a clear type feel to them. Ran 6 strains last season. They all feel similar. And also I feel the lights decrease smell. They were not a pungent smelling this season. All just experimenting, thought I would let you know how it's going.
Have you grown out the Malawi gold yet? If so how is the buzz?
I'm looking for super long lasting and speedy.


Am on a thcv project also! Diabetes, Parkinson's, weight loss, psychedelic medicine, and prolly more!

I have been able to extract a very small amount of THCV from my plants so far. To date I have lost 36 pounds in 2.5 months. That is not all THCV, I am also doing keto, it is really just a helper to get me thru any rough spots to keep me on track. For that use, it is effective, no doubt.

I find that even in small quantities it immediately energizes, and removes all appetite. It burns off fast, and only is good for about 45-60 minutes. And I get that "overcaffeinated" feeling at about 5 minutes that lasts for 5 minutes. It does not intoxicate (me) in small quantities on its own.

If I am successful in producing in qty, I think a transdermal application is what I intend for dosing. We use DMSO and a silicone band-aid for that.

I have 2 extended family members with diabetes. Once I get this all nailed down, I will be working with them on an extremely small scale clinical trial to see what is real and not about these THCV claims. Based on what I have read and experienced, I am very encouraged.


This is one of the test chambers I will use to flower out interesting strains. Looking for thoughts on how to maximize performance and therefore testing value. Right now I am focused on the lighting.

HID Tent reset for THCV testing - Before

Some details:

4x8 gorilla tent. installed 2017 - first flower only tent.
12000 BTU mini split AC / Heat plumbed to drain - can maintain any temp desired.
70 LPD dehumidifier plumbed to drain - can maintain any RH desired
home made humidifier. Auto fills from RO water. Can raise the tent RH 10 points in under 5 minutes.
(3) HID lights. Arranged as 600W ~ 1000W ~ 600W
Fallponics hydro system - my own design stealing ideas from PA Hydroponics.
CO2 injection. I use 50# aluminum tanks from the welding supply and the tanks are in the garage. Very easy to swap. Each tank lasts 2 flowers and is $38 each to refill
Water chiller on Res. Setpoint is 68* F and maintains.
Total water volume is 75 gallons.
Everything is monitored and controlled.

This tent grows beasts very quickly.

My other flower tent is the same in terms of components except the light. That one has (2) Optic 8+. My Jack the Ripper tested in the video series is currently in that tent, you will see all that soon enough.

I'll load up another video when I am done with my maint and the plants from the veg tent are moved over. I'd like very much to come to a team consensus on how to run this test, what setpoints, if I need to change lighting, etc. I'm asking for your input on if you were me how would you proceed? It will make more sense when I get the rest of these vids posted of the setup, JtR in flower, seedings ready to go to veg (Durban and JtR) etc. Seeds I purchased above in this thread will be my next grow, so getting this all ironed out now will be best.

Whacha think? Is there a poll function on THCFarmer?


This is one of the test chambers I will use to flower out interesting strains. Looking for thoughts on how to maximize performance and therefore testing value. Right now I am focused on the lighting.

HID Tent reset for THCV testing - Before

Some details:

4x8 gorilla tent. installed 2017 - first flower only tent.
12000 BTU mini split AC / Heat plumbed to drain - can maintain any temp desired.
70 LPD dehumidifier plumbed to drain - can maintain any RH desired
home made humidifier. Auto fills from RO water. Can raise the tent RH 10 points in under 5 minutes.
(3) HID lights. Arranged as 600W ~ 1000W ~ 600W
Fallponics hydro system - my own design stealing ideas from PA Hydroponics.
CO2 injection. I use 50# aluminum tanks from the welding supply and the tanks are in the garage. Very easy to swap. Each tank lasts 2 flowers and is $38 each to refill
Water chiller on Res. Setpoint is 68* F and maintains.
Total water volume is 75 gallons.
Everything is monitored and controlled.

This tent grows beasts very quickly.

My other flower tent is the same in terms of components except the light. That one has (2) Optic 8+. My Jack the Ripper tested in the video series is currently in that tent, you will see all that soon enough.

I'll load up another video when I am done with my maint and the plants from the veg tent are moved over. I'd like very much to come to a team consensus on how to run this test, what setpoints, if I need to change lighting, etc. I'm asking for your input on if you were me how would you proceed? It will make more sense when I get the rest of these vids posted of the setup, JtR in flower, seedings ready to go to veg (Durban and JtR) etc. Seeds I purchased above in this thread will be my next grow, so getting this all ironed out now will be best.

Whacha think? Is there a poll function on THCFarmer?
Re: lighting...are you familiar with the good doctor bugbee?

I will put forward for consideration that uva and especially uvb exposure should be heavily considered.

Further, far red supplementation is just my curiosity.


Re: lighting...are you familiar with the good doctor bugbee?

I will put forward for consideration that uva and especially uvb exposure should be heavily considered.

Further, far red supplementation is just my curiosity.

I'm in the same place as @Milson ; I added 4 hrs of UVA+B during the last 4 weeks via a 39W Reptisun tube. The resulting buds are dense, rock-hard and covered in Trics.

The addition of UV *SEEMS* to have improved bud quality, but without testing it's just my opinion. I have to admire @Moe.Red 's analytical setup. I'm curious -- and maybe you've already said -- if you've calibrated your setup against a commercial analysis. I've considered going down the same TLC path but in the end decided that when I end up with genetics that give me what I want, I'll foot the bill for a formal analysis, but I'm still not there.

Using near-red to promote Emerson Effect and far-red for flower initiation are on my to-do list.

Something that seems attractive about Ace Seeds is that they've *started* to include THCV in their strain testing profile. That said, it appears useless because they don't decarb before testing and they don't test for THCVA, so they're missing 80% of the V that *might* be there, but isn't quantified. Geesh!


Dr. Bruce Bugbee FTW

This is where it gets difficult. I'm not working from clones, so there is no way to confirm I am getting the same genetics plant to plant. If I put one plant under UV and the other not, I'm not sure how that data is useful since there are too many variables. I'm thinking I need to test a single plant and only add UV to 1/2.



I'm curious -- and maybe you've already said -- if you've calibrated your setup against a commercial analysis. I've considered going down the same TLC path but in the end decided that when I end up with genetics that give me what I want, I'll foot the bill for a formal analysis, but I'm still not there.

I think you are asking me if my TLC test agrees with a commercial mass spectrometer.

The answer is that I am not sure. My state has only recently gotten the labs fired up. The whole thing got delayed by over a year due to flu. So I sent 2 samples for testing and the results I got back were not believable. But I think I was one of the first ones in line for testing. I think it was an irrelevant test.

That said, once we get something that does test well for THCV, I'll take another shot at the mass spec and compare results and post them up. But TLC is a well understood and well regarded test in the chemistry world as long as you do it properly. It is also very easy to get sloppy and get unusable results with TLC. Hopefully I fall into the former, but I am totally open to pointers from real chemists!


No. Not me personally. Their have been studies shown where they have found thcv has capabilities to combat Parkinson's.
Ah. Yeah.

This guy is very interesting re: Cannabinoids generally and re: parkinson's in particular.

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