My winter grow starts now!

  • Thread starter Goodshit97
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I go solo 1 gal 3 gal 5 gal if I need it, I find a 3 gal fab packed full can support a nice sized plant and a 5 gal if I veg over 2 months. 3 gal if perfect for me because it takes 1 gallon of water or food every 3-4 days...once a 5 gal it can take 4-5 days between feeds / water and it takes 1.5 gal to feed. so they only get food every 10 days rather than every 7 in 3 just works better for me..
I agree transplanting up is definitely the way to go. Im just blahh about it. I dont have a good place to trabsplant so i always end up having to vacuum my bedroom after so 1 transplant is all i normally do lol.
My 5 gallon plants will only take 3 liters every other day. Any more than 3 liters and it pours out the bottom every time. I also added perlite to the roots 707 i got because I like quicker dry backs, but i almost feel i didnt need to cause i switched over to gaia green just last week so there will always be food available.


When should i clean these up from the reveg? First time ive ever revegged anything successfully lol.
20221230 145110
20221230 145047


Just having shitty luck lately.
Got powdery mildew so i chopped everything in flower.
Started 4 MAC f2s, all duds.
started 2 roxannes, both duds.
Started 2 blueberry autos, 1 dud, 1 lived so far.
Started 2 fog dog autos, 1 dud and 1 disappeared in the soil? Bugs eat it? Idfk. 🤷🏻🤦🏻


Giving up on growing a fog dog for now. Trying out another GSC from nirvana. First one was great.
Do you like the Nirvana seeds pretty well? I've heard pretty good things about them and think I remember seeing some interesting stuff in their catalog.

Sorry about the bad luck bro, on the bright side New Year's a great time to start fresh 😁


Do you like the Nirvana seeds pretty well? I've heard pretty good things about them and think I remember seeing some interesting stuff in their catalog.

Sorry about the bad luck bro, on the bright side New Year's a great time to start fresh 😁
Ive only run 1 bean of gsc from them in the past, came out phenomenal. Nice and resinous, stinky, had a very fruity/floral flavor that was more than delightful to be honest. Let me see if i can dig up a photo.


Man that sucks bro, hopefully this year brings better luck!! The last harvest you had from this bean looks amazing, hope her future is bright!


Hell yeah dude looks like some fire!
For the first time running Nirvanas genetics i was pretty pleased. And for some reason, when i grow out indicas, they put me on my ass. None of the indicas ive bought or smoked have ever put me out for the count like that gsc did. And she was only like 10% amber if i remember correctly.


Man that sucks bro, hopefully this year brings better luck!! The last harvest you had from this bean looks amazing, hope her future is bright!
Wish i had thought about cloning her back then, she was a nice easy growing plant.


Hang your bag so seed can germinate with gravity helping like it was in soil.
I have seen some do this and it seems like a solid idea common sense wise?
Bum deal on others.
I NEVER had PM before I grew autos..


Hang your bag so seed can germinate with gravity helping like it was in soil.
I have seen some do this and it seems like a solid idea common sense wise?
Bum deal on others.
I NEVER had PM before I grew autos..
I can see where that would make sense. Never tried it.

I ended up with PM cause im a jackwagon and took clones off outside plants that were already infected apparently. I tossed them, got new cuts and didnt think anything of it when i took them from the same plants.... so yeah that was 100% on me for sure but im done growing outside. Im back to where i needed to be inside so i dont need to deal with the outdoor headaches anymore lol.

Ive never had pm until this summer because i decided to grow photos outside instead of my usual autos. What a disaster. I pulled 6 ounces off 2 plants, 2 molded.


This year outdoor was rough, but my buddies said the rain last year was worse. I'm in Saratoga.
Most all my autos had some type of issue, while photos in same space remained healthy [ thankfully].


This year outdoor was rough, but my buddies said the rain last year was worse. I'm in Saratoga.
Most all my autos had some type of issue, while photos in same space remained healthy [ thankfully].
I agree last year was worse. This year was too hot and dry i think and confused my girls cause they didnt start flowering until early or mid September. I pushed them til 3rd frost and cut them down even though they werent done yet cause i got tired of it lol.
Im in greenville area, outside albany so we are real close in location.

If i start autos in may, and then again in late june or early july i can get 2 harvests outside here.


If i start autos in may, and then again in late june or early july i can get 2 harvests outside here.
Hey that's not a bad idea, maybe I should dabble in some auto growing next summer. I wouldn't have to worry about keeping my vigorous ladies under control right? Autos stay pretty small outside I imagine? Plus my garden would be the best possible location for an outdoor auto since it gets full sun all day up until around October when the neighboring pines block the late day sun for a couple hours. Hmmm...


At this point I just assume mother nature is going to make my life hard. I'll take a hot dry summer over a cool wet one any day... way easier to water more than deal with constant moisture. We had a few straight weeks of very hot very dry weather, I would hose down the soil all around the circumference of the ladies, not enough to over water, which is hard to do outside anyway, just enough so the evaporation would help them have a bit more humidity for transpiration. They seemed to enjoy it. Fast forward to fall and I'm out there with the damn leaf blower every morning and covering for frost at night. Stupid Northeast bipolar weather. I think the heat was helpful at keeping pests at bay too, because no one was out there trying to munch on leaves when it was pushing 100 degrees and sunny. I definitely toasted a couple ladies during the hot spring when I was hardening them off and forgot move them because I was tilling and digging holes... but they recovered.


Hey that's not a bad idea, maybe I should dabble in some auto growing next summer. I wouldn't have to worry about keeping my vigorous ladies under control right? Autos stay pretty small outside I imagine? Plus my garden would be the best possible location for an outdoor auto since it gets full sun all day up until around October when the neighboring pines block the late day sun for a couple hours. Hmmm...
The tallest auto i grew outside was only 3 feet, and maybe 2 feet across. But i usually grow like 10-15 so i still end up doing okay come harvest time. I always ended up with a minimum of 2 pounds. Some i train, some i just let grow. It really depends how big they are come the 3rd-4th week of growth. The smallest auto i grew was like 30 grams... was pretty disappointing but i usually either give away or sell my outdoor stuff so it doesnt really matter how much i harvest. I like to start them inside for 2 to 3 weeks so nothing gets them as seedlings, then i put them outside just about time to flower. Woeks great in all honesty.


At this point I just assume mother nature is going to make my life hard. I'll take a hot dry summer over a cool wet one any day... way easier to water more than deal with constant moisture. We had a few straight weeks of very hot very dry weather, I would hose down the soil all around the circumference of the ladies, not enough to over water, which is hard to do outside anyway, just enough so the evaporation would help them have a bit more humidity for transpiration. They seemed to enjoy it. Fast forward to fall and I'm out there with the damn leaf blower every morning and covering for frost at night. Stupid Northeast bipolar weather. I think the heat was helpful at keeping pests at bay too, because no one was out there trying to munch on leaves when it was pushing 100 degrees and sunny. I definitely toasted a couple ladies during the hot spring when I was hardening them off and forgot move them because I was tilling and digging holes... but they recovered.
This was my first year growing photos outside so i didnt put them in big enough pots, the ground here is mostly clay and shale so no way i could put them in the ground, cant even dig 8 inches in the ground here it sucks. I grew an 8 footer in a 7 gallon pot, was quite shocked but i think them being rootbound and it being so hot and sunny where i am that it delayed flowering by a couple weeks. Im not sure ill be trying photos outside again but time will tell lol. Northeast weather is definitely bypolar, dont like the weather now, just wait 5 minutes, itll get worse.


This was my first year growing photos outside so i didnt put them in big enough pots, the ground here is mostly clay and shale so no way i could put them in the ground, cant even dig 8 inches in the ground here it sucks. I grew an 8 footer in a 7 gallon pot, was quite shocked but i think them being rootbound and it being so hot and sunny where i am that it delayed flowering by a couple weeks. Im not sure ill be trying photos outside again but time will tell lol. Northeast weather is definitely bypolar, dont like the weather now, just wait 5 minutes, itll get worse.
I definitely have to work for my holes, not shale until quite far down, but definitely rocky as hell and full of clay, so once I abuse myself making hole, I fill it with actual soil. I've had success in the past using the utility tubs, you know the plastic ones with the rope handles popular at bbqs across the country? They are about 17 gallons I think. I drilled holes in the bottom
and part way up. I also grew my potatoes in those this year. I believe I had clones in them, I find seeds usually get more vigorous roots and growth and are a bit hardier, at least in my experience, but I'm sure that's plenty of space for them too. More than one way to skin a cat as they say. I've also gone the partially buried route, just to protect the tubs from the heat a bit and slow evaporation. I tried 15 gallon fabric once and that was a fail.... just couldn't wrap my head around watering as much as I needed to and almost killed the poor things. After about a month of them looking like shit I cut the pots off and put them in holes. Sure as shit there was a bunch of bone dry soil. Totally on me, but don't think I'll use fabric again outside.
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