Dragons Flame Mac Dragon bx1 in Updated RDWC System

  • Thread starter SweetLeafGrow
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I’d like to see a higher temp for better photosynthesis .that way he could push more ppfd.
I missed it what is temp and rh now?

Without CO2 best temp for this plant right now is about 78F. Rh should then be 50 -55%

If you need to add heat and your light is turned not all the way up I’d crank it. If you still cannot get into the high 70s you might need a little heater. You won’t need much in that small tent.

I think you are going to find the limitation of your light with this grow.


This is looking good man. Nice big bush staying short, but stout.

I couldn't find it, but didnt look to hard either. What light u using again and how big was that tent?


Res change went well and I'm happy with the new Silica Boost in place of the Tree Trunk, seems to be a very strong base and does not add to the ppms, which kinda surprised me.

I went off the GH chart as a guide and dialed in a bit more aggressive feed this time to try to push the limits of what this gal can take, and learn a bit in the process, will keep a sharp eye on her for the next couple of days to see how she handles the higher nutrient levels. I think this may be a mistake but I want to see for myself what that might look like and how to remedy things (if needed), which I believe, if the nute levels are too high I can just dilute them down with some fresh RO water.

The light has been dialed up to 90%, temps sitting at 74F, 50% RH, leaf temp between 70F and 71.5F, Ph at 5.8, ppms at 1130, water temp around 66F and rising to the chiller limit set at 68F.

Also, hope to make you proud @Moe.Red with my most aggressive hack job I've ever done. I could have made 50 real nice clones from what I took off her. I am guessing I will see more sucker branches as things progress and I will take them off as needed.


Cruising along, starting week 3 flower and she is finally starting to stretch a bit. New blossoms forming and she is looking sharp!

I will be changing out the res tomorrow but would definitely be interested in learning from @Moe.Red or @Aqua Man the process of amending the res without changing it out completely. I don't mind doing that but I am seeing it will be a big waste of nutrients and additives. I'm using this new Silica Boost, which works well, but I have to add a lot more than the Tree Trunk and it has taken almost all week for the PH to settle down from the steady drop. This is the second res change using the Silica Boost and it seems to me that it takes almost a week to get the buffer capacity where it needs to be. If I can just amend the nutrients without a complete change out, this will preserve my buffering and my microbe colony. No big deal, I can make it to the end as is, but at some point I want to learn the art of the calculation of nutes.

It may not look like it, but I have pulled several large handfulls of leaves and probably 75 snips that could have made nice clones.
Bro that plants looks great you are honing your craft!! You took the plunge in hydro and are making it happen my dude 🤘


Thanks for all the love fam! Ya'all rock!

Sweetleaf you can up the ppfd and push harder is you want. She can take it.

I’d love to know what your brix is at.
Thanks Moe, I have slowly been cranking up the light and am now at 100%. I have to be honest and say I had to look up brix and what that is all about. I will have to get one of those meters for my tool box and I remember someone here talking about a garlic press too. Imma gonna get there with all the tools one day!

I’d like to see a higher temp for better photosynthesis .that way he could push more ppfd.
Same here Max, I have been able to get things up to 77F in that tent, sitting at 47% RH and running a humidifier and extra heat, but that is only because we are not having the -20F temps outside at the moment. Those temps are brutal, especially for this room that is blocked off from the rest of the house because of the remodeling project. Once that is finished, it will be easier, but still difficult when we see -20 all the way down to -60F temps during our winters.
Without CO2 best temp for this plant right now is about 78F. Rh should then be 50 -55%
I'm pretty close to this at the moment.

I’m trying to break him in gently. Continuous positive pressure to snip. Once you do it right and see the results you will never be afraid to snip again.
I had to laugh at this one, I am getting there 🤓

I couldn't find it, but didnt look to hard either. What light u using again and how big was that tent?
Thanks bro - I'm using the Spider Farmer SE 3000 in a 3x3.
Now let’s say you have not fed in a week and you are at 400 ppm.

If you change out no water and want to maintain the same ratio this week you add 100ml of each of the 4.

You will be roughly right.
Thanks for all this great information Moe! So I get all that, pretty straightforward. I understand that inevitably the plant will drink water, although I have noticed that all this defoliation has slowed that down, I have replaced about 1.5 - 2 gallons over the last week since the res change. Whether or not I added back in water, I still see what you are saying...adding back in the same proportions is going to keep that ratio between the three formulas the same. Adding more RO water will just bring down the total ppm but not change the ratios.

Now from what I understand, the needs of this plant will be changing week by week and I need to adjust those ratios accordingly. Week 4 will be starting very soon. I want to try to amend this res without changing it out. So given what you have said here Moe, would it be a simple matter of calculating the ratios from the GH feeding chart from the 1:1:1 that I mixed originally, to a ratio reflecting the numbers in the GH chart for week 4? and then adding back in those amounts of nutrients to get to that final week 4 target ppm? I'm not a math wiz but I am going to play around and then post what I come up with, see what you think.

Thanks again fam for all the help and encouragement!


-20 …brrr that gave me the shivers. 🥶 now I understand why your temps are down..your temps are closer to your night so that will keep the stretch down a little too …….oh I sharpened these for you ✂️😁.


The sharp snips did the trick Max! She got another haircut today and I'm hoping I did everything as aggressive as I should, may have to do a bit more here and there but I think I have all the bud sites figured out and lots of big fan leaves thinned out. Should serve as day 21 defoliation.

So I did my first res amend today and think things went well. Here is the process I used, right or wrong.

Started out at 900 ppm and I went for an aggressive feed per the GH feeding chart. I know, I threw that thing out a long time ago and am reading the plant, but I need a good starting point and then figure I can adjust as needed.

The week 4 bloom schedule says use 6.6 ml per gallon of brown and green and 9.5 ml per gallon of the pink. Starting out, I do not know how much ppm each will contribute so I just did one gallons worth of amendment of each formula to see where that landed me. Well enough. I did that 5 times for a total of 33 ml brown and green and 47.5 ml pink which brought me to a final resting ppm of 1150 after aiming for 1200.

Keeping a close eye on her but I think she will be able to handle the aggressive feeding and if not, I will dial her back a bit. Thanks Moe for all your great help bro!

Edit- Ph has finally stabilized and I believe buffering capacity has reached its full potential, took almost a week to stop dropping and begin a steady rise which is why I left it at 5.7. Thinking it may drop some more because I added more nutrients but left it alone to see what it will do now. If I notice any more drop, I will add more silica to get that buffer back to 100%.
E6444847 27B2 4F37 BDF7 D40C220C74A6
64A7C216 4948 42E4 8A6D CBFF89823D55
Last edited:


Hey don’t worr About brix. I was just curious as a data point.

As has been said that girl is thicc. I lost count of your bud sites at 16 and can’t see half the plant. That’s totally cool and you can grow that many buds if you want. They will be smaller than what I have been talking about.

I could get into the weird math games I play with available photons and grow space size and number of buds but the bottom line is that I have found that (for example) 12 quality buds will outperform 24 buds on the same plant.

12 is not the number to shoot for that was just an example.

Buds dont get 2’ long if they have to compete with siblings for resources or light.



I cry UNCLE 😅

OK guys, I threw all caution to the wind and here is what I ended up with. Continuous positive pressure to snip has been effective ✂️
0F883906 2D3D 4EB7 BFE4 9E65C5274211



What is your distance to canopy?

Just thinking out loud here - That is a pretty substantial drop off in PPFD from middle to edges. This light is a donkey dick maker based on these maps.

If your outside buds continue to be lower than the middle part, they are likely to become larf. Growth will be slow compared to the center of the plant. You are dialed in to easily take 1000 PPFD to all buds. It may be best to try to tuck some of those middle cola starts or push them to the edges and bring the smaller ones in towards the center to try to balance things a bit.

I realize I'm a PITA with all this snipping and canopy re-arranging, just trying to get you nothing but big fat long colas. Do some extra work now and trimming at harvest is half the work later.


Been a rough couple of weeks for me but feeling much better and playing catch up on the garden and this thread.

The last res update went well going with the aggressive feed of around 1200 ppm. She is drinking a lot at this point and I did another res update today to get that ppm back up from the 900's, ended up amending with 4 gallons worth of each, brown, green, and pink to get the ppm up to about 1150. She is chugging along and the blossoms seem to be already packing on the mass. I did a bit of light defoliation this morning and she is already sticky AF, just from some light trim my hands got all sticky, super pumped about that.

I do not think I have maximized the canopy of this grow, several reasons I guess. I've found it super hard to train a stocky plant like this to fill the tent better and I have not been able to get in there like I would have liked to for the past couple of weeks, is what it is. I still think I will get a nice harvest the way things are looking at this point and definitely a great learning experience.
08FB5274 D63B 495F A34B D28DDFF98C7A
2C7A4716 C1E3 4362 8DC4 EE49F0313555
EAAE7F48 78B4 4842 B792 FC445C4CD9F4


I see what you mean, but those colas are still going to grow a foot or more. You have time to stretch them out to the edges and tuck. But it looks like the light drops off significantly on the sides, the only way those outside buds keep up with the others is if they have good light.

That's quite a trunk you got going there. I think you are doing better than you are giving yourself credit for.

I just had a couple months of cheese dick feeling like crap, but bouncing back, hope you do to. Related to your situation or just the typical winter cold flu stuff?


Sux man, lemme know if there is anything I can do. Probably just commiserate with you.

I've been doing some work last couple days on a patch that pushes a low dose in continuously. No liver involvement, goes straight to the bloodstream like smoking. Think that could help you?


I would be curious to hear more about your patches Moe, you continually surprise me at your depth of knowledge, good on you bro!

So basically, I am on a gram of RSO a day and have been for the last 16 months. There is definitely a mental decline going on with me and been getting some new advise on how I administer the RSO. I have been taking it orally from the get go but I have a Cannabis doc who is recommending I take the RSO rectally which should help with those side effects and others that I have been experiencing, mainly relating to how my thinking is being affected by such a long treatment with the RSO.

My wife and I are currently researching how we can make suppositories using the RSO and looking (reluctantly) at giving this a try. I told my wife I could do this as long as she plays doctor with me 😲😅😘

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