Pulse pro with Exhale bag

  • Thread starter dreamnfox
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Ok I’m gonna find out this weekend. I’ll grab a sample and grow it out on rye grain to see what we got before I start testing. Thx for the heads up.

If this is just oysters I can save you guys some money lol
If it was only money than I would do the homemade yeast buckets I heard about. But I think $30 for the Exhale 365 bag is a steal for months of C02.


so can I ask, initially you weren't getting much out of the bag while it was hanging?

you've put the bag into a bucket and on the floor and are now seeing increased readings? as well as growth?
Started with it in the bucket, now i keep it right in front of my intake fan. I assume the air mixs as in enters the tent. The sensor sits on the opposite wall. If i get one more I will place it on the opposite side of the tent though


I have heard that if you cut the bags open, oyster mushrooms will come out and the c02, but not the slow release you get with the bag mostly sealed. That's what I heard, somewhere. I haven't confirmed this
I dumped my old bags into my compost, with out the bag of course, nothing grew out of it but it might have been way past its prime

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