Pulse pro with Exhale bag

  • Thread starter dreamnfox
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So i now that i have figured out the basics of the pulse pro i want to see if the Exhale bags significantly change co2 levels in a tent. I screen shoted the stats from the last week. I hung the bag in my tent today. I will update each week with a new screen shot. Thanks again @PulsePeet for doing the giveaway
Pulse pro with exhale bag


I have said before and I’ll say again, co2 enrichment in a tent is a waste. You can’t seal a tent to make co2 enrichment viable.

Like screen doors on a submarine.
I beg to differ. I have been running sealed tents with CO2 for years. I get thru 1.5 - 2.5 grows per 100# bottle. You just have to buy a quality tent and spend time getting it properly sealed.

It's just that the exhale bags don't produce usable quantities.

I spend $41 per 100# bottle at the welding store. I can raise my CO2 to 1200PPM and hold it there for more than a grow. What doesn't work about that?


I beg to differ. I have been running sealed tents with CO2 for years. I get thru 1.5 - 2.5 grows per 100# bottle. You just have to buy a quality tent and spend time getting it properly sealed.

It's just that the exhale bags don't produce usable quantities.

I spend $41 per 100# bottle at the welding store. I can raise my CO2 to 1200PPM and hold it there for more than a grow. What doesn't work about that?
I run a gorilla tent which I believe to be a quality tent. I don’t think it seals well enough though that I’d go through the time and expense of supplemental co2. To each there own, it obviously works for you. Personally I believe it a waste in a tent.


I run a gorilla tent which I believe to be a quality tent. I don’t think it seals well enough though that I’d go through the time and expense of supplemental co2. To each there own, it obviously works for you. Personally I believe it a waste in a tent.
So $20 per grow to raise the CO2 to 1200PPM is a waste? I don't get it.

Sure it leaks a little. By definition any room that is being externally pressurized is going to leak some amount or the room will explode lol. But the leaks and their cost are insignificant on the whole.
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So $20 per grow to raise the CO2 to 1200PPM is a waste? I don't get it.

Sure it leaks a little. By definition any room that is being externally pressurized is going to leak some amount or the room will explode lol. But the leaks and their cost are insignificant on the whole.
My tent just ain’t that tight. Co2 would leak as fast as I could fill it me thinks. Glad it works well for you.


I have run co2 in the past when I was doing large hydro grows but that was a sealed room and not a tent. I grow for my personal use now. I run a small 3x3 tent to veg, and then I have a 4x8 room for flowering. I only do a few small grows each year, and the effort to seal my tent enough just isn’t worth the benefit I’d get in return from using co2 supplement.


Alright since this is a thread about CO2, lets clear some things up.

Atmospheric CO2 is about 400PPM.

Desired is 1200 (for the sake of this post, YMMV)

@dreamnfox has a 4x4x8 (not sure on the height but close enough)

So 128 cubic feet approx. It will actually be less, so this is conservative.

1 pound of pure CO2 is 8.7 Cubic Feet.

You want it to be 800PPM increase, or .0008X

Hopefully you see where I am going with this, we are dealing with minuscule amounts of CO2. CO2 makes up .04% at atmospheric and we want to go to .12%. A small leak in an otherwise sealed tent will leak 99.88% Nitrogen, Oxygen and other gasses and only .08% of the CO2 you are injecting. And only then if you are pressurizing the tent.

When my CO2 controller asks for a shot of CO2 from the tank, it runs about 5 or 6 seconds, and does that maybe 3X per hour. It is not a continual usage, and at night is zero. Size and stage of growth also a factor.

FWIW my basement sits at about 525PPM when I am not growing, and gets up to 575 or so when I am running both 4x8s and injecting. So yes, leaks but the cost is pretty much irrelevant if you are paying $41 for 870 Cubic Feet of it.

I just don't want anyone to be scared away from CO2 if you have a good reason to use it. It can be a game changer in terms of yields and growth rate. The cost is a tiny fraction of the ultimate reward, and can even SAVE you money since you grow faster so you get the same amount of end product while running your lights, etc for less time.
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The cost is a tiny fraction of the ultimate reward, and can even SAVE you money since you grow faster so you get the same amount of end product while running your lights, etc for less time.[/I]

Nice read, thanks moe

I definitely plan on trying co2 in the near future

41$ for the air, how much for the tank?

That’s not bad at all compared to everything else you’d spend for a decent grow.

And after fast turn around


Nope, i use and intake fan at the bottem of the tent with passive exhaust through a filter at the top of the tent. With co2 being heavier I thought i would see some change in co2 levels. So far no change though

With the intake fan, you're probably exhausting all of the CO2 unfortunately. For CO2 to work, you pretty much need to have a sealed environment, otherwise you just blow it out.
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